university of nigeria as of nigeria research publications author nsofor, c. n....

University of Nigeria Research Publications NSOFOR, C. N. Author PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School Students in Ogidi Educational Zone Faculty Education Department Education Date December, 1996 Signature

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Page 1: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

University of Nigeria Research Publications






Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School Students in Ogidi

Educational Zone










December, 1996




Page 2: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School
Page 3: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School
Page 4: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School


Self-concept as a factor in career choice"

among secondary school students 5n OgiPi

Education Zone,





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i i


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This preject is dedicate3 t* my beloved

husband - Rev. C A. Akabogu - who gave me not

only moral support but also spiritual suppmt.

Page 7: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School


The researcher express with profound gratitude,

her indebtedness to her project Supervisor - Nr. J. 0.

Enuesike, who approved the topic an3 guided the

researcher throughout t he study.

I am also grateful to all who contributed in

one WPY or the other, towards the pro$ress qf this


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TITLE PAGE r.o~-e.a....-e.-*.-o-...e.moo..o

Al3ROVAL PAGE r.*i~rrr.....r.rrr-cw.r.eaae-

DZD.ICATIOX m + o o - - * * m - - o - e e e - o o o o - o o o - * . - - o m

ACt;P:O'vIILmmr;BT . . . . . . . . . . . . .**.eo...o..-a.

TABLE: OF CONTEWI' -.e-mo..eoo.eo.o.o.eomm-o*

3tatement of the prdllern Furpose of the study ...,.....,,..........i Significance of the study . m . . . . , . . . . . o a m . .

,;cope of the study ..-.~............~..-... Research questions . , . , , . . . . . .a.mar~-. . . .~.

Page i ii iii iv v

CEIATTID THREE: 7-77 .&SEARCH METRODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Research design m , . - . . . . . . . . m . m m . . m . . . . m . - m

Area of Study ,....,,.,...,..,.......m..*...I Population m . . , . . . ~ . m . . , . . . ~ , . . . ~ . . m . I e . . - .

Sampling Technique ...,.....,...,.......... Instrument ............o.m..m........m...L. Validity of the'instrument . . . . . . . . . m . . . m . m .

?"ithod of data c+llection,.,....,,...~... -... Data Analysis- .....,.-o...................

Xducational implicatiens ef the findings and recommendations ..*...................C.e

Limitations of the 'stuby , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . Suggestions for further s t u d i e s .........., Summary of the study ,...............a..... RE:FErnJCS . . a * . . * .,...,....*.......*.....e.

AFEENDIX: Questionnaire

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.di . i ? ? c ~ t i r n Tone hav

l a t they chose more pr

- . .. - -

s t r a t i f i e d rmdom sampling technique w a s used in

selecting the scbools. Two boysg schools and three girls*

schouls .d find copies of questionnaire were given

to 5s 111 c l ; ~ r c n - x . vhe researcher found out that students

in ~ b i e h iph self-concept of them~elves

mid th est le ioua careers. It was found

a l ~ o t h s t C h ~ y eonssdercd their sex i n c h o o a i n ~ careera,

There ir, l 'r~refore the need for puidance counselling

s e n i c : to en l i rh ten the second~ry ~ c l ~ o o l

studenzs An c . A L F - l r choice, trle i - p l i c - tion of this i~ t ha t

euidnnce c o l ~ n s ~ l l o r s be pos ted to all seconacrp schools in

not only but the e n t i r e country. ~,?-LC zone t

Page 11: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School


Self concept r e fe r s to what a person thinks he is, it

includes the tetal. ?lumber of ways i n which the person perceives

himself - h i s own physical, intellectual, si"cia1, emotional

an3 moral characteristics and behaviaur (self identi ty) , It

r e i e r s to the care #f a person's frme ef reference and system

of values of himself. Like p&s*n&lity, self-concept is

t he dynamic arganization ef characteristic qualities of a

person but unlike persmality, self concept is a picture

of the integrated qualities, abilities, tempemment, effects

on others health status and st on, Bs seen by the individual

hizmelf . The concept of self is much elder than that of

personali ty, although the terms appear t m be synonymous.

It i s a more or less arganised perceptpal ebJect resulting

from present and past self ebservation and represents the

nap which each pers* consults in order to understand himself,

especially during mments of crisis ar choice.

Hurlmck f 1978) maintained t h a t the real self-concept is

the concept people have of whe aml what they are, That,

is t h e hurrw image determined largely by t h e i r ro les , th

r e l a t i onsh ips with etheks, and what they belsevea the rea

of others to them are. Each kind of self-concept has a

physical as well as a psycholagical aspect.

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individuals have of their appearances, their sex, appropriate- n

ness, the importance of t h e i r bndies i n relation to t h e i r . . . .

behavjour and the prestige their bodies give them in the eyes

of others. On the other hand, the psycholagical aspect, i s

composed of concepts individuals have of their a b i l i t i e s and

d i s ~ b i l i t i e s , t h e i r worth and their re la t ionships with others.

E z e i l o (1984) viewed self-concept as a multi-dimenzional

construct which refers to the way an individual perceives,

fee ls , thinks about and evaluates himself.

The individuaIs conception of himself emerges from s o c i a l

interaction, and in turn guides or influences t h e behaviour

of that i nd iv idua l - Kinch (1963).

Super e t a1 ( l%3 abserved t h a t a person's occupational

choice is an implementation of h i s self-concept, that is,

his idea of the kin3 m f person he is.

The concept a person has ef hiaself is very much

ref lected i n the choice a f h i s vacation, hence, high self-

esteemed individuals tend to choose jobs t h a t suit their

perceptions rf thenselves, while 1 . a ~ self-esteemed individuals

go f o r t h e v o c a t i m s t h a t will match their self perception,

Kence, it has always been maintainr? t h a t a person's work iki

one of the most impertant parts of his social i.Jcr,tlt;- IT 4'"

s e l f , *

Choosing a set .of sec ia l roles, such as t h a t involved i n

vocational c h i c e and the reiectin~ ?f o+her;, is dependent

Page 13: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

on the characteristic which one attributes's mese l f , on

e i t h e r a consciaus ir unconscimus level and the characteristics

which one attribt Forrnance in the various social

ro les , The cheicc LS bnerl m a l t : 4n the basis of t h e

extent fo which an individual 'sees himself in the role' o r

t h e role as b e f i t t i n g hirn/her.

The l o c a t i o n of t h e i n d i v i d u a l wi th in the whole results

in h i s being inex t r icab ly linked with his future roles via

the content of educat ion and t h e wider p c i e t y . Thus, in

equipping men f o r t h e i r r o k s , certain form of knowledge is

transmitted, Within the knowledge transmitted is that which 5

relates t o t h e expected fmms if behaviours of individuals

based on a p p r q self actualisation. The result of this

type of internalization is that from childhood to adolescent

s t a te of human develapment, complete s e t s of beliefs, noxms,

and values do emerge, The internalization of beliefs based

one; n+51 car . ra - r rnrnnee 9-d nvrranti nn t trade +n arm-i a 1 i nf.n~.aet

women a:

v i e w of t h e mabmve, Wolpe ('1974) painted out t h a t

sp i ra t ions 40 n m t go beye& t he scdpe of what is

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of school sub jec t s . Th i s results i n t he type of job they

v i l l embark on as f u t u r e 6ccupation i n adul t l i f e .

Interests a re i n d i c a t o r s of the a c t i v i t i e s t h a t br ing

s a t i s f a c t i o n s . T b t h i s e x t e n t t h e r e f o r e , the criterion of

vocat ional i n k e r e s t t e s t is whkther o r not the person will

be s a t i s f i e d i n t h e career t o which his interest directs

him, i n s p i t e of ather f a c t o r s .

Psychelogica l ly , c s r e e r is a s e r i e s of rules played by

a person, t h e choice of and success i n which are determined

i n p a r t by t h e apptitudes, i n t e r e s t s , values, needs, p r i o r

experiences and expecta t ions of t h e person i n question. I n

o t h e r words, it is t h e sequence of cscupat ions, jobs and

p o s i t i o n s accupiecl o r engaged throughout the l i f e time of a


The term 'career1 is appl ied t o any continuous and

conspicous work i n which no tab le achievement mgy be won.

It refers t o t h e sequence of t h i n g s one doec 53 earn a l i v i n g ,

Every age holds i: e r t a i n f i e l d s of activity

i n which special recogu-c loa m a y be won and a l so determines

by its i n s t i t u t i o n , who shall be e l i g i b l e t o compete f o r it

pr ize .

Many w r i t e r s have pa in ted out t h a t cccupations a r e now

chose1 .es that of the implementation

of se: ! l e v e l and d i l - ec t ion o 11

by tl I of t h e i r parent an3 a s p i r a t i o n s ;S and peers ,

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whose minds only go te careem i n m e d i c i n e , -ring,

law, arch i tec ture , nursing which perpla hold i n higher regards

~;ene ra l ly . The perceptions and mJiives of parents a r e

frequently a t variance with t h e interests, a b i l i t i e s and

c a p a b i l i t i e s of the individuals making the vmcational choice.

~ndiv idua l s i n pursu i t ef t h w e few s e e i e t ~ l l y acclaimed

professions, do enter careers t h s t do no t match w i t h their

innate potent ia ls .

One recognises that the adequacy of t rans la t i%

tself-conceptt t e eccupational terms i s more for occupations

in which one has the g r e a t e s t i n t e r e s t than f o r eccupations

i n which one has little ec ne i n t e r e s t , R e s u l t s ef many

psychological s t ud i e s an " s t a b i l i t y and changett have

continuously rnaintqined t h a t people whose chosen qccupations

are not i n l i n e with the cencepts ef themselves ue

t o change occupations rr jobs throughout l i f e , whereas bhose . >

who chose vocations that are cengru&t with t h e i r self- '

concepts have pe W.l i t y . Thus inciividuals, i n

t rying t o make career acclsions, develep images 'of t h e

occupational w p ~ !Id which they t n v

;ry t o compare w i t h their self-

images. Hence, now successrul the f i n a l vocational choice

is, depends mainly on how similar the individuals self- .* .

concept i s t o the vocational cmcep t o f t he career he

eventua l ly chooses.

Therefore, it has becrme increasin~l~ necessary to .


choi - .-

.y t he re la t iensh ip between t h e

- " Y "

self-concept and career

c e among secondary s e h ~ ? i , . - -

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Tk~st unfor tumtely , ninety p e ~ c e n t rf b s e students do .

n o t r e a l i s e the seriousness of this stage, thereby making

decisions t ha t r e s u l t i n regrets a t last. School dropouts

anti unemployed school l eavers m a m about our streets, looking

for white-collar jobs, but desp i te the ones t h a t involves

manual s k i l l s ,

Even when employed, they succeed only i n increas ing

the populatiln of t he unproductive and the psychologically

unprepared wjrkers ,.

Many students i- n ~ i f i i Education Zone are seen i n

vocat ions t h a t do not match t h e i r highly g i f t e C potentials.

Therefore, the i n t en t ion of the researcher is to study t h e

self-concept ~f these s tudents with differ2-q .mcupational

aspi ra t ions . It i s believed t h a t an in3ividual should not

be denied t h e freedon of choosing his awn vocation, There

is need, therefore t o i d e n t i f y t a l e n t s , ap t i tudes and areas

of i n t e r e s t among these students , The t o t a l and Yalanced

development ~f any na t ion can only be attained when t h e

aspirations e f j i t s young ones reflect the totality of i t s

needs. Achebe- (1972) c c r r e c t l y remarked that, if there is

a marked discrepancy between i t s needs and their aspirations,

t3ere i s l i t t l e o r no of e i t h e r a balanced

development or t h e fu l f i lment b f the hopes af its citizens


This study attempts t q invn*+igate i f there is any

relationship between an in5ividua11 s self-concept and his /her

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career choice among secondary school students in Ogidi b

Zducation Zane . The researcher has observed that major i ty

of secondary school s tudents i n O g i 3 . Education Zone

(Males/Females) choose career without checking whether the

czreers. s* chesen, are i n l i n e wi th their innate po ten t i a l s ,

so t h e researcher intends t o find eut what regard they

have for themselves and the careers they intena t o pursue-


The purpose of t he study is .,

I T# f ind o a t the self-cmncepts ef secondary school students in Ogidi Educatian Z4ne0

2 ) To find ou t the career choice ef secon3ary q6hool stkdents in Ogidi Eclucation Zone,

3) T-• $iG out the influence of the students sex oh their se l f -cmcepts and career decisions. I

4) Ta find iu t the relationship between the students self-concept and t h e i r ca reer chaice.


The significance o f this study is t o a l e r t t h e Nigerian

educators, school guidance csunsellors i n particular, the

government and the s o c i e t y to perceive the self-concept

cum the career choice of secondary school students in t h e

country ,

This study could provide evidence for more e f f ec t ive

guidance and counsel14~g, espec ia l ly i n the area of

vocatimal counselling, aimed at v k i n g the secondary

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schoo l students awam that choosinn a career t h a t is




:ongruent w i t h t h e i r p o t e n t i a l s ( se l f -concepts ) , thereby

)eing more comfortable i n t h e career .

The study could he lp s tudents t o know t h e importance

>f choosing c a r e e r s t h a t are i n line with t h e i r s e l f -

~ e r c e p t i o n s and therefore s t o p depending on t h e i r parents

Ir peers. It could high-light the evident r e l a t i onsh ip

3etween the self-concept an3 career dec is ions .


a1 lc

i n 2


research i n t o self-concept as .a f a c t o r 'n career choice

a m o m secondarv school s t u d e n t s i n Ogidi Education Zone.



e -

?nts of the self-conceptst of -t;heGr children and therefore

)w them (sturlents) t o choose careers they are interested

ind have t he po ten t i a l s fo r . The researcher also hoped

; t h e f indings of this study might generate further

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The study is expectej to provide answers to t:he

following research questions-

How do the secondary school s tudents i n Ogidi Education Tone, regard themselves (Self-concept, s e l f esteem)?

Which c a r e e r s do the s tuden t s p r e f e r t o pursue i n life3

b h y have t h e students chosen the c a r e e r s they have chosen?

How are the career s o chosen i n congruence with their self-concept?

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This chapter ;s intended t o examine the var ied v i e w s

ax6 opinions of szvtral concerned psycholugists, individuals

and other responsible persons i n the soc ie ty on self-concept

as a factor 4f career choice, The chap te r i s there fore on

self-concept general ly an3 i t s re la t ionsh ip with the voca-

t i o n a l choice of the individual ,

Many psychologists have lone; accepted the theory t h a t

self-concept is a s ign i f i can t f a c t o r i n an ind iv idua l ' s

choice of vocation, p repara t ion . for a career and pa r t i c ipa t ion

in the world of wwk - (Super 1957, QIHara and Tiedeman

1959, Matz 1968). Studies of young people an4 a d u l t s show

that many aspects gf vocational development are r e l a t e d t o

measures of self-concept - (Morrison l9C2, Korman 1966,

F i t t 1972).

However it seems t h a t only few s tud ie s have been conduc-

t ed i n the area of s e l f - c ~ n c e p t and career chqice with regard

t o secondary s c h o ~ l stufients.

Hurlock (1978) maintained t h a t the r e a l self-concept

i s the concept people have of who and what they are. That

it is the mirror image determined l a rge ly by t h e i r roles,

their re la t ionsh ips with o thers , and what they believed

the react ions of o thers t o them are,

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apsychological aspect . Phys ica l aspect according t o him i s

composed of concepts i n d i v i d u a l s have of t h e i r appearance,

t h e i r sex, appropr ia teness , t h e i m p o r t a n e of t h e i r bodies i n

r e l a t i o n t o their Lehaviour and the p r c s t i g e t h e i r bod ies giw

them i n t h e eyes of o the r s ,

On t h e o t h e r hand, psychological a spec t s are composed

of concepts ind iv idua l s have of t h e i r a b i l i t i e s and dis-

s b i l i t i e s , t h e i r worth and t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h others.

Lindgrin (1973) discussed r o l e r e l a t i o n s h i p and t h e

se l f , and emphasizes t h a t r o l e r e l a t i o n s h i p play a vital

r o l e i n formation of t h e s e l f , Noting t h a t t h e first pa i r

of r o l e r e l a t i o n s h i p i n which we are involved is t h e infant-

mother type, h e . o h s e m e s t h a t as t h e child emerges from home

i n t o the neighhourhood, p lay grounds and school , he becomes

involved i n more complex, organised s e t s of r o l e r e l a t i o n s h i p ,

and l e a n s t o use the precepts of an ever-widening c i r c l e

i n appraising and reshaping his self-concepts. 9e f u r t h e r says

t h a t t h e r o l e s l e a r n t m n s t i t u t e a s i g n i f i c a n t dimension of

our personal i ty . H e - i s thus saying t h a t the r o l e w e assume

a t a po in t i n our l i f e makes u s perce ive ourse lves i n a

p a r t i r ~ l a r way.

Lecky (1945) i d e n t i f i e d t h e self-concept as the nucleus

of personal i ty . A s such, i t p lays a key r o l e i n determining

what concept are acceptable f o r a s s i m i l a t i o n i n t o the

o v e r a l l p e r s o n a l i t y o r organisa t ion .

-- - -

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According to Super, 3t-arlsb sky, Martin and Jordan

(1963), an individual is translating into occupational

terminology, a concept of self or one's perception of the

kind of person one is when a vocational preference is

expresse2. The choice of a certain occupation is an

explicit statement of one's self-concept. As an individual

adjusts to a job, one determines the degree of compati-

bility between the role of the job an3 onet s self-concept.

: ' A l l things being equal, if there is a high degree of

compatibility between the job role and self-concept, the

individual will probably remain in the chosen occupation

- (Holland 1981) Nelson (1962) supports the theory that attitude

toward occupations form early in life and self-concepts

begin t3 f o r a in early childhood.

Sullivan (1949) write3 It an individualt s self-concept

is influenced by his interaction with significant others."

In this process of interaction, one modifies the self-

concepts which he developed in his formative years. he

individual is expected to change his interest and activities

as he grows older and to act in accordnXe with his age,

Germain (1978) in his study, clarified the differen-

tiation between the 'self1 donstructs.

E e gave them as 'selff, the 'self-concept and self-esteem,'

3 e stated that the self is the actor, the does, or the agent,

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and unhappy i n h i s efforts at school work, but views

himself a s having t o succeed a t co l l ege i n o r d e r t o be

an adequate perssn , he may experience g r e a t e r maladaptive

s t r a i n . But i f t h e young man on t h e o t h e r hand s e e s t h e

need t o succeed i n school work and he a c t u a l l y succeeds,

he will have genuine psychological ailjustment and f u l l t .

functioning. This i s a s t a t e of se l f - fu l f i lmen t ,

The l ea rn ing t h e o r i s t s use self9 i n terms of roles.

Lindgrim (1973) discussed role r e l a t i o n s g i p and the s e l f , 7

and emphasises t h a t r o l e r e l a t i o n s h i p s play a v i t a l r o l e

i n formation of the s e l f . Noting t h a t t h e first p a i r of r o l e

r e l a t i o n s h i p i n which we a r e involved i s the i n fan t -

mother t y ~ e i he observe? t h ? t a s t h e c h i L l emerges from

home i n t a t h e ne ighbxrhood, p lay grounds an3 school , he

becomes invglved i n rnme cwnplex, o~.ganised s e t s o f r o l e

r e l a t i o n s h i p and l e v n s t o use the p recep t s of an ever-

widening c i r c l e i n appra i s ing and reshaping h i s s e l f

concepts. Be f u r t h e r says t h a t r o l e s l e a r n t c o n s t i t u t e a

s i g n i f i c a n t d imens im 9f 9ur p e r s m a l i t y , H e i s thus

saying t h a t t he m l e w e assume a t a po in t i n our l i f e

makes u s perce ive .mrse lves i n a p a r t i c u l a r way, This

means t h a t as we p lay r o l e s , we l e a r n ways o f perce iv ing

~ u r s e l v e s an3 t h e world i n genera l , and t h e s e ways of

perce iv ing tend t? become r a t h e r s t a b l e and p e r s i s t e n t

aspect of t h e s e l f .

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TLK YUUJBCZS were 3u male ana 3u remale unaergraauace

student volunteers. It was found that high self-esteem 1

indivicluals perceive themselves as c~mpetent, need

; a t i s fy ing decisim makers t o a great

;elf-esteem indi-r iduals .

ey degree than low

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and ::

ing to t h e i r cultural background. 3he investigated

=-~ts sttitudes in the areas of future or ien ta t ions

;elf image t=, c ' s r i f y cultural influences,

Super an1 ?n%n (1970) in t h e i r study, 135 twe l f t h

boys describe3 t'leir actual an3 i 3ea l selves on a

-.. . _. . . .. . . - . .

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pv '? --L. >&?ICS i'Jll3T9030LOGY - I n t h i s chap te r , t h e r e sea rcher d iscussed r e s e a r c h

design, a r e a ~f study, p o p u l a t i m , sampling technique,

instrument , v a l i d i t y of the F ~ s t r u m e n t , method of dat-

c o l l e c t i o n an4 3ata a n a l y s i s ,


Th i s is a survey resea rch des ign , self-concept

is taken as t h e independent v a r i a b l e (I v ) , while c a r e e r

o r vocat ional c5a i ce i s the dependent v ~ i r i a b l e ( D v) .

The sub jec t s a l r eady p3ssess t h e s e v a r i s b l e and no c o n t r o l

of t h e i r mani fes ta t ions could be achieved, t h e r e f o r e it

c: i s a non-experimental des im. The r e sea rcher used -

quest! n n a i r e h


The area

Anambra State,

- <-- t o c o l l e c t d a t a frm a large sampleo

under s tu?y i s Ogidi Educatim Zone of

This zone has second t o t h e h i g h e s t i n

number of secondary schools i n Anatnbra s t a t e , about f i f t y

s i x , as well as o t h e ~ coznerc ia l secondary schools ,


The populat ion of t h e research comprise a l l sen ior

secondary school sturlents i n c lase t h r e e (3'31 111)

wi th in the Ogidi Educatim Zone.


The researcher usei - . L s t ra t i f re3 random sampling.

Page 34: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

I n s e l ec t i ng the schools, sex, l o c a t i ? n as well as

number o f s tuden t s were considered. The re sea rcher

chose two boys' school and t h r e e g i r l s t school from the

th ree l o c a l government areas within 0 g i d . i Zone.

The fo l lowing s c h o o l s were chosen:

1) Girls 3econdary jchool, O g i A i 2 ) Merchants of Light Spec ia l Science :3chool, Oba. 3) G i r l s 3econdary School. Umudioka, 4) G i r l s 3econdary 3chool ; Oghuni.kel 5) Merchants of Light School , Qba.

e l i c i t the opinions and views o f ?IS 111 s t u q e n t s on self-

conceyt and measure of c a r e e r choice , i n O g i f l i Education

Zone. The quc-'-ionnaire measured the extent t~ which

career choice depends on self-concept among stu,'l.ents i n

Sgid i Zducat ion Z,ne. 7'

The ques t io r - s i re i s a modified f a r m o f 3ernatic 1

Differential ( ~ 3 ) developed by Osgmd et; a1 (1957). Some

statements as w ~ s adopted by Okorafor ("985). The first

t w o l e v e l s and the l a s t two l e v e l s of t h e modified s c a l e

(from 1 - 5 t o ? - 3) were squeezed in to one category.

The midale l e v e l of t h e rno3ified form w a s left.

I n scoring this modif!ed s c a l e , 3 was i d e n t i f i e d w i t h

always, 2 with sometimes and I with never. ?!here t h e ----

statement was framed i n a negative form, it ha3 the reversed

scor ing

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P r i n t i n g 3 i v i s i o n , Lagos (1966), as was employed Iry

Gkorafor (1985). These ranked mccupatims measured t h e

students c a r e e r dec i s ion o r preference.

~ i d l l t i . 5 Low,

as regards face val idi ty .

The copies of t h e ques$iannaire were d i s t r i b u t e d

Music Business Trading Farming Boxing E l e c t r i c i a n Welding

Archi tec ture \ Teaching

and- col lec ted by t h e researcher . Each respondent was

VALIDITY .-- OF THE IETRUMEW The instrument has been va l ida ted by f o u r e x p e r t s

Engineering Surveying Pharmacy Medicine Law J o u r n a l i m Ge91mgy Accountancy Economics Archaeology Management Business Administrat ion Den t i s t ry Les tur ing Radiology Publ ic Re la t ions Agricul ture .

rvqui red t o mark 'X' a g a i n s t any opinion t h a t comes

c l o s e r t o o r is what he/she hacl i n mind.

Art P a s t o r P h l i c e Sec re ta ry Nursing Insurance Salesmanship


The data cd l l ec ted were converte

and set out

d i n t o percentages

ng f-requencizs.

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I n this chapter , t h e r e s e w c h e r i l l tends t o ana-

l gcc the data co l l ec ted around t h e formulated resea rch

quest-ions, The data are analysed i n f requencies and

percentages and organised i n appropr ia t e t a b l e s .

I c s e a r c h Question I . .aL- . Eow do s c h o ~ l students i n Ogidi EducatL-_- - _-_ , - -, _ 1 themselves (self-concept o r self-este- ?)?

The data i n Table I below i s used t o answer the above

resea rch question.

Table I .a. _----

5econdary School students I n d i c a t i o n f o r Se l f - concept.

M.L.S* Oba ILL .S .S .3 ; Oba G , S. S. Ogidi G . S . S. Ogbunike c-*-;;. S. Umudi ':a

percentage ~f t o t a l s

Data co l l ec ted from t

37,O3& of them have a high

High .I Mi?dle I Low

regard themselves as averae

of themselves,

Page 38: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

Research quenti~n I1

Vhich careers do the students prefer t o pursue in l i f e?

The data in Tables I1 and 111 are used to answer

t he above resesrch quest i3n.

Tzble 11: 3econ5ary schml stuqents indication for career choice. (As to whether high presti- gious career, mi3dle level or low level)


LL.S. Oba MaL.S0S.3, Cba O g i d i Girls Ogbunike G i r l s Umudioka G i r l s

High 1 Middle I LOW

The d q t a above revealed that most of the students

(8LC,72%) want a high prestigious career, l3,81'% want

careers in t t e middle level, while 1.48;/7 want low level


Table 111:

Vocational raw ~cores/totals and percentage totals

in each vocatim.

Page 39: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

Comrnunication - 1 - i . - 2. Law I j - kccountancy -Ti m g i n e e r i n g



Kur s ing

F harmacy Marketing

Rome Economics

T a i l o r i n g

Armed F o r 1


Computer Science Pat1- ?logy

Counsell ing




Jmu- )To- ii- jtals 2ka ; iirls t A

Data c o l l e c t e d i n t h e sbove ta1*'-e indicate t h a t more s t u d e n t s want t o further t h e i r e d u c a t i m i n more prestigious

c a r e e r s v i z - Mass Communication 13.0:6, Law 'l?.7?,%, ~ccountancy

I2.3@(., Engineering 10.9174, Banking 10,18$, ~edicine 8.72%

than in any o t h e r career as shown above.,

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T o t a l ( 1 48 1 41 97 1 59 275

The re1ati.mshi.p between self-concept-and w c a t i o n a l

choice' in raw scores.

Vocation: 7--

The relationship Eetwsen self-concept and vocatianal

Page 42: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

32 The above tab les revealed that 79.27,X of t h e

s tudents have a h igh r e g a ~ l f o r thenselves and also choose

high pres t ig ious careers , 'l2.3675 have a high regard f o r

themselves but have chosen vocations i n the mi5dle l eve l ,

while 1.45)<. though they have a high self-concept f& have I -

chosen 10i.1 l c 7 r e l voca t ims , It i s also c lea r t h a t 5,09;6



the m i

a low


to pur

.1) It high r

4) A E not ck not cl

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and Wolpe (A974) i n the L i t e r a t m Review-

The d a t a c o l l e c t e d from t h e s tuden t s i n d i c s t e t ha t t h e r e

are careers b3ys d i d not choose, f o r example Nursing,

while girls did not l i k e some ca ree r s , f o r example,

engineering. T h i s f ind in? is i n agreement with t h e view

of Wolpe (l974), i n t h e L i t e r a t u r e Review.

The resea rcher observed t h a t secondary school

s t u d e n t s i n Ogidi Eduhation Zme ind ica ted high s e l f -

concept and a l s o chose c a r e e r s t h a t a r e i n t h e h igh ca te - J

gory . However, few s t u q e n t s about 0.7z4 have l o w self-

concept but a t t h e same time have chosen high l e v e l c a r e e r s

which i s u n r e a l i s t i c f w them because t h e i r self-concept

should be i n i e i r c a r e e r choice according

t o Super e t a1 (1963)

From t h e d a t a c o l l e c t e d , t h e r e sea rcher a s c e r t a i n e d

s tuden t s i n Ogidi Education

len ..hoosing a c a r e e r and that

:ty make t h e s e s t u d e n t s think

that some careers are mainly f o r males while same are

f 3r females . Therefore, emphasis w i l l be la id on rnajor issues

like the mass campaign against the s o c i e t a l b e l i e f t h a t

boys are to became fathers and support their families.

This r e s u l t s i n the t y p e of j d a s t h e y w i l l embark on as

Page 45: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

35 f u t u r e occupa t im i n a d u l t l i f e . ~ i m i l a r l y , g i r l s who have

t o be mothers and wives should r a t h e r choose c a r e e r s t h a t

sre i n omgruence with t h e i r self-concepts. The

t i o n , This means that Guidance Counsel lors i n a l l t h e *

secondary schogls i n Ogidi E.3ucation Zone i n p a r t i c u l a r

aa3 Nigeria -'tl genera l s h m l d be g iv ing t h e s t u d e n t s

guidance and counsel l ing s e r v i c e s t o en l igh ten them i n

c a r e e r choice, Th i s w i l l enable t h e s tuden t s t 3 avoid

choosing 9nly t h e p e s t i g i m s occupations but chgose

o ~ c a p q t i m s t h a t they have t h e a p p r ~ p r i a t e p o t e n t i a l s ,

ap t i tude , a b i l i t i e s and c a p a b i l i t i e s f9r.

? 1 1 prhnols s h m l d t h e r e f o r e have Guidance

C o u n s e l l ~ r t o make t h e above recommeniistions a r e a l i t y .

The l o c a l , state and f e d e r a l governments should use t h e

publ ic en l i rh+~nment o f f i c e s a l r eady es tab l i shed t o c a r r y

out t he a fo resa id enlightenment campaign,

The l o c a l , state and f e d e r a l governments s.. ;Id

--mi Q P l~r~,r;;;:iops/serninars f w t h e t eachers , t3 enhance

teaching/ learning e f fec t iveness . They should a l s o pravide

both teaching aids and indigenous textbooks, his w i l l

go a long way i n improving and up-dating v a r i e t i e s of

educational serv ic2s .

F i n a l l y , the f e d e r a l government should mace

educzt ion f r e e at a11 l e v e l s , s o that a l l students should

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r ' or':, . ? L F ~ c o P ,

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Thi s questiennaire is purely f o r rese-arch

purposes and se your s incere co-operation is highly

(Tick ( J ) as appr rp r i a t e ) , -

.- --- & ..-.A .., 1 I Female ( 1

Age 15-16 ( 17-18 ( )a

33CTIOX B . 177STrlUCTION - The statements belaw are to help ypu descr ibe

your E

as ii you ar.c ucaGL-Lding yourself t~ y ~ u r s e l f . Please,

answer a l l and ask questim where yqu do not under-


A t the r i g h t ,- i hand side of this paper are

possible responses - ' Alwxys' ' Sometimes' and ' ?leverq . n i c k - 1 J 1 as appropr i a t e with your feeling or view.

e g , I f e e l I am humble ~lways/~~metimes/Never. -.

Page 56: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

I am ~ptimistic absut ny success i n l if*.

I consider myself t o be ambitious

I am as sor iab le as I want to be.

I f e e l I a m hexl thy,

1 f e e l I am a member of a happy family.

I t h i n k I am r w a l l y weak . I t h i n k I am sapable ~f doing any examinati~n.

I think I am not inte'ligent . I feel I am easy go tg

I a m chearful .

I e s t a b l i s h deep, satisfying inter- pcrscnal relationship with many pe3ple.

I look at l i f ? o b j e c t i v e l y

I think that I am a t t r a c t i v e ,

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3) Microbiology, O

4) Home ~conomics,

5) Agriculture. *

6) Veterinwy Meilicine

7) Arrned..Farces, F

8) Journalism (Mass Cmmrnunication) . 9) Social York,

10) Accountancy.

11 ) Surveying.

12) Engineering.



Estate Management,





P r i n t i n g / ~ u b l i s h i n g .

Computer Science= . . Patholsgy ( ~ a b a r a t o r y Technology).

* Radiography.

Welding Work, -

Page 59: University of Nigeria as a...University of Nigeria Research Publications Author NSOFOR, C. N. PG/M.Ed/S/92/13248 Title Self-Concept as a Factor in Career Choice among Secondary School

26) M - t i r Mechanic,

27) Block Laying/Masanery.

28) Tai lor ing/ fashion and Designing.

Dry Cleaning/Laundry ldqrk,

Labarat ory -4ttendance.

Typing and Shorthand (3texhgraphy).

P o u l t r y Farming.

H a i r Dressing,

Carpentary Work/Cabinet dark,

Mcker-Cycle Xechanic,


Lakery ,


Hat e l Management.

Pi lot /Engineering.




~ g b l i c Re la t i ens .

Of f i ce P m c t i c e .

Adve~ t i s i n g ,


%irk .yes o r Na.

3of . you choose t he abeve c a r e e r because .f your sex?

Yes ( 1 NO ( ) -