unit 2 the language of creative writing

Unit 2 The Language of Creative Writing Definitions of Creative Writing The definition of creative writing is free writing. It indicates obviously the freedom of students to write without too much teacher-interference. There are four main variations in creative writing: Free writing, Self expression, Flowery style and Poetry. Free Writing Creative writing means the same as free writing. When children write, they sometimes write what they want to write. They feel free whenever they write. Nobody forces them to write. Self-expression Children have their own image when they write. It may come from their emotions. It reveals emotional response when they write. Flowery Style The creativity of the flowery style depends upon the number of adjectives and adverbs the writer uses. Poetry Poetry is a form of creative writing in verse. What is Creativity? Creativity is the ability to create one’s own symbols of experience: creative writing is the use of written language to conceptualize, explore and record experience in such a way as to create a unique symbolization of it. Creative writing helps to develop thinking skills. As a writer organizes his thoughts, decisions are made on how to best communicate what it is he wants communicated. He decides which ideas are relevant and which are not. (Susanne cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 13)

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Unit 2

The Language of Creative Writing

Definitions of Creative WritingThe definition of creative writing is free writing. It indicates obviously the

freedom of students to write without too much teacher-interference. There are four

main variations in creative writing: Free writing, Self expression, Flowery style and


Free Writing

Creative writing means the same as free writing. When children write, they

sometimes write what they want to write. They feel free whenever they write. Nobody

forces them to write.


Children have their own image when they write. It may come from their

emotions. It reveals emotional response when they write.

Flowery Style

The creativity of the flowery style depends upon the number of adjectives

and adverbs the writer uses.


Poetry is a form of creative writing in verse.

What is Creativity?Creativity is the ability to create one’s own symbols of experience: creative

writing is the use of written language to conceptualize, explore and record experience

in such a way as to create a unique symbolization of it.

Creative writing helps to develop thinking skills. As a writer organizes his

thoughts, decisions are made on how to best communicate what it is he wants

communicated. He decides which ideas are relevant and which are not.

(Susanne cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 13)


Some definitions come from students in creative writing classes and famous


Creative writing is concerned with encouraging children to use fully what

they have within themselves: ideas, impressions, feelings, hopes, their imagination,

and such language as they command. It is an attempt to get at the nine-tenths of the

iceberg of a child’s mind that he does not often use…

(Maybury cited in Bernard, 1981, p.1)

Creative writing is the expressive thoughts that flow from one’s mind onto

the piece of paper.

(Johnson cited in Bernard, 1981, p.1)

The pencil is a melody. The paper is the music. A poetic mind sets the lyrics.

When set together, they stand to create the most beautiful song ever perceived by the

eyes. That is my interpretation or definition of creative writing.

(Hardy cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 2)

I believe that creative writing is a technique used to state one’s thoughts and

feelings, in short, I’d say that it is the ability to express a person’s imagination in a

manner that creates a picture in one’s mind.

(Jackson cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 2)

The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen/ Turns them to shapes and

gives to airy nothing / A local habitation and a name.

(Shakespeare cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 15)


The pen is the tongue of the mind. If it is true, then creative writing

provides the ink for the pen.

(Cervantes cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 3)

Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there’s no

particular virtue in doing things the way they always have been done.

(Manning cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 13)

Creative thought begins with alertness, observation, and an ability to

allow mental pictures and thoughts to flow freely and interrelate in the

consciousness of the individual . It is a point of view and a way of thinking that

affects all aspects of life.

(Susan cited in Bernard, 1981, p. 16)

The following definitions come from students in the author’s creative writing


Creative writing is a free writing which you can write about everything

and it is a creative language.

by Prakaimas

Creative writing is a way that a person writes his/her work to be more

creative and thoughtful. The aspects of creative writing include imagination,

skill, experience and fantastic designing. Using brainstorm is the most

important activity.

by Warut


Creative writing is inventive and imaginative writing. It uses the writer’s

language to explore and record experience.

by Sumitra

Creative writing is free writing and creative thinking.

by Duangprasert

Creative writing is concerned with encouraging children to use language

within themselves to create ideas, impressions, feelings, hopes and imagination.

by Sasima

(Lerdpreedakorn, 2005, p. 9)

Exercise 1

Write a definition of creative writing in your own words.

















Language Used in Creative Writing

What is the difference between normal writing in English and creative

writing in English?

The answer is the language, the topics, and the treatment of the topics.

The languageThe language must be creative. That means imaginative, picturesque and

extraordinary. The language must stimulate, wake up the reader’s imagination, and

paint a picture with words. The language must make the ordinary, extraordinary.

The extraordinary language includes creative words, creative structures and creative


Creative Words

Creative words may be words that people do not use often. For example:

If you are having dinner, and the food is good, we use an adjective, delicious

to describe the food. We can use a less usual word for describing food. You can even

make up a word or use a different kind of word with a descriptive feeling like: earth-

shattering, heart-winning, volcanic etc.

We had a delicious dinner can be “We had a delightful, delectable,

luscious dinner.”

Here are some adjectives that can describe food.

Exercise 2

Find the words in the dictionary (the first letter are given)





Creative Use of Words

There are some language techniques for making words more powerful, more


Superlatives: use superlatives to give stronger feeling. So, instead of good

write the best.


It was the best day of my life.

It is the best restaurant in town.

That was the most delicious meal.

It was the most beautiful sunset.

Repetition: repeat the word, even twice, for a strong effect.


The trip was magnificent. Magnificent. A magnificent trip. One I’ll

never forget. Never.

Alliteration: start different words, adjectives, verbs, even nouns, with the

same letter.


The day was super. Superb. Sensational. And sunny.

Sitting under the shimmering stars.

Feasting on the freshest fish.

Onomatopoeia: using words, especially adjectives and verbs, to describe

the sensation of something.


The tourists sizzled in the sun. They gulped their beer.

The thunderous rumble of his stomach.

Imperatives: in some kinds of creative writing, the writer is speaking

directly to the reader, suggesting or telling him/her what to do, and uses imperatives

when writing (especially in promotional and advertising writing)


Come to our most gorgeous garden restaurant. Enjoy succulent

seafood. Drink the coolest of cool beers. Relax. Find joy.


Present participle: to describe an action (without the verb to be)


There he was. Lying on the beach. Sunbathing. Sizzling in

the scorching sunshine.

They were in Bangkok. Having a great time. Shopping.

Shopping. And shopping. And eating. Eating pizza. Eating steak.

And then. More shopping.

(Folland, 2005, p. 40)

Exercise 3

Finding Creative Words

The most usual creative words are adjectives and verbs. But all words can be

changed to be more creative words, especially nouns and adverbs, but even

prepositions and conjunctions. Find more creative adjectives to replace these.

good _______________ nice_______________ handsome___________________

difficult_____________ fast _______________ tired ______________________

sad ________________ quiet______________ fat ______________________

Exercise 4

Now, replace the normal adjectives with more creative ones in these


1. She has a nice personality._____________________________________

2. It’s an interesting tourist attraction.______________________________

3. The woman was beautiful._____________________________________

4. The year was a bad one for me._________________________________

5. He is a calm person.__________________________________________

6. The sea is blue.______________________________________________

7. The sand is white and soft._____________________________________

8. The meal was delicious._______________________________________

9. The audience applauded the single.______________________________

10. We had a good time in Bangkok._______________________________


Exercise 5

Try to use verbs that express the feeling of the action or situation more


For example: to stand around …………..to hang out

to relax……………………to chill out

Suggest some more creative verbs for these.

run_______________ walk________________ sleep________________

dream_____________ eat_________________ drink________________

win_______________ like_________________ love________________

Creative SentencesIn creative writing, you can be much freer with the structure of a sentence

(but don’t forget your basic grammar).

Instead of every sentence following the classic structure of:

Subject + verb + object and / or complement

Subordinate clause + main clause

You can do this:

omit subjects when they repeat the subject in the previous sentence


I found the path. Followed it. Went on up the hill. Arrived at the


omit the verb (and subject) if it repeats the one in the previous sentence.


The weather was terrible. Cold. Windy. Unfriendly.

have single word, phrase or subordinate clause sentences.

Example (single word):

I arrived in the big city. Tired. Alone. Miserable.

Example (phrase):

We continued on. Through dense jungle. Through pouring rain.

Where to? We didn’t know. Just kept going. Blindly.


Example (sub. clause):

When we arrived. We found they had gone. Why had they gone?

Because we were late. Because of the weather. Because they

wanted to get home.

Creative sentence patterns can make a text more interesting and exciting.

How to Create Creative Sentences:1. Beginning with different part of speech. Try to start sentences with a

part of speech other than the usual article+ noun combination. Look at these


The house was on fire when…

(article + noun)

Silently the crowd left the…


Angered by the lack of…


2. Rearranging clauses and phrases

By rearranging clauses and phrases you can create variation in your

sentences. Compare these complex sentences.

“As she walked along the beach, Natalie saw, on the water’s edge, a

strange glowing object which appeared to shine brighter and brighter.” This can be

rearranged to

Natalie saw a strange object on the water’s edge which appeared to shine

brighter and brighter.

3. Using the exclamatory form

Turning a sentence that is a statement into an exclamation can add a more

dynamic tone to your text. Here is an example:

Science is a fascinating subject.

What a fascinating subject is science!


4. Using the interrogative form

Turning a statement into an interrogative sentence (a question) can add a

more direct tone to your text; for example:

Normal Structure: None of us could sing or dance or act as well as she could.

Interrogative: Who was there among us who could sing, dance or act as well as


5. Using repetition

Repetition is useful if you wish to convey the idea of sameness, or

monotony or boredom; for example:

Marina reluctantly returned to school for another year. She knew to

expect nothing exciting. Looking around she saw the same faces, in the same

uniforms, sitting in the same places, just as before.

6. Inversion

Most sentences we write follow the order of subject+verb+object. By

changing the usual order, emphasis can be given to a particular event. Look at this


I was surrounded by death and destruction.

Death and destruction surrounded me.

7. Using active rather than passive voice

Passive Active

Her jam is made from fruit. She makes jam from fruit.

The car was driven by Kevin. Kevin drove the car.

By using active rather than passive voice, your writing sounds more

dynamic. Look at these examples.


Danielle was taught singing by Mr. Long. She was selected for the choir

by Pavarotti.


Mr. Long was pleased with her solo performance at the concert.


Mr. Long taught Danielle singing. Pavarotti selected her for the


Her solo performance at the concert pleased Mr.Long

(Adapted from Anderson , 1998, pp. 134-135)

Exercise 6

Write creative sentences by using the pattern above.

Beginning with different part of speech.





Rearranging clauses and phrases





Using the exclamatory form




___________________________________________________________Using the interrogative form


Using repetition









___________________________________________________________Using active rather than passive voice










Paragraph StructureThe creative paragraph usually follows the usual pattern of:

Topic sentence + supporting sentences or

as in fiction, sequence words / continuation words + supporting sentences

However, there are some basic differences as following:

creative paragraphs are short

creative paragraphs can be very short, one sentence, one line or even one


creative paragraphs usually have topic sentences, but they may be only

single words. Although in narrative writing they are usually omitted.


Linking or sequence words (e.g. first then after that etc) are not usually


Model 1

Is your city polluted? Can you breathe? Is dust everywhere?

There are too many reasons for pollution in our cities.

The cars. One big reason. Cars. Too many cars. Belching out

exhaust. Dirty, deadly gases.

And litter. People are lazy. Throw litter in the streets. In the parks.


And the factories. Belching out smoke, gases, waste water.

All are polluting our beautiful city. Our beautiful life.

( Folland, 2005, p.16)

Exercise 7

Make these sentences more creative.

1. This computer is the IBM Thinkpad 600. It is thin. It is powerful. It is portable. Do

you want to lug a huge computer around? Do you want to ignore fine performance?

You must forget about it. You must buy the IBM Thinkpad now.












2. Have you been to Chiangmai? It is called the Rose of the North. It is set among

lush, green mountains.







3. I went to Bangkok. I visited my sister. I helped my sister with her packing. We

had dinner together. Then we went to a movie. We had a great time. At midnight I

returned to Udon Thani by bus.










4. I walked in the park. There were many beautiful plants and trees. There were

two beautiful ponds. There were many fish in the ponds. I had a picnic on the grass. It

was a delicious picnic.










5. I did many things in the historical park. First, I went to the information center and

looked at the map and the model of the park. Then, I walked to look at the caves.

There were very old paintings in the caves. They were paintings of cows and people.

Then, I went to the cliff and looked at the view. Finally, I went to see the tower of

Usa. It is a famous rock formation in the park. I saw many interesting things in the

park. It was a great visit.




















6. Do you want to taste a delicious hamburger? Do you want to eat a tasty

cheeseburger? Do you want crispy French fries? Do you want to drink a nice, cold

soda? Why don’t you come to Super Burger? Why don’t you come to Super Burger


























Benefits of Creative WritingCreative writing is a tool for self- expression. Can you remember a time you

felt so moved by something- your love for another, a moment of despair, the beauty of

a mountain lake- that you were bursting with the need to communicate your feelings?

We all have these feelings. For some, the best means of expression may be music,

dance, painting, sculpture, acting, or comedy; for others, it is writing. In addition,

creative writing allows one who wants to express their feeling through poems. Study

the following poems and identify how the writer expresses his own feelings and ideas

through his poems.

A poem from a boy to his divorced parents

Here I go for another day

I come homeI go to schoolI come home

There they areMy parents

Delightful people in many waysBut I just don’t know how

to tell them

I try in many waysbut I can’t

They fight and arguenothing seems to stop them


When they ask, I can’t tell themit’s hard it’s hard

Step by step it slowly goes

I don’t know whybut it’s gone now

All gone

I wait and I waittill the right time

My parents are apartand I’ve been trying to tell

love to my parents

All gone all gone

I awake to another dayhoping it will happen

But my fantasy is all gone all gone

I am sad but there is nothing I can dobut I will still love and wait.

(Bernard, 1981, p.5)


A poem about environment reflection

They cut the tall green bushin my backyard today.

I found out as I came intothe kitchen-they looked

father away

I gave out a “hey!” and ran to the windowWhy??

I’ve seen the sparrows chirp in that bushI’ve seen it bow to the rain and wind.

I’ve seen it bloom with the first ofspring

I’ve seen the bees gather and buzz busilyaround

Now they’re cutting it to theground.

I can see the young sproutsI can see them fall

I don’t think there’s anyreason at all.

As I look out the window, I can’tHelp the tears-

It’s been there for quite a fewyears.


Now-they’re tearing it down-Why??


They cut the tall tree bushin my backyard today.


(Bernard, 1981, p.32)

Exercise 8

Pair works. Discuss the following questions with your friends.

1. How do you feel about the above poems?








2. Do you consider yourself a creative person? Why? or why not?








3. What has been your most satisfying creative experience?













4. Describe people who cut trees down.

















