universal 15-03-15

“I started off with marijuana aged 15 to escape family problems.” BEWARE OF CASANOVA: How to resist the smooth-talking charmer who has mastered the art of finding, meeting, attracting and seducing beautiful women into the bedroom. UNIVERSAL Suggested donation £1 15.03.15 MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL THE MOMENT MY LIFE CAME TO AN EXCRUCIATING HALT MONEY & YOU Find out why working doesn’t make you rich WHEN ONLY A MIRACLE CAN DO “MY BROTHER HAD BEEN INVOLVED IN A CAR ACCIDENT AND THE FAMILY WERE TOLD THAT IT WAS LIKELY HE WOULDN’T MAKE IT.” 15.03.15_UNIVERSAL.indd 1 12/03/2015 18:37

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Page 1: Universal 15-03-15

“I started off with marijuana

aged 15 to escape family


BEWARE OF CASANOVA: How to resist the smooth-talking charmer who has mastered the art of finding, meeting, attracting and seducing beautiful women into the bedroom.

UNIVERSALSuggested donation £1






Find out why working

doesn’t make you rich


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04 TAMING THE TERRIBLE TEENA mother’s battle to win her daughter back

05 CHAIN OF PRAYERThe Chain that set them free was...


06 LOVE... Essential things to make love works

07 BEWARE OF CASANOVAHow to find Mr Right


08 STARTING OVERDo you want a new sheet of paper?

14 SOMETHING FOR THE PARENTSThe God of some parents


16 A NEVER ENDING LOVESomething only a mother can do

06 13

“The condition was so bad that I was told to forget about my dream career.”

Universal is a publication of the UCKG HelpCentre (registered charity number: 1043985), Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX; uckg.org For advertising sales: 020 7686 6045 EMAIL: [email protected] While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, City News, the publishers, authors and printers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. Any artwork will be accepted at owner’s risk. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher.

17 INNER HEALINGYour past doesn’t have to effect your furutre




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In need or help of someone to talk to?

Email me: [email protected] Blog on: bpcelsojunior.com Pop in: Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX

For a one-to-one with me or any of my colleagues, call our 24-Hrs helpline on 020 7686 6000 or drop in at your local branch (see page 19 for addresses).

TrustI held a meeting in Ireland once and, the day I was coming back to London, I noticed that the sky was cloudy and grey; it looked like it was going to rain cats and dogs. The first thing I thought was, “Hmm… is it raining in London?”

I’ve been in the UK since 1998 (with 2 stints in Africa), and having been born in Rio de Janeiro, one of the things that I missed the most (which, by the way, are very few) is the sun.

I believe that the sun makes people happier, more optimistic, more lively. No wonder why, after creating the earth, God said, “Let there be light.”

I took the photo on the right when I was on the plane, and we can see that the clouds that blanketed the city were actually hiding an endless blue sky that is ALWAYS in the same place.

It is true that there are days when clouds are darker and heavier with rain than usual; sometimes they are low, sometimes they are high, but the truth is:

Clouds are transient, but the blue sky is permanent.

I bet you already know this, don’t you? But how many times do those who are of God end up forgetting that above the problems and difficulties they are experiencing (clouds), there is a wonderful and infinite God who can dissipate these “clouds” through the power of His Words?

Clouds, that is, problems come and go, but the beautiful and wonderful sky is always there. During the day, it’s such a wonderful shade of blue that leaves us in awe of the greatness of God; during the night, it’s so starry it is impossible to count them—do you think Abraham managed to count the stars that night?* :-)

This reminds me of the wonderful testimonies of people who have participated in the Campaign of Israel and made huge sacrifices. At that moment, there may have been a concern about how God would provide for them, but they used their faith and sacrificed, though the sky was overcast. But why did they sacrifice?

Because they imagined their testimony and were sure that above the clouds there were the promises of God, who cannot fail. The sun would shine on them.

And today, when they talk about the huge sacrifices they’ve made, they have a smile on their faces because they know everything they did was worth it. In fact, they are ready to make even greater sacrifices because they’ve learnt the recipe for success.

This is our faith.

“Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” (Psalm 125.1)

The Lord Jesus knew that His hunger was short-lived, for the angels would serve Him.

Are you going through a hard time right now? Trust Him and use your faith to dissipate the clouds that are preventing you from seeing the greatness of God.

God bless you.

Bp Celso Junior

P.S. When I arrived in London, the sun was shining!

*“Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” (Genesis 15.5)


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Make aChainofprayer.

It works!

It’s painful for a mother to see her sweet baby grow into a rebellious, terrible teen. There wasn’t a day that went by when my daughter, Debora and I didn’t argue. She was very rebellious, would lie to me constantly and was always out late. She had a very short temper and the words she used when she would explode was like a dagger to my heart.

The Chain of Prayer I made on Thursdays on her behalf, was the best decision I’d ever made for our mother-daughter relationship.

After a little while of me coming, I invited her and she accepted. She joined the Victory Youth Group (VYG) and slowly but surely, I saw a total change in her. She was no longer rude, she didn’t lie to me anymore and there were no more late nights out.

We now enjoy each other’s company. She’s very respectful, obedient and we’re like best friends. I can see a crystal clear difference from the daughter I had before, to the wonderful daughter I have now. She makes it a pleasure to be a mother.

Maria Rosa Teles

Taming the terrible teen

MondayINDEPENDENCE PROJECT7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMGuidance for financial growth and success.

TuesdayHEALING DAY7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMPromote good health and general wellbeing.

WednesdayPERSONAL GROWTH7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PM

Spiritual growth and development.

ThursdayFAMILY DAY7AM, 10AM, 3PM & 7.30PMPrayerful support and guidance for families.

Which Chain of Prayer is best for you?

A Chain of Prayer is a series of weekly prayers made without interruption. Their purpose is to achieve a positive transformation through faith, just as these people have done; their secret to success being their perseverance.


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Freedom and protection from negativity.

SaturdayLOVE THERAPY 7PM Recieve the strength you need for your relationship.

Sunday (Main service)

EMPOWERMENT10AM & 7.30AMWeekly spiritual boost. Main meeting.


A unique complement to empower you to beat any addiction.

We don’t just want you to get somewhere; we want you to hit the target! This is why we encourage people to focus on one main

Also on Sunday

After witnessing my friend being shot in the head, I was terrified. The trauma from the murder had me feeling as if something were out to get me. This became more than just paranoia when I started seeing dark figures and my late grandmother appear to me!

It took me hours to fall asleep and this left me tired and irritable during the day. I hit rock bottom after my dad was imprisoned and then deported for drug dealing. I felt alone, I felt depressed, I felt afraid… up until I learned the secret to overcoming all of this.

This happened at the UCKG! I learnt that there was a way out and that the secret to being free from this negativity was through my faith. I decided to make a Chain of Prayer on Fridays so I could be free from the negativity surrounding my life.

I also attended the sessions on Wednesdays and Sunday mornings to help me build up my inner strength. With the advice, the Chain of Prayer, and support that I received at the UCKG HelpCentre, I started to see changes in me.

Today, I live a completely different life! I’m no longer haunted by the traumas of the past; I don’t struggle with insecurities about myself, I’m no longer suicidal or depressed and I have a great relationship with my stepmother. The greatest change was inside of me. I have seen a real transformation, one that comes from the inside out.

Kimberley Gordon

Haunted by my past

I was facing financial difficulties and only had enough to pay my rent and bills, and even that was a struggle. As a faithful tither, I attended the Monday meetings regularly, and through them, I became confident in grasping the promises of God in my finances. I always gave my offering believing that God would reward me, even when I had little. God truly surprised me! I received a job offer with double the amount of what I expected and also got a promotion!

Vanessa Lino

It was so much more than I expected


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The Marriage course, which takes place every Thursday at 7pm, is an initiative of the Love Therapy meetings. For more information on the course, email [email protected].

Love:Learn the intelligent

way to find it, to keep it and how to make

it last.

Love Therapy • Saturday, 7pm Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters RoadN4 3NX

The marriage course has been a learning curve for us. We always hear that clear communication is the base of a good relationship, however, the course has taught us how to communicate effectively about what matters.

On week 1, we learnt about discussing the “elephant in the room” and that was so helpful. The course has provided us with the tools to make our relationship successful and equipped us to deal with problems in an intelligent and effective way. The mix of both spiritual and practical help, combined with the couple’s personal examples is invaluable, and we would highly recommend this course to any couple who wants to better their relationship.

Gemma Leon




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Casanova — A smooth-talking charmer who has mastered the art of finding, meeting, attracting and seducing beautiful women into the bedroom. Once he accomplishes his goal, he leaves the woman in fear of having a relationship and proceeds to find his next conquest.

There are many men all over the world who have now made a point in life of targeting women who are insecure, disappointed in love, or that are just

easily swayed by comments of flattery. These men prey on women to boost their own egos and to just add to their tally of female conquests.

The problem is that as this happens repeatedly, women start thinking that all men are the same and that they are only out to get one thing.

But just like these men with no integrity have learnt to take advantage of certain women, it’s important for women also to spot these kind of men and their behaviour and tricks.

Here are a few pointers: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is: If he is saying a world of nice things to hear, and he doesn’t even know you yet, then something is up. If he is really serious, he will tread carefully so as not to get involved too quickly before he finds out who you are. It is better that the guy is taking his time, than him wanting to speed things along at the speed of sound.

Closed for business until marriage: IIf he says he wants to “share his love with you physically” so that he can commit to you through marriage, then something is wrong. That part of the relationship is so special that it should wait until marriage. Actually, if he really wants to prove his love for you, he can marry you. What better way to prove his love than to marry you?

Take your time: If you have been single for a while and this guy is telling you everything you want to hear, don’t rush into anything. Don’t forget, that you have the right to test who he really is. Don’t be afraid to lose him because you are not jumping into bed with him. If he is the person of God for you, then things will happen as they should and at a pace that is right.

Beware of physiological games: Some of these men are great at making women feel guilty if they do not give in to their advances. Remember that you are not obligated to do anything that you don’t want to do. Those who love respect other people’s boundaries. If he makes you feel uncomfortable or pressured, end things immediately.

The important thing to remember is that no matter how sleazy these men are, it is still completely your responsibility whether you fall into their trap or not. Don’t blame them for


CasanovaBeware of

your slip-ups. They may be void of integrity, but it’s easy to blame them for what is ultimately your choice.

Also, remember that not every man is a Casanova. There are men of integrity and character out there who are looking for a like-minded woman to marry. But of course, you have to work hard to find these ones. Remember that diamonds are not found on street corners…


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Mum’s the wordMotherhood is no easy task especially in a day and age that’s so rife with evil and is primarily aimed at the younger generation. Sharing a snippet of their troubled past, these mums tell their experiences of how they refused to let a negative past affect a positive future.

Growing up in a home influenced by addictions, fights, betrayals and financial difficulties definitely had a knock-on effect on me.

In search of peace and happiness, I tried attending various denominations and even went to witchdoctors, but nothing happened. My life was still miserable.

I only found a way out at the UCKG HelpCentre so, later on in life when I became a mother, I knew the great responsibility and challenge I would face daily.

We live in an age where the principles and values are not enforced as before. But my duty as a mother is not to let evil influences prevail in my child’s character and behaviour.

I not only learn to be a mother every day, but also learn from my son that purity must be preserved today and always.

The HelpCentre has enabled me to be the mother I’ve longed to become; with the great examples we have around, whenever we have difficulties we can sure count on them to guide us through.

Fernanda Schlenker

Keeping the basic principles and values

Overcoming my past made me a new woman Looking back at who I used to be reminds me that my scars simply mean I am stronger than whatever tried to hurt me back then.

In my childhood and teenage years, I was known as a problematic and aggressive person. I didn’t know it then, but it was all because I wanted affection and my family’s attention. The results of not having that caused me to be very insecure, which later turned into bossiness and arrogance. It had to be my way or the high way, but the truth was that inside I was the saddest person on earth.

When I had learnt to change at the UCKG HelpCentre through the genuine help and words of encouragement I received, a new chapter started in my life.

I have always admired women who decide to be mothers, but when reality hit home, the feeling was different. I was very scared and because I was immature and still learning to adapt to married life, the responsibility at times overwhelmed me.

With the help of groups in the HelpCentre that work to help women, I managed to overcome all of my difficulties and with my husband’s support, we train our son to grow up to be a successful young man.

Ludymilla Viana

Just for you, womanAt the UCKG, there are different groups to help woman be the best that they can be. For more information about the groups, speak to the pastor’s wife in your branch or email the group.

Godllywood [email protected]

Women’s Meetings Tuesdays, 7pm

RAHAB Group [email protected]

Lone Parents Group [email protected]


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So I left my abusive relationship, what now?Becoming a parent involves the greatest physical, emotional and social upheaval that most women will ever experience.

The frustration of doing it alone can create stress and anxiety that is damaging both to the parent and child.

Once I had left my abusive relationship there was an

automatic relief, but at the same time, it seemed so hard to handle

everything on my own. I was really struggling financially and emotionally; I was in more that £20,000 worth of debt and I had two children to feed.

I loved my children dearly, but with so many scars and roots inside of me, I often wondered how on earth I would ever be happy.

I started attending the meetings on Mondays at the UCKG HelpCentre and initially, I thought

all I’d have to do is come and pray and God would sort out the whole mess. But there was more to it than that! I learnt to organise myself money-wise and work on my inner self, with the help of the advisers.

Today, even though it wasn’t easy easy, both me and my kids are extremely happy and as each day goes by, I am privileged to be called their mother.

Yolanda Romay

When it comes to kids, actions speak louder than wordsMy parents got divorced whilst my mother was still pregnant, so when I was born she was very protective over me. I was raised in a very strict environment, which only sparked rebelliousness and hatred against her.

At the age of 12, I tried to commit suicide thinking that it would free me from the emotional and physical abuse I often endured.

It only took one invitation to the UCKG HelpCentre and I stayed, because it was where I found freedom from the hatred I had inside. It was where I was able to restore my relationship with my father; rebuild my self-esteem, but most importantly, it’s where I had my encounter and baptism with the Holy Spirit.

My husband and I have been happily married for 16 years, and as a fruit of this relationship, we have a seven-year-old son who gives us so much joy.

Being a mother in this day and age is not an easy task. However, I’ve embraced this challenge by taking the best out of every day, and creating opportunities to instil in my son the values and morals of God.

It has been an amazing journey. I’m learning not to focus on my son all the time, but to look at myself and recognise what I need to change or improve as a woman and a mother, because my attitudes and my example in life speaks much louder than many words.

Ana Bacala

I was 17 when I had my daughter. Being so young and not having the person you thought was the “one” by your side was like a knife to my heart. Even though I had the support of my family, the negative thoughts really kicked in. Would I be able to achieve my dreams? How could I have time to go to university? What kind of mother would I be?

I knew that nothing in my life was going to change unless I took the right actions so, as I sat in one of the meetings at the UCKG, I soaked every word and discovered that I can be whatever I set my mind to - I just had to stop feeling sorry for myself and put my faith into action.

It wasn’t a smooth ride but with perseverance I’m now a university graduate, I have my own car and I’m the happiest mother ever! Rossana Soraia

It’s never too late to make it happen


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“The condition was so bad that I was told to forget about my dream career.”


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HOLD MY BABYI couldn’t

I had always dreamt of using my hands to bring my imagination to life. My mum was very artistic, so I loved the idea of working with hair and make-up.

Although I pursued a different line of work when I moved from Ukraine to London, I was never satisfied with my job choice. The decision to make good use of my gift

led me to study hairdressing and make-up artistry in college. I went on to do one-to-one master classes with celebrity make-up artists.

I was doing very well, and I was incredibly happy with my progression, until the last month of college. That was when my life turned upside down. It was like a surreal nightmare where my dreams came grinding to a halt.

I woke up in the middle of the night with an unbearable pain in my hands; it felt as if I had broken every bone. I couldn’t move my hands, wrists or fingers at all. On that day, I couldn’t even go through with the practical exam I had. I was devastated.

The pains would come often; sometimes only one hand hurt, but it was always one or the other. I wanted to scream out in pain, but it hurt so much that I couldn’t even properly express how I felt.

But what really broke my heart was not the fact that I couldn’t get dressed or brush my hair, but that I couldn’t take my daughter to school, cook for her, or do the normal things a mother does for her child.

I desperately sought help. I saw doctors from different countries, had plenty of check-ups and tests, but nothing was certain. I was even told to forget about my dream career. Those words killed me. After two years of studying, was I really meant to give up all that I had worked so hard to achieve?

A friend I had not seen for almost seven years called me just to ask how I was doing. I told him everything about how my life had been. His response was an invitation to the UCKG HelpCentre, but I ignored that appeal for a good six months until he called me again.

Thankfully, I had spoken to my sister who was attending the HelpCentre in Ukraine and encouraged me to go, so on that note, I accepted my friend’s invitation.

The next day, a Friday, I stepped into the UCKG for the first time and came back on Sunday. I will never ever forget what happened that morning.

I woke up that day in agony. This time, both of my hands were swollen. I couldn’t even pick up the phone to tell my friend that I had decided I wouldn’t make it anymore; my daughter had to do it for me. But my friend wouldn’t let it go. That was all the more reason why I should come, he insisted.

He and his wife came to my house, helped me to get dressed, and took me to the HelpCentre. At the end of the meeting, I received a prayer. Believe it or not, I couldn’t feel

the pain in my hands anymore. I looked down at them and they were their normal size! It was such a shock for me.

From that day on, I decided to stay and learn how to use my faith. I made my Chain of Prayers. I went to the hospital for a check and walked out already knowing the outcome: I was fine.

It’s been a year since that first Sunday and I haven’t had any more pain in my hands at all. Now that the pain that had been stopping me doing what I loved was gone, I could fight for my vision.

I am incredibly happy today, because I’m living what I was told I wouldn’t be able to do! I’m not only excelling as a hair and make-up artist, but I can give my daughter what she needs. I can be

a mother again, and that makes me the happiest woman in the world.

Svitlana Mutsa


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The poor will only be poor until the day that he discovers that thinking is free. You don’t have to be rich to think, anyone can. But unfortunately, not everyone does.

Everyone has at least one talent inside of them, and that is what must be used to multiply your resources and grow financially. It’s not by working that you become rich. What makes you rich is discovering the wealth within you first (your talent), then using it to prosper.

Unfortunately, not everyone is taught to think this way. Most of us were taught to get good grades, so that we can get a good job. We were not taught to think big or to discover that wealth comes from inside of us.

But what can you achieve if throughout your life all you hoped for was a good job to pay the bills? The way that God raised His children was completely different.

His thoughts for them were much higher. He taught them to be the head; not to work for others or live their lives on credit. He prepared his people to be leaders, owners, to possess wealth.

Those are the thoughts you need to accept if you are really going to be rich and prosperous.

Through Jesus, you are entitled to these promises. An abundant life is available for you—a life where you’re not worried about the price tag of the items that you buy; a life where you can choose where you live; where you don’t depend on the economy—you make the life that you want.

But it starts by discovering and believing in the talent that God has put inside of you.

Some of you already know your talent and are only lacking action, attitude or a breakthrough; others may not know what their talent is yet.

God is not complicated. All He is asking you to do is believe. You don’t have to be Bill Gates or Einstein. It’s simple: What can you do well?

It doesn’t matter if people criticise you, if they don’t believe in you or support you. If you believe, that’s enough.

The wealth that you have been looking for has been inside of you the whole time.



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An unexpected phone call from back home brought bitter news. My brother had been involved in a car accident and was in hospital. Due to the severity of his condition, the

family was told that it was likely he wouldn’t make it. Although my heart sunk once I’d heard what had happened, I knew what I had to do.

I took part in the Campaign of Israel because I had seen results from it myself, and I knew it was an opportunity for me to use my faith in an extraordinary way for my brother’s life.

Instead of requesting for my brother to get better, I wanted him to walk again so that my mother wouldn’t feel the strain of having to look after him when she wasn’t in a position to do so. She had just retired.

Although it was very hard for me to sacrifice, I decided to continue using my faith believing that God would do something extraordinary. I attended the Tuesday meetings in the belief that he would recover. One month ago, my mother came here to the UK and one week after she arrived, my brother started walking. When I heard the news, I was overjoyed! His progression had been gradual, until he had fully recovered. I couldn’t have been happier to hear such great news.

Once again, God had not let me down; with such an expression of faith, how could He?

Carol Verner


“My brother had been involved in a car accident and the family were told that it was likely he wouldn’t make it.”


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MONDAY Haggai 2:8

TUESDAY Isaiah 53:5

WEDNESDAY Jeremiah 29:13

THURSDAY Acts 16:31

FRIDAY John 8:36

SATURDAY1 Corinthians 13:4-8

SUNDAY James 4:8-10

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

One day, while doing a physics exam, I was writing down one calculation after another. When I realised it, I had

written all over the paper, but hadn’t actually done anything yet.

I raised my hand and asked the teacher if he could give me a new sheet of paper so I could finish the test.

Even though the test was going to be over in a few minutes, the teacher went to get another sheet.But before handing it to me, he asked, “Why do you want a new sheet of paper?”

I explained that I tried to do the math, but was still a little confused, so I started writing on the paper and when I realized it, I had written all over the paper, but hadn’t actually done anything yet.

He said, “Okay.”

Even though I only had a little bit of time left, I took the test and still received the highest score.

When we are born, God gives us this sheet of paper, which is our life.

And what many of us have done is just scribble on this sheet without actually getting anywhere.

There are only failed attempts, frustrations, disappointments and tremendous confusion, yet you haven’t gotten anywhere.

I ask you, “Isn’t it time for you to ask our Teacher, the LORD JESUS, for a new blank sheet of paper?”

Don’t be shy; you can do this right now.Look for your nearest Universal Church.

Ask the Lord Jesus to forgive all your sins.Surrender your entire life to God Almighty.





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Before stone-throwers start aiming for my head, let me get this clear: I’m all for education. I think any activity that positively stimulates your brain is not only good for you but they’re necessary. I also believe that education is not synonymous with going to school or university, although I wish it were. And for that I blame the educational system, parents, and the students themselves — not necessarily in that order. But that’s for another day.

Having cleared up that I’m not against education, let me say this: Too many parents today worship at the altar of education. Schoolbooks are their children’s Bible. School fees are their

tithes. And their own children are their sacrificial offerings to a god who cannot deliver them.

Their prayer? “May my child get good grades so he will become somebody in life and make good money.”

And to get that prayer answered, they are ready to do anything. Really, ANYTHING. They’ll be quite flexible on everything else, but won’t compromise on their child’s education.

“My 14-year-old daughter wants to start dating guys I don’t even know. Well, what can I do, you know teenagers, you can’t keep them in the house.” Many parents will accept that behaviour from their daughter, as long as she’s being ‘responsible’ with her schoolwork.

“Our son finds church boring, but he is so excited about video games. He’s a boy, you know, we can’t drag him to church.” I

wonder what these parents would do if their son wanted to stay home playing video games instead of going to school.

“My daughter disrespects me, doesn’t help around the house, and has taken to going out drinking with friends till late at night

on weekends. I’ve been turning a blind eye as long as it’s not affecting her grades.” In other words, I’ll take abuse, I’ll support an

ungrateful bum financially, I’ll wait up late at night, worried sick till you come home drunk — BUT DON’T YOU START DOING BADLY IN SCHOOL!

When did getting an education take the place of good old manners, moral values, and faith? When did it make up for them?

My mum blamed herself for being unable to put me through private school. But she did a better job instilling some values in me than any Harvard professor could. To her dismay at the time, I left school before entering my last year of college in order to go into full-time ministry. That was 20 years ago. She laid the groundwork to a successful life. My faith in God did the rest.

I think I’ve turned out just fine.




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A mother’s love is unconditional, unselfish, and has no measure. Her love is a deep devotion that sacrifices no matter what. She

is patient, forgiving and is always there when in need of her. Her touch and care is like no other. A love that is a never-ending gift.

But many are the sons and daughters whose love for their mother is: conditional, selfish, and has a measure.

Many are those who do not recognise all the love and sacrifices their mother did for them. Some just use them or only give them attention when in need of something.

How many mothers in this world have given their best for their children but when they grew up, they act as if their mother doesn’t exist? Or, how many mothers become sick or old and need someone

to care of them, while their children completely abandon them? It’s a sad thing to see, but unfortunately, it happens often.

This Mother’s Day, I would like to invite you to show your love for your mother. Recognize her love and care for you. Do something that will make her feel special and loved. It can be by giving her a gift, doing something special for her or even by declaring your love for her.

Don’t just remember or show your love for your mother on certain dates. Remember, care and love her everyday.

I would like to wish all mothers a happy Mother’s Day. May God bless and protect you all, including mine.

Cristiane Cardosocristianecardoso.com

A never-ending love


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spends all her money on her exterior, which will be ungrateful and only bring even more sadness… The interior needs the exterior.

How about you?

You who condemn this kind of women, deep down you feel threatened by her. Jealousy grows inside of you and you compare yourself to other people.

The unhappiness of others brings confidence and that is why gossip news is so popular. People hope for celebrities to get it wrong in their love life, and unfortunately this is what happens most of the time. The more attention a person has, the more people will wish bad upon them. They are insecure and don’t even realise it.

Do you know what would be the reaction of a woman who does not need inner healing?

She would look at this picture and not condemn her or admire her, just as Jesus did with the adulterous woman.Everyone wanted to stone her for being caught in the act of adultery, but when they brought her to Him, He did not condemn her.

Do you know why? Because He was well resolved in His interior and did not need to make anyone else feel inferior to Him to feel good about Himself.

The Lord Jesus knew the conflict that woman had. And you? Do you know the conflicts other women around you go through?

I do not know about them all, but I sympathise with everyone, even the Jezebels. I hope that those who follow me do the same, because who are we to judge or condemn?

Those who are healed internally understand those who are not. Join our monthly Inner Healing Course. For more information, ask the pastor’s wife at a UCKG HelpCentre.

at your local UCKG (see page 19 for addresses.)

Inner healing

Women’s Meeting Tuesdays, 7pmInvesting in our Inner Beauty and Strength - Join us for a meeting that will guide and inspire you.

Recently we did an Inner Healing Course that helped thousands of women. There is a lot of feedback from women who left

the course completely transformed and I am sure that many are still seeing results.

There were women of all ages, married, single, widowed, divorced, mothers and daughters. Not all had the same goal, because many came to bring their friends and family, but they did not expect to learn that they also needed inner healing…

It’s common for people to think that only those with traumas and complexes from the past need inner healing, but the reality is quite different. Everyone needs inner healing.

Let me give you an example.

When you see a beautiful woman, who is attractive and draws the attention of men and

women with the way she dresses and walks, you usually have one of two reactions:

1. You think she is indecent and that she thinks she is better than others.

2. You would like to be like her and have what she has.

What you do not realise is why this beautiful woman is the way she is, and why you think of her in one of the two ways above… both of you need inner healing.

She needs to be beautiful to get attention and maybe even value, which means she needs her exterior to draw attention and have value. That is why she’s a slave to her looks, working out, going on diets, and punishing herself with all kinds of plastic surgeries and beautification treatments. And when she starts aging, she is not content and tries to go back in time. She


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However, as time ticks by, ‘family’ as an institution is becoming a thing of the past. The concept of

the traditional home may soon be put on display at a museum near you, in the ‘extinct species’ section.

But this can be avoided.

Today, the mothers were given a special gift and a prayer was made for on their behalf, as we celebrated Mother’s Day.

But why not extend this joy to all of your family?

Next Sunday 22nd March, a prayer will be made for the families for every area of life. Bring your family album to intercede on behalf of your loved ones, but what better way to do good for them than to bring them in person to the foot of the cross?

No matter the state of your family, don’t accept its demise or give up fighting for loved ones.

Who knows, this event could be just what they need? And hopefully then, we will keep families from extinction for another generation.

Our family is a very important part of our lives. They help us in improving our personality and shaping our character; they teach us the value of love, affection, care, truthfulness and self-confidence, and provide us with tools that are necessary to get success in life.


When will the event take place?At your local UCKG HelpCentre (see page 19)

How much does it cost?It does not cost anything.Will there be childcare facilities?Yes, childcare facility is available. You can leave your children in our newly refurbished children’s area where CRB-checked helpers will care for them while you attend the meeting.

What time?The main meeting will be at 10am (but there will also be one at 7.30am)

What do I need to bring?Bring your family album and also invite your family to come along with you.

Headquarters: Rainbow Theatre,232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX

Need to know information

Don’t just bring your family frame on the day, bring your family with you to receive a special prayer for unity and protection.



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BRIXTON386 - 388 Brixton Rd, SW9 7AW

CATFORD 1 Bromley Rd, SE6 2TS

CROYDON12-14 London Rd, CR0 2TA

EDMONTON 6 Sterling Way 1st Floor (above LIDL), N18 2XZ

HACKNEY 20 Brenthouse Rd, E9 6QG

HAMMERSMITH Unit 39, Broadway Shopping Centre, W6 9YD

KILBURN 234 Kilburn High Rd, NW6 4JR

PECKHAM176-178 Rye Lane, SE15 4NF

PLAISTOWSt Andrew’s Rd (off Barking Rd, by Plaistow Police Station), E13 8QD

SOUTHALL71-73 The Broadway, UB1 1LA


STRATFORD7 The Grove, E15 1EL

TOOTING 145 Upper Tooting Rd, SW17 7TJ (Entrance in Lessingham Avenue)

WILLESDEN GREEN 17 Heathfield Park, NW2 5JE


BIRMINGHAM (Bullring) 128 Suffolk St, Queensway, B1 1LX

BIRMINGHAM99 Lozells Rd, B19 2TR

CARDIFF West Grove, (off Newport Rd), CF24 3AN

GRAVESEND 8/9 High Street, Kent, DA11 OBQ

LEEDS 12 Regent Street Leeds LS2 7QA

LEICESTER Former City Cinema, 27 Abbey Street LE1 3TE

LUTONFirst floor Luton Mall, 46 George Street, LU1 2LG, (Next to McDonalds)

MANCHESTER71 Daisy Bank Rd, Victoria Park, M14 5GH

NEWCASTLE 1 Thornton St (below Premier Apartments, off Westgate Rd), NE1 4AT

NOTTINGHAM 11 Thurland St, NG1 3DR

SWINDONFormer Salvation Army building, 21 Fleet St, SN1 1RQ


BELFAST (Tuesday – 7:30pm)Holiday Inn Hotel, 22 Ormeau Avenue, BT2 8HSFor more info call 00353 8615 45567

BOURNEMOUTHSt. Michael’s Church, (West Cliff bus stop), Poole Rd, BH2 5QU

BRISTOL St Werburghs Community CentreHorley Road, St Werburghs, BS2 9TJ

GLASGOW (Once a month - call for info) Jury’s Inn Glasgow Hotel, 80 Jamaica Street, G1 4QG

ILFORDIlford Conservative Club, 42 Ilford Hill, IG1 2AT

OXFORD Asian Cultural centre(Towards end of Manzil Way) 0X4 1GH (off Cowley Rd, near NHS building)

PETERBOROUGH Westgate Church, 70 Westgate, PE1 1RG

SHEFFIELDWorkstation - Showroom 5, 15 Paternoster Row, S1 2BX

ST HELIER (JERSEY) Springfield Stadium, Blue Room, Janvrin Road, JE2 4LF

WOOLWICH Glyndon Community Centre (Lower Hall), 75 Raglan Rd, Plumstead, SE18 7JB

FINDING ANSWERS | Looking for answers? ...This show is for you! 60 minutes of real issues, real debates, real people, real answers.

Airs: Mondays – Sundays from 11pm to 12am. REPEATS: Mondays – Sundays from 7am to 8am.

THE CHRISSY B SHOW | The Chrissy B show will inspire you to be happy and stay positive! Tune in for entertainment, true-life stories with friendly and practical advice.

Airs: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 10pm REPEATS: Tuesdays & Thursday at 11am, Sunday at 3pm

LOVE TALK | There is always something to say when it comes to matters of the heart and James and Helena are not afraid to delve into them. Join the chat!

Airs: Every Saturday at 3pm. REPEATS: Wednesday & Friday at 1am

DKW (A DIFFERENT KIND OF WOMAN) | Peeks into women and all of their complexities – the good, the bad, and the not-so-hot.

Airs: Sundays at 4pm. REPEATS: Saturdays at 4pm.

On the Box


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Website: 24-hr Helpline:020 7686 6000




Sunday 22 March • 10am (Also at 7.30am) in all uckg branchesFAMILY AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS

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