unit 2 what’s the matter? section b 通海口一中 谢红. a: what’s the matter? b: he /she...

Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通通通 通通

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Page 1: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Section B

通海口一中 谢红

Page 2: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

A: What’s the matter?B: He /She has…


Page 3: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

A:What’s the matter? Does he have a __________?toothache

B:Yes, he does.

A: He should______________.

He shouldn't ____________.

see a dentist

eat candies.

Page 4: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

thirsty stressed out

tired go to bed early


Page 5: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

1.____ tired

2.____ hungry


4.___stressed out

1a Match the words with the pictures.





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1b Match the advice with the picture below.

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stressed out



2a Listen. What problems do the students have? Write the problems in the chart below.

Page 8: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

go to bed earlygo to the party

tonightstressed out

listen to music study tonight

thirsty have a drinkeat more dumplings

hungry eat an appleplay soccer

before dinner

2b Listen again. Complete the chart.

Page 9: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

go to bed early go to the party tonight

stressed out listen to the music study tonight

thirsty have a drinkeat more dumplings

hungry eat an appleplay soccer

before dinner

PAIRWORK Practice conversations according to the information in the chart.A:What’s the matter with Gina?B: She’s tired.A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldn’t go to the party.

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Page 11: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

tofu (yin) beef (yang)

eat a balanced diet

Page 12: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

豆腐发明人——刘安 豆腐是我国炼丹家淮南王——刘安发明的绿色健康食品。时至今日,已有两千一百多年的历史,深受我国人民、周边各国以及世界人民的喜爱。发展至今,已品种齐全,花样繁多,具有风味独特,制作工艺简单食用方便的特点。具有高蛋白,低脂肪,降血压,降血脂,降胆固醇的功效。是生熟皆可,老幼皆宜,养生摄生、益寿延年的美食佳品。安徽省淮南市——刘安故里,每年 9 月15 日,有一年一度的豆腐文化节。

Do you know?

Page 13: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

3a Read the article .Then answer the following questions.

1. What do traditional Chinese doctors believe?

They believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.

2.If you are often weak and tired, what should you eat?

Eat hot yang foods, like beef.

3.If you are too stressed out and angry, what should you eat?

Eat more yin foods like tofu.

Page 14: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

Read the article in 3a again. Then complete the chart.

Page 15: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

Are you tired?

Everybody gets tired sometimes. When you are tired,

you shouldn’t_____________ . You should_____________

for a few nights and you should ________ to stay healthy.

You should also eat ______ and other healthy foods. You

shouldn’t ______when you are tired.

go out at night go to bed early




3b Fill in the blanks in the article.

Page 16: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

Choose a problem from the list below. Then ask your classmates for advice. The student who gives the best advice is “Dr Know”.


a. I have a headache.

b. I’m stressed out.

c. I can’t sleep.

d. I’m hungry.

e. I have a sore back.

f. I have a cold.

g. I have a sore throat.

h. I’m tired.

i. I have a headache.

Who is Dr Know?GROUPWORK

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Language Point

Page 18: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

1. 当你劳累时,你应该早睡觉。You should go to bed early when you are/get tired.

2. 你不应该吃太多的垃圾食品。You shouldn’t eat too much junk food.

3. 我们需要阴阳平衡保持健康。We need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.

4. 拥有健康的生活方式很重要。It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.

5. 每个人都有感到紧张的时候。Everyone gets stressed out sometimes.


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Write a passage about how to keep healthy.

Page 20: Unit 2 What’s the matter? Section B 通海口一中 谢红. A: What’s the matter? B: He /She has… Revision

Doing is better than saying.
