unit & automation testing in android - stanislav gatsev, melon

Unit and Automation Testing on Android Stanislav Gatsev Android Team Lead, Melon Inc.

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Unit and



on Android

Stanislav Gatsev

Android Team Lead,

Melon Inc.

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Who am I?

Stanislav Gatsev

Android Team Lead

+359 89 891 4481

[email protected]


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What is Android?

o World's most popular mobile


o Every day another million users

power up their Android devices for

the first time

o Using Android SDK we can develop

software for almost everything from

smartphones and tablets to

glasses, watches, TVs and even


Page 4: Unit & Automation Testing in Android - Stanislav Gatsev, Melon

Why we automate testing?

o We save time !!!

o We improve our code quality

o We support live documentation

o We run our regression tests

o We fight fragmentation

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Our Example Project

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What Can We Test?

o We can test our logic, algorithms, calculations

o We can test our UI and navigation logic

o We can test IO operations, database and network operations

o And more...


public void test_addOperatorInJava() throws Exception {

Assert.assertEquals(4, 2 + 2);

Assert.assertEquals(27, 25 + 2);



public void test_FieldsAreVisible() {

ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(mRootView, mEmailEditText);

ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(mRootView, mPasswordEditText);

ViewAsserts.assertOnScreen(mRootView, mLoginActionLayout);


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How we automate testing?

o We use JUnit

o We mock our objects

o We are using activity testing framework

o We click with Robotium

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JUnit and Android We can use the JUnit TestCase class to do unit testing on a class that

doesn't call Android APIs. TestCase is also the base class for

AndroidTestCase, which we can use to test Android-dependent objects.

Besides providing the JUnit framework, AndroidTestCase offers

Android-specific setup, teardown, and helper methods.

public class UtilTests extends AndroidTestCase {


public void test_StringToLatLngValidValues() throws Exception {

String latLngString = "34.009555,-118.497072";

LatLng latLng = Util.stringToLatLng(latLngString);

Assert.assertEquals(Double.compare(latLng.latitude, 34.009555), 0);

Assert.assertEquals(Double.compare(latLng.longitude, -118.497072), 0);



public void test_StringToLatLngValidInvalues() throws Exception {

String latLngString = "34.009555,-a118.497072";

LatLng latLng = Util.stringToLatLng(latLngString);

Assert.assertEquals(Double.compare(latLng.latitude, 0), 0);

Assert.assertEquals(Double.compare(latLng.longitude, 0), 0);



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Why we use Mocks?

The objective of unit testing is to exercise just one method at a time, but what

happens when that method depends on other things—hard-to-control things

such as the network, or a database.

The solution is the Mock object. It is simply a debug replacement for a real-

world object.

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Mockito is the way we mock objects in Android. As its developers say:

“Mockito is a mocking framework that tastes really good. It lets you write

beautiful tests with clean & simple API. Mockito doesn't give you hangover

because the tests are very readable and they produce clean verification


• https://code.google.com/p/dexmaker/

• System property hack

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Mockito and Android

//create Mock of server communication

final WeatherServerRequest weatherServerRequest =


//stub the actual network call and return empty object

ServerResponse serverResponse = new ServerResponse();


//create mock of the refresh-able and the observers subject

IRefreshable refreshable = Mockito.mock(IRefreshable.class);

ISubject subject = Mockito.mock(ISubject.class);

runWeatherWorkerThread(refreshable, subject, weatherServerRequest);

//verify if refresh-able start callback is called


//verify if the observers callback is called



//verify if refresh-able end callback is called



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Activity tests


This is the class which helps us test our Activities. It has direct reference to the

tested activity and you have the ability to run whole test or just parts of it in the

UI Thread.


public void test_viewPagerHasAllLocations() throws Throwable {

//Creates the data fetcher mock and injects it to the Activity for every test


runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

//reinitialize activity with new data fetcher




//asserts if the view pager has the same number of items the data fetcher returned

Assert.assertEquals(3, mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount());


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o It is a lot easier to write our automation tests

o Helpful API for executing user actions

o Flexible results assertion

o Hybrid apps are supported

o We can use it in our Activity tests

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Robotium in action


public void test_addNewLocation() throws Throwable {




//gets the root view of the Activity

View rootView = getActivity().findViewById(android.R.id.content);

//long click in the center of the screen

mSolo.clickLongOnScreen(rootView.getWidth()/2, rootView.getHeight()/2);


//get first weather location

WeatherDataFetcher dataFetcher = getActivity().getDataFetcher();

List<WeatherLocation> weatherLocations = dataFetcher.getLocationsList();

Assert.assertEquals(1, weatherLocations.size());

//check if the location is the right one

WeatherLocation weatherLocation = weatherLocations.get(0);

Assert.assertEquals("Santa Monica, CA", weatherLocation.getLocationName());

//clears DB



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Thank you!


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o https://developer.android.com

o https://code.google.com/p/robotium/

o https://github.com/mockito/mockito

o http://blog.gfader.com/2010/10/why-are-automated-tests-so-important.html

o http://media.pragprog.com/titles/utj/mockobjects.pdf

o http://www.embedded.com/design/prototyping-and-

