unit8 a1 student_template


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Global Marketplace

Global market place is basically a market which all of the world look at. All of the countries get involved in this marketplace, so it’s a huge marketplace with a lot of competition.


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24/7 Trading

There is no need for staff in 24/7 trading because there is no shop involved. 24/7 trading happens all around the world and never stops.


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Low Start -up & Running Costs

Many company owners invest in websites because it doesn’t cost a lot to start-up so the risk is much lower than say a company in a warehouse.


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Search Facilities

Search facilities are where you go on a website and search what you want. It then takes you to the product you have searched straight away.


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Fluid Pricing

Fluid pricing is where prices are increased or decreased rapidly. For example if more tickets to a football match are sold then there wont be many left to buy so the prices of the remaining ones will go up.


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Consumer Trust

To ensure consumer trust to people you could have someone sit on a live-chat and speak to people who have questions. Also you could accept money from PayPal so they know you won’t be able to get into their bank account from your website.


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Lack of Human Contact

When you are buying something on the internet. You sit at your computer and do not communicate with a single person. It is all written on a screen for you to read.

This might put people off because they might want to speak to a person when buying something so they might not choose to use E-commerce. P2

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Product Description Problems

When buying something on the internet you only have the information which is one the screen. If you have questions about the product there is no one there to ask. This is why some people choose to go to the shop so they can get the full information on the product.


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Security issues

When shopping online with your credit card you could become a victim of identity theft. This is where someone steals your card information and pretends to be you. They can do this by pretending to be a secure website and then steal your information. You can avoid this by making sure the website you’re on has a ‘https’ in the link, this means it’s a secure website.


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A browser is something on the internet which you search to get to another website. Like when you search something into yahoo and it comes up with lots of other websites.

Web Authoring Software

Web authorizing software is something which generates HTML code for you.


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Database systems

Websites like EBay usually have database systems. It is where all the information is stored.

IP addresses

An IP address is four numbers that you need to type in to find your router. The numbers need to be between 0 and 255.


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Domain Names

The domain name is something you type in to get to a website. If typed in correctly it takes you to the website but typed in wrong and it doesn’t.

Multiple Domain Registration

A domain registration is where you register for a domain name. A company will need at least 4 domain names just to be safe.


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Ports & ProtocolsA protocol is an agreement between two computers. If two computers don’t use the same protocol as each other they won’t be able to work together. Ports connect protocols and IP addresses to each other. Computers have lots of ports.Browser & Platform CompatibilityA browser is something on the internet which allows you to view web pages. The browser has a search bar. You enter a websites URL into the search bar and it will take you there.


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Paying to be prominent in search engine results

When you search something you assume the website which is best for your search appears but it doesn’t. The ones which come up at the top are ones that pay to be there. So they pay for there website to appear first because more people click on the first one that appears. This is how they make money.


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Newsgroups & Forums

Newsgroups are usually very focused on a specific topic. They are more structured than most things. You usually need special software to use them.

Web forums are just another place where people discuss things. They are like newsgroups.


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Banners & Pop-ups

When clicking on most websites a lot of the time a banner or pop-up appear. This is where a small box appears on your screen automatically when you click on the website link. This is the website promoting another website and the other website will be paying them to promote their website.


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Spam is where you receive a number of messages at a time. If you subscribe to a website sometimes they start spamming your email address promoting other websites. This puts some people off from shopping with e-commerce because they are scared they will be attacked with spam.


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Ensuring An Effective User Interface

If your website has an effective user interface then it will run a lot faster. This will make people enjoy it more because they will find it easier to buy things. Also this will make people want to come back if they save the website link.


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Establishing Customer loyalty in a virtual environment

Setting up a loyalty system for a website could be like giving customers points or money so that they can claim rewards for staying with your company. Treat customers individually by greeting them by their name when they log onto your website.


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Site Names

If your site name is really long people will not remember it so less people will find it. Also if your site name has nothing to do with your website it will not make sense so that’s another reason less people will visit it. This is why Google, YouTube and twitter are so popular because they are all easy to remember because they are all one word websites.


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Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is targeting a specific customer to buy your product. Like if someone signs up for a newsletter they want to be part of it. You then send them offers and they are more likely to want them.


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HackingHacking is when someone gains access to someone else's computer without them knowing.

Hacking PreventionYou can prevent hacking by purchasing an anti-virus software.

P3, M2

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VirusesA virus is a harmful bit of code or software that can damage your computer.

Virus PreventionYou can prevent your computer from getting a virus by installing an anti-virus program.

P3, M2

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ID TheftID theft is where someone steals someone else's identity by pretending to be them.

ID Theft ProtectionMake sure you have a password that isn’t easy to guess.

P3, M2

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Strong Passwords

Having a strong password is having a password that is hard to guess. Like a password with a lot of numbers in it is hard to guess whereas a password which is someone's name is easier to guess.
