university of notre dame, notre dame, indiana, tuesday ... · university of notre dame, notre dame,...

..... VOL. I. NO. 12 MONOGRAM ' ' . . ' . . . CLUB ADMITS 1·3 N. D.-MEN UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1923 . . . . . . . ' ' . PRICE. 5 CENTS ·, ... •_;',;. ..

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Page 1: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, TUESDAY ... · university of notre dame, notre dame, indiana, tuesday, june 5, 1923 PRICE. 5 CENTS :_ Ap.plication-for entrance as seco~d


VOL. I. NO. 12

MONOGRAM ' ' . . ' . .




·, ...



Page 2: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, TUESDAY ... · university of notre dame, notre dame, indiana, tuesday, june 5, 1923 PRICE. 5 CENTS :_ Ap.plication-for entrance as seco~d


: _.,·.

- ·,

.· ,.


. . . :_ Ap.plication-for entrance as seco~d ciass matter at the post offic~ 1!-t No?-e Dame, ln~ian:'- is pendins;:; · · ·

Su_bscription rate, $4.00 per year •. Single ·c<!pies, five _cents.


Through the ·Looking Glass

• ' ' ! I

... -~---~~k·-----

·Tuesday, June 5, 1928 · ' ' '

Official University Bulletin . . .

·Copy Collected from Daily. Bulletin_ Box at 11 A.M.

-VOL 1., N0.12 LAWRENCE W. O'LEARy, E~itor

· · · Bulletins m~y be dropped in the DAILY bulletin box- at the left ·From a small t(>\vn ·paper: - of the bulletin board, Main Building-. · ~.· ..... ··.,_· ... · Mrs. Nowell is not so wen-::-·· * * * * * ~ *·* * JUNIORS

. _ BOARD:OF CONTROL With a name like_that! No ~von- · ··Jimiors·must sign pledge before end of year iri .order to purchase

--CliAIR~tAN .............. ~.:-·--···········-~---····:., ... ~---~::··········:·-····-~---···:·:·-··; .• .:. ... JOHfoh~-C~v~~~!t der. . . * * * senior. pins before October. itc- -* -* C,j; J. *ROBRECHT,. Chairman •. • . if~::~~~.:::H::··ICiio'Ckj;·e;··c·.--N:--siiuster;··ifev:··;_r-iio:m~·s··x:·.·r:aii;;;;··~:·s·:a., Augu~t Desch, 'And again, from the same paper: . FOOTBALL MEN

Harry W. Flannery, James-F: ~ayes. · · · " · · k f b' hl · 21·9 · , · Mr. ---- dran ·a cup· o 1c <?- Football candidates for next year will meet m room

·EDITORIAL'STAFF· ride of mercury7 and died early.this Building, Tuesday at 12:30. " . · . .HARRY W. FLANNERY morning. The cause . of his death. · _ . · . * "* * * *

~~~!d;~~~-~::~;:;:~;;;n~T,=;:;:,;~:::;;;:;;;,;;,;:;t;:;;.:;,;;~;;;;;~·ildw;';>';~':,.,.~;.. LJg~~ was given as a:s~o'!,dency. ·.· j uni~r · ;,eeting in"\ir~~g_ R~~!o~r~t"r~~i~uesday at 12 :3 0 aft;,

Colyu~~Ji~~~~~~.:~~--~~~!.i.:~~.:.~~:~.: .. ~.:~~~~-~:.~---·············~·······n~;~;;a~a:N~~te';t ?i~~~1~ . "You7~ook gloomy_old man, wha~'s .the Dome· dedication to discuss pins ·j1MjgS hs\Vn~~e Plas~dfintanCiai Dramatt.c Cr1tlcs ........ :·········································~···············Joh S. R b~ t B. O'Riordan wrong? . report.: ·* ·*. ; c * " * • , resi _en • ~~~~~:~~t.E'd'ii~;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... ~.R~ C]dnn~o'1fa~~ "Oh;_ I just ate a dozen r~zor . . ·-· . . _ .. . NOTIC-E . _ . . . _ l'oetr~ Edit_or ................................................................................................. iii".vr~:ce O'Leary blades-always makes me blue.~ Bulletm .. Edltor ...................... · .............................................. Th ........... w·.--c~m~n. John. Showel . * * * , Admission to the Baccalaureate Mass at 8:15 on June .10 will be by

'· ~~ort fe~j~~:-···c·h·~~I~;;·A···M~G-~;;-~gy~:-·Ja;;··Fr~mi~·g:·Frcd~ri~k Re€!d, Thomas J. Ahearn B f - · ld t h. "' M , ti'cke\t, only. This regulation is . made neces_sary ·by the~ limited seating Re~~rters-J~h~ J. Sheehan, ·Jay Fleming,· Edward F. Dankowski, Robert M. Ma~er, e ore we COU S op . I~, r. capacity of the Church. . · _ . _ . , . _ _ · .... . Raymond J. Sheriff, John Corbin Patrick, Thomas .Connors, Edmund C.ECoHlhns, -- Walsh Hall, poured this t~le . Tickets will be issued to the semor class fro. m the office of the Pre. feet · · Leo R. Mead, Joseph Burke, John A. Stoeckley,_ Edward ·Lyons, Robert · ow- 7 • , T d f

8 t l

. ]and. Clarence Joos. 1\latthew H. Rothert, Fr~nClS 'Egan, T. J. Ahearn, Ernser R. ?f woe at us. . . " 'of. Discipli~e ·on Mo,nday and -ues ay mormngs I rom_ . a. _m. un I 11 McClure, Thomas J. Malay, Edward A. Frazier, Elbert. W. Mahoney, Harold ~· "Ya it's tough. Don't know what'· a· m . . . . . . •· . , . 1Jall, John Barr. ' ·,. ' . . . . to .. wo~·k 'at this summer .. _Got im . '. '.• Tickets will also be issued for the Commencement exercises to" be'

B·usiN.ESS -s-TA. FF · .. · .. '_:·: uncle in New York .. Runs-a bakery, held af 5 p .. m.· on· June 10 .. The tickets_ will' insure .ad!fiission "to the , · reserved section of seats on the quadrangle or to· Washmgton Hall in ·

· . · ' · . . . . . JAMES F HAYES He' could give me a·swell job!· You case -the·,\reather makes it necessary .to ~old the exercis~s indoors.· ·

ir.r~~r_rl~.:d~lt[~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J;'clo~hront.~wrolr.d:a~n~K~aa~n;e. ~:~h~;. f~:U: ~oft ~~~t~~;h;vft~~ :.~~ tiv~s Ma~~ b;:;ed\;h~ak~n\h~i~1~~~u~~fs. i~s;e;~~~~~~rM~~c;;;s a~dr T~~~: aunt. in-· Boston.· -Runs· a camera day 'moi'ni"ngs.' · . . . JAMES J .. QUINLAN,· C. s~ C.,.·. · ~d5~~~~~~; R;~i:t~~i;····Thoi;i;;··F:··a;;;;;;~;;;·:E:ii·~~~ii-·ic·Tii~ii~;·:Joim c. Patrick, Mat- shop. I'd get a ~bailee_. to, develop · · I · • : Prefect of .:Discipline .

• ·. t!tewH •. Rothert. · "·. ·1

· ·. -.·· . "·. ·. · B·K.Wingerter al"'t . .-·.But·da.d\"ants.meto"go'into ·. •· * •··•. ·•.· ·. . - . . : . , · gi~~~fb~1ll~n~A:~i~~~t~::.:J~h·;~·ct·A·d~~~:··]:'d·_-·p-e;;·d·e;g;;;·cp~~i~H:~~dy;·.z.iurtaugh · Culli- his v. salt busiries~ · with . him. · ·says . MISS I <?N CRl!.SAD E··. COMMI~TEEM1 EN . nan.- Thomas A. Farrell, Vergil Faga~; Louis ~llvage. - · · ' I'd k · d It II -. lth ugh· AU men on committees Will report at Sorm Ha I, Aug. 5

7 where' ac. '·

. _ rna e a goo sa se .. er, a · 0 ·· · m dations _will ~e _provided. · Do not delay· your return later than

;_· : · ~:~=~nrlft~ e~~hiEJit~~~!.~~~--~:::~::::~:::::~::::~:::::::::::::::::;:;::::::~::::::::::::::::::~:::J;~r~n ~-D~1~8~f;: ~!~~~st 1;, e ~vo~~te ~l:: t~ ;e~~~,?~~~~· A;._ G. · ·_RI 0 RD AN, General . Chair_man .. · ..

There's a lot .of swells dowri :there, · . . ·

. ·,. ·_ ·.- .. ·.··.:.-.A :Goon·jp~ WELL'DONEI .. · .· .. ·1 ... ·: b' :t. ~t~~s!~teahl?:~~o!kr~e~Nl:n~ai~otu.:as;eie;~ei-1::_ .. Th, e Techno~Lo_ g-. ·-1- bi~n~~~·~~~Hgme·hf:l.b~e~lrt: {:!~;gudes_~l:r~ . _ .N ewspupcrmen seldom· distri~i.ttc bouquets -.among t temse ves, · t~ s orm ey roc · · o>.;. Y , · · gs. · was a I erary an · c ass·

· th_ ey a_lways.' ·.-r_ e_coanize. . a-chicveme_rih~ : · Thev' co_n,ld_ ·not :"a void. class.ifyi_ng could sell''-but we . stopped hitn. · . . ical scholar, astronomer,· astrologer, ~ · · " 11 bl t · · . ·* * · * " examine:r iri Greek, ~rid "a· ·poet . · . .the, 1923 Dorrie ·as a distinct: accompli~Iun_ent in _co egi~te 'pu ICa lOll This one" we~ ~xhU:med rec"ently: The civil_ engineering' course is Tc;>m Hood might have ~lo~ed/' 'He

·.'and arant~ng· ·tcdts sponsors the high credit_that"their·-\vork merits. · h -h b. f .d . d k t very-probably_ the· oldest of all en- mas the· ·a· uthor .of "Astron·o·m·1·cal· ~ · - T ere . . as eel} . oqn m ar es . · ·· ·· ff d t "

. " -Because he· is as_mode~t· as tuh!nted'.i:md because. he is editor-'in- Africa a new:species·of goat. The gmeetmg courses now -...o er~ . o Predjctions,". a series .of humorous . -.chief of the DAILY~as: well ~s the Dome, ·Ha_ri·y-'\V~ Flann.cry.~efus~d sti·.iking· aspeCt of -this.-.creature · the. yo-ung men tmrsuing',technical writings .. :The- "Predictiqns" -p.rov.

. - IS studie.s ·at Notre Dame~ . . . - d ' . . lliS "imprim,· atu~. ,, for an .editorial eu_logy of. the a_ Iinut?-1. But to le~ it~ that it hasn't any nose. . e l however, a source of mrich un-d · · · . * * * · .. Though "no Written rectn;d is av_ail- · . t - b f · . . -. h . ap11earance llass without· commendation of' its· editorial an : .arti_stic easmess o _near Y· · armers, w o

· "H d. · •t ll?" able, the name of Professo. r Artliur mi·sunderstood d · t. d th · .. _ oriai"nalitv and t1_1e t_ horou_ghne.Ss ,_vith .which all.intercsts of the univer.:. ow oes I sme . · · . . ~n. · accep e .· em , ~ .J , d . l l . . * * ·* . Joseph Stace is~handed.d'own to us as an almanac. He even .wrote. some "·: ·sity :ire ·covered. would be unworthy of Notre: Dam~ s tra it10na. a acrity .. , Ho~·riblel by: tradition as the. founder of the verse in a me.diuni similar to what -'


·- . • • in acknowledging a job _,vell done. 'For the hook is_ nothing less than an .. * * , * course. He was born.J an. 28, 1838, Walt.' Mason' popularized as. "rimed ! · . original production, perfectly executed._ . ' · , · · .· ·· . . at.Ber!Vick, County Essex, England,. -prose." In ·character Professor I The Sketchcs.prcsenting members of the senior cl~ss, their collegi- · , Tlie· daYs ._of_ his. ~hildh~~d were StaC~. was .Very mtich simiiar. to

· ate joys, sorrows and activi~ics are new, .and though 'the; . . · . . . . spent on his fathers farm, under Lewis; Carroll· and Edward Lear-. verse be free enough to satisfy Amy·'Lowell, it_ wilfin ,years to come be . . . . · : ·. : · , . . . ·' t?e · .care~ul .direction .. and_ im;truc:: ;mat~_!!latjcians famous·~ in·. En~ish, .

l ..;.:..:,~ ";"-:poeb~y· to· the 'manoF'24::" TliC- fivt sections·: cover· every-interest· on -the· ---;---::,·- -: -~..:..;;--: ::!<·,:~ . . .· .. -::=~~.·-.. -o-rrof~hts-w:_o'ther:-:-Invanro·m~her: literature · · . . · -~~ - -. - d - that"he received his elementary edu-. . . ~---'--....,-..,..... :·- . · .. : ~ campus. The ar_t ''Tork is so u.n~sua~ that· it· citll~d -forth \~idespr~a . The space ~bo-:Ve \vas :l;eserv~d for cation. In the month of June

7 1852;

\ <." comment for the _masterly way m wh_ICh the 99ld a,n~ .. Blue _mtroduces destructive criticism: pertaining .. to h~ c'ame to C~nada; 'and .spent the ·F...ord Fie~{ Ca' ll·e' 'd . ' :jc" .. ·.. . ; ·_,~·thevohnne, H_s·maker_s andits .subject; The pl~otographic work ~nd'its Mr.· ·'Y'a;~'s: Coly~m O'_Bit~; . We following six. years there.· During •1 :·. ·• •· · , •• - ·;reproduction Is especially· good.. · . · .. . _ agree ·with the m~tter, ~~ 1t." "On this .. time .he .. served. five· years. as I . • for. ·Dotn~ ·Picture

!!; - . · .~ _.·.. - No less. credit .i~ due T~10mas _J~ \V_a~sh, business ~anagcr, and the other_ "hand we start~d: t<>· put appr,entfce _in a· establish~ . · .. · - · L .· · : membe-rs· of. his staff, who made the issu,e ,finaridallf. possible.·· Their ~own, some _of the appre~mbve tal~ ment; · · Notre Dame7S Ford fieef -will 'as-

1-. . .indu. stry ·is ref_l ec_.ted i_n .the· 55. p· a_ g. _e_s.: ._o_ f_ hiu-h .·cl_ass. -~:d-vert_ is_ i. ng_ :ind· .. the we have. _he,ard. her,e_ and · there. T ht s h. r· ... :, · · - semble. -~0 ~~- photograpped in front

. ~ · Th t h k d ._ ·-. ·. . ~u~ . c. 00 · -· ·• . of ·the -:l1brary.· at. 4 o'clock :this af-. _' excellel1tly prmted .a~d handso~ely bonn~ volum~:~G. ~· - :: .~ , .. . it :fi~: ~v~sn room. so. :we c uc e . h:Afther fimshipg h. th~Us· -?-tl?Pd~enbce:- .ternoon~ :. The~ call· for. all·. owners


•• _ . . s Ip e, came. to t e . m e ~states of ·di"la' pi'dat' e·d· · L" . · . · t · t ' . · · ·* *- ·"' · M 1858. · d k. · :h. · · · 1zz1es was •sen ou . . . . . . . _ _ . . ...- · ·. . · . : ,· m a~· _' an to.o ·up: 1s resl- yesterday:by Jack·scalla:n ·-editor oi ' ' · FORGETTING ·COUR-TES·y ·: . _ Essay7 st<:n.•y, verse, or prose: d~nce-m-Marshall, MICh., as a school the 1924

D . . · " _, -. '· . . . - - · · · ,. · · · · · · May luck light-_ each patb. as you teache1~. After. his second year as · ·B·. b. W 0thme.h;f"'·.· -t··.d; · · ·f.d' · ·;::: . Ten mo.Iiths to fcmr year·s._at -Notre Dam.~ have t~ught: us .. the value h"k 't · · t · -h h. · . · · o . or ·c Ie cus o mn

0 1-

· 0\ ' the friendship t!lat ariSes from fello,y~lii p; .. alJd · ive , :irC SometinicS As. ~0~ · ~h·e O'Bits, Y.ou. Coin pOsed: · J~~·e, ~~ 86 ~ ::~• ;!"g;~!:;d -~s"!'~~ !~~:~t\d m:'n •; yanc~_,; . : .w'illd; ·put : : i!'clinCd. to this link is . criough. · Yet it. is :prob:ibl y' thde,Sscr ?f W ~ liked it, ward, wii Iikfld it: ·. de.nt tO follow' thO -pres~rib<id' classi: cording to , s' ·ll 01~~ !0~, ·an ': ';f

·· :·. t\vo-of the·marks that ·should distinguish 'a. collegian .. The: other mark ,:··_ r · · · -·*: * * ·· · · ,: · · caFcourse of· studies . ·. · .·.-·-_ .-: · . · · . ca_ an, Is .espeCia Y · ' "·. b a· . '1 .. ' - 1 1 ·d .. , · " 1'.. , ·.---. . · · - . D .· · h' -.t d t··d·. ·h. · .- .. d. eager to see_tP,ese_.men_report with-.:: is._co;urtesy, ase not necessar~ y _so J¥Uq on _t 1e· ay.s convention:i. I~ Hooda. got his Dome yesterday • t;trn~g· Iss~ en ays steeds: , White· . d - D b ·

. f ;' • ties. as upo~ ~inc;ere_ thoughtfulm;ss of oth~rs::_· .. ~ .... ' c : ' • '<T.hat _is_the ·Year ~00~. _He~ll~ nev~· ;qntm~ung _-until' 186~, .he: ta~ght Freshman;'. BW . ~:vill> ~:d~~~:; _.On ~he campus we grow careless, pos.~Ibly bec:au~e we measurc_an~ ·e_rge~._theot~er. k~nd_),,any\yay ~e. _mthe,prepar~tory:departm_eD:t-. In Weihe~ _.·anq .McHale,, Corby;': Me~.

;; . ·;.· ·.are measu!ed, a~d th~r~foreknowho,vto t~~~- ~ne;a.~o~h~r.:._A~·mei..: got his Do~e ,a~q- smd _h_~ liked 1t ~~n;e;f_0~h~a~~:~o:e ?~tve~--~~e ~ullen, Walsh; George·Dever,"So·r· j,·::. . .d.~nt, ~rought th_Is"·~? "ml~d th~_ot~er :-~~Y·_. Fo~r. wome~ ... were 1~ the ,fhte, .and-,~a-~n.t.It much_mce~· t~an t\v~· years .later the -'d~ ree r~~·~:s~ m,;. Ed ·Thode ·a~d the. school· Ford._ 1 . midst ·of aserv1~e 1n the Umv~rsity chupe{ .. bemg-_pm;bciJ?ated, .I~ b~ ,th:~ Sc~~la~bc? and were w.e.g01.n~ ter of Arts.: : _;_ .·._ g. . ·. -. . · . " · · 'l'

:~·· ·-most·ofthestudentbody butwereunabletotakeanacbve'part·because to.pubhshlt.~very_weekafter~hls .. ·w·th:f · · t" ·h" ··' ·- .• : jo,hn:·D~~.;ri·,. foi;~er~r-·e_s--I~·d-.e.nt:of -1 :·:·, ·.,·.. - " ' • " ·. • · .' ,. · . ··. • · .. , · ~ • . .. ·. • · - I .. ew excep Ions e contln--· ·· :they lacked ltymn' ~ards .. _-An aged. man went ~u.t of his·; way to provide · · Hal~. o~ ·.hi~ .I_s a~. th: _Ep~vo;th~ ned to· teach· at Notre Dame,·teach~ Freshman ''Hali, has returned -from ~~-( -·c • _-them. Smiles spread across __ the faces of a number of stu~ents, w~iq andthe other ljalf-ts_ still m~ssi~g. ~ng many branches bu~ finally·adop~ Clev~land :university for ·a- week's ij ~ .\',were near lt~m, ~U.d better a_b~e· to p¢rfor~ the_ ~ervi~e. . ·· -~ ;. : _, .. -. ~~~?r k~-~w~Flallnery __ could_ h~t;~Ike m~ ~athematics .. ·- "lJ~ to __ the .t~me visit -b~fore ~is ;final' ex~niinations. 1.,/ . . •... '· T.his :ict·and its ___ :to ~s to_illiis.t_r_a,te.~me". of_· the · · ·· · · · · · ' ·. ".. - · · .Nofth1~_-Dd~ath,h-S~pt .. : 25, .1890, at lr=~=~===~~~===~===~ • · . d . f . .t l"f f .. .. . 'TI . d " . . , .. . d .... · · Mita· (Hooda's sister, who is still 0 re . arne,. e was professor of ~~ ·;:, · . ~ . ·. ~ngers 0 : ,commum y 1. e .. 0 youn. ~~ men.~ ·, ·, '. liS _ ange_r · .. 1_ ~. ~ ten e_ ncy. in th_e. city·'·· doing se_ t. tle. ment' 'Voi·k~ mat.hematics :·an'd .. Cl'Vl"l. en' · I"n'eeri·n· '.: . ' . .. • i . . ·. ; .. <'' ... " - ·. '.;-: ' ..

t; · , .· : ·• · to ove_rlook the finer. rein bons ~f ltfc,. o,;hwh after all.arc: the .. cr~am. on that is, s~eakihg . indeDtedly )', Mita. . -_: E~~Op~On' :\V ork g .. ·. . g; ; . ld eaJ.'. .. ·. ··: ·:': · _ . : (;'. .. the milk-of h~mankmdness; . , w~nt d~~V.rl. to see 'Ho?.dU:~. · ._M~ss ·_ ·.l)uring tb,e-. time -·he :::\vas absent :. -:- · · · · ·, ·· ·· · . · · · · . ·f; _ .' ,, _Thotut was ~t fi:st ref~s~d e11:tranc.e. from· Notre-Dame he·had ~barge of :·,_·< ·: -.... · ~ .d· ... :· -<;", _:·: _ .. ·_

··.-'!·. - ·. . 'rUe:' QT.Tc:'C!'rT.Qil'.' -AG' AJrJ\r .to tthefhosplit,?lt.b~~abubse_ ofth~.-~ohu- an engin'eei-ing·corpsdn the,North~ _·._-".".11.1,_ a __ .U_ ·_.n ..... -,. r. :Y' .... ·-·. ·· · .l IlL ULu .l .1


'1 V .t-1 J. v que.' 0 · J?~ e c~ . ca ~ge a~ s e. west,· where he ·superVised consid ·:. ·

· . . . · : · · . . · .: . ·. was wearmg7. haVIng mistaken-It-for bl ·. ·1·· ,.d" 't . · · ·· · er e· .. ~ . - . . " . , :wen over' 600 students live m the City. Qf-tlus·nu"mber 150 are A . . . -B. t" ; Sh ft. •.11 ::-·· t. a_ e.rai roa ·cons ruction. At the . o.· . ': .. . ' . . d ' f S . B d 0, f . 1 . - . - .. . . . . . . . . . meriCan. eau les. e na y go time . of . the "nt t• 1 . . •

. ... . ·resi ~~ts ~ · out~1- en.· .. ut.o _.t~~-s~!-14ents, less .than:· :~oo ·in;:thougl}.;,and_too~a~o'itgs-omell)ve: ti'. :· . P .-I e~nawna ·:expos1-sll:bscr1ped.\ to. t~c PAI~Y; _and_· of· the ·2QO, _smile 40·o~ •more-a!e _1."esi.,- letters :that·, had. come'-·hi" Hooda's U9~t adtSt~rtis he_ w~s .one, 0~ the_ ·a · t ·· t d · t · tl 't · WI· t· · · tl tt · ·1 · 1 - · · · · '· ., ··"I " Th 1 ·1 · · · · ,. m e ' a es. commiSSIOners hav-:· .. . :_ e~ ·s u en.s·m, 1e ~I:!·-. _)a IS 1e rna _er .\~It:_.t !~ ~cmairymg 4qo:: _~ai; _ e ()V~ etters.;wer~ -rea~ ing.been.·.-.appointeci to the -~st.-b ·

•t .-: _. , . . . ?f t~te 200 subs(!nbers m So_uth ]3end,: fe~~ar~.JU~IOrs _or ~enio.r_s; o~es ... !hey ra~ th':~: .-' 'Ye'd ;!o~~: Pr~sident Cleveland. . . ~ Y_ :Get theide~iHabii: . • \. . ' •. ~ . . ,' ·• -•• ~·::: • l j •

!{ . · showmg. a~most· __ beJ:<;md a· .d?u~>~· that ·these. men, ;~vl10: have_ Jived- m to ~aye.~ou paY, Y_ou .... bills, et~. · . · . 'As. teacher :he. took· active 'inter-· h. ·. : . :~~?o~~li Bella· for :th~ee ~or. four ~~ars.}I:t~e -~l;"~f.te.4 into. ari ~tt!tnd< of : .. ~?Od:a-:t.3Id,_ ~it_a ,that fro'in __ the cs~ ·. in __ ,~he: Philomathean' Society,

· mdifferenc~ _towards the: school·" and Its: actiVIties. . One. qf_ the ·prii:ne minut_e:h: -entered th7 plape- eve!¥- · · •· · · .. · · . · · .. ·, J.!;;;;;;;;;;:===;;;;;;=::::;:;;;;i:;;;;;;;;;;:::::;;:::;:=~ mot'ives in founding the DAILY was the belief and. hope tha(it would body,. h_ad .,been laughmg. ___ He .said· - -~~- ~ ~

: 426 s:.:MICHIGAN ST. ' . . - ,· ·. . ·-· •, .

-· . ·• • - i .· ' . • •• . . .. . ..• -: ' . ; . '. /: that:·he hasn't found· the JOk ye.. o· . ; : . . . ' ... : I w, .. _ .. , .·.serve, to brmg ,the. Day Students .mto ~l.oscr ~ouch 'vith .their .school D · '"th-.. k .. :H · d .. ·11· · e fi .~d. :: • . ' ... ' ~ l ~ . . . · G . JJ. :

1 ,,., .... · ... ·.• d"·ti', .. ' .... " ·1:XTI I 1 . d. ·- . . •· 'f ,•. . . 0 you m ' 00 a. WI . ever n .. ·riJ en· ta·. ,·, < ,· • I H!''·/.,;.:\·.:an,; lC calllpus actiVIties.~ ,nlO_e-w_arte -~o~per~t~on_.:-rom.~hel).ay- himself?-'-.· ,· :'·· ·_ ··: .. ··:··. -· .. · :, .. _fl . ' ' : .. :-. ·n_ .. n .. _ .... _·a· .e·.:_·. f;[ :\. ·:::·/, :. _8t~dents·was looked forwa:d•:to _w~th._l~ttle_uppr~~~e~si9!1~·· ~fh~ rcspq~se. . .·. * :* ·*: · .. ·. '•~~ {:. ;;.:-_. o_f .. t)1e _l?ay t)tudents both to~l?pealsJo~ .~u"bs~riptu~~s ,a?d:~ubscque~t . CLASSY :POEM No.-'3' ·. ·. "· .. ·Phon:e 1\1ain 974";:, ... ·· .·- .. ii'S ·-:N~ M~i~ .. St.:: · ·~ j;;.~\> · _appeal~ .for payment· of these.,subscnp~wns shows .t1tat these )10p.Cs" · -. · . · , , .. · : , · · · · · · · · · ,- · · · ·- -. ·· · · · ~~~ :~·'- .. ·,vere- not ·in.· keeping· with. t~e ·atti~ude: o.f _Day· S,tudents ·. to_,vard ;the ~it"!~~e~eri~c~~e~r~~;¥ncnn. - .. · : - · ~p~dat Off~r. to_:~u~in~~men,_:Eith~t-hi ·Am!~ridan ~-0/ ··•· 'll'~ · DAILY - · · · . . · · · ·· . . ·- : I wanta ·range· the fnky seas . . . · . _ . Chmese- Menu .. · · . . . · _, . , j}; ..... - ~ .'· · ·. · .. · ·. ·_ · · \" ···: "-···. _-· :.1 ,: :. :· : · From_wher~ .. they're ·'where.they: · · · .. · · · · · ·· · ·

fi\i : , A' rough eS tinia te liasCd im figures· .shoiVS · tha(the ]J erC~n tigc of. . Ai~"h:"i,;; =k~ r•it'J;,.v~ ";1,: ;.1,: .: _' • ' • : , L_unch\.8 sOC,: '11: a: lri,:'io ;j i ,;:· :. . . . . : Jl ·. · support: givCn . tl1e ;D AI:r;, Y by ·the )Jay Stu den ti· iS 'abOUt 30 · per :Cciit. ~l,' kik'iJ'~.,;••••.J': '~lt guy•, • •.f'j-'; ; . - · . Dmner ~De, . . 5 p. 8 p. m. ,: . . .. > . :. ,_ :11. · , . ::. \vi,~r<iuS : the .-perecptUge :on _the ea~pi•~, :based 9n . SimUnf fi~iCs .·. i~ "H~' :i.".'., ·;:"ri,,fi1~n ·, 1:':,, f::•,::.:k,:: 00

. · •; • · Special Sunday Dinner $1.0 o, 11'. to 8 p.m. : , ·. ·. · . •!~·: :· closer. to,90 per. cent. F1gurmg on those students who .. rcstdc .m town· ·· · · : *. :* ~ , ... _ ·· Q · "k S · · · ·. · D · .,. ' · · · · · · '.-,; ",·.; ' · · ' '·a · , :f I ·· · 1 1 · · · a · · · · · · · ' L' t r · · · utc · ervt~e ·. >. elicious·Food;:: . Reasonable' Prices · . · ' i!C ' ~r be se 1oo year ·?nly, :in at . whom tl(is_ · edit? rial .-is pait!cllbrly. "a~ ~~e: > · · -, .. .. . . . . • . . ORIENTAL AND AMERICAN MENUS. : .. - :. : .. ·H. · directed,-· the . percentag_<:_·_·. o£-_suppo,rt .·runs ev_ en.·· J¥uch .·_lower., • . ·. A . PI,lo~ w~s ~~e t~rm;- w~s. 1t. not .. ?. , , . . _. . . . . . .. _ . . .. .. ,_ . . .

.. y 0 B t d w t 1 t . .. ·. s.crved llA.·M. to.IA.-M~ - .... _ ". ~~~- . ·What is thc·.matter':with the·l)ay ·students?·. · ,.:-· · · · . . · .e .... _1 s-use _. . e cal?-. e rev;I e 1 •. . . . .. ;:) l': " ' . . . -',: . ' ·.' .. ", '·'- For .ye, and wa cannotte denye ··' -~ --. :; _:_.: . : ~ .. _ :c Mus~c atid Free Dance'.·<:.,: jJ ~ ~- ' ·.. ' c ' ·}#~aOii't stnfilbleo~~r Pl~*s{s~gns: - , .... ··. • ' • , :hat we for;faire .do ~~~'F~\. ~-· . . . . · F<~• Sorvl•~. ~ool N~•P•P•ro · '

Page 3: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, TUESDAY ... · university of notre dame, notre dame, indiana, tuesday, june 5, 1923 PRICE. 5 CENTS :_ Ap.plication-for entrance as seco~d




The scot·es: Foglia .............. 6 6 4 3 3 6 4 5 4-41

5 5 3 5 4 5 5 4 3-39 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 5 5-40 6'

Adams · ............ 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 5 3-3 7

. Many ·. Timely . Subjects . Presented ·in Grad­

uation Theses

Are Folgia's Drives Weak weber. Wins Flight


5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4-3 7 56.4 3 3 5·3 4 4-37 5 Rom- Final score: 10 up, 8 to go .

Paul Romweber won. the cham­pionship of Flight C, Bion Vogel being the runner up and hereby got prizes in pillow top and Univer:..

The University .is awarding only Jack Adams _defe~ted Joe. Fogli_a. sity shield donated by Adler Broth-. five'· advance degrees this y~ar. for _the champiOnship of the l!m- ,ers and Mr. Adler, respectively. ·Three Doctor of Philosophy degrees versity Saturday, ten up an~. eight Romweber won. a dozen golf halls, are. 'being awarded, one Master of to play. Adams was cons1~tently donated by Stover Sporting Co. Arts .and one Master of Science. the ,)Jetter man, though Foglia was Vogel . 8 9 54 56 56 5-53

. Those who are receiving the Doc- off in his driving and consequently ................ 6 5 6 4 5 · . tor of Philosophy degree are: ·Sis- fell 'back much in· his game. . ' Ronr\veber 7 8 4 4 4 6 4 5 6---'-48

:ter Mary Eleanore, St. Mary) Col- Foglia w~n the toss ,but awarded ····-·56 5 5 4 · · lege, Not~e pame, Indiana; Sist~r the honors to Adams, who sent a

. Mary Edward Joseph, ~t. Marys beautiful long drive down the fair- F~~~===~=====~

.· College,.Notre Dame, Indmna,; Rev. way .. Adams won' the first hole, THE Thomas· · Lahey, instructor. m the Foglia being unable to sink a short College ·of Commerce, ;Notre Dame,. putt. Foglia topped his first shot.

, Indiana. . . · . Adams parred ·the second Land in- RHODES . . Siste~ Mary Aloysi; of the Sis- creased his lead to two holes. The . . 1 . . ·

· D third hole. was, halved. · On the ... ters of Notre Dame, Notre arne fourth Foglia drove within several THEATERS · .. Academy, Cleveland, Ohio, is b~ing feet: of the pin and took the hole . . a-\vai·ded the Master of Arts degree; with a par, three. .

Harry Hoffman~· B.S. in Chern- Unable to Drive . istry, '22, will i·eceive the ·Master Unable to drive, Foglia lost three

of SCience degree. . Mr.·. Hoffman· more· holes,·. making the· score four ·was an instructor in .chemistry _&t. up for Adams at the end of 'the

' the University during the first se- ninth hole. -;Adams easily captured mester of this school ye~r. the seventh with a birdie three, and

· ... '. Among the theses ·~ub~itted this duplicated the feat on .the ninth . .'year are. some very thorough treat- after a drive of 300 yards.. . · ises 'ori present day problems. Some At ·the beginning of the second , of the· subjects .are: "Retail Lum- nine, Foglia uncovered better. golf . :.ber ·Advertising,'' "The Decline of and halved three first holes,- but ... the German Mark," '!The Cancella- Adams recovered and won the ,13th, .. tion of .the Allied ·war· Pebt,'' "Di- 15th and 16th, making pretty .ap­: rect Mail Advertising," "Resolved: proaches and .putts. At the 18th ·:.~That "the "National··. Bonus. Sliould tee~ Adams. drove but- 10 .yards short . Not Be by. the Smoot · Sal~s of the green, and Foglia sliced onto .. ~Tax," ·'~The House O:gan in. Busi-: the first fairway.' .. On the approach . nes's," "The Market·Ristory of Stu-:- Foglia sent a high mashie shot to ·,: debaker Stock, From 1917 .to 1922_ the green, .but it rolled into· the

Inclusive" "Origin and.· Develop- trap .. By.: a pretty niblic shot he . . nitmt o{:t'he. Trade Mark," "Invest- sank the ball for a birdie· three,

inents.-in Foreign Securities," ''The as the gallery applauded.. Adams Far East, the Market of;fo'mon;ow," took' a .four· and. at the end of the

.. ·"City·)?," "Mu.scle_. Shoals,;; 18th hole the match·· stood six up "The Nature of'the Editorial Page, ·for ·Adams.· ·

. . and "The· Theories of Memory."- , . . · Adams Holds Lead · · In the Hoynes College of· Law' On the remaining holes of the


Greater than "In the Name · of the Law," greater tllan "The Third Alarm," this stu­pendous railroad. romance.

~~w estb.ourid Limited''

With a great cast including

Ralph Le~is

LASALLE All Week Till Saturday


. . . With· !J-11-star support includ­ing- Edward Connelly and Lewis Stone in

. ~~Trifling· . Women'' ··m'any good br~efsare expected. No match Adams. was easily thehetter,

~·:theses are submitte'd hi the College getting a-.nine hole margin: at the .. of Law· but briefs· are _required end of the 27th. On . the 28th, .' "'--stead.--~ -The. subject~-for_the_ brief~ ·Adams reached-:the. 300. yard. mark '===========::;::.&~

this y~ar' is the case o:f Jo~u:W. and Foglia sent ·a long shot to with- · -. · · Eakins versus. Otto J. Shaw. ·and in a 'few feet of 'the bunker. Adams sA N-'f 0 R D s '\yife, Mina Shaw. ·_This is a· c~s: .()f. duplica.ted his .. oppone.nt's shot. for · . . quiet. titl~ to. real· estate, and ·.It .lS ,a distance and direction. and la:y With7 . . vo'u· N. T.'A. IN P'EN IN. K . ha~d case, having been through both in five ~eet· of the green~ · Foglia r'

·. 'th'e ·higher .. an~ lower c::ourts .. T_he fell short 'of- the hole bY; eight .feet. . . n~ture · of· 1t.. 1s ·confus1~g -an.d .m-· Adams -cinched . the championship

·. volved ~ because . c;>f ,a· confhctmg by a peatiful approach and although .. t~tle. · The writer· of the. be~t brief ·making .·two put~s, ·won the hole, . will receive-a prize of $50 ;_another five and· six. · · · · .·~·prize of- $50. w_ill b_~ given :t? the The cup, p1;esented: by Eugene

pest public. speaker m the · Colle~e O'Brien, goes to ·-Adams. J. Rey-,, _ of· Law: _It Is, tho¥ght .. that_ this riolds ·Medart, in. charge.~of 'the

,:. would give the .student~ m th~ Col:-_ meets; presented it.· ·.·lege a better chance to·,become ac-. · · · · .. qriainted 'vith the type of work t_hey

. :_.\viii hive to 'do. when they practice. ' . 'Judge :Vurpillat, ·dean of the: .Gol­':lege;:saysthat there· should be· some.

i ·,. ·.~good :briefs presented even though · · · ,.the case is a difficult one ...

, Ca-dillac. and. Oakland 212 S. Lafayette Blvdi.

, Phone Main 1287


742 SouthMi~higa~ Street.·.

East Side.Lutl~ber Yard. .. West Sid~ Ltttllher Yard ..

North Side Lumber Yard· ·Mishawaka Lumben.'X'(lrd

. <':H,ENNEBERRY. A>GRAD .: ·. ·. : ~ . ; 'J o'seph · P. · Hemieberry; ·with ·the I.!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~J I

·. : class:· of ?23 ·at Notre =Dame, =until . . . . . . . . . . . _th~s·y~a~, graduates'i~·forei~n c~m- . ·' ''Saj'it witkFlowers'~ -.

.. tnerce from Georgetown Umverstty, · . . . .. '.. .. ·. · .. . . . •. · · .. .:::·W-as .. hingto~,·a:cc.or~in. g·t.o,anno·u·n·c ... ~- Be·_'y.: 'e·r , .. and ..... :w. ··e· her : ·ment · yesterday. :. He h3;s b~en m . . . . , , . . . . · .;_the ·Department;:of·· c·omriterce; :and · r;rz ... ,t

; Upon graduation will return '.to· his · 1:' j o_rts_ S :.-'home,' ·.chicago,. as commei·cial agent ·

: <Jin t4e .Ohicago office :of .the ·:pep~rt- . . , -~ 'iment of 9otp.inerce. · · · ... :.. ~=i=~==~==~========~=====

225 N; Michiga~ Street,.

104-106 NorthS·Michigan: Street .:· 206 'south· Michigan .Stree't : · · · ·.

. ,337~339 South'Michigan·:.~tr'eet· ~···, · · -122 WeSt Washington 'Avenue: ':.1HJ~l21.West.Jefferson Blvd •. '

. ,.,·

:Notre Dame~ Cafet~ria ·· Clark's Lunch ·· Room

· i5.t~·19 w~ 6-th st~·: .. · Gary, :l~d •.

·' .. ' ·· o. A.:CLARK, ·Prop~ietor · ·-

·· ....... Eat ·at.,Kable.'s·.'when in -Towiz··,or.o-~ the Cantpus · ..... ~·'·" .. .'-.:.:··:. ~:-) ·:·~~ .. (;;" ·_ .· .... \·~ .. ::.-:< .. :-.·_.··. ::··, ~ -~'_.:·;.~:-\~ ... - ._'.- .... ~-~. _··:·,._( .: ·<.

. Wili. irrtpr.ove t~e Action . , . . of Any ·Fountain



... ·ALL


ALL·· SIZEs· ...

. .

ttThe In'k That Made··· 'The Foiiniain P~n Pos~ible"

' When Do·wn Town 'STOP AT:



. Special Lunches ~1id · Fine :cfJnfections :

:·.Delicious ·Ice Cream _::Try bur Fanc;S~tntlaes ··Palace ·_()f S've~ts.

i~~~~==~==~ .· Electric S~oe Repairing Whiie ' )"~u Hesitate. ~igh Grade Shoe' ~epairing for Particular People

. : Washington· Shoe; · .·Repair Company

. 116 w~ Washington Avenue : , SOUTH BEND, IND. ". . .. : ... " . . .

Give ·11s a~irial ... ·. -Lincoln 6?82 .• S.J. ·Karras.

The· CottOn· ·Picl~ers · 2418-~esn~es' Hips" . · ... · · ~e1 Never Miss the' S~shine"

.' Two Twinkling Fox Trots

The. Cotton Pickers, like oilier famous dance orches­tras, make records exclusively for Brunswick. because. ~runs wick gives the truest, clearest and most. perfect interpretations of this popular dance music. . Y ou'Il · · enjoy these two e?Chilarating dance selections. Both ar~ joyful with rhythm. · · ·

Somethi~g. new every day New Brunswick Records arc now issued every day. No waiting. Any Brunswick de_aler will gladly play them for you. Brunswick Records play on any phonograph~ but best on The Bt:tmswick •

' 'Let's ·Talk ·Lulnber''


. ·. South. Bend Lumber ..... C?m.pany r.asaue· Ave. at Emerick St •

Yellow Cab• Colllpany

·Phone MAIN 5200~ .

Hail.Th~in, : .. An:yivhere· ·· ._

· W ~R.:Hinkle,Iric~ Lincoln, ·Ford· i

· '_ .Fordson SOUTH BE'ND,; INDIANA

. Prest~O~L!te.. and . Co~ · hirnbia Batteries, Com~ · plete · · Eh~ctrical :service Station for. all ·makes of .cars· ·

· .. Peterson Battery· & '.Ignition .Company

325. S. Lafayette Street • r ••

·Phone 1\l~hJ. 4763.' ·

W. P. Cnss; M~tr. · Bell Phone 2231

. ·. Crown Service Co. ·

Tires; Accessories .

Gabri~l Snubbers Vulcanizi~g . '

315 .E~Jefferso~ Bl~d~ · Next to Yellow Cab

. HWe can't' sell theJiz .. a/1, ·. · .. ·:so we sell tlze Best" ·

Before Y~u Take ·Her Home .

. . .

. Drop ·in· for ligh~. · _lunch_~s. · ·

. . . . . - .

Lunches served·1n. a hurry

·' .. ' Our Motto Courtesy First, Last and ·


The Blackstone -~andy· IG.~che~

218 S. Michigan St.

16 Alleya . 5 Tables

·Orpheum ·Bowlir~:g·: and Billiard · Roori:i

. E. J. WATERS, Mgr.

216 N. Michigan St . South Bend, Indiana·

·Phon~ Lincoln 1949 ·

~·_Telephorie .Lincoln 6928 Main769·

·.Williams· The Florist·

New Location


If .you. 'w~t good prints Jet National Photo Shop develop and p rin f ··your·. Kodak films .

105 . Linc~ln way East ·. · or N cws Stand

Page 4: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, TUESDAY ... · university of notre dame, notre dame, indiana, tuesday, june 5, 1923 PRICE. 5 CENTS :_ Ap.plication-for entrance as seco~d



. _.__ ~ ·' ~

After the ·!fop ·._·a~d- the· --Th_eater I:

·:.why Iiot:join the croird_and 'eb.j~y a qinner, ·in· a restaurant with ·beautifiil'suriouridirigs ..

Th~ Stiuidards ofth~ Gold~nEagle mn . Szip1·~m-~- Quality; ·Courteous, Service,·- : · ... : · ., · . : Reason~#~# .I:~:i,ces · _: .. ·• · ... ,· '''

·Newly_. Eqit_fPP~4·

• ·:Colfa-x · L~nch· Roo in

1 i 2 West Colfax Avenue ' · · ·.,. Pop~Iar P.r~_ce~ _· ·. ·

·Gus Metro Maras; Geo. Callas · · · Pro'prietors · · · 1


-Build. ·-Perm·anence ·

•• 1 ...

-~rito .·your ·'home: by-. · . using ~)?~cing .. Brie~; .. ·-.and ·:fiollow·Tile.··

'.: ,·., '. :, ~-

t~ ioU; ~h~ ~e~hets ~f the i9;j dr~d~ati~i : -:·· ·.Glass ~~-ofN ot!·e ~Dame~ ' P~le. ta·~e~ this~-' oppQt:- I

-· .-. tu,~iti ·.of ~~presMh.g ·our- h~~!tv·w~~hes .. for_ a_:; ··.- '·. §u.c~_essftiL. ~areer, ":hoping·· ·.:_you .: .!na:.y· · ·brin~:f ~ · >·~_-:hcn10r.::~~q_:':.i6iii:~·~:it:nne,:_:~.:-and. ~ f~~e·-:,··tcr·~+6tir;·::.: · ~; ;Alfua >-Mater>.~;··:We•_ .. sinc_erely.·:·t:n.~nk \rou 'for··~:·;·;:

••• :· y6Uf ·:kilia P~trbtiag~~· 'a ~~i~~1 ,fl:le:p~~t·~foUr· ·;

··' c? ·' c:

·Office M~in 886 Res. Main 3561 ·

Dr. John A. Stoeck~ey·

Dentistry ~:Extracting .· ·

Dental X-Rays

Sll. J. M.S. Building. SOUTH BEND, INDIA~A .

. OFFICE PHONE . Mal~ 689. ·

RES. PHONE Main 1162 C& 1847

·nr. Edgar S. ·Lucas.· . ·DE~TISTRY . .

,. Dr. R6beit F~ ·Luca·s . Extracting and Surgery 'of .

· the Mouth 'and Jaws

· .J. ·M. S."Building. · SOUTH. BEND,' INDIANA

·· . Offi~e Phone ':Main;s134

.· .·Di~. :R~;D._Dugga~:~ · : . ·Dentist . ·

· sin· F~iriners Trust. Buliding '~1•. ~~·~~--~-

. OFFICE HOURS .. :_ ..

;· 2· to 4 r p.m.: d~iiy ~~~ept Su~days · · ·7 to· 8 p~m., Tuesdays, .Thursdays

. . . and Saturdays . . . . I, • -1 '

. Dr~ J. B.J3ei-t-eling·:- ... . ' ' ' ',---

Offi~e: ·Cor: Col~~ -A~e. 'and La~ . . .. , ... :fayette Blvd. ·. . ' . , ,

'· · Res.ldcncc: 215 S •. Taylor St. ':

.. : . . · > -; . . :T-ELEPHONES . . . · Office,'·Main '675 Res., Main 686 ' · so.uth Bend,_.!nci.'_' ·, · ·. ·

- . .. · ·.Dr~· Fr_a~k ·J . .. __ ....... Powers