unit (solar system)

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  • 8/14/2019 Unit (Solar System)


    Solar System

    The Solar System consists of the Sun and its planetary system of eight planets, their moons, and other

    non-stellar objects. It formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular

    cloud. The vast majority of the system's mass is in the Sun, with most of the remaining mass contained

    in Jupiter. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial

    planets, are primarily composed of rock and metal. The four outer planets, called the gas giants, are

    substantially more massive than the terrestrials. The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are composed

    mainly of hydrogen and helium; the two outermost planets, Uranus and Neptune, are composed largely

    of substances with relatively high melting points (compared with hydrogen and helium), called ices, such

    as water, ammonia and methane, and are often referred to separately as "ice giants". All planets have

    almost circular orbits that lie within a nearly flat disc called the ecliptic plane.

    From the perspective we get on Earth, our planet appears to be big and sturdy with an endless ocean of

    air. From space, astronauts often get the impression that the Earth is small with a thin, fragile layer of

    atmosphere. For a space traveler, the distinguishing Earth features are the blue waters, brown andgreen land masses and white clouds set against a black background. Many dream of traveling in space

    and viewing the wonders of the universe. In reality all of us are space travelers. Our spaceship is the

    planet Earth, traveling at the speed of 108,000 kilometers (67,000 miles) an hour.

    Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun at a distance of about 150 million kilometers (93.2 million miles). It

    takes 365.256 days for the Earth to travel around the Sun and 23.9345 hours for the Earth rotate a

    complete revolution. It has a diameter of 12,756 kilometers (7,973 miles), only a few hundred

    kilometers larger than that of Venus. Our atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent

    oxygen and 1 percent other constituents. Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbor

    life. Our planet's rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which,

    along with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and

    other stars. Earth's atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike

    the surface. rom our journeys into space, we have learned much about our home planet. The first

    American satellite, Explorer 1, discovered an intense radiation zone, now called the Van Allen radiation

    belts. This layer is formed from rapidly moving charged particles that are trapped by the Earth's

    magnetic field in a doughnut-shaped region surrounding the equator. Other findings from satellites

    show that our planet's magnetic field is distorted into a tear-drop shape by the solar wind. We also now

    know that our wispy upper atmosphere, once believed calm and uneventful, seethes with activity --

    swelling by day and contracting by night. Affected by changes in solar activity, the upper atmosphere

    contributes to weather and climate on Earth.

    Besides affecting Earth's weather, solar activity gives rise to a dramatic visual phenomenon in our

    atmosphere. When charged particles from the solar wind become trapped in Earth's magnetic field, they

    collide with air molecules above our planet's magnetic poles. These air molecules then begin to glow

    and are known as the auroras or the northern and southern lights.

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    Earth Statistics

    Mass (kg) 5.976e+24

    Mass (Earth = 1) 1.0000e+00

    Equatorial radius (km) 6,378.14

    Equatorial radius (Earth = 1) 1.0000e+00

    Mean density (gm/cm^3) 5.515

    Mean distance from the Sun (km) 149,600,000

    Mean distance from the Sun (Earth = 1) 1.0000

    Rotational period (days) 0.99727

    Rotational period (hours) 23.9345

    Orbital period (days) 365.256

    Mean orbital velocity (km/sec) 29.79

    Orbital eccentricity 0.0167

    Tilt of axis (degrees) 23.45

    Orbital inclination (degrees) 0.000

    Equatorial escape velocity (km/sec) 11.18

    Equatorial surface gravity (m/sec^2) 9.78

    Visual geometric albedo 0.37

    Mean surface temperature 15C

    Atmospheric pressure (bars) 1.013

    Atmospheric composition







  • 8/14/2019 Unit (Solar System)


    Renewable source of energy

    In the past century, it has been seen that the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy has

    caused more environmental damage than any other human activity. Electricity generated from fossil

    fuels such as coal and crude oil has led to high concentrations of harmful gases in the atmosphere. This

    has in turn led to many problems being faced today such as ozone depletion and global warming.

    Vehicular pollution has also been a major problem. Therefore, alternative sources of energy have

    become very important and relevant to todays world. These sources, such as the sun and wind, can

    never be exhausted and therefore are called renewable. They cause less emissions and are available

    locally. Their use can, to a large extent, reduce chemical, radioactive, and thermal pollution. They stand

    out as a viable source of clean and limitless energy. These are also known as non-conventional sources

    of energy. Most of the renewable sources of energy are fairly non-polluting and considered clean

    though biomass, a renewable source, is a major polluter indoors.

    What are these alternative sources of energy

    Under the category of renewable energy or non-conventional energy are such sources as the sun, wind,

    water, agricultural residue, firewood, and animal dung. The non-renewable sources are the fossil fuels

    such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Energy generated from the sun is known as solar energy. Hydel is

    the energy derived from water. Biomassfirewood, animal dung, biodegradable waste from cities and

    crop residues- is a source of energy when it is burnt. Geothermal energy is derived from hot dry rocks,

    magma, hot water springs, natural geysers, etc. Ocean thermal is energy derived from waves and also

    from tidal waves. Through the method of co-generation a cleaner and less polluting form of energy is

    being generated. Fuel cells are also being used as cleaner energy source. In India a number of initiatives

    have been taken. A good example is the model village of Ralegaon Siddhi. When you burn a piece of

    wood it turns into ash. Can you use this ash to again light a fire? No, You cannot do this. This is exactly

    what happens to the non renewable sources of energy such as coal, natural gas and oil. Once you burn

    them they cannot be reused. Other than this it also causes extensive damage to the environment.

    Renewable energy resources, such as wind, solar and hydropower, offer clean alternatives to fossil fuels.

    They produce little or no pollution or greenhouse gases, and they will never run out.

    1. Solar Energy

    The sun is our most powerful source of energy. Sunlight, or solar energy, can be used for heating,

    lighting and cooling homes and other buildings, generating electricity, water heating, and a variety of

    industrial processes. Most forms of renewable energy come either directly or indirectly from the sun.

    For example, heat from the sun causes the wind to blow, contributes to the growth of trees and other

    plants that are used for biomass energy, and plays an essential role in the cycle of evaporation and

    precipitation that makes hydropower possible.

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    2. Wind Energy

    Wind is the movement of air that occurs when warm air rises and cooler air rushes in to replace it. The

    energy of the wind has been used for centuries to sail ships and drive windmills that grind grain. Today,

    wind energy is captured by wind turbines and used to generate electricity.

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    3. Hydropower

    Water flowing downstream is a powerful force. Water is a renewable resource, constantly recharged by

    the global cycle of evaporation and precipitation. The heat of the sun causes water in lakes and oceans

    to evaporate and form clouds. The water then falls back to Earth as rain or snow, and drains into rivers

    and streams that flow back to the ocean. Flowing water can be used to power water wheels that drive

    mechanical processes. And captured by turbines and generators, like those housed at many dams

    around the world, the energy of flowing water can be used to generate electricity.

    4. Biomass Energy

    Biomass has been an important source of energy ever since people first began burning wood to cook

    food and warm themselves against the winter chill. Wood is still the most common source of biomass

    energy, but other sources of biomass energy include food crops, grasses and other plants, agricultural

    and forestry waste and residue, organic components from municipal and industrial wastes, even

    methane gas harvested from community landfills. Biomass can be used to produce electricity and as fuel

    for transportation, or to manufacture products that would otherwise require the use of non-renewable

    fossil fuels.

    5. Hydrogen

    Hydrogen has tremendous potential as a fuel and energy source, but the technology needed to realize

    that potential is still in the early stages. Hydrogen is the most common element on Earthfor example,

    water is two-thirds hydrogenbut in nature it is always found in combination with other elements.

    Once separated from other elements, hydrogen can be used to power vehicles, replace natural gas for

    heating and cooking, and to generate electricity.

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    6. Geothermal Energy

    The heat inside the Earth produces steam and hot water that can be used to power generators and

    produce electricity, or for other applications such as home heating and power generation for industry.

    Geothermal energy can be drawn from deep underground reservoirs by drilling, or from other

    geothermal reservoirs closer to the surface.

    7. Ocean Energy

    The ocean provides several forms of renewable energy, and each one is driven by different forces.

    Energy from ocean waves and tides can be harnessed to generate electricity, and ocean thermal

    energyfrom the heat stored in sea watercan also be converted to electricity. Using current

    technologies, most ocean energy is not cost-effective compared to other renewable energy sources, but

    the ocean remains and important potential energy source for the future.

    Sustainable Architecture (http://www.eslarp.uiuc.edu/arch/ARCH371-


    On Earth Day, April 22, 1970, the world voiced their concern about the population growth and the

    exponential increase in industrial activity. Concern was heightened even more when supplies of fossil

    fuels from the Middle East were cut back and energy prices increased during the 70's. People began to

    search for ways of protecting the environment and using less energy in their buildings. The country

    became tired of the long lines at gas station pumps, uncontrolled pollution, and environmentally

    damaging materials. A whole new emphasis was placed on using the free natural resources of the earth,

    as well as recycling the resources already exploited. New studies began to show the taxing effects of

    pollution, and more importantly, that there was still time to do something about it. Lobbyists began

    instituting laws limiting pollution output and even banning some chemicals and industrial products. The

    world quickly learned that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." While properly disposing

    of hazardous materials and filtering smoke from power plants and factories was a costly effort, it was

    undoubtedly cheaper than cleaning up the environment later.

    While the clean-burning fuels and electric cars were (and are) yet to become economically sound, one of

    the easiest places to experiment with sustainability was within the living space. Using natural building

    materials such as wood and stone is much more environmentally sound than steel and concrete.Building with recycled elements saves landfills from untold tons of garbage every year. Solar heating

    and passive cooling cuts energy bills down to pennies on the dollar. Indeed, sustainability was not only

    cost efficient, but allowed buildings to become part of the environment, rather than stick out from it.

    Sustainability also became known as "green" architecture.

    What is "Sustainable Architecture?"

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    Eco-housing, green development, sustainable design -- environmentally sound housing has as many

    names as it has definitions, but the Rocky Mountain Institute, in its "Primer on Sustainable Building",

    flexibly describes this new kind of architecture as "taking less from the Earth and giving more to people."

    In practice, "green" housing varies widely. It can range from being energy efficient and using nontoxic

    interior finishes to being constructed of recycled materials and completely powered by the sun. Green

    building practices offer an opportunity to create environmentally sound and resource-efficient buildings

    by using an integrated approach to design. Green buildings promote resource conservation, including

    energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation features; consider environmental impacts

    and waste minimization; create a healthy and comfortable environment; reduce operation and

    maintenance costs; and address issues such as historical preservation, access to public transportation

    and other community infrastructure systems. The entire life cycle of the building and its components is

    considered, as well as the economic and environmental impact and performance.

    Architectural Response to Sustainability

    Since the Oil Embargo in the 1970s, there has been an increased awareness in environmental issues.

    Some people may look at the loss of non-renewable resources and think automobiles are the main

    cause. However, that is not so. It may be suprising to many that the majority of energy depletion

    comes from buildings. Half of the non-renewable resources that are used are wasted by buildings and

    homes, where as only 25% is used by automobiles . In addition, the United States citizen uses 20 times

    more raw materials than the average world citizen. This shock has hit the architectural field hard but

    there has been little done to remedy the situation. The idea of sustainable architecture is not new. As

    defined by Robert Berkebile, AIA, It is design that improves the quality of life today without diminishing

    it for the next generation. However, sustainable architecture is hardly ever used. The lack of green

    architecture is a fault of both the client and the architect. It is the architect's responsibility to converse

    to the client about sustainability, but most firms do not have the resources in their files to producebeneficial or new ideas about designing sustainable buildings. Also, if an architect does wish to produce

    a sustainable building, the client may not want to pay the additional costs it may take to construct, and

    is most the time unaware of the benefits. he time has come to educate the clients about design issues

    such as sleek does not mean better and a glass wall is not better than a concrete wall. There comes

    a time when people have to stop worrying only about the exterior details and start worrying about the

    internal ones, "It is time to stop putting the fins on the Cadillac." We as architects have valuable

    resources at our disposal that are more than often over looked. In addition, as designers we must

    change the standards of construction. We have to stop pulling details and other pre-fabricated building

    systems out of catalogues and use our design ability to change the way architecture runs. Architects

    must challenge the preconceptions behind building forms. In fact, there is still much to learn fromtraditional vernacular forms.

    Principles of Sustainable Architecture

    These points are constantly changing, so that they may adapt as our knowledge of the world evolves.

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    1. Insist on rights of humanity and nature to co-exist in a healthy, supportive, diverse and sustainable


    2. Recognize interdependence. The elements of human design interact with and depend upon the

    natural world, with broad and diverse implications at every scale. Expand design considerations to

    recognizing even distant effects.

    3. Respect relationships between spirit and matter. Consider all aspects of human settlement including

    community, dwelling, industry and trade in terms of existing and evolving connections between spiritual

    and material consciousness.

    4. Accept responsibility for the consequences of design decisions upon human well-being, the viability of

    natural systems and their right to co-exist.

    5. Create safe objects of long-term value. Do not burden future generations with requirements for

    maintenance or vigilant administration of potential danger due to the careless creation of products,

    processes or standards.

    6. Eliminate the concept of waste. Evaluate and optimize the full life-cycle of products and processes, to

    approach the state of natural systems, in which there is no waste.

    7. Rely on natural energy flows. Human designs should, like the living world, derive their creative forces

    from perpetual solar income. Incorporate this energy

    efficiently and safely for responsible use.

    8. Understand the limitations of design. No human creation lasts forever and design does not solve all

    problems. Those who create and plan should practice humility in the face of nature. Treat nature as a

    model and mentor, not as an inconvenience to be evaded or controlled.

    9. Seek constant improvement by the sharing of knowledge. Encourage direct and open communication

    between colleagues, patrons, manufacturers and users to link long term sustainable considerations with

    ethical responsibility, and re-establish the integral relationship between natural processes and human


    Sustainable Designs

    - A compact envelope allows for very little surface area to be exposed to the external environment.

    Thus, providing the structure more economical when it comes to heating and cooling.

    - The use of a buffer zone between the core (living space) of a building and its exterior walls, such as the

    design of a hallway or a laundry room, helps maintain comfortable conditions internally and saves


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    - Wall types are also important. When wind hits a wall it produces a back flow at the base, which if not

    sealed properly or if there was a designed opening, filtration into the building will occur. This will cause

    much energy loss and a draft inside.

    - Using trees in the landscape is a great way to buffer the strong north winds in the winter. Also, a tree

    placed on the southern corner of a house allows for cooling in the summer and heating in the winter.

    - Numerous wall types are designed to be energy efficient throughout the year. Some examples of walls

    are the Trombe wall and water wall, which absorb heat in the winter.

    - Passive solar heating is the use of glazed walls in proper locations to allow sunlight to penetrate in the

    winter and to be blocked in the summer. This process, if done properly, will allow heating and cooling to

    occur during the relative seasons.

    - Solar panels, another use of solar energy, is an enhanced product that exploits sunlight to heat and

    produce clean energy. Once a mainstream product in the 1970s, solar panel use is minimal because of

    their high cost compared to the price of fossil fuel. However, in the long run, solar panels more thanpay for themselves.

    - Earth rammed homes (a house whose walls are backfilled with earth) are of great benefit for the

    serious economically aware owner. These types of homes use the natural heating and cooling of the

    earth to maintain the internal temperature of the house. Though it may be more costly to dig out and

    back fill, the electric and heating bill will be very minute compared to the cost to heat and cool an

    average home.

    Water Collection

    Flood water collection, and the pooling of greywater (from sink and bath) would supply a sufficient

    amount of water for irrigation purposes. Connecting residential greywater and storm water run-off to a

    centralized underground storage basin would reduce the need for clean city water. Collected water

    would help to irrigate residential gardens and green spaces. Gardens and green spaces cut down on

    neighborhood pollution and save residents money on certain products such as vegetables. This system

    however would be a costly one to install, just as the light rail station was, but like the rail station I feel in

    the next ten to fifteen years the city will relize its benefits. For this pooling of water to be beneficial

    residents would need to develop green spaces which would require greywater only. Areas such as

    flower gardens, vegetable gardens, and mini parks are some examples of things which could usegreywater. Also by creating these attractive landscapes residents could save money on products they

    would normally buy at the store by growing vegetables such as tomatos, apples, and watermellon.

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    Movement of the Sun

    Passive solar design is based on utilizing the suns heat energy and its predictable movements through

    the seasons.

    As the Earth rotates around the sun on its annual cycle, it is tilted at an angle on its vertical axis. Thisimpacts how the suns rays strike various locations on Earth. The Earth is its most extreme tilt at the

    winter and summer solstices.

    The sun appears to rise in the east and it sets in the west. In actuality, the Earth is rotating on its axis

    and around the sun.

    Here are pictures thatcompare the suns path on the winter and summer solstices.

    A diagram of the suns path on the winterand summer solstices, Courtesy of DOEThis affects how low or high the sun appears in relation to the horizon.In the winter, the sun is relatively

    low in the sky with its lowest arc through the sky on the winter solstice, on December 21st

    .In the

    summer, the sun travels a high path through the sky and is at its highest angle on the summer solstice,

    on June 21st

    . The sun travels its shortest and lowest arc through the sky on the winter solstice. The low

    winter arc allows the suns rays to reach deep into astructure to warm it on a cold winter day. On the

    summer solstice, the sun travels its highest and widest arc through the sky. If the building is designed

    with anoverhang or some type of blocking mechanism,the sun heat energy will be blocked and thebuilding will stay cool.

    The equinox falls on the point between the solstices and indicates the arrival of spring or fall. This

    picture shows the suns path throughout the year. The highest arc represents the suns path on

    the summer solstice, while the shortest, lowest arc is the suns path on the winter solstice.

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    On each equinox, the sun travels a path that is right in the middleof the path that it travels on

    the solstices.

    March 21stVernal Equinox

    June 21


    Summer Solstice (highest path)

    Sept 21stAutumnal Equinox

    Dec 21st

    Winter Solstice (lowest path)

    Passive solar design uses the predictable movements of the sun to best utilize its energy within the

    buildings overall design both for heating and cooling purposes. Many passive solar buildings also

    include active solar aspects, such as photovoltaic panels, as shown on the roof in the first diagram

    located at the top of this post

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    Position of the Sun

    The position of theSun on thecelestial sphere has many applications, includingastronomy,navigation,

    surveying,meteorology,climatology,solar energy,andsundials among others. A calculation of a

    complete position for any place onEarth,at any time, consists of threealgorithms:[1]

    Calculate thecoordinates of theSun in theecliptic coordinate system. Convert to theequatorial coordinate system. Convert to thehorizontal coordinate system for the observer's local circumstances.

    The term sun path has been assigned to notify the path of the sun which changes based on seasonal-

    and-hourly alteration as the earth rotates, as well as orbits the sun. The position of the sun is one of the

    main factors determining the amount of heat that can be derived from the sun. So precise information

    need to be known concerning the sun path, in order to take economic decisions concerning solar energy

    projects. The sun path will determine the type of materials, solar trackers and prime orientation of the

    solar landscape.

    Capturing Solar Energy

    The most effective way to harness solar energy through solar panels, solar collectors or glass is to

    installed collectors being 20 degrees perpendicular to the sun on either side. On the other hand, for

    cooling system shade is important. The lowest heat is gained, the less perpendicular the sunlight is to

    the building. For instance, only 35 degrees away from a perpendicular angle to the sun does significantly

    reduce the amount of heat harnessed. At an elevated acute angle, the sunlight is rather reflected.

    The best solar energy systems do consider the 47-degree change in the solar elevation angle that

    prevails in the horizon during summer and winter. It makes a great difference in the volume of heat that

    can be collected.

    Earths Movements

    The rotation of our planet produces approximately 23.5 degrees differences across the north and south

    pool. However, the sun does equally orbit the sun in our immense solar system. The 47 degree peak of

    the sunrays is caused as the earth orbits the sun. This is represented with seasonal changes that occur

    from winter to summer.

    Harnessing Energy in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter

    In the northern hemisphere, in the winter period the sun rises in the far southeast and comes up at a

    low angle just above the southern horizon. The sun does thereafter set in the southwest. In other words,the sun remains on the south part of your house (equator) throughout the day. In such conditions, a

    vertical south-facing panel would be convenient to harness a maximum of thermal energy.

    However, in the southern hemisphere during the winter months (June, July and August) the sun will rise

    in the northeast, and will practically be perpendicular depending on the latitude of your position.

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    Moreover, there are some months where the sun provides more intense heat based on its position. So

    solar designers have to understand the necessary solar path angles at the location where the solar

    collectors are to be installed. The same applies for smart buildings, which have integrated cooling


    Americas solar path analysis during different seasons of the year is available at the NOAA. However,

    one thing that is general for the whole world is that the sun rises in the east and does always set in the


    Facts about Sunshine

    The sun will be perpendicular, a straight line with no shadows, above the equator at noon (solar time)

    during the 21st of March as well as the 23rd of September. Now proceeding to 23.5 degrees north of the

    equator we have the Tropic of Cancer, and equally a straight line can be drawn at noon during the 21st

    of June where no shadows will be seen. Now going to 23.5 degrees south of the equator we have the

    Tropic of Capricorn, which on the 21st of December show no shadows, if a stick is raised straight to the

    sky at noon (solar time).