unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比


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Page 1: Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比
Page 2: Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比

Unit 3I’m more outgoing than my sister.


Page 3: Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比

Section A

Period One

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Words and expressions

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Words review



loudly quietly


adj. 爱交际的;友好的; 外向的adj.&adv. (good 和 well 的比较级 ) 较好的 ( 地 ) ;更好的( 地 )adv. 喧闹地;大声地;响亮地adv. 轻声地;轻柔地;安静地 adj. 工作努力的;辛勤的

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Words review

competitionfantastic which

clearlywin , won


n. 比赛;竞赛;竞争adj. 极好的;空幻的pron.&adj. 哪一个;哪一些adv. 清楚地;清晰地;明白地v. 获胜;赢;赢得 conj. 虽然;尽管;即使adv. 不过;可是;然而


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tall funny wild

A: What’s he /she like?B: He/She is …

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A: What’s he /she like?B: He/She is …



360 斤76 斤

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A: What’s he /she like?B: He/She is …

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tall short

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fat thin

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short hair long hair

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Page 15: Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比

1a Match each word with its opposite.

tall loudly thin short hair long hair heavy quietly short

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Mr. Black

Miss Black


Miss Black is __.

Mr. Black is __.

Mr. Black is taller than Miss Black.

Compare people

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shortshorter XiaoxinAdai

Adai is shorter than Xiaoxin.

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young younger

Sue David

David is younger than Sue.

3 years old 2 years old

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old older

Ted Jack

Jack is older than Ted.

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John Mike

more outgoingoutgoing

Mike is more outgoing than John.

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Pan Changjiang is shorter than

Liu Xiang…taller……funnier……heavier……younger……older……stronger……more outgoing ……more athletic…

Liu Xiang Pan Changjiang

Check yourself

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Do they look the same?

They are twins.They are twin sisters.


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1b Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture [1-3].




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1c Pairwork

A: That’s Tara, isn’t it?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is

taller than Tara. And she also

sings more loudly than Tara.

Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins.

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That’s Tara, isn’t it?

• 反意疑问句!• 前面肯定,后面就要否定;

• 前面否定,后面就要肯定。

She isn’t Tina, is she?她不是 Tina, 对吗?

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Listen. Complete the chart. 2a

funny friendly outgoing hard-working smart lazy(run) fast (jump) high (work) hard (get up) early

-er / -ier more

friendly, funny, fast, high, hard, smart, lazy, early

outgoing, hard-working

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2b Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the boxs.

Tina …____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

is more outgoing than Tara. is friendlier and funnier. can run faster and jump higher than Tara. is lazier than Tara. is smarter than Tara.

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works as hard as Tina.

always gets up earlier than Tina.

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Guessing who she/he is?

• Try to write at least 3 sentences in your paper to describe one of your classmates. And let us guess who is she/he.

• Remember do not mention his/her name. • Example:

My best friend has long hair. She is taller than me. She wears glasses. She is a very hardworking girl.

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Group work: Make a survey!

How many students are taller/ thinner /more outgoing/more friendly…than before?

who (is) name

tall Lucy is taller than before




long hair

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Beijing Hang zhouhot, warm, cool, cold, friendly, large, small, clean, beautiful, delicious… In our group, we like Beijing very much.It is bigger than Hang zhou, but Hang zhou is more beautiful…

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2c PairworkStudent A, look at the chart below. Student B, look at the chart on page 81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom.

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2d PairworkRole-play the conversation.

Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna?Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.Anna: Oh, which one is Lisa?

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Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa.Julie: You can tell/ that Lisa really wanted to win, though.Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.

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Page 36: Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比

1. That’s Tara, isn’t it? 那是塔拉,对吗? 此句是在 That’s Tara. 这一陈述之后


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There’s someone in the room, isn’t there?

房间里有人,是吧?He didn’t say anything at the meeting, did


他在会上什么也没说,对吗?We can’t say it this way, can we?


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2. Did you like the singing competition

yesterday, Anna ?英语和汉语表达习惯有很多不同,甚至会相互产生干扰。询问或谈论是否喜欢过去的事情,英语要用过去时,这是因为所谈论的核心着眼点在过去,而非现在。 因此,上句不能说成:Do you like the singing competition

yesterday? 如:

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I saw a movie last weekend. It was so


上周末我看了一部电影。它太刺激了。( 不能说 It is so exciting.)

I went to visit my grandparents last


上周末我去看我祖父母去了。We had a math exam yesterday.


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Page 41: Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 比;于 … 相比

Try to translate the following sentences and then tell why we use the words in red? Could you figure out how to form those words and when to use them?

1. Sam plays the drums better than Tom.

2. He is taller than other boys in my class.

3. She is shorter than I am and is very small.

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形容词有三种形式:原级,比较级和最高级,表示形容词说明的性质在程度上的不同。 形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较,是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的,可分为规则变化和不规则变化。

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形容词、副词比较级规则变化和不规则变化。 a)规则变化 1) 一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级+ er ,如: clever - cleverer few - fewer

small - smaller 等。

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2) 以 e 结尾的词,比较级+ r 即可。 如:nice - nicer cute - cuter large -larger

3) 以辅音字母+ y 结尾的变 y 为 i + er

如 : easy - easier

happy - happier

再如: early , busy , heavy , dirty , lazy 也如此。

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4) 双写最后一个辅音字母+ er

的词 , 同学要用心去记。 1. fat - fatter

2. thin - thinner

3. hot - hotter

4. red - redder

5. wet - wetter

6. big - bigger

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5) 多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前+ more 构成比较级。如: beautiful - more beautiful 又如 : delicious, popular, important, interesting, expensive, creative双音节的词如 : careful - more careful useful - more useful

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少数单音节词也是这样,如: pleased - more pleased tired - more tired b) 不规则变化: good —better well —better bad - worsemany, much — morefar — farther ( 距离远 ) far — further ( 程度深 ) old — elder ( 长幼 ) old — older ( 年龄 )

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形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较,其结构形式如下 :

She is shorter than me.My book is more interesting than his book.He is taller than me. Tina is more outgoing than Tara.

主语 + 谓语动词 (系动词 ) + 比较级 + than + 对比对象。

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Grammar Focus绿色表格• 3a

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Use the words to write questions and answers.

Julie / tall / you Q: ___________________ A: No, she isn’t. She’s _____ than me.

Is Julie as tall as you?taller


①as + adj. (原级) + as… 像…一样…

否定形式为: ②not as + adj. + as… 不像…一样…

③ not so+adj.+as…

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‘as’ + adj. + ‘as’ 的用法

1. She is as slim as I am.

2. Amy is as tall as Peter.

3. This film is as interesting as that one.

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否定形式:not as/so + adj. + as

This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.

Amy is not as/so tall as Peter.

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1. Julie / tall / you Q: ___________________ A: No, she isn’t. She’s _____ than me.2. Jack / run / fast / Sam Q: ____________________________ A: No, he doesn’t. He runs ______ than Sam.

Is Julie as tall as you?taller


Does Jack run faster than Sam?slower

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3. your cousin / outgoing / you

Q: _______________________________

A: No, she isn’t. She’s _______ than me.

4. Paul / funny / Carol

Q: ____________________________

A: No, he isn’t. He’s ______________

than Carol.

Is your cousin as outgoing as you?


Is Paul as funny as Carol?

funnier/more serious

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3. your cousin / outgoing / you

Q: _______________________________

A: No, she isn’t. She’s _______ than me.

4. Paul / funny / Carol

Q: ____________________________

A: No, he isn’t. He’s ______________

than Carol.

Is your cousin as outgoing as you?


Is Paul as funny as Carol?

funnier/more serious

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3b Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now.

1. Are you taller? ________________________________ _____________2. Are you funnier? _______________________________ __________________________

Yes, I am. I’m taller now than I was/ two years ago.

Yes, I am. I’m funnier now than I was one year ago.

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3. Are you more outgoing? ________________________________4. Do you study English harder? _______________________________5. Do you sing better? _______________________________

Yes, I am. I’m more outgoing now than I was three years ago.

Yes, I do. I study harder now than I did one years ago.Yes, I do. I sing better now than I did four years ago.

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3c Pairwork

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Mother Father



work hard



sing well

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注 : 另附 word文档。 点击此处链接

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想像自己未来的形象。用英语写一篇短文。 (about 60 words)

Many years later, I will be taller, I want to be more beautiful…


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To preview the article

To think about the things that are the same and different between you and a member of your family or a friend

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