unit 16 the football match lesson 62---63

Unit 16 The football match lesson 62---63

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Unit 16 The football match lesson 62---63. 学习 目标 :. 知识目标 : 能够掌握并运用下列词语: Used to do something 与 be used to doing something ,lose to ,deserve to do something , - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Unit 16 The football match

lesson 62---63

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Page 3: Unit 16 The football match               lesson 62---63
Page 4: Unit 16 The football match               lesson 62---63


• 知识目标:• 能够掌握并运用下列词语:• Used to do something 与 be used to doing som

ething ,lose to ,deserve to do something ,• Seem to do , feel a bit nervous,carry on doing so

mething , be pleased with something ,be angry with somebody , go over one’s head , in the second half

• 动作技能目标:• 能够运用足球英语试着解说一场足球赛 or 复


Page 5: Unit 16 The football match               lesson 62---63

Revise new words :


训练;培养 (n.) ———— (v.)————

足球队 ( 等 ) 队长—————

应得 , 值得…… ..__________

有自信的,确信的 ______





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(足球)前锋————— 中场(指足球场中的中间地带)———



(球赛中)级,射门, ________



midfield player



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投篮,发射 ______

紧张不安的 ___________

懒惰的 _____

坚持下去;继续下去 _________




carry on

Page 8: Unit 16 The football match               lesson 62---63

最后的 _______

令人惊奇的;惊人的 _________

对 感到满意 _________________

演出;成果;成绩 ____________

合作;协同工作 ____________



be pleased with



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判断正误(看谁的耳朵最灵)1.The girls’football team beat the boys’team .2. The boys’ team used to help the girls with their training .3. The boys’ PE teacher thought the girls didn’t deserve to wi

n .4. The match had started well for girls .5. In the first half the boys scored two goals.6.Just before half time , Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1.7.In the second half , the boys were the first to score .8.In the second half ,Li Xiaolin scored twice in the last six minutes to make the final score 4-39. The girls’ PE teacher ,Miss Wang was very pleased with their performance.

( R)( R )


( R )(R )

( R)

(R )


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Questions:• 1. What was the result ? • 2. What did the boys use to do?• 3. Did the boys lose to the girls before the

match? • 4. What did the boys think of the football be

fore the match?• 5. Why did the girls’ team beat the boys’ te


girls beat boysused to help …with


an easy game ; as a joke

play carelessly

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6. How did the boys start ?7. Who scored in the second/thirtieth minute of the match?8. Who scored just before half time?9. How did the girls start?And then?

10. In the second half , how did the boys/girls play?

stared well

Ma Zhengquan ; Lu Ming

Li Xiaolin

At first nervouse; more and more confident

First to score ; became to relax and lazy

carry on working ;in 68th , in the last six minutes

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Pay attention to :• 1. In a srpriusing result ,the No. 69 Middle Scho

ol girls’ football team beat their school’s boys’ team .• 2. The boys’ team used to help the girls with their trai

ning . 男子足球队过去常帮助女生训练 used to 过去常常, to 为动词不定式符号 如: I used to swim in the river. 我过去常在那条河里游泳。

• 注意与 be used to 的区别 ,be used to “to” 为介词 ,后接名词或动名词,意为“习于……” He is used to this kind of job .

Page 13: Unit 16 The football match               lesson 62---63

Pay attention to:

他们踢的漫不经心,输掉比赛在所难免 。 carelessly “ 轻率的,漫不经心的。” 它修饰

_______ deserve 后接名词或动词不定式 .

They played carelessly and they deserved to lost .


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Pay attention to:• They had never lost to the girls before ,but

this time the girls beat them 4-3 in an exciting match. 他们以前从来没有输给过努生,但是这一次努生在这一场令人激动的比赛中以四比三击败了他们 。

• lost to sb 是输给某人。• 注意 excited 与 exciting 的区别 .

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Pay attention to :• Just before half time ,Li Xiaolin made the score 2-1,with a

beautiful shot into the top right-hand corner of the boys’ goal.

• Another great shot from Lu Ming went over Jiang Mei’s head and into the middle of the goal.

• However , after that the boys became relaxed and lazy , but the girls carried on working hard .

. 然而,至此以后,男生们就变得松懈,懒惰,但是努生们坚持拼搏。

• Carry on sth/doing sth 意为“继续做… ..” 如: After the teacher came in ,they carried on talking.

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Pay attention to :

• It was an amazing finish to an exciting match.

• amazing “ 十分惊讶”,比 surprising 的惊讶程度强。

• “to” 在本句中是介词,表示对象意为“对于”

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当堂练习• In No. 69 Middle School there are two ____• teams : a boys’ team and a girls’ team.The boys team used to help

the girls _____ their training and always _____the girls .They had never _____to the girls before , but this time boys were ______ by the girls . They felt very _______ .Before the match the boys were too _______ and they thought the girls’ football as a ___,so they played _______.In the first half they

• played _____and scored two goals ,but in the second _____ they lost three goals and finally they________the game . Mr Hu , the PE teacher, thought that the boys deserved to lose and the girls deserved to _____, because the girls played much harder than the boys and their _____was very good.


beat lost



joke carelessly





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用适当的介词填空:• 1 The boys’ team used to help the girls ___ their tra

ining .• 2 Class 4 lost __Class 9___ the football match .• 3. ___only the second minute ____the football mat

ch, Zhang Hua scored the first goal.• 4 First the football match started well ____Class 1.• 5 The teacher was angry ____the students.• 6 She made the score 2-1, ____ a beautiful shot .• 7 It was an amazing finish ____ an exciting match .


to in

In of




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根据汉语意思完成句子:• 1 我过去常常走路上学,但是现在不了。• I ____ ____ _____to school ___ ____ but I don’t do that no

w.• 2 我校弩子足球队在昨天的比赛中以 2-1 击败男队• The ___ ________ ______ of our school _____ the boys’te

am 2-1 __ _ yesterday’s match.• 3 他们越来越来自信了。• They became _____ _____ _____ _____.• 4 外教对孩子们的发音感到非常惊奇。• The foreign teacher ___ very ______ ___ the kids’ pronunc


used to go on foot

girls’ football team beat

more and more confident

is surprised
