unit 20 lesson 3 scientific breakthroughs four inventions in ancient china: paper making printing...

Unit 20 Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthroughs

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Page 1: Unit 20 Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthroughs Four inventions in ancient China: Paper making Printing Gunpowder The Compass

Unit 20 Lesson 3

Scientific Breakthroughs

Page 2: Unit 20 Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthroughs Four inventions in ancient China: Paper making Printing Gunpowder The Compass

Four inventions in ancient China:

Paper making



The Compass

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Some discoveries or inventions in the 20th century:

microwave oven微波炉

airplane mobile phone computer



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If you had to choose the single most important discovery of the 20th century, you would have a real dilemma on your hands.a difficult situation where you have to choose between two or more alternatives.

n 进退两难的局面

Can you single out the most important one?

pick out

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Let’s have a

quiz about

science and


Good Luck!

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1. The Origin of Species was published in 1859. The book showed that people had developed from apes instead. Who is the author? A. Leonardo do Vinci B. Charles Darwin C. Stephen Hawking

2. Who said that ‘Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration’?A. Albert Einstein B. Madame Curie C. Thomas Edison3. This mathematician found that the force of the water pushing it up is the same as the weight of the object. Who is he?A. Archimedes B. Zhang Heng C. James Watt

Quiz about scientistsQuiz about scientists

4. Who received two Nobel prizes and she discovered radium In 1898?A. Gregor Mendel B. Madame Curie C. Isaac Newton

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5. Stephen Hawking, British (1942--) He has worked in astronomy and studied ___________ in space.A. Black holes B. UFO C. Planets

7. 7. Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein is famous for the is famous for the theory of relativity and a formula ________ showed that the mass and energy were in fact equivalent A. G=mgA. G=mg B. E=MC B. E=MC22 C. W=FS C. W=FS

6. Alexander Fleming discovered ________ which can kill bacteria( 细菌 ) and save the lives of millions.

A. Hydrogen peroxide ( 过氧化氢 )B. Anesthetics ( 麻醉剂 ) C. Penicillin ( 青霉素 )

8.When was the first electric powered elevator made? A. 1805 B. 1857 C. 1880

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First readingFirst reading

Task 1 → → Get the general idea

The purpose of this article is _______.A. the introduction of Albert EinsteinB. the introduction of the process of scientific

breakthroughC. introduction of the major scientific discoveries in

the 20th centuryD. the contributions scientists made to the world

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The first computer

Edwin Hubble

Elbert Einstein

Percy Spencer

Alexander Fleming

Eckert and Mauchly

Microwave oven


Task 2 → → pioneers and their inventions

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Para 1: Get specific information

fields advances



discovering ____________ of diseases

surgical _______________ replacing diseased ________ with _________ones


the way we ___________ went from writing letters to emailing


flying around the world

Knowledge of the world and space

how to ______the atom

medicalthe causes

proceduresorgans donated







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Albert Einstein

One of the 20th century’s premier scientists was Albert Einstein. the most


one of the century's most outspoken political activists.

Theory of Relativity E=mcE=mc22 (energy equals mass times the speed of light squared).

give opinions honestly


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American astronomer

He proved that mist (薄雾 ) were galaxies(星系 ) themselves.

To honor him, the first telescope was named after him.

Edwin Hubble埃德温 . 哈勃

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Hubble space telescope

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1. Einstein was at work when he thought of the

equation “E=mcE=mc22 ” .

2. Einstein participated in the programme that

developed the nuclear bomb.

3. Einstein observed changes in time, size, and mass.

4. Hubble studied the universe for over twenty years.

5. Hubble discovered that our galaxy is bigger than

we thought it was.

rock babyF




Fthe universe

Para 3&4: Are these statements true or false or is there no information?

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Translate the sentences. 1. Einstein then showed in his “theory of relativity” that not even time, mass, or length are constant –they change according to our experience of them.

2. He discovered small areas of mist which were in fact galaxies like our own, millions of light years away from us, which proved that the universe was vastly larger than had previously been thought.



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John William Mauchly

was an American physi

cist who, along with his

student J. Presper Ecke

rt designed ENIAC, the

first commercial compu

ter made in the United

States. John William Mauchly

(1907.8.30 – 1980.1.8)

J. Presper Eckert

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The first computer in the world

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Para 7: Answer the questions.

1. Did the first computer project manage to meet its original goal?

2. What are the features of the first computer?

No. Although they only finished after the war in 1946, it did not matter.

It was ____________our computers today.It __________100 feet long _____ over 10 feet high and _________ over 30 tonnes.It used so much ________ that when it was turned on, the lights in the local town ________!

nothing likemeasured by


went out

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Alexander Fleming(1881-1955)

Scottish biochemist

shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain

remained modest about the amazing outcome of his discovery

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an American engineer and inventor

Percy Spencer

帕西 斯宾塞

obtained 120 patents

A patent is an official right to be the only person or company allowed to make or sell a new product 专利

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Para 5,6&8: Fill in the blanks.

Name How to discover Influence

Alexander Fleming

Percy Spencer

____________radar;notice a chocolate ______in his pocket;by mistake

by accident

kill bacteria

save millions of lives;

cure people

prepare meals in minutes

experiment with


left a dish;___________and saw a blue mould;


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Page 26: Unit 20 Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthroughs Four inventions in ancient China: Paper making Printing Gunpowder The Compass

Tell the stories of the scientists with the words given.

Elbert Einstein

premier, outspoken, rock baby, inspired, E=mc2,theory of relativity, mass, unbelievable

Percy Spencerinventor, microwave oven, patents, experiment with radara chocolate melting, by mistake, prepare meals in minutes

Eckert and Mauchlyaccuracy of missiles, the first computer,measure, weigh, energy

Edwin Hubble



explore galaxy,

proved the universe larger

Alexander Fleming

left a dish,double-checked, a blue mould,kill bacteria, modestsave, cure,

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identify important words • 1. One of the 20th century’s p_____ scientists was Einstein who was

i_______ to d_______ E=mc2 which showed how an u___________ amount of energy was produced. • 2. Scientists f______ ___ how to split the atom and changed the way we c_________ from writing letters to emailing.• 3. The o_______ of penicillin is a_________, which helped to c____

people.• 4. It is a real d__________ on your hands to choose the most

important discovery of the 20th century. Scientific b____________ improve the quality of human life on earth.

remiernspired iscover


igured outorrespond

utcome mazingure



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“Creativity in science could be described as the act of putting two and two together to make five.”

------- Arthur Koestler

What does the sentence mean?

Give examples to show how creativity works in science.

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Writing Task: Your Favorite Scientist

What is the most important or interesting fact about the scientist?

Why do you like him or her?

What are his or her achievements?

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Enjoy a video

Symphony of science

Long sentences

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CreativityCreativity in Word-building

outcome out come+

Compound words are made up of two (or more) separate words.

meanwhile, outspoken, world-famous, breakthrough, far-reaching, double-checked, something, nothing, sometimes, mass-produced, without, mobile phone…

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Match the categories (a-e) with the examples from

the text (1-5). Then add examples of your own.

1. breakthrough; outcome

2. CD player; jet engine3. mass-produce; double-check4. one-year-old; world-

famous; far-reaching 5. flying machine; nuclear bomb

a) compound noun (noun + noun)

b) compound noun (verb + preposition)c) compound noun (adjective + noun)

d) compound verb

e) Compound


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名词 + 名词 classroom…形容词 + 名词 highway…

副词 + 名词 upgrade…

动词 + 名词 pickpocket…

名词 + 动词 snowfall…动词 + 副词 breakthrough…名词 + 形容词 homesick…

名词 + 过去分词 man-made…名词 + 现在分词 earthshaking…形容词 + 名词 +-ed


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Find words in the text with the following meanings:



• 1. to give something e.g. money, to a person or an organization in order to help them

• 2. a part of the body, such as heart or lungs• 3. to divide something into separate parts • 4. compare two things that are happening at the

same time • 5. expressing your opinions honestly• 6. one of the large groups of stars that make up

the universe • 7. to make someone who is ill well again• 8.a type of oven that cooks food very quickly







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二、词形辨别 选择适当的词填空并翻译成汉语。1. Weight means ________ in non-technical langua

ge. (A. mass B. mess)

2. It’s no use crying over _______ milk.

(A. spilt B. split)

3. This dictionary is available in ________ form.

(A. electric B. electrical C. electronic)

4. _______ Zhou Enlai will live in our hearts for ev

er. (A. Premiere B. Premier)





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5. We were friends and ________ for more than 20 years. (A. colleges B. colleagues)6. The bacteria were examined under a ________. (A. microscope B. telescope)7. __________ is an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product. (A. Patent B. Parent)8. You cannot enter a military base without a _______. (A. permission B. permit)





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1. __________________ 处于进退两难的困境2. __________________ 更不用说3. ___________________________ 与此同时4. __________________ 挑选出5. __________________ 治愈某人的疾病6. __________________ 求助于7. ________________________ 努力解决难事8. ________________________ 致力于做某事9. ____________________ 从……到……范围10. ___________________ 错误地11. ___________________ 一点都不像

in a dilemmanot to mention(in the) meanwhile / meantimesingle outcure sb. of a diseaseturn to sb. for helpwrestle with something

be dedicated to doing sth.range from…to…by mistake / in error

nothing like

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11. _________________________ 理解12. __________________ 用…代替…13. ___________________________ 把…捐献给14. __________________ 与…通信,相一致15. __________________ 相当于,类似于16. __________________ 属于某人的17. _____________________ 熄灭,过时,出去 18. _____________________ 因为某事感激某人19. ____________________ 注意到某人在做某事20. _____________________ 在…方面取得突破

figure out=work out/puzzle outreplace…withdonate…tocorrespond with correspond toto one’s namego outbe grateful to sb for sth

notice sb. doing sth.make a breakthrough in

If you are to make a breakthrough in your reading, you should be exposed to a wide range of reading material.如果你想在阅读上有突破,你应该要接触大量的阅读材料。

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Language points:

1. dilemma n 进退两难,窘境,困境

get caught in a dilemma 处于(陷入)进退两难的境地

I’m in a dilemma whether to do math or English.

put/place sb in a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的处境

The bad weather put us in a dilemma.

我处于进退两难不知该做数学还是英语 .

糟糕的天气使得我们进退两难 .

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2. not to mention … = let alone … 更不必说 ..

= to say nothing of… =not to speak of …

It's _________________________ and play football, not to mention the fact that it's raining.

你现在出去踢足球太晚了 ,何况又正在下雨。

We're ___________________________ this year, ___________________________we can't afford it.


too busy to take a long holidaynot to mention the fact that

far too late for you to go out

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4 . donate Vt. to give money, food, etc. to sb/sth.

donate sth to… 向… 捐赠某物

Bill Gates ____________________________charity.

make a donation to… 向…捐赠

donator 捐赠者

The overseas Chinese ____________________ money to our school.

donated the mass of his wealth to

made a generous donation of

donate blood 献血

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5. single out=pick out 挑出他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games.

single adj./vt

single… out (for) ( 为特殊对待而 ) 挑选出,找出这学期我们都学习不错,我真不明白为什么我们的英语老师单单表扬了班长一个人。I really don't see why our English teacher should ______________________praise since we have all done quite well this term.

single out our monitor for

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• To stimulate to action; motivate

• To affect, guide, or arouse

• Inspire sb to do sth

• __________________________ by her example.

• 她的榜样激励他更加努力地工作 .

• Inspire sth in sb 激起某人某种感情• Inspire sb with sth

• His speech ______________________________.

• 他的演讲燃起了他们的希望 .

6. Inspire V.

He was inspired to work harder

inspired them with hope. /inspired hope in them.

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• 7.constant • adj. 1. staying the same for a period of time

• A thermostat keeps the temperature constant. (保持恒定的 )

• 2. happening all the time or regularly

• Sam was in constant pain. (持续不断的 )

• constantly adv.

• constancy n. 坚定不移 , 持久性

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1. )A mass of information ________ ( have ) been collected by them. Masses of books ________ ( have ) been sent to the countryside.

2. ).创造历史的往往是民众.

3.) 他遍体鳞伤.




The masses are often the makers of history.

He was a mass of bruises.(充满 ,布满 )

She says she doesn’t like children in the mass.

8. Mass n.团,堆,大量,众多,质量

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• 9. cure vt. 治愈… ; n. 药物 , 治疗 ;措施 , 对策 cure sb of a disease 治愈某人的病 a cure for … …… 的一种疗法 /措施 , 对策

e.g. The doctors are trying _______the girl ____ her heart disease.

Scientists are trying to find __________ AIDS.

• It is high time that we_____________________protecting the environment.figured out a cure for

无能为力之事只得忍耐What can’t be cured must be endured.

to cure of

a cure for

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10. correspond v. 通信,符合,相当correspond with sb. 和某人通信 (=communi

cate with sb.)correspond with/to sth. 与……相符合、一致correspond to sth. 相当于 , 类似于(1) 他所说的跟他所做的相符合 (言行一致 ) 。What he said __________ __________ what he did.(2) 美国的国会相当於英国的议会。The American Congress ____________ _____ the

British Parliament.(3) 现在用电子邮件和朋友联系很方便。

corresponded with

corresponds to

It is now convenient to correspond with friends by e-mail.

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11. wrestle with 努力解决 (sth.) ,同 ( 某人 )搏斗 /扭打◇He has been wrestling with the difficult problem.

他一直在努力解决这个难题。◇He wrestled with one of his classmates. 他与一个

同学扭成一团。■运用:用 wrestle with 翻译下列句子。(1)昨天约翰与抢劫者进行了搏斗。John_____________________________(2) 他帮助她克服了她遇到的许多困难。He helped her _________________________

_ she met.

wrestled with the robbers

wrestle with the difficulties

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be doing sth. when…..

be about to do sth. when…

be on the point of doing sth. when…

Key sentences

1.This outspoken young man was rocking his one-

year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.

1.This outspoken young man was rocking his one-

year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.

“正要 /正在……突然”的表达 :

我们正要放弃时 ,校长来鼓励我们了 .

We were on the point of giving up when the headmaster came to encourage us.

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1. 我正要出去 , 这时电话铃响了。 (be about to do….when….)2.科学家的事迹激起了我们对学习的热爱。 (inspire)3. 我们急切地等待着他们讨论的结果。 (outcome)4. 似乎没有人懂这个,我不知道该向谁求教。 (turn t

o)5. 他在经商上肯定会成功的。 (there is no doubt about…)


1.I was about to go out when the telephone rang.2.The stories of great scientists inspired in us a love for learning.3.We are anxiously awaiting the outcome of their discussion.4.Nobody seems to understand and I don’t know who to turn to.5.There is no doubt about his success in business.

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• 1. To try to get help, advice, or sympathy from sb. by doing sth.

• Nobody seems to understand; I don’t know who to turn to.

• 向某人求助• 2. to look at a particular page in a book.• E.g. Turn to page 101 for more information.• turn down\up turn off\on• turn into• turn in• turn back• turn out• turn on • turn over• turn against

turn to sb

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1.make sure of something make sure that…

2. base …on/upon…

3.be about to do something….when…

4. inspire somebody to do something5. According to…6. high-powered7. far-reaching8. double-checked9. mass-produced10. turn to somebody…11. There is no doubt about it.12. be grateful for…13. wrestle with something14. Theory of Relativity15. figure out16. not to mention

Useful expressions:

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Text Memory Fill in the blanks

Albert Einstein was suddenly________ when he was rocking his baby. He then showed in his “_________________” that not even time, ______ or ______ are _______---they change according to _______________ of them.

inspiredtheory of relativity

mass length constantour experience

Edwin Hubble used the most _____________ telescope of the time and began the long, slow process of _________________. He discovered small areas of _____ which proved that the ________was larger than _________________________


exploring our galaxy mistuniverse

had previously been thought

Alexander Fleming saw a strange blue mould in the dish around which____________________________. This blue mould was in fact the ____________________.

the bacteria had been destroyed

natural form of penicillin

In the 20th century, amazing discoveries were made in ____________________________________. Without the ____________ of these ___________________________, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it today would _________________________________.

medicine, communication,transport and spacebreakthroughs pioneers in science and technology

have been a completely different place

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Can you use the following words to describe the development of telephone?

Optional Task

Bell,1876,America,invent,inspire, Morse code, electrical cables, correspond, breakthrough, far-reaching

wireless, distance, communication, mass-produced, amazing, base…on, messages, grateful, videophone, dedicate

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What do you think will be the 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century and how will they influence our life?

We'll live longer!We’ll conquer cancer!

We’ll “manage” the Earth!

Space tourism

Self-diagnosed system

Relief TV

space exploration, artificial intelligence, life span

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Tips for Interview

Before an interview:

Prepare the questions

Steps for an interview:

Introduce yourself

Talk about your purpose of the interview

Ask questions

Thank the interviewee

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How to start an interview:

My name is… I am a journalist/reporter from… I am glad/ delighted to talk with you. It’s my honor to talk with you. Could I ask you some questions?How to end an interview:

Thank you for your time/patience/cooperation. I am grateful for your attention.

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• They may talk about these• 1.I wonder if you’re…• 2.I know you because I’ve heard that you…• 3.Thank you for knowing so much about me. • 4.I’m the one who…• 5.I’m really interested in your invention. • They may ask about these• What’s your nationality? (I’m from…)• What are you interested in?• What conclusion have you drawn?• What are you proud of?• What leads to your success? (My cautiousness/

creativeness/ determination…leads to…)• What is your future plan?