unit 2 embryology...a. inner ear and nasopharynx b. middle ear and nasopharynx: the opening to the...

Unit 2 Embryology Clinically Oriented Anatomy (COA) Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Created by Jake Sellers, Fall 2019 [email protected]

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Page 1: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C



[email protected]

Page 2: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


1.  E2.  D3.  B4.  B5.  C6.  D7.  B8.  D9.  B10. E

11. B12. C13. E14. A15. D16. A17. C18. B19. E20. B

21. A22. D23. C24. E25. B

Page 3: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


Page 4: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C



Page 5: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  NervesB.  BoneC.  Arteries:mesodermdifferenGatesinto

musclesandarteriesD.  AlloftheaboveE.  AandB:neuralcrestcellsdifferenGateinto


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Page 7: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  Pharyngealarch3B.  Pharyngealarch4C.  Pharyngealmembrane1D.  Pharyngealarch5:Pharyngealarch5,


E.  Pharyngealgroove1

Page 8: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  CricoidcarGlageB.  IncusC.  StapesD.  TympaniccavityE.  Epithelialliningofauditorytube

Page 9: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  CricoidcarGlage:Derivedfrompharyngealarch6

B.  Incus:Derivedfrompharyngealarch1C.  Stapes:Derivedfrompharyngealarch2D.  Tympaniccavity:Derivedfrompharyngeal

membrane1E.  Epithelialliningofauditorytube:Derived


Page 10: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C

QuesGon#4:Whichofthefollowingpharyngealarchesistheposteriorbellyofthedigastricmusclederivedfrom?A.  Pharyngealarch1B.  Pharyngealarch2C.  Pharyngealarch3D.  Pharyngealarch4E.  Pharyngealarch6

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A.  Pharyngealarch1:MusclesofmasGcaGon,mylohyoid,anteriorbellyofthedigastricmuscle,tensortympani,tensorvelipalaGni

B.  Pharyngealarch2:Posteriorbellyofthedigastricmuscle,facialexpressionmuscles,stylohyoid,stapedius

C.  Pharyngealarch3:StylopharyngeusD.  Pharyngealarch4:Cricothyroid,mostsoa

palatemuscles,mostpharynxmusclesE.  Pharyngealarch6:Mostintrinsiclarynxmuscles,


Page 12: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  StapesB.  Upper½hyoidC.  Lower½hyoidD.  ThyroidcarGlageE.  CuniformcarGlage

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A.  Stapes:Derivedfrompharyngealarch2B.  Upper½hyoid:Derivedfrompharyngeal

arch2C.  Lower½hyoid:Derivedfrompharyngealarch

3D.  ThyroidcarGlage:Derivedfrompharyngeal

arch4E.  CuniformcarGlage:Derivedfrompharyngeal


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A.  CNVB.  CNVIIC.  CNIXD.  SuperiorlaryngealE.  Recurrentlaryngeal

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A.  CNV:DerivedfromPharyngealarch1B.  CNVII:DerivedfromPharyngealarch2C.  CNIX:Derivedfrompharyngealarch3D.  Superiorlaryngeal:Derivedfrompharyngeal

arch4E.  Recurrentlaryngeal:Derivedfrom


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A.  CricothyroidmuscleB.  StylopharyngeusmuscleC.  StylohyoidmuscleD.  CricoidcarGlageE.  ArytenoidcarGlage

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A.  Cricothyroidmuscle:Derivedfrompharyngealarch4

B.  Stylopharyngeusmuscle:Derivedfrompharyngealarch3

C.  Stylohyoidmuscle:Derivedfrompharyngealarch2

D.  Cricoidmuscle:Derivedfrompharyngealarch6E.  Arytenoidmuscle:Derivedfrompharyngealarch


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A.  PalaGneB.  SuperiorlaryngealnerveC.  MostpharynxmusclesD.  UpperesophagealmusclesE.  Facialnerve

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A.  PalaGne:Derivedfrompharyngealarch1B.  Superiorlaryngealnerve:Derivedfrom

pharyngealarch4C.  Mostpharynxmuscles:Derivedfrom

pharyngealarch4D.  Upperesophagealmuscles:Derivedfrom

pharyngealarch6E.  Facialnerve:Derivedfrompharyngealarch2

Page 20: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  InferiorparathyroidglandB.  SuperiorparathyroidglandC.  ThymusD.  EpithelialliningofthemiddleearE.  EpithelialliningofpalaGnetonsilcrypts

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A.  Inferiorparathyroidgland:Derivedfrompharyngealpouch3

B.  Superiorparathyroidgland:Derivedfrompharyngealpouch4

C.  Thymus:Derivedfrompharyngealpouch3D.  Epithelialliningofthemiddleear:Derived

frompharyngealpouch1E.  EpithelialliningofpalaGnetonsilcrypts:


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Page 23: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C


A.  FirstArchSyndromeB.  PharyngealfistulaC.  DiGeorgeSyndromeD.  EctopicthyroidE.  Thyroglossalductcyst

Page 24: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C

QuesGon#10:A.  FirstArchSyndrome:FirstArchSyndromeresultsfrom

abnormaldevelopmentofpharyngealarch1B.  Pharyngealfistula:Pharyngealfistulasresultfromthe

persistenceofpharyngealpouch2andpharyngealgroove2C.  DiGeorgeSyndrome:DiGeorgeSyndromeresultsfromthe

failureofpharyngealpouches3&4todevelopcorrectlyD.  Ectopicthyroid:AnEctopicthymus,parathyroid,orthyroid

canresultfromabnormalmigraGonE.  Thyroglossalductcyst:Whilethethyroidmigratesdownthe


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A.  MandibularnerveB.  GlossopharyngealnerveC.  ChordatympaniD.  InternallaryngealnerveE.  Olfactorynerve

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QuesGon#11:A.  Mandibularnerve:ProvidesmotorinnervaGontothe

musclesofmasGcaGonB.  Glossopharyngealnerve:Theposterior1/3ofthetongueis


C.  Chordatympani:anterior2/3ofthetongueisinnervatedbythetrigeminalnerve(V3)forgeneralsensaGonandbythefacialnerve(VII)viathechordatympaniforspecialtastesensaGon

D.  Internallaryngealnerve:Theupperpartofthelarynx&epigloksareinnervatedbythevagusnerve(X)forgeneralandspecialtastesensaGon,specificallyasinternallaryngealnerveofthesuperiorlaryngealnerve.(SeeMooreFig8.91)

E.  Olfactorynerve:Responsibleforsenseofsmell

Page 27: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C

QuesGon#12:Acle1lipcanresultwhenwhichtwoofthefollowingstructuresfailtofuseduringdevelopment?A.  TwoadjacentmaxillaryprominencesB.  TwointermaxillarysegmentsC.  Intermaxillarysegmentandadjacent

maxillaryprominenceD.  PrimarypalateandsecondarypalateE.  TwopalaGneshelves

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A.  TwoadjacentmaxillaryprominencesB.  TwointermaxillarysegmentsC.  Intermaxillarysegmentandadjacentmaxillary


D.  Primarypalateandsecondarypalate:Ananteriorcleapalateresultswhenthesecondarypalatefailstofusewiththeprimarypalate

E.  TwopalaGneshelves:AposteriorcleapalateresultswhenthetwopalaGneshelvesfailtounitealongthepalaGneraphe

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QuesGon#13:Aposteriorcle1palatecanresultwhenwhichtwoofthefollowingstructuresfailtofuseduringdevelopment?A.  TwoadjacentmaxillaryprominencesB.  TwointermaxillarysegmentsC.  Intermaxillarysegmentandadjacent

maxillaryprominenceD.  PrimarypalateandsecondarypalateE.  TwopalaGneshelves

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A.  TwoadjacentmaxillaryprominencesB.  TwointermaxillarysegmentsC.  Intermaxillarysegmentandadjacentmaxillary


D.  Primarypalateandsecondarypalate:Ananteriorcleapalateresultswhenthesecondarypalatefailstofusewiththeprimarypalate

E.  TwopalaGneshelves:AposteriorcleapalateresultswhenthetwopalaGneshelvesfailtounitealongthepalaGneraphe

Page 31: Unit 2 Embryology...A. Inner ear and nasopharynx B. Middle ear and nasopharynx: The opening to the auditory tube provides a connecGon between the middle ear and the nasopharynx C

QuesGon#14:Achildpresentstotheclinicwithpneumonia.YounoGcethatthechildhasanunderdevelopedchinandsmallears;themotheralsoinformsyouthatthisisthefourthcaseofpneumoniathechildhashadthisyear.WhatotherclinicalcondiGonwouldyouexpecttoaccompanytheonespreviouslymenGonedifyoususpectDiGeorgeSyndrome?A.  HypocalcemiaB.  HypercalcemiaC.  PharyngealfistulaD.  EctopicthyroidE.  Ectopicparathyroid

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QuesGon#14:A.  Hypocalcemia:DiGeorgeSyndromeresultsfromthefailureof


B.  Hypercalcemia:DiGeorgeSyndromewouldhavetheoppositeeffect

C.  Pharyngealfistula:Pharyngealfistulasresultfromthepersistenceofpharyngealpouch2andpharyngealgroove2.WhenthiscombinaGonoccurs,aholewilldevelopintheneck.

D.  Ectopicthyroid:AnEctopicthyroidcanresultfromabnormalmigraGon.

E.  Ectopicparathyroid:AnEctopicparathyroidcanresultfromabnormalmigraGon.

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A.  Week1B.  Week2C.  Week3D. Week4E.  Week5

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A.  Week1B.  Week2C.  Week3D. Week4:Theinnereardevelopsinthe4th


E.  Week5

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A.  EctodermB.  MesodermC.  EndodermD.  ParaxialmesodermE.  Lateralplatemesoderm

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A.  Ectoderm:Theinnereardevelopsinthe4thweekofembryogenesisarisingfromathickenedectodermallayerknownastheoGcplacodewhichmaturesintotheoGcvesicle

B.  MesodermC.  EndodermD.  ParaxialmesodermE.  Lateralplatemesoderm

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A.  CochlearductB.  SacculeC.  UtricleD.  ExternalauditorymeatusE.  Auricle

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A.  CochlearductB.  Saccule:thesacculewilldevelopintothe

cochlea(hearing)andthesaccule“proper”C.  Utricle:Theutricledevelopsintothe


D.  ExternalauditorymeatusE.  Auricle

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A.  InnerearandnasopharynxB.  MiddleearandnasopharynxC.  ExternalearandnasopharynxD.  InnerearandpharynxE.  Middleearandpharynx

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A.  InnerearandnasopharynxB.  Middleearandnasopharynx:Theopeningto


C.  ExternalearandnasopharynxD.  InnerearandpharynxE.  Middleearandpharynx

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A.  MalleusB.  TensortympaniC.  TympanicmembraneD.  RoundwindowE.  Ovalwindow

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A.  Malleus:Connectedtothetympanicmembrane,tensortympani,andincus

B.  Tensortympani:ConnectedtothemalleusC.  Tympanicmembrane:ConnectedtothemalleusD.  Roundwindow:Connectedtosecondary

tympanicmembraneE.  Ovalwindow:Thestapesisconnectedtothe


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A.  OpGcvesicleàopGcsulcusàopGccupB.  OpGcsulcusàopGcvesicleàopGccupC.  OpGcvesicleàopGcsulcusàopGcstalkD.  OpGcsulcusàopGcvesicleàopGcstalkE.  OpGcvesicleàopGcstalkàopGccup

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A.  OpGcvesicleàopGcsulcusàopGccupB.  OpGcsulcusàopGcvesicleàopGccup:The


C.  OpGcvesicleàopGcsulcusàopGcstalkD.  OpGcsulcusàopGcvesicleàopGcstalkE.  OpGcvesicleàopGcstalkàopGccup

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A.  HyaloidVesselsB.  OpGcstalkC.  OpGccupD.  ChoroidfissureE.  Choroidallayer

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A.  Hyaloidvessels:Whenthechoroidfissurecloses,thehyaloidvesselsmatureintothecentralarteryandveinofthereGna

B.  OpGcstalk:TheopGcstalkbecomestheopGcnerve(CNII)

C.  OpGccup:TheopGccupformsthereGnaandpartoftheiris

D.  Choroidfissure:TheopGcstalkhasachoroidfissureinferiorlywiththehyaloidvessels

E.  Choroidallayer:Fromanteriortoposterior,theirisiscomposedofthechoroidallayer,outerpigmentlayerofreGna,andtheinnerneurallayerofreGna

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A.  SurfaceectodermB.  NeuralcrestmesenchymeC.  MesodermD.  AandBE.  BandC

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A.  Surfaceectoderm:Thelensplacodeisderivedfromsurfaceectoderm

B.  Neuralcrestmesenchyme:Theciliarymusclesareformedfromoverlyingneuralcrestmesenchyme

C.  Mesoderm:Theextraocularmusclesandthevesselsassociatedwiththeeyearisefrommesoderm

D.  AandB:Thecorneaarisesfromsurfaceectodermandneuralcrestmesenchyme

E.  BandC

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QuesGon#23:Fromanteriortoposterior,theirisiscomposedofwhichlayers?A.  OuterlayerofthereGnaàciliarybodyàinner

neurallayerofthereGnaB.  CiliarybodyàouterlayerofthereGnaàinner

neurallayerofthereGnaC.  ChoroidallayeràouterpigmentlayerofreGna

àinnerneurallayerofthereGnaD.  OuterpigmentlayerofreGnaàchoroidallayer


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A.  OuterlayerofthereGnaàciliarybodyàinnerneurallayerofthereGna

B.  CiliarybodyàouterlayerofthereGnaàinnerneurallayerofthereGna

C.  ChoroidallayeràouterpigmentlayerofreGnaàinnerneurallayerofthereGna:Fromanteriortoposterior,theirisiscomposedofthechoroidallayer,outerpigmentlayerofreGna,andtheinnerneurallayerofreGna

D.  OuterpigmentlayerofreGnaàchoroidallayeràinnerneurallayerofthereGna

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A.  LensplacodeB.  CorneaC.  CiliarybodyD.  ExtraocularvesselsE.  Choroidlayers

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A.  Lensplacode:Thelensplacodeisderivedfromsurfaceectoderm

B.  Cornea:Thecorneaarisesfromsurfaceectodermandneuralcrestmesenchyme

C.  Ciliarybody:Theciliarybodyoftheirisderivesfromtheouter&innerreGnallayers

D.  Extraocularvessels:Theextraocularmusclesandthevesselsassociatedwiththeeyearisefrommesoderm

E.  Choroidlayers:Thescleraandchoroidlayersoftheeyedevelopfromneuralcrestcells

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A.  CiliaryprocessesB.  ChoroidfissureC.  ChoroidlayersD.  ScleraE.  ReGna

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A.  Ciliaryprocesses:Theciliaryprocessesproduceaqueoushumorthatcirculatesfromtheposteriorchamber(betweenlensandiris)throughthepupilandintotheanteriorchamberoftheeye(betweentheirisandcornea)

B.  Choroidfissure:ColobomaIridisresultswhenthechoroidfissurefailstoclose.Althoughthe“notch”mayappearinotherareas,themostcommonplaceistheiris

C.  Choroidlayers:ThechoroidlayernourishestheouterlayersofthereGna

D.  Sclera:ToughfibrousGssuethatprotectsandmaintainsshapeoftheeye

E.  ReGna:Focuseslightintoneuralsignals