unit 5 1750-1900

Unit 5 1750-1900 Industrialization and Globalization

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Unit 5 1750-1900. Industrialization and Globalization. Unit 5 Themes. 1. Nationalism, Revolution and Reform 2. The Industrial Revolution 3. Imperialism and Nation-State Building 4. Global Migration. The French Revolution. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Unit 51750-1900

Industrialization and Globalization

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Unit 5 Themes1. Nationalism, Revolution and Reform2. The Industrial Revolution3. Imperialism and Nation-State

Building4. Global Migration

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The French Revolution



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Causes of the French Revolution

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Inept Ruler? King Louis XVI

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French SocietyFirst Estate: Catholic clergy

.5% pop.Did not pay taxes

Second Estate: nobility1.5% pop.Exempt from many taxes

Third Estate: Rest of PopulationBourgeoisie – wealthy middle

classSans-culottes – working classProvided bulk of French tax


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Political inequalities for Middle Class

First Estate Second Estate Third EstateX X X X X X X X






1 Vote1 Vote

1 VoteX= Representative

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Financial CrisisDuring 1780s, 50% of revenue went to pay off debts

American RevolutionLavish lifestyle of the monarchy

Series of bad harvests 1787 & 1788Bread prices went up 50% in 1789

Need for tax reformLouis XVI hoped to raise taxes on the aristocracyAristocracy resisted reformsForced Louis to call the Estates-General for the first time

since 1614

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Calling of the Estates-GeneralMay 5, 1789

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The National Assembly andTennis Court Oath

Liberty, Equality,


June 20, 1789

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Why Revolution?Revolutionaries demanded end to the Ancien Regime “Old Order”

AbsolutismNoble & Church feudal privileges

Slogan of Revolution“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” (brotherhood)

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Phase I

Moderate/liberalGoal- create constitutional


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Marquis de LafayetteThe Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen - 1789

Liberty, Equality,


June 20, 1789

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Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

a. based on ideas of the Enlightenment and the

Declaration of Independence

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Storming of the Bastille

- Members of the 3rd Estate took it over to gain gunpowder & free political prisoners - Importance = Symbolized the start of the revolution- “Bastille Day” = National holiday; July 14

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Storming of the Bastille

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Great Fear- France enters “Great Fear” – general revolts against Old Feudal Regime; clergy, nobility

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March on VersaillesOct. 5, 1789

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Women’s March on VersaillesStorming of VersaillesOctober 1, 1789 -Results

- Royal family forced to come to Paris- Louis forced to sign new constitution- France now a constitutional monarchy

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Critical Intro:

Why do you think all of the events leading up to the “Reign of Terror” were viewed as “moderate” considering some of the violent actions during those events?

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Phase II


Goal- a republic; eliminate monarchists and counterrevolutionaries

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European Nations Attack FranceArrest of Louis XVIAugust 10, 1792Nations (Great Britain, Spain, Austria, Prussia)

take advantage of instability – Attack France

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Critical Intro.Arrest of Louis XVIAugust 10, 1792Why were all events up to the

Reign of Terror considered “Moderate”?

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Radicals Take Control

Arrest of Louis XVIAugust 10, 1792

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Execution of Louis XVIJanuary 21, 1793

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Monarchy dead; Republic is born

Jacobin (radical revolutionaries) Reforms

Universal adult male suffrageUniversal military dutyAbolished slavery

Fuels Haitian RevolutionIncreased rights of women

Could not participate in politicsAttacked Catholicism Spirit of nationalism

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“Reign of Terror”1793 - 1794

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Reign of Terror

“The first maxim of our politics ought to be to lead the people by means of reason and the enemies of the people by terror.”

Led by Maximilien Robespierre

Find & eliminate enemies of the stateMonarchistscounterrevolutionariesAs many as 40,000

killed by guillotine video

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British View of Reign of Terror

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End of the TerrorJuly 28, 1794

Robespierre is killed French Revolution part 4French Revolution part 5

French Revolution part 3

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Phase III(1794-1815)


Goal- To end “terror” and establish Directory

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Directory and Rise of Napoleon

1799 - 1815

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Rise of Napoleon Directory = Ineffective

governing body following “Terror”Failed to solve economic

problems of FranceNapoleon staged a

coup d'état in 1799Becomes emperor in


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Goals of Napoleon increase French nationalism control of Europe improve education

a. set up technical schools, universities and secondary

schools required all citizens to pay taxes Establish Central Bank improve the legal system

a. simplified the French law code into the

Napoleonic Code

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Napoleonic Code, 1804• Purpose = reform the

French legal code to reflect the principles of the French Rev.

• Create 1 law code for France

• Influenced European legal codes

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Building His Empire

after defeating Austria and Italy, he convinced Russia to drop out of the war

a. Also invaded Spain & Portugalb. Britain was left as the only country opposing Napoleon

Continental System – ordered all European nations to stop trade with Britain

Goal = isolate Britain & promote Napoleon’s mastery over Europe

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The Continental System

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Napoleon’s Empire

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Napoleon’s Empire

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Downfall of Napoleon

1812 – Napoleon invaded Russia with a 600,000 men the Russians executed a “scorched-earth” policy = no food or shelter for French troops Napoleon had to withdraw because of the harsh Russian winter the Russians attacked them the whole way back 500,000 diedFrench severely weakened = Spain, Russia, Prussia, Britain,

Austria and Italy attacked France March 14, 1814 – Napoleon was forced to abdicate

the throne and was exiled to Elba

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Napoleon’s Failed Invasion of Russia

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Napoleon’s Empire

Left: Napoleon’s Empire by 1812Above: Napoleon’s Retreat from Russia

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Napoleon on Elba

This should NOT be a prison

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Final DefeatNapoleon escapes Elba

Leads France for 100 daysEuropeans invade France & defeat Napoleon for good at

Waterloo.Exiled to St. Helena

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Battle of WaterlooBritish and Prussians Defeat Napoleon for good

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Napoleon’s DownfallCould not conquer British navyGuerilla movements in Spain and PortugalFailed invasion of RussiaFinal defeat at Waterloo

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Napoleon Banished to St. Helena

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Legacy of NapoleonUnsuccessful attempt to unify Europe under

French domination.

Napoleonic Code – great influence on modern European legal codes

Spread of nationalism in EuropeGerman and Italian unificationGreek independence

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Legacy of the French RevolutionGlobal Independence movements

Haitian RevolutionLatin American independence

• Triggered by Napoleon’s invasion of SpainEgypt broke away from Ottoman Empire

Slave Trade and SlaveryEngland abolished slave trade in 1807; slavery in 1833Brazil—Last to abolish slavery (1888)

Abolition of serfdomExcept in Russia