unit 2 witnessing time 见证时间(历史). the colosseum, rome, italy, built in the first...

Download Unit 2 Witnessing time 见证时间(历史). The Colosseum, Rome, Italy, built in the first century. 古罗马斗兽场

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  • Slide 1

Unit 2 Witnessing time Slide 2 The Colosseum, Rome, Italy, built in the first century. Slide 3 Classical gardens of Suzhou, China, built between the 11th and 19th centuries. Slide 4 Angkor Wat, a temple complex built in Cambodia in the 12th century. Slide 5 St Basils Cathedral, Moscow, Russia. Built between 1555 and 1560. Slide 6 Do you know where the first Olympic games were held? Slide 7 Greece Slide 8 the Acropolis Slide 9 Reference markers mean using it, she, they or other words to refer to a previously mentioned object,person,group or idea. When you read a text that is very difficult for you,dont worry.The author will often repeat the word in a different way to avoid using the same word,so you can guess the meaning of the difficult word according to the reference markers. Recognizing reference markers Slide 10 The buildings of the Acropolis were made of marble, a very smooth, strong stone.(Line 38) On top of the Acropolis,there are three main temples to Athena, the goddess of the city.(Line 24) The last major destruction of this kind occurred with the theft of many of the best sculptures in 1801,when an Englishman cut them off the face of the Parthenon. (Line 54) Slide 11 Skimming Slide 12 Read as quickly as you can and try to find the answers to the three questions : 1 When did the construction of the Acropolis start? It started in the 5 th century BC. 2 What were the buildings of the Acropolis made of ? They were made of marble. 3 When was the Acropolis listed as a World Heritage site? It was listed as a World Heritage in 1987 by UNESCO. Slide 13 listening ( True or False) listening ( True or False) Slide 14 1.The Greeks have the greatest impact on Western civilization. 2.The Acropolis was constructed in the 5th century AD in honor of Athena. 3.The Acropolis was damaged partly by man and partly by natural forces. 4.The Greek government established a committee to undertake the professional restoration of the Acropolis. 5. All statues have been put in the open air to attract the visitors. 6. The best form of conservation is the prevention of damage. Slide 15 1.The Greeks have the greatest impact on Western civilization. 2.The Acropolis was constructed in the 5th century AD in honor of Athena. 3.The Acropolis was damaged partly by man and partly by natural forces. 4.The Greek government established a committee to undertake the professional restoration of the Acropolis. 5. All statues have been put in the open air to attract the visitors. 6. The best form of conservation is the prevention of damage. T F T T F T Slide 16 Scanning Slide 17 Acropolis ------- the greatest symbol of the capital city of Athens Time 1.___________ 5 th century BCIt was constructed 2._______the goddess of Athens. 1458The Turks 3.____________________ Athens. 1687 It was destroyed by 4.______________ 5.____ Many of the best sculptures 6.___________,which is the last major destruction. 1816 The sculptures stolen 7.___________ to the British Museum. 1832 Greece 8._______________an independent country. 1835 9._____________________to restore it began. 1975 10.________________was established to undertake the professional restoration. 1987 The Acropolis 11.__________ in the World Heritage listing. Event in honor of seized control of a huge explosion 1801 were stolen were turned over was recognized as A serious effort A committee was listed Slide 18 1. In which fields did the Greeks make contributions to Western civilization? In philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport. Read the passage again and answer the following questions: 2. How was the Acropolis been damaged? It has been damaged partly by natural forces like earthquakes, but the greatest damage of all has been caused by man. Slide 19 3. What was the last major damage done to the Acropolis by man? The last major damage occurred with the theft of many of the best sculptures in 1801, when an Englishman cut them off the face of the Parthenon and took them to London. Slide 20 4. What is the aim of the committee set up in 1975? Its aim is to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis. Slide 21 5. Why is the committee undertaking educational work? To teach people how to avoid damaging important historic buildings so that they can enjoy these buildings for generations to come. Slide 22 6. What would happen if people did not learn about prevent damage to the Acropolis? More important historic buildings would be damaged. Slide 23 Part 1 ( ) Part 2 ( ) Part 3 ( ) Part 4 ( ) The structure of the passage 1 2 3-4 5-7 the greatest impact of ancient Greeks on Western civilization the introduction to the Acropolis the destruction of the Acropolis the restoration and protection of the Acropolis Slide 24 Task-based Reading Significance The ancient Greeks as well as the Acropolis have had a greater 1 _____ on Western civilization. 2 _____ It was built 3 ____ centries ago in 4________ of Athena. Though 5 ______of marble,the buildings of the Acropolis were unable toavoid damage. From 1801 to 1816,many of the best sculptures were 6 ______and sold to the British government. During the period from 1835 to 1935,the Acropolis was being damaged because of the unsuccessful restoration,the visitors. In 1975,the Greek government established a committee to help 7 ________history. Before the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,great progress had made in 8 ____________ the monument. Current situation The committee is continuing its work by undertaking the complete, professional restoration of the Acropolis as wellas undertaking important 9 _________ by teaching people how to avoid 10 __________ important historic buildings like the Acropolis. History impact 26honour made stolen preserve reconstructing educationdamaging Slide 25 What have we learned from the text? Everyone has the responsibility to protect the historic heritages so that people will be able to enjoy them for generations to come. Slide 26 150 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Slide 27 Yuanmingyuan, a most famous cultural heritage, has been damaged partly by natural forces like earthquakes, and partly by man. Recently in a gesture to help preserve history, great emphasis has been put on the restoration of Yuanmingyuan by relative departments. The reconstruction will bring Yuanmingyuan back to its former glory so that we can preserve Chinas old architecture. And its reconstruction will give us our dignity back. Whats more, Slide 28 it can show how prosperous China has become. Last but not least, We Chinese will have access to enjoy this historic monument. Many effective measures have been taken to protect it. Government has established a committee to undertake the complete, professional restoration. And important educational work has been undertaken to raise the awareness of the people to protect the cultural heritage. Slide 29 Personally, it is better to teach people how to avoid damaging important historic buildings than to restore them after being damaged. After all, the prevention of damage from ignorance and from people not caring about protecting the monument is very important. Slide 30 1.Read the text 2. Write a passage Homework Slide 31 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Find the following important phrases: Slide 32 1. have an impact on 2. make advances 3. Western civilization 4. in particular 5. associate A with B 6. in honour of 7. natural forces 8. the latter 9. seize control of Slide 33 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Slide 34 10. under the title of 11. be turned over to 12. be recognized as 13. carry out 14. begin a serious effort to do 15. cause damage 16. in a gesture to help perseve history 17. be in preparation for 18. bring... back to its former glory