unit 11 scientific achievement ( language points ) ( language points )

unit 1 unit 1 1 1 Scientific achievem Scientific achievem ent ent

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Page 1: unit 11 Scientific achievement ( Language points ) ( Language points )

unit 11 unit 11

Scientific achievementScientific achievement (( Language pointsLanguage points ))

Page 2: unit 11 Scientific achievement ( Language points ) ( Language points )

Zhongguancun is the new centre for Chinese _____ and ___________. It got started in the early 1980s and was set up as a _______ ________ _____ in the late 1990s. It soon became the leader of China’s ______ _______.

science technology special

economic zone

hi-tech industry

The scientific and hi-tech companies in the area all have their own ______________, but they share the spirit of _________ and ______ ______ that have made Zhongguancun a success.


creativity scientific skill

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Zhongguancun is also home to _______ _______ who have grasped the opportunity to ________ _____ ____ at home.

overseas Chinese


their ideas

Zhongguancun has ____ ___ ______ ______ ___ business and science. Here are two mottos which can show the spirit there. One is “______ _____ science, technology and knowledge to increase _______ ______, the other is “Encouraging ________ _______ and accepting _______.

had positive a effect on

Relying on

economic power pioneering work failure

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mankind mankind 人类 人类

man-made (adj)man-made (adj)

manly manly 有男子气概的;刚强的有男子气概的;刚强的

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achievement (U) 取得,完成 ( C )成就,成绩 make a great achievement( V ) achieve development government move

ment equipment vt 完成 达到(目的),得到1) By hard working we can achieve e

verything.2) We have achieved success in dev

eloping the product. 我们成功地开发了这种产品。

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1. great achievements the future may have for China,

many of them will be born in northwest


Whatever=no matter what=no matter what

in store it is likely that


无论中国将来会有什么样的伟大成就, 很有可能其中很多就诞生在北京的西北部。

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1.You’ll have to go on, 1.You’ll have to go on, whateverwhatever difficulties you difficulties you meet.meet.

2. You may do 2. You may do whateverwhatever you want to do. you want to do.

3. 3. Whatever Whatever can be done has been done. can be done has been done.

4.4.WhateverWhatever great progress you have made, you great progress you have made, you should remain modest.should remain modest.

whatever whatever 的用法:的用法:

=no matter what=no matter what

=anything that=anything that

=anything that=anything that

=no matter what=no matter what

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1) There is a surprise in store for you.1) There is a surprise in store for you.2) We'd better keep some of these in store for 2) We'd better keep some of these in store for the next year the next year..谁知道未来对我们来说会是什么样?谁知道未来对我们来说会是什么样?Who knows what the future has in store for us?Who knows what the future has in store for us?There are better days in store for us.There are better days in store for us.

in store (for sb./sth.):in store (for sb./sth.): ,, 1)about to happen; waiting1)about to happen; waiting 2)2) 贮藏着贮藏着

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1.1.   很可能明天天气会转晴很可能明天天气会转晴..It is likely that it will clear up tomorrow.It is likely that it will clear up tomorrow.

2. 2. 很有可能我们明天去野炊很有可能我们明天去野炊.. ..It is likely that we’ll go for a panic tomorrowIt is likely that we’ll go for a panic tomorrow ..== == we are likely to go for a panic tomorrow.

He is likely to finish the work. He is possible to finish the work.

likely adj. 可能的1.) It is likely that ……2)(sb) be likely to do sth……


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辨析:辨析: likely, probable likely, probable 与与 possible possible

LikelyLikely 常用词,指“从表面现象看很有可常用词,指“从表面现象看很有可能”能”

ProbableProbable 语气比语气比 possiblepossible 强,指“有根据、强,指“有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,带有大概,很可能合情理、值得相信的事物,带有大概,很可能的意思”的意思”

PossiblePossible 指“由于有适当的条件和方法,某指“由于有适当的条件和方法,某事可能发生或做到”,强调“客观上有可能”,事可能发生或做到”,强调“客观上有可能”,但“实际希望很小”。但“实际希望很小”。

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LikelyLikely 之后常跟不定式(之后常跟不定式( be likely to do sthbe likely to do sth ) ) 而而 possiblepossible 与与 probableprobable 之后通常之后通常不不跟不定式;跟不定式;

LikelyLikely 的主语可以是的主语可以是人人,而,而 possiblepossible 与与 probabprobablele 的主语不能是人。的主语不能是人。

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It is said that china is the home to football. It is said that china is the home to football.

Athens is home to the Olympics Games.Athens is home to the Olympics Games.

East, west, home’s best.East, west, home’s best.

……is home to… is home to… 表“…是…所在地/大本营/发源表“…是…所在地/大本营/发源地”地”

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set up home set up home set up a chemical lab set up a chemical lab set up the tentset up the tent

set up set up 建立,成立 建立,成立

in the early/late 1990sin the early/late 1990s

They all have their own They all have their own characteristicscharacteristics, b, but they all ut they all shareshare the spirit of creativity an the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have d scientific skill that have made Zhonggmade Zhongguancun a success. uancun a success.


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make …a success

make sb/sth +

The news made her sad.make it possible to…

We made him monitor./make it a rule that…He raised his voice to make himself heard.

Only he can make baby laugh..

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不还玩耍, 聪明的孩子也变傻。

adjadj nn do \ donedo \ done

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grasp the opportunity to do sthgrasp sb by the armgrasp one’s meaning (=understand)

Grasp all, lose all. ( 谚)样样都要,全数失掉.

perfect adj.  完美的;理想的;绝对的None of us are perfect.Practice makes perfect.He is a perfect stranger to me.

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set foot in/on:enter or visit (a place);arrive 进入,踏进

Don’t r set foot in this house again!Who was the first man to set foot on the moon.

have an effect on sb/sth = affect           “对某人 , 某物产生作用 , 影响The medicine has a good effect on the disease.

arrange vt.  安排,筹划;整理,布置 arrange for sth. 为...作安排I’ve arranged for the guests’ visit tomorrow.I’ll make arrangements for somebody to meet.

n. arrangementn. arrangement

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rely on = depend on

Don’t rely on luck. Don’t rely on luck. We should rely on our own effortsWe should rely on our own effortsNowadays we rely on computers for help. Nowadays we rely on computers for help.

Great scientific achievements are the result

of years of failure, years of trying to create

something that has never existed before

伟大的科学成是多年的失败结果 , 多年尝试创造以前从未存在的事物.

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) Failure is the mother of success.) Failure is the mother of success.

2) He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an 2) He is a failure as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.art teacher.

failure (v fail) 失败 (U) , 失败的人或事( C )


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Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they representare more important than money.

不是所有的新公司能成功 , 但是他们所表现的精神和创造力比钱重要。

Not allNot all apples are ripe apples are ripe. .

A A 所有的苹果都没熟。所有的苹果都没熟。

BB 不是所有的苹果都熟了不是所有的苹果都熟了 ..

==AllAll apples are apples are notnot ripe. ripe.

not not 和和 allall 连用表部分否定.连用表部分否定.

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As Yufang puts it(=says) : “We are not making that(=so) much money yet, but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguancun.”

正如 Yufang 说的 :“ 我们现在还没挣那么多的钱,但是我们为所有这些在中关村富有活力的新科技和卓越的想法而感到激动不已.

come to lifecome to life   恢复生气,活跃起来  恢复生气,活跃起来 After three hours’ saving, the injuredAfter three hours’ saving, the injured man man came to lifecame to life..When I spoke of a holiday next week,When I spoke of a holiday next week, students students came to lifecame to life immediately immediately

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put it : express or state sth.

She put it very tactfully.

How shall I put it ?

As she puts it …

That’s very well put.






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Introduction of Zhonguancuan

in Beijing’s Haidian district the new center for in the early 1980s/in the late 1990s/leader be home to /overseas Chinese/grasp… have a positive effect on 8000 hi-tech companies/motto What has made Zhongguancun a success i


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1.   He’s ____ to come tonight.

A. possible B. probable

C. likely D. perhaps

2. I work in a branch of the company. It’s ___is in Atlanta.

A. home B. address C. habitat D. local

3. Judy works part-time in a KFC; she ____paid

by the hour.

A. was B.has C.becomes D.gets

4.If you are unable to attend the meeting, for_____ reason, you should inform us immediately.

A. Its B. which C.whatever D.whose

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5.The airline ______for a plane to take us to Boston yesterday.

A.called B.arranged C.asked D.sent

6.Thanks to the careful preparation, the conference turned out to be______

A. a success B. success

C. a failure D. failure 7. They were filled with joy when they______in thi

s beautiful island.

A.set free B.set foot

C.paid visit D.reached

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8.All the parents have money___their childen who will go to college some day.

A. in store for B. in need for

C. in place of D. instead of

9.Tourism____Guilin one of the world-famous cities.

A. causes B. sets C. makes D. has

10.The institute _____in the 1960’S.

A.was put up B.was set up C.turned up D. gave up

11.Her exam paper was___ except for one spelling mistakes.

A.complete B. exact C.perfect D.right.

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12.It took them 20 years to make the old castle_____

A.come to itself B.bring to life

C.come to life D.return to life

13.The newly elected prime minister is willing to____ the joy and sorrow_____us.

A.share; to B.enjoy; with

C.enjoy; to D.share in; with

14.Jackie Chen, together with other performers in Hongkong,_____going to give money to the victims in the tsunami.

A. to be B. was C. were D. being

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Language Study

Word study and word formation

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Word study• 1.achieved • 2.mankind • 3.likely • 4.rely on• 5.zones• 6.institute• 7.grasp.• 8.perfect


human beings


depend on




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international telephone

mankind broadband

extremely manned

hi-tech e-mail


GRAMMAR: Word Formation

inter- + national tele- + phone

man +kind broad +band

extreme + ly man+ed

high+ technology electronic + mail

information technology Chinese Space agency

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derivationprefix suffix

international telephone



hi-tech IT CSA e-school

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(1) 转化 : 同一个单词由一个词类转化为另一种词类 water 水 ( 名 )---water 浇水 ( 动 )

(2)派生:通过给一个单词加前缀或后缀构成另一个单词前缀: happy---unhappy 后缀: happy---happiness

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inter--  之间的,相互的  international tele– 远,远距离 telephone, telegraph, television co— 共同,合作coworker, cooperate super— 超级 supermarket, superstar, superman

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trans—  跨越,移 transfusion, transplant, transport sub—  下面的subway bio—  生命,生物 biology, bioengineering, biophysics e–  电子的 e-mail, e-school

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后缀:--ly extremely, friendly--ed manned(3) 合成与缩写 high+technology---hi-tech broad+band---broadband break+through---breakthrough Chinese Space Agency---CSA(中国航天局) information +technology---IT( 信息技术)

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by the way be right back face to face I see I see you.  我找你.Are you OK? thanks talk to you later

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Trans-- carrytele- seeCo--- belowbio- lifeVis- together/with-graph more than usualSub-- far super- acrossport- writing

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Guess the meaning of the underlined   words1.Many countries import most of the oil they use.2.He studied biophysics at college.

3.It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.4.All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train.5.My cousin has an excellent voice. Her dream is to become a superstar.





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• -ion • -ation

construction connectionattraction actioncollection directionexpression inventionproduction protectionsuggestion impressioncelebration communicationeducation graduationpollution contribution

admirationcombinationexaminationtransportationexploration imagination

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invisible non-conductordisappearance interaction misunderstanding unexpecteddishonesty illogical enlargement unforgettable impossibility replacement reconsideration unsuccessful

A word is usually made up of a prefix, a base word

and a suffix.Exercise 3. page 6.

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Exercise 4.• showcase =show +case• breakthrough =break +through• bioengineering =bio +engineering• outstanding =out +standing• enable =en+ able • restore = re + store• indirectly = indirect + ly• strengthen = strength + en

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