unit vi: the industrial revolution. the rise of industry while political revolutions swept through...

WORKBOOK PAGES 113- 127 STANDARDS 7-3.4 & 7-3.5 UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution

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Page 1: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook


STANDARDS 7-3.4 & 7-3.5

UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution

Page 2: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

The Rise Of Industry While political revolutions swept

through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook the worldWHAT IS INDUSTRIALISM???

Industrialism; a system based on the use of machines rather than on animal or human power

Industrialism started in Great Britain during the 1700’s

Over a period of 200 hundred years it began to spread to other parts of the world

Page 3: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Seeds For Industry Agricultural Revolution; A sweeping

change in farming This revolution helped industry take root

or start in Great Britain It started with the enclosure movement;

Parliament allowed large owners to fence off common lands

Used land in 2 ways;Planted single crops that produced bigger

profitsTurned land into pastures to graze sheep

Page 4: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook
Page 5: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Changes In Farming Knowledge of crop rotation; the

process of rotating crops on three fields instead of two. Rotation kept soil fertile and more crops could be grown

Invention of seed drill by Jethro Tull. The drill allowed farmers to plant rows of seeds rather than scattering them over the fields

Breeding of stronger horses for farm work and fatter sheep and cattle for meat

Page 6: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Capital And Labor Changes in farming created conditions

favorable to industry The use of raw materials to manufacture, or

create, goods Landowners now had more capital, or money

to invest This increased the capital already earned by

colonial merchants through trade Many landowners and merchants invested

their money in manufacturing or other businesses

Improved methods of farming and breeding produced more food, which helped people live longer, healthier lives

Page 7: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Natural Resources &Markets

In addition to capital and labor, Great Britain was rich in natural resources

It possessed rivers that flowed year-round These rivers powered the earliest machines They also provided a transportation network

that connected inland areas to coastal harbors Britain also had huge supplies of coal and iron In the years ahead, coal would replace wood

as a source of fuel for running machines Iron would be used to build machines and to

make steel

Page 8: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Causes Of Industrial Revolution

Large number of people available to work in industryEnclosure

movement forced many people off the land

They had moved to the cities to find work in factories

More and better food meant that people were healthier and living longer and having larger families

The increase in population also provided workers for the new factories

Britain’s natural resources and geography also helped in the rise of industry

They had large coal/iron

Page 9: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Guided Note-Taking Read the following

sections;Rise of the

Factory System 114-115 (6 facts)

Spread of Industrialism 115-116 (5 facts)

Impact of Industrialism 117-118 (10 facts)

Must complete in your notes

Read each section and list the specific number of facts required

Participation grade

Finish for HW

Will go over Monday

Page 10: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Rise Of the Factory System Machines first

showed up in the production of textiles

Workers in the past produced cloth under the “domestic system” or “cottage industry”

Went “cottage to cottage” bringing supplies needed

Merchants returned later to pick up the finished textiles

Developed ways to spin faster and run machines with waterpower

Textile merchants now build factories near rivers/streams

Factory system; method of production that brought machines and workers together in one place

Urbanization; or movement of people from rural areas to cities

Britain was 1st country to become urbanized, meaning more people lived in cities than on farms

Page 11: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Spread Of Industrialism

Parliament pass laws banning the export of machines and the movement of skilled workers to other countries

Laws failed, skilled British workers saw the opportunity to make more money elsewhere

They left Britain and took their industrial know-how with them

By 1800’s Great Britain had given up efforts to create a monopoly; or total control of industry

British investors saw a chance to earn even more money by funding industries elsewhere

They set up factories and built railroads in other parts of the world

Page 12: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Impact Of Industrialism

Growth of Cities-

Rise of Industrial Capitalism-

New Methods Of Organizing Business-

Rise of An Industrial Working Class-

Rise Of Trade Unions-

Development Of Socialism-

Page 13: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Spinning Jenny

Steam Tractor

Early Gas Tractor

Page 14: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook
Page 15: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Industrialism Assignment


Inventions & New Ideas (PAST & PRESENT)

Describe Factory Life; As a manager and as a worker

Compare/Contrast; Factory Conditions (PAST & PRESENT)

Describe your life as a child factory worker

MUST INCLUDE: 1. Pictures/Scene;

That represents your topic

2. Timeline of events; Daily life events

3. Writing/Summary

*Each section must be numbered & should include the above 3 items (pictures, timeline, writing)

*Must have title (center & large)

*Must have all groups names underneath title

*Must have color and look neat and well planned

Page 16: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Machine-Made Cloth

The switch from handmade to machine-made cloth triggered the start of the Industrial Revolution

John Kay began the revolution when he invented a machine called “Flying shuttle”

This sped up the weaving process

It progressed into new ways of running machines and new ways of processing cotton

Page 17: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook


The use of machines and the rise of factories increased the demand for iron and coal

In 1753, Henry Cort developed a process called “puddling”

This processed burned away impurities in iron ore

The result was a pure, high, quality iron

Iron production soared and prices dropped

By 1850’s Britain turned out more iron than the rest of the world combined

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William Kelly and Henry Bessemer of Britain worked on ways to turn iron into steel

Both learned that a blast of air through molten iron burned out most of the impurities

Kelly received a patent or exclusive ownership of an invention for the process from the US Patent Office

Bessemer kept working to improve it and the process became known by this name; Bessemer Process

Page 19: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Bessemer Process; STEEL

This process lowered steel making costs from $200 a ton to $4.00 a ton

Great Britain found a way to lower the cost even more

They invented the open-hearth process

This method used a special furnace to make many kinds of steel

Page 20: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Steamboats & Railroads

Industry needed ways to transport or carry raw materials to factories and finished goods to the markets

Inventors provided a solution by combining steam powered locomotives

This invention of steel helped make the RR’s stronger and more powerful

American inventor Robert Fulton designed the first practical steamboat, the Clemont

The steamboat ended the need for wind and sails, opening a new era in transportation on rivers and oceans

Page 21: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Rise Of Mass Production

While machines increased the output of goods, 2 concepts paved the way for another change; Mass production

This is the manufacture of huge quantities of identical goods at cheap pricesInterchangeable parts; Use of machine made parts that are made exactly alike

Division of Labor; Assembly line

Page 22: UNIT VI: The Industrial Revolution. The Rise Of Industry  While political revolutions swept through Europe and the Americas, an economic revolution shook

Electricity & Industry Electricity converts easily into heat,

light or motion As a result, it can be sent through wires;

something Ben Franklin learned during the colonial times

Samuel Morse; used electricity to invent the telegraph, using an electrical code

The “Morse Code” traveled at high speeds over long distances

Eventually electric generations were invented to power machines more efficiently