unit speak 8 friends ( ii roleplay

54 55 UNIT 8 Friends ( II ) UNIT 8 Zofia is from Poland, but she lives in Chicago now. She likes cooking, and she likes exercising. Once a week, she goes to yoga class. Hiro is from Onomichi near Hiroshima. He likes making plastic models and reading books. He plays baseball once a month. Listen Q & A PREPARE 次の質問と応答を見てください。ゾフィアと比呂についての質問に答えましょう。 When does Zofia go to yoga class? She goes to yoga class once a week. Does Zofia go to the movies every week? No, she doesn’t. She goes to the movies once a month. Who eats rice and natto every morning? Hiro does. How often does Zofia eat toast? She eats toast every morning for breakfast. How often does Hiro clean his room? He cleans his room once a week. When does Hiro play baseball? He plays baseball once a month. CD1 50 CD1 51 次のパッセージを音読して、質問に答えましょう。 My name’s Miho. Nice to meet you. I like to go shopping, and I like to go to karaoke with my friends. We go to karaoke every weekend. We enjoy talking and singing pop songs. Question: When does Miho go to karaoke? 次の質問に答えて、イラストを説明しなさい。 1. What does Miho like to do? 2. How often does Miho go to karaoke? 3. What kind of songs does Miho sing at karaoke? 4. Look at the picture. What is the store clerk doing? SPEAK Roleplay Practice 次のダイアログを、先生とロールプレイしましょう。自身の情報で答えてください。 Teacher Do you eat breakfast every day? You . Teacher How often do you eat rice? You . Teacher How often do you study English? You . Teacher I see. How often do you play sports? You . それでは、もう一度ロールプレイをしましょう。今度は Teacher の役になってください。 every morning once a week once a month every morning once a week once a month

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Friends ( II )UNIT


Zofia is from Poland, but she lives in Chicago now. She likes cooking, and she likes exercising. Once a week, she goes to yoga class.

Hiro is from Onomichi near Hiroshima. He likes making plastic models and reading books. He plays baseball once a month.


Q & A



When does Zofia go to yoga class?― She goes to yoga class once

a week.

Does Zofia go to the movies every week?― No, she doesn’t. She goes to the

movies once a month.

Who eats rice and natto every morning?― Hiro does.

How often does Zofia eat toast?― She eats toast every morning for


How often does Hiro clean his room?― He cleans his room once a week.

When does Hiro play baseball?― He plays baseball once a month.






My name’s Miho. Nice to meet you. I like to go shopping, and I like to go to karaoke with my friends. We go to karaoke every weekend. We enjoy talking and singing pop songs.

Question: When does Miho go to karaoke?


1. What does Miho like to do?

2. How often does Miho go to karaoke?

3. What kind of songs does Miho sing at karaoke?

4. Look at the picture. What is the store clerk doing?




次のダイアログを、先生とロールプレイしましょう。自身の情報で答えてください。Teacher Do you eat breakfast every day?You .Teacher How often do you eat rice?You .Teacher How often do you study English?You .Teacher I see. How often do you play sports?You .

それでは、もう一度ロールプレイをしましょう。今度は Teacher の役になってください。

every morning once a week once a month

every morning once a week once a month