unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26) Unit 218 Rules, regulations and officiating in sport Tutor Guidance 1. Explain the unit outcomes and check understanding. 2. Present students with unit assessments and processes for submission. 3. Utilise the PowerPoint to support lesson delivery, and student understanding. 4. Allow for students to record lesson information to support them in their assessment. 5. Consolidate after each lesson. 6. Link theory lesson outcomes with practical delivery. 7. Consolidate and link the practical and theory aspects with the unit outcomes and assessment. 8. Utilise any and all resources to support and deliver the unit outcomes for example – quizzes, risk assessments, health and safety checklist, injuries in football, video clips.

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Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport


Page 1: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 218 Rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Tutor Guidance

1. Explain the unit outcomes and check understanding.2. Present students with unit assessments and processes for submission.3. Utilise the PowerPoint to support lesson delivery, and student understanding.4. Allow for students to record lesson information to support them in their assessment.5. Consolidate after each lesson.6. Link theory lesson outcomes with practical delivery.7. Consolidate and link the practical and theory aspects with the unit outcomes and assessment.8. Utilise any and all resources to support and deliver the unit outcomes for example – quizzes,

risk assessments, health and safety checklist, injuries in football, video clips.

Page 2: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 218 Rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Student Guidance

1. Review the unit standards, on Blackboard.2. Access unit assessment from Blackboard.3. Save assessment in your documents.4. Take part within group discussions.5. Record notes/ findings from both practical and theory lessons.6. Ask questions, to establish understanding.7. Take active role within practical lessons.8. Clear submission date and procedure.9. Clearly read the assessment requirements for example, prepare a presentation, write a report,

produce a leaflet.

Page 3: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 218 Rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Unit aimThis unit introduces learners to officiating in sport. The unit enables learners to consider theimportance of the skills, qualities and responsibilities of officials as well as enabling them to explorethe different types and roles of officials in sport.

The unit has elements of practical performance and it is expected that learners are engaged withthe analysis and review of other officials as well as self-review. Learners are encouraged toexperience a range of officiating roles within the unit in order for them to gain good foundationknowledge of officiating.

It is hoped that learners will gain a deeper insight into the importance of officiating and that they areable to reflect upon the value of officials in maintaining sport. Learners should be encouraged todevelop their officiating further as a result of this unit.

Page 4: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Unit 218 Rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Learning outcomesThere are four learning outcomes to this unit. The learner will:

218.1: Know the roles, skills, knowledge and responsibilities of sports officials218.2: Know the rules and regulations of a sport218.3: Be able to review the performance of officials in sport218.4: Be able to officiate a sport

Guided learning hoursIt is recommended that 35 hours should be allocated for this unit. This may be on a full or part-timebasis.

Page 5: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes

Respect & trust Is a 2 way thing

Page 6: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 1 Know the roles, skills, knowledge and responsibilities of sports officials

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:

1. identify different types of sports officials

2. identify different roles of officials in sport

3. identify skills and knowledge required to be an effective official in sport

4. outline the responsibilities of sports officials.

Page 7: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 1 Know the roles, skills, knowledge and responsibilities of sports officials


TypesReferees, line-judges, timekeepers, judges, scorers, assistant referees, umpires, video-referees, ‘extra’ officials (‘4th official’), stewards and/or marshals

ResponsibilitiesFairness, equality, application of rules/laws; safety and well-being of players/participants, spectators, supporters and other officials, clarity and consistency, reports (match reports, safety reports, disciplinary reports), professional approach and role-model (dress, language,attitude)

Page 8: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 1 Know the roles, skills, knowledge and responsibilities of sports officials


RolesJudge, arbiter, decision-maker, timekeeper, scorekeeper, safety, role-model

Skills & KnowledgeRules/laws of the game, communication (e.g. verbal, non-verbal - body language and gestures, signs, use of whistle), developing and maintaining relationships, decision-making, organisation

Page 9: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

A good manager can, at best, make a team 10% better. But a bad manager can make a

team up to 50% worse

Giovanni Trapattoni

‘Your messages are mostly personal’

Page 10: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 2 - Know the rules and regulations of a sport

Assessment CriteriaThe learner can:

1. identify the key rules of a sport

2. identify the laws and regulations of a sport.

Page 11: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)


Identify, then manage the differences

Page 12: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 3 Be able to review the performance of officials insport

Practical skillsThe learner can:

1. complete observation feedback forms on sports officials

2. identify strengths and areas for development in the performance of sports officials

Underpinning knowledgeThe learner can:

1. describe how to review the performance of officials.

Page 13: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 3 Understand participant(s)’ learning styles


Strengths and areas for developmentAgainst expected levels of competence, application of the rules, regulations and laws, decision making managing discipline and conflict, use of signals and communication methods, relationships with players/participants and officials (‘teamwork’), health, safety and security

Page 14: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 3 Understand participant(s)’ learning styles


Learning styles and needsVisual, audible, reading, kinaesthetic

PrinciplesCollaborative, formative, open, supportive

Page 15: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 3 Understand participant(s)’ learning styles


Learning styles and needsVisual, audible, reading, kinaesthetic

PrinciplesCollaborative, formative, open, supportive

Page 16: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

You don’t have to have been a horse to become a good jockey

Practice makes permanent

Page 17: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Outcome 4 - Be able to officiate a sport

Practical skillsThe learner can:

1. carry out an officiating role in a sport2. review own performance3. evaluate own strengths and areas for development in performance as a sports official

Underpinning knowledgeThe learner can:

1. describe how to carry out the role of a sports official2. describe methods to improve performance as a sports official.

Page 18: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)


The challenge can be personal

Page 19: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

The value of small-sided games

• Far more touches of the ball by all players (circa 180% +, Fenoglio 2004)

• More touches throughout all areas of the pitch

• More challenges of 1v1, increased final third and penalty area entries

• More shots on goal and development of technical skills by goalkeepers

• Repeated decision making experiences• More individual responsibility – all players

must attack and defend• Positional variance at a young age to develop

all round understanding• Participation opportunities (all 12/14 can play)• Rolling subs create more participation


Page 20: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Futsal – A key part of player development

• For boys and girls, disability groups

• A format of small-sided football that has developmental value for coaches and players alike

• A game that can make a contribution to the technical, tactical and physical development of players – whether ultimately for Futsal or for football

• Reflects the successful player development format already adopted around the world

Page 21: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Futsal vs 5-a-side

What’s the Difference?

Futsal Traditional English Five-a-Side Football

Five players on court – rolling substitutionsFive players on court – limited substitutions

Played to lines. Ball is returned to play with a ‘Kick In’. Controlled by 4 seconds to re-start play.

No ‘by’ or ‘Goal’ lines – uses rebound boards or walls so ball is constantly in play but not necessarily with player contact

Use of established pitch dimensionsPitch size dictated by halls so no consistency

All players are allowed to enter each penalty area Only the Goalkeeper is permitted to enter penalty area

No height restriction on ball Use of restrictions on height of ball – e.g: head height

Use of indoor goals goals (3m x 2m). Use of rectangular goals unique to British 5-a-side (4m x 1m)

Use of Futsal ball (size 4, 30% reduced bounce) Uses a standard size and regulation bounce football – hard to control and less player contact

5 Foul Limit - No wall for Direct Free Kick after 5th Foul  Unlimited Fouls

Page 22: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

A Futsal court explained

Page 23: Unit 218 rules, regulations and officiating in sport

Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Increasing Participation in Sport and Active Leisure in Community Settings (QCF) (4863-26)

Futsal - Goalkeeping

• A Futsal goalkeeper will possess similar skills to that of a football goalkeeper

• In Futsal, as with football, distribution skills and the application of distribution techniques are key to setting up attacks

• At an early age, Futsal goalkeepers should understand the role of outfield players and be able to demonstrate outfield competencies

• Futsal players should show competencies in all positions at a young age