united states history part 1 clep

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  • 8/12/2019 United States History Part 1 CLEP



    U.S. History Part 1 - Needs Practice

    In the 1840s, the Mormons were driven out of Illinois.

    The Hartford Convention proposed amendments to the constitution and tried to avoidthe secession of New England states.

    Quakers believed in predestination

    Puritans did not believe in predestination.

    The second great awakening, led by Charles Finney, was tied to social reform

    movements, was in the burned over district in new york

    Jacksonian banking policies encouraged the expansion of credit and speculation. Healso disapproved of the national bank.

    Roger Williams - The state should not interfere in church matters.

    In the election of 1800 ,Thomas Jefferson, a democrat-republican beat John Adams, a


    John Quincy Adams main cause after his presidential term - fighting the nullification

    crisis and the gag rule

    General political ideas of the Whigs (besides "anti-Jackson") - promote industrial and

    economic growths, modernizing the U.S. The Whigs supported the national bank.

    causes of the Pueblo Revolt - 47 medicine men were acused of sorcery, 7 died, 40

    imprisoned and punished

    slave states that did NOT secede - Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri

    Anne Bradstreet - First Poet in the colonies to be published

    Phyllis Wheatly - First African American Female writer in the colonies

    Pennsylvania and Rhode island were the most tolerant

    Hopewell Indians - made Burial Mounds

  • 8/12/2019 United States History Part 1 CLEP



    Nathaniel Bacon rebelled against Jamestown because the indentured servants were

    being treated unfairly.

    The California Gold Rush began at Sutters Mill

    Alex de Tocquevilles Democracy in America was written to start a revolution in france.

    The embargo act of 1807 let Americans become less dependant on british merchants.

    scalawags - southern whites who supported Reconstruction

    carpetbagger- Northerners who moved to the South during the Reconstruction

    Redeemers - wanted to get rid of freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags.

    German immigrants settled in New York and Pennsylvania

    Jay Treaty - Got the British to Vacate Western forts 1796

    Sharecropping is when a land owner lets a tenant use his land in return for some of the

    tennants crops. Many Freedmen were forced into Sharecropping.

    Margaret Fuller was the first feminist author in America(journalism and


    Transcendentalism - Is relying on yourself and not a political party/religion

    Louisa Alcott - Known for her novel Little Women

    First Transcontinental Railroad was made in 1869 by the Central Pacific Railroad

    funded by the U.S. Congress

    The first two parties were the Federalists and Democratic Republicans

    56 Delegates signed the Declaration of Independence

    Shays Rebellion was based on a post-war economic depression, it occured in


    The first state to ban sales of alcohol was Maine.

    Geronimo was an Apache Leader who fought in 1886

  • 8/12/2019 United States History Part 1 CLEP



    (1840) William Henry Harrison was president for 32 days before dying.

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th president in 1828

    The Mason - Dixon line was a border between Maryland and Pennsylvania

    The Kansas-Nebraska act let new states choose whether they would be free or slave


    Adams Onis Treaty gave the U.S. Florida, from Spain.

    The Whiskey Rebellion was over a new tax on whiskey.

    James Madison was president during the war of 1812.

    Jacob Leslier became in charge of New York after a rebellion.

    The Pig War was a border dispute between the U.S. and Britain regarding the San Juan


    John Calhoun supported slavery and the doctrine of nullification.

    The treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican American War in 1848.

    Cholera killed many people on the Oregon Trail.

    Rutherford B.Hayes Defeated Samuel Tilden in the 1877 presidential election.

    The Sioux Treaty of 1868 gave the Sioux people The Black Hills of Dakota

    Trent Affair When a union ship siezed confederate diplomats aboard a British ship.

    This caused a public outcry in britain.

    Millard Fillmore was a member of the Whig Party, and later the Know-Nothing party.

    Dorothea Dix was an activist for the clinically insane.

    Age of Enlightenment(intellectual)

    In the case of powers not explicitly given to anyone, the states or the people had those


  • 8/12/2019 United States History Part 1 CLEP



    France never claimed the Oregon Territory.

    The Louisiana Territory was bought in 1803 for $15 million.

    Oberlin College was the first college to accept men and women.

    During 1790 - 1860 the U.S. relied heavily on European Capital for expansion.

    During the Antebellum period there was focus on reforming criminals and prisons, using

    the Auburn System.

    California was admitted as a state as a part of the compromise of 1850

    Harriett Jacobs wrote incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

    The Gadsden Purchase in 1853, let the U.S. build a Transcontinental rail road.

    Benjamin Franklin Helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris of 1783. (ending the american


    Chesapeake bay touches Virginia. Chesaapeake bay colonies exported tobacco.

  • 8/12/2019 United States History Part 1 CLEP



    Mostly Memorized

    The Acquittal of John Peter Zenger in 1735 made colonists want a free press.

    Antebellum period is from the formation of the U.S. to the Civil War.

    A gag rule is the limitation of a discussion of a topic, like banning the topic of slavery from


    Alaska was bought in 1867.

    After the Battle of Bull Run, confederate army enlistment dropped sharply, this is because the

    confederacy thought the Civil War would be an easy win.

    Squanto was the indian who helped the pilgrims farm.

    The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1789

    The 26th U.S. infantry Regiment was nearly all Black soldiers.

    Lowell Textille Mills primarily employed women

    Free Soil Party Opposed Slavery spreading to the western states.

    Abe Lincolns reconstruction plan : States would be Reestablished after 10 percent of voters in a

    state pledged allegiance to the United States.

    The Freedmens Bureau provided food, clothing, medical care, and shelter to war victims.

    Reunited families of freedmen, established a network of courts, and established schools for

    freed slaves. But they DID NOT distribute land.

    Treaty of Paris set set the U.S. western boundary at the Missisippi river.

    The NorthWest Ordinances defined the process by which territories were settled and became


    Slave revolts were infrequent.

    At the beginning of the 1800s, the use of the cotton gin had the greatest effect

    on the import of slaves in the U.S.

    Between 1823 and 1862 was when manifest destiny was our nations priority

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    The great awakening did not renew persecution of witch craft.

    The Northwest Ordinence created new states out of the land in the Northwest Providence, it set

    up laws to regulate new additions of States to the U.S.

    Crazy Horse/battle of sitting bull - Crazy Horse defeated General Custer

    Significance of Vicksburg, Mississippi during the Civil War - The Union Gained control of the

    entire Mississippi river when they took Vicksburg

    King Philip(MetaComet) was fatally shot and his head was placed on a pike in front of Fort


    Most Free blacks lived in the north prior to the civil war.

    When Georgians moved into the Cherokee Nations land, the Cherokee went to the Supreme

    Court, but in Cherokee Nation vs Georgia, it was decided that they would be kicked out and

    forced on the trail of tears.

    The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revolutionary war. It got France on

    Americas side.

    Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense

    The Emancipation Proclamation proclaimed freedom of slaves inside the CONFEDERACY

    Crazy Horse defeated General Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn

    The literacy rates were high inside the colonies.

    Around 1887 is when Indian Rebellions were being put down.

    McGuffey Readers were early textbooks

    Nativists - Political position preferring native settlers.

    Canada was not a slave trading Country.

    King Philip waged war attempting to push the English Colonists from New England in 1675

    King Cotton was a slogan to get European nations to aid the confederacy, it failed.

    Republican Motherhood - The idea that women should raise good Republican children

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    Dred Scott Decision stated that slaves were not U.S. Citizens

    Babtists and Methodists grew fastest in the U.S.

    The "putting-out system" refers to the production of finished goodsin individual households