uniting people with martial art schools around the world

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  • 8/13/2019 Uniting People With Martial Art Schools Around the World


    Uniting People with Martial Art Schools around the World

    Do you want to learn to protect yourself from aggressors? Do you want to learn life skills like

    perseverance, will power and endurance? You can learn all of these through martial arts. The best wayto study martial arts is under the guidance of a teacher. Now comes the question of how to find a good

    martial arts school and teacher. That is where we come in. e connect people who want to learn martial

    arts with martial arts schools located in their neighborhood. e can help you find a good martial artsschool around the world.

    Martial arts are a global phenomenon

    !illions of people are now learning martial arts all over the world, but did you know that initially,

    many of the martial arts could not be taught to foreigners? "et us take the e#ample of $arate. $aratewas originally practiced by the people living on the tiny island of %kinawa near &apan. 't was a very

    secretive martial art. The principle of 'sshi(soden )one karate master could pass on his knowledge to

    only one person* kept the art dormant. +ut now, anyone can learn $arate.

    !any countries have their own brand of martial arts. $arate, &udo, &u(&itsu, and Ninutsu originated

    from &apan- $ung u )ushu*, Tai /hi come from /hina. Thailand is the home of !uay Thai( one of

    the most deadly of all martial arts. +ra0il has developed its own form of &u(&itsu called +ra0ilian &u(&itsu, which mi#es the standing strikes and throws in &u(&itsu with fighting on the ground. /apoeira is

    another form of martial arts from +ra0il which combines acrobatics, music and dance. 'nterestingly,

    /apoeira was developed by the people of 1frican descent, who were brought in as slaves to +ra0il.

    The sport of 2avate originated in rance, more specifically in the port town of !arseilles where it was

    practiced by sailors. The deadly martial art form of $rav !aga was developed by the 'sraeli Defense

    orces. 't is now taught to military and law enforcement personnel all over the world. The fightingtechnique used by +atman in /hristopher Nolan3s +atman films is called the $eysi fighting technique.

    't is a very quick technique, which teaches you to take on a large number of people at once.

    !artial art schools, teaching one or more of these techniques have come up all over the world. hether

    you want to learn $arate, kickbo#ing, or !!1 fighting, we can help you find a martial art school near

    to where you stay.

    Martial arts teach life skills

    !any individuals are learning a martial art for the life skills it imparts. You may initially start studying

    a martial art to learn self defense but along the way, you will see that martial art training also teaches

    discipline, endurance, patience, will power, morality, sincerity, humility, courtesy and trust. 't can give

    you control over your life and improve your well being.

    1s a martial art student or a competitor, you learn how difficult it is to beat your opponent, how much

    hard work it takes for you to win a contest and begin to empathi0e and respect practitioners and trainersfrom other forms. 1s students, you will learn to bond with others of your doo and grow together. Note

    that to reach proficiency in $arate or any other martial arts, you will have to do a lot of practice.

    !artial arts are not for the impatient and those who want quick results.

    Choosing a martial art to learn

  • 8/13/2019 Uniting People With Martial Art Schools Around the World


    1ll types of martial arts have their advantages and disadvantages. No one martial art is better than the

    other, but since some of them train you in certain techniques, you will be better placed if you are

    confronted with that situation.

    !!1 is one of the best techniques if you are fighting on the ground. 'f you want to learn to fight with

    weapons, you can learn 4skrima, 2ilat or $alaripayat. 2ome martial arts speciali0e in certain

    techniques. estern bo#ing and ing /hun )made famous by +ruce "ee* are good for striking, &u(&itsu, &udo and 1ikido are useful for grappling and throwing. 'f you want to learn oint locks, choke

    holds and submission holds you can learn +ra0ilian &u(&itsu. or pinning techniques you can learn

    wrestling, &udo and 2ambo.

    Common platforms

    'rrespective of race, religion, class or gender, anyone can start learning an art form that originated in

    any country. The number of &udo practitioners, for instance, need not be the highest in &apan, where it

    originated 5 an increasingly large number of 4uropeans have taken to the sport. The %lympics and

    other international sporting events have done a great deal to bring martial art lovers together. !artialart practitioners from across the globe compete against each other in their chosen sport, from 2avate to

    ing /hun. %ften, martial artists serve as brand ambassadors for their respective nations. 1 !uay Thai

    artist can tell you a lot about Thailand, its customs and rituals while an 'aido artist will be able toenlighten you about &apan and its rich cultural heritage.

    1lso, there are martial arts schools in every maor city across the world, and as a martial artist, you cango anywhere in the world and speak one common language 5 your love for you chosen martial art. The

    'nternet is full of forums and message boards where martial art e#perts from various styles e#change

    information and help youngsters pick a form that is right for them.

    "ook up a few martial arts on the 'nternet, visit a doo or two, speak to the instructors, look at the

    techniques and then sign up. You can find a center closest to you, on our website.

  • 8/13/2019 Uniting People With Martial Art Schools Around the World
