université cheikh anta diop, dakar, senegal … · université cheikh anta diop –ucad is one of...

1 Par Karamoko DIARRA, Professeur UCAD – DAKAR – SENEGAL; Email: [email protected] Réunion Réseau Africain de Travail sur les rongeurs Soudano-Sahéliens Elargie aux partenaires Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL Ecole Doctorale Sciences de la Vie de la Santé et de l’Environnement

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Page 1: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Par Karamoko DIARRA, ProfesseurUCAD – DAKAR – SENEGAL; Email: [email protected]

Réunion Réseau Africain de Travail sur les rongeurs Soudano-SahéliensElargie aux partenaires

Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGALEcole Doctorale Sciences de la Vie de la Santé et de l’Environnement

Page 2: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


In Senegal, the university level training in agricultural-related fields is provided by four (/5) universities :

› Université de Thiès › Université Gaston Berger› Université de Ziguinchor› Université Cheikh Anta Diop› Université du SSK


Page 3: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Université de Thies is recognized as the institution with a traditional undergraduate degree in agriculture:

B.S. in forestry and agriculture (ISFAR) at BambeyThe instruction program focuses on : •Integrated management of pests, •Horticulture• Seed breeding and production,•Forages, Animal nutrition and health•Cotton,


Page 4: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Engineer in agronomy of Superior National School of Agriculture (ENSA) at Thies

The instruction program focuses on :•Crop production, •Livestock production, •Agricultural economics and rural sociology, •Agricultural engineering

M.Sc. of Forestery


Page 5: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


University of Ziguinchor –UZ, a fourth university located in the Casamance region in the south . UZ has a department of Agriculture and Rural development.

It has developping more applied program of agro-forestry B.S. Degree


Page 6: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Université Gaston Berger UGB is the second university in Senegal. It has recently initiated a College of Agricultural Science, which complements programs in Economics and Business:

› B.S. in › Agricultural Sciences› Aquaculture and› Food Technology,

› Pre-B.S. Degree ProgramsEducation includes use of farmscollaboratively operated

with local communities as well as the university farm


Page 7: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa

It has recently committed itself to develop more applied programs of research and training in agriculture, such as :

3 BS: › B.Sc. Degree of Agriculture and

Entrepreneurship› B.Sc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture› Livestock production


Page 8: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

10 M.Sc. › Plant and Microbial Biotechnology (BIOVEM) › Agroforestry, Ecology and Adaptation (AFECA)› Plant Production and Protection (PPV)› Taxonomy, Biodiversity, Ethnobotany and Natural

resources Management & Environment› Sustainable Management of Horticultural Agro-

Ecosystems (GEDAH)› Nutrition and Food › Fishing & aquaculture› Chemistry & Analytical Aspects › Quality Management in bio-industries



Page 9: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


6 Doctoral Training in agricultural science:

üPlant and Microbial Biotechnology and Plant


üAgroforestry and Ecology

üPlant Production and Protection

üKnowledge and Management of Biodiversity

üHorticulture and Urban and

peri urban agriculture (2013)


Page 10: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop



Financement:Programme Horizon Francophone de l’AUF et AI CIRAD


DE. L'!ID~i'\liRO?t-:.\"E..~

I'.~'C."ill"I.'rE DES SCIENCES Er TEC.-m,.,'IQUES


spD!ife: iEutomologie·


TIDi'e·: Q.sfioom~d.'es. populatiomde·PlN.~ ::c.y!osMio. L (I..EpidDpll!n:

~lliil!ae: , p:riDdJ!illl ~ur du dl.o1JI au. ~

Diredem de Ua!st : Km:il:Jm'loo, m:rum...t. Prof'e5iew: t:in.JWre.. Fs: 1UC~. lembres : Ka:ndio'IIFd .. "OB .. >t, Prof55!!m ~ I .. ~· ·.

Dr. DooCJJiqu.e BOEDA:F'. O!m:h.irur HD.R.. cmAD ~ Dr. Emi::_ ViDior OOL Y lli'ecti!W' df! IKh.err.ll; ESRA1'CDH Dr.~ !B!RE\[ ;tUl.T, C'l':erdJsnr CJ:R.A.Th'Pe :i")'.it

Life, bis'I!11J !rails o:l l'l001yzus soto.lmvskii l(unljumuv {H'I'mellllplem: Euloplflfule}, a parasftoid ol lhe dl11mondbact molb

G. Sow' '. L Arwl'l~akis". S. iassy''". K 1Jiari9J1 & n Bordar' ·~-<Jl'!DooDfmJ~Ti!l5m.-'l~-~...,m~:.,.~"'llti¥<~ JJo:J-ot'm ~ .. -~ U.t...,..u!O>:Itll .1nu Dqooit' Dltlr(IJCAl!lA lii'.SOOS. r-.~ 'l.li'miJmr..,.llbJI'-...z~l -..r~.lll:I!Jb>I.......-.Joi< p<r, CII!.'..D, ~ M><:.:p!J'Izr Ci!da.;,. llifDz

•llu5mt 'l':!;mrjllr.l:mm ~~ m1 ~ P.O. Jm:mnati'IXI, Nil """"'

lx~l]tnmllltltfTKJpcJ. fleitd~\bL33.No. l.pp.38-4S..2DlJ Cl~,r'W1.3


Performance of the p arasi toid Oomyzus sokolowskii (H ym enoptera: Eulop hidae)

on i ts h os t Plutella. Xtj lostella. (Lep id optera: Plutellid ae) under

labora tory con d i tions

Gal lo Sow'•, Laurence Arvan itakis2, Saliou Niassy',

Karamoko Diarra1 and Dominique Bordat2

1Laboratoire de Parasitologie, Depa.rtement de Biologic Animale~ Paculte des Sciences et Techniques, Equipc Production et Protection

lntegrees en AgroCcosys temcs hortioolcs, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), BP 5005, Daka r, Sen "l!!' ~ 2 Laboratoire de Biodiversite

des all?ystcmes horticotes TAB/L, Campus intematimal d e BatUarguet, ORAD, 34398 Montpelfier Cedex 5, France

Foli a Hon. 2511 (2013): 3-12

DOt 1CI .247&'Ttlelrt·2D1J.OD[)1



Pubtl6hed b)' the- Poll m Socle-;y tor Hor11cl1~ Science- st~ce 1989

The relationship between the diamondback moth, climatic facto•·s, cabbage crops and natu•·alenemies

in a tropical a1·ea

Gal/o Soov', Karamoko Diarra'*, Loureuce .dn'OJ1ilokis1, Domiuique Bordat'

' D@panement de Biolo~e- A.nimsle., FaOJ.lte des. Sciemes et Tec:hniques Equipe Produaion a ProtectioD IntegrH:s. eD AgrcH!c.osystfine-s B.onicoles

UCAD, BP5 00S Dakar-Fann, S""'gal 2 Laboratoire- Biodh:ers:iti! des AgroKosyscemes eo Horticulmre­

UR-HortSys, L~ B-103, Campus l!ll!emati.o!La.l de Baillarguet, CIR.AD 34398 MODtpeUl-er cede.-,: 5, Fr.mc:e-

Page 11: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Première étude de cas

Page 12: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar (UCAD)

K. Diarra et al. , EQUIPE 2PIA, UCAD, Dakar, Senegal

Seasonal abundance of major cabbage insect pests and their natural enemies

in Senegal


Page 13: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

IntroductionIntroduction� In Senegal, insect pests are a major constraint to

the improvement of yield and quality of vegetable crops

� Chemical control is the main strategy developed by farmers to protect their crop -> loss of biodiversity, resistance, etc.

� Need to design ecologically-basedpest management strategies

Page 14: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Plutella xylostella

Lepidopteran pests of cabbageLepidopteran pests of cabbage

Page 15: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Plutella xylostella Helulla undalis

Chrysodeixis chalcites Crocidolomia binotalis

Lepidopteran pests of cabbageLepidopteran pests of cabbage

Page 16: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Plutella xylostella (L.) · « T eigne du chou » Lepidoptera ; Plutellidae

I Les: adultes de la c Teigne " sont de petits papiltons de 15 mm de longueur enlfiroo. l es ailes ant~rieures de la femelle ( 1' sont de couleur brun clair avec une zone plus pale suT le oos.. les a!les du mile sont plus !Oocees, La zone d01S3le est blanche (2).

l l es arufs som dep~s d e fa~on isolee ou par petits f.roupes ne depass:ant pas une vmgtame d 'umes (1~ A l'edosion, les chenilles penetrent dans les feuiDes, faisant apparaitre des traces blanches en fonne de virgule (4).

l l::les le OeUlci~me stade, el!es consomment le dessous des feouilles (5) jusqua la nymphose qui s'efl'ectue J;l! T la plante (6).. Par forte attaque, les feouilles sont perfomes de nombreux trous empe­ch;antla formation de lapomme (7)..


Hellula undalis (F.) « Borer du chou » Lepidoptera ; Pyralidae

I L"aa:oup!ement (1) all1!11 des !'emergence des ~uhes..

I Le.s oeufs (2} sont d ~poses isolement sous les feoui11es. Des leur eclosion, les chen;lles pen~trent a l'interieur de la plante en se concentrant dans les neTVUTes prindpales des feuilles. O'autres se ~isent sur le bourgeon central ~3) qu'elles devoren1,. puis penetreont dans latige(4).

I La nymphose s'effeclue sur la planle au m!lr.eu des excremen!s des chenU!es. Prives d'axe central, les choux apparaissent pfats (5) et le depart cle certains bourgeons allilla.!res provoque la fonnation d'un chou a plusieurs pomme.s, le ren­dant impropreab vente (6).


Page 17: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


1. Characterizing the major insect pests of cabbage in the main vegetable-producing area in Senegal (Niayes),

2. Evaluating the impact of pest management practices and natural enemies (especially parasitoids) on the regulation of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) populations.

Page 18: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

• 32 focal fields

Study area (Niayes)Study area (Niayes)� Yearly

précipitations : 500 mm max.

� T°C: 20 - 30°C

Page 19: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

� From October 2012 to January 2013(hot dry season), from transplanting to harvest,

� 24 plants per field were observed every three weeks: plant diameter, number of major lepidopteran pests,

� 3089 larvae and nymphs were reared at the lab to evaluate the rate of parasitism,

� Cultural practices, including insecticide spraying, were recorded.


Page 20: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

� P. xylostella was by far the major pest of cabbage during this season, especially in the South of Niayes.

Pests and infestationPests and infestation

Page 21: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

� Parasitoids were mainly represented by Oomyzus sokolowskii (Hymen., Eulophidae).

Parasitoids and parasitismParasitoids and parasitism

South Centre North

Page 22: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

� The percentage of parasitized larvae varied from 0 to 33% according to fields (n=3090).

Parasitoids and parasitismParasitoids and parasitism

% parasitism(P. xylostella)





*GLM Logistic regression

Page 23: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

� The percentage of parasitized larvae decreased with time…

Parasitoids and parasitismParasitoids and parasitism

% parasitism(P. xylostella) a*


*GLM Logistic regression

Nb days post transplanting


Page 24: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

� A positive correlation between the percentage of infested sprouts and the number of insecticide treatments performed was observed, suggesting low efficiency of treatment and putative insecticide resistance in populations of the diamondback moth.

Insecticide and resistanceInsecticide and resistance

% infested sprouts(transf. asin√)(P<0.01)

Page 25: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Conclusion et PerspectivesConclusion et Perspectives� Plutella xylostella is the major pest for cabbage

in Senegal

� Biological control could be an alternative to insecticide use, provided …

� This study, to continue with a new range of variables including landscape, should contribute to improve management practices of insect pests towards an "ecologically-based" intensification of agricultural production systems.

Page 26: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop


Deuxième étude de cas

Page 27: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Tuta absoluta, Tuta absoluta, une nouvelle menace pourune nouvelle menace pourla production de tomate au Sla production de tomate au Séénnéégal?gal?

Page 28: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) · Lepidoptera ; Gelechiidae

I Les aduttes de 5 mm e nviron sont de couleur brun griJatre (1). A l'edOSJoo, la cnen'Jie (2' penetre dans la l"euiDe et mine le pareocnyme.

I Les feuilles attaquees se dessechent ( 3). La chenille penetre dans la tige et mme celle-ci 14 ). 91e peut egalement s'attaquer au fruit (S }.

I La nymphose s'effectue sur la feuiUe dans un cocon SO)'I!UX (6).

G l- C't )o.. .l ,


Page 29: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

DDéétection de tection de Tuta absoluta Tuta absoluta en cultures de en cultures de tomate plein champ dans la zone des Niayestomate plein champ dans la zone des Niayes


� Suivi d’un réseau de parcelles

� Sud, centre et nord Niayes� Observation toutes les

trois semaines de 3 feuilles sur 24 plants par parcelle

� Du repiquage à la récolte

Page 30: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

DDéétection de tection de Tuta absoluta Tuta absoluta en cultures de en cultures de tomate plein champ dans la zone des Niayestomate plein champ dans la zone des Niayes

Saison 1 (24 parcelles)Octobre-décembre 2012

Page 31: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Saison 1 (24 parcelles)Octobre-décembre 2012

Saison 2 (26 parcelles)Février-avril 2013

DDéétection de tection de Tuta absoluta Tuta absoluta en cultures de en cultures de tomate plein champ dans la zone des Niayestomate plein champ dans la zone des Niayes

Tuta absoluta Tuta absoluta clans les Niayes (Senegal) clans les N iayes (Senegal)

• absence e absence

• presence e presence

10 20 km 0 10 201un

Page 32: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

DDéégâts sur feuilles de tomategâts sur feuilles de tomate

Page 33: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

DDéégâts sur feuilles de tomategâts sur feuilles de tomate

Parcelles abandonnées!

Page 34: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

DDéétection de tection de Tuta absolutaTuta absolutasur dsur d’’autres cultures de Solanacautres cultures de Solanacééeses

� aubergine(Solanum melongena)

� diakhatou(Solanum aethiopicum)

Page 35: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

T. Brévault1, O. Ndoye2, M. Diatte3, S. Sylla3,

G. Bernadas1, S. Gueye2 & K. Diarra3

Programme Peers-Biobio

Une rUne rééelle menace pour la filielle menace pour la filièère marare maraîîchchèère!re!

1Cirad, 2FPMN, 3Ucad

Page 36: Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, DAKAR, SENEGAL … · Université Cheikh Anta Diop –UCAD is one of the strongest university in west Africa It has recently committed itself to develop

Programme Programme «« Doctorants du Sud 2013Doctorants du Sud 2013 »» sur le sujet sur le sujet «« Invasion de la Invasion de la mineuse de la tomate, Tuta absoluta, en Afrique submineuse de la tomate, Tuta absoluta, en Afrique sub--saharienne : saharienne : dynamique, niche dynamique, niche éécologique et potentiel de rcologique et potentiel de réégulation biologique gulation biologique

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