unit 4

Unit 4 Archeological Sites.

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Unit 4

Archeological Sites.

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Read the following article about the history of the ruins in El Salvador,

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It is preservation is due to more than 10 layers of ash that covered for more

than 1,400 years, until was discovered in 1976.

One of the most important sculptures found on this site is the Stele.

It has been a place of important findings, including a religious scepter made of


Exploring Grammar.

Complete the table using comparatives and superlatives

Adjective Comparative Superlative

big bigger large largest

Many/much more expensive More expensive

beautiful Most beautiful long longer few fewer

Read the following article about National Anthropology Museum

of El Salvador then discuss with classmates.

The National Museum of Anthropology Dr. David J. Guzman (MUNA) is located

on Avenida Revolution, San Benito, San Salvador, El Salvador. According to its

principles, the institution fosters closeness and Salvadorans reflection on their

cultural identity in the fields of archeology and anthropology. The means to


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accomplish this end include exhibitions, research, publications and educational


The National Museum arose from an executive order on October 9, 1883 during

the presidential term of Dr. Rafael Zaldivar. Its first director was Dr. David J.

Guzman, author of Prayer to the Salvadoran flag, and objects included

presentations on the history, biology and geology. In its early years it was

housed in various locations, the first being the University of El Salvador, and

later in Spain Villa (1902) with samples scientific, agricultural and industrial.

After relocating to the House Model (1904-1911), came to the close by "not

producing good of the nation in any of the results you set out to achieve." It

reappeared in 1913 in the same place by the Institute of Natural History and

Botanical Garden.

Later the area was located in the former Presidential Palace of El Salvador

(1927) in the San Jacinto. From the August 13, 1945 holds its current name in

honor of Dr. Guzman. In 1962 he was transferred to Avenida Revolution. Since

1974 acquired an anthropological and historical. These facilities were severely

damaged in the earthquake of 1986, so it was demolished in 1993. The current

building was opened in 1999 and opened in 2001.

Answer the following question.

1- Where was the first place was The National Museum of Anthropology Dr.

David J. Guzman?

2- In what year was inaugurated the museum?

3- Who was the first director of the museum?

4- How many rooms have the museum?

5- In what year the current building was inaugurated?

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Read the following article of maya art and artifacts and after that try

to find out new vocabulary and share with the rest of the class.

The art of the

Maya has been

called the

richest of the

New World

because of the


complexity of

patterns and

variety of media



structures, faced

with lime

stucco, were the

hallmark of ancient Maya architecture. Maya buildings were adorned with carved friezes and

roof combs in stone and stucco. With large quantities of limestone and flint available, plaster

and cement were easily produced. This allowed the Mayans to build impressive temples, with

stepped pyramids. On the summits were thatched- roof temples.

Evidence show that the early Maya architects were using the corbel vault principle, which is

arch like structures with sides that extend inward until they meet at the top.

Another matchless feature of the Mayans was the use of colorful murals. It is also noted that

most of the Maya cities were built by being divided into quaters by two avenues which cross-cut

each other at right angles. Roofs were flat and made with cedar beams overlaid with mortar. The

walls were plastered and painted with great gods and other mythological features.

Tombs were often encased within or beneath Mayan structures. Frequently new temples were

built over existing structures.

The Mayans also expressed themselves artistically. Their ceramics were made in a large variety

of forms and decorated with complex scenes.

The Mayans also designed works of art from flint, bone and shell, along with making decorated

cotton textiles. Even metal was used for ceremonial purposes. Items made with metal include

necklaces, bracelets and headresses.

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It is evident that all of the structures built by the ancient Mayans were built in honor of the gods.

Compounds were built with large open areas, from which all the citizens could view the

religious ceremonies taking place on the platforms elevated above the city. On the other hand,

the construction of the Castillo, seems to relate to the ancient Maya's obsession with the

calendar. For example, each stairway in the temple has 91 steps, making a total of 364 steps in

the four staircases, which, counting the platform at the top of the pyramid, equals the total

number of days in the solar year. Even more so, each side of the pyramid has nine stepped

terraces divided by a stairway, for a total of eighteen sections on each side, consequently, the

number of months in the Mayan calendar.

A honeycombed roofcomb towered above many structures, providing a base for painted plaster

that was the Maya equivalent of the billboard. In addition to temples, most Maya sites had

multi-roomed structures that probably served as royal palaces as well as centers for government


Historically significant events, such as accessions, the capture or sacrifice of royal victims and

the completion of the twenty year katun cycle, were recorded on stone stelae and tablets.

Without metal tools, beasts of burden, or even the wheel the Mayans were able to construct vast

cities across a huge jungle landscape with an amazing degree of architectural perfection and


They were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including

temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools.


Complete the following quiz online about: comparatives and superlatives




Enter the link and watch the video, then make a summary about the video.


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Ancient:Classicists study the history, philosophy, languages, and societies of ancient times

Preservation: wildlife, environment: protection)

Heritage:The status acquired by a person through birth; a birthright: a heritage

of affluence and social position.

Glimpse:A brief, incomplete view or look.

Accomplish:To succeed in doing

Pattern: Design on fabric, paper,

Limestone:Is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and

aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate

Flint:is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz.

Plaster:is a building material used for coating walls and ceilings

Corbel:is an architectural member which is designed to support the weight of a

horizontal protrusion.

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Vast:is referred to as irregular or unbelievable in size, shape, quantity