university of wyoming received 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · university of wyoming received ~~...

UNIVERSITY OF WYOMI NG RECEIVED 1 ·.· 1 Environmental Health & Sa fety Depart m en t Ma in Office 102 Wyomi ng Ha ll Dep t. 11305 1000 E. Univel'lity Ave_ l aramie. WY 820/1 (307) l{,(, -j'2ll f ox (307) 766-6 116 Regulated Materials Ma nagement Center Dep t _4/UIJ 1000 E. Uni versity Ave. L ara mie. WY 8101 1 (307) 766-3696 fa)!; (307) 7('(' 1699 WWW.uwyo.e du/ehs May 1,2012 License No: 49-09955 Docket no: 030-01176 United States Nuc kar Rcgu Jal Ol )' Commission I{egion IV Oflicr.: 1600 J :a st [, amar Boulevard A rli ngton. T X 76011-4511 ATT N: [,i cc ilsin g Assistant t. w -3 20 12 DNMS As di scussed ill a telephone conversat ion wi th Roherlo Torres on Apr il 17, 2012, the Un ivers it y of Wyoming ( UW) wi ll r eq uire an amendment to its broad-scope byp rodu ct ma teri als license in orde r to replace the Radiation Commiul.: l.: ( RSC) Chair. Sl.:ct ion I I.B. of N RC License 49-09955-10 (Aml.:fI(hni::nl 44) states that. "Licen sed material sha ll he lI sed hy. or under the supervision of indivi dua ls desig nated in wr iti ng by the Un ivers it y of Wyom ing's Radiation Safery Co mmittee. Derek Smith. Ph.D .. Cha ir person." At the RSC meet ing held December 8, 2011. Dr. Kenneth Si ms of the Departme nt of Geo logy and (ieop hys ic s aecepTcd the eO lll miuee nomination to replace Dr. Derek Smith. who was stepping down (lS Cha ir at the end of the fisca l year (June 2012).!\t th e J\pr il }. 2012 mee tiug thl.: RSC disc ll ssed FY 2012-1} appointments with Mark Co lli ns. Int er im Vice Pres id ent/o r UW Admi nistratio n. Mr. Collins form(lily appo inted Dr. Si ms in a leiter dat ed May I. 2012. 10 take effect in July 2012. Dr. Sims has been an authorized user o f rad io nuc lides at the Uni ve rsity of Wyo ming since he joi ned th e Geology tae ul ty in 2009. I Ie was appointed to the Radiation S(l/cty Co mmittee in June 2011 a nd served on th e Radiation Safety Progmm Annual Rev i ew suhcomm ittce ill Fcbnmry 2012. Enclosed are eopics ofrhe appo intment (llld the premier page of Ken Sims' qnalif'ica!ions. Hi$ cUi,iCt, jeii"ll viLae can he fo un d a l: hl1 p:ll faculh .gg. lJ \\\ o. edu/ bi m ... 7/ K S Atild CV 1: ., 1: I O-.-!J oabstLpd f Since rely. Ji m ller ro ld. CHP Radiation Safely Officer enc l os ures: Leiter from Inte ri m VP Mark Col lins appointi ng Dr. SIIllS as RSC Ch air Qual itiea ti ons or I)r. Kt: nneth Sinl s. Geo logy and (,eophy si t: s Depa nmen t .5774 70

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Page 1: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED ~~ 1·.·1 Environmental Health & Saf e t y Departm ent Main Office 102 Wyoming Hall Dept


~ ~~

1·.·1 Environmental

Health & Sa f e t y Depart m en t

Main Office 102 Wyom ing Hall

Dept. 11305 1000 E. Univel'li ty Ave_

l aramie. WY 820/1 (307) l{,(, -j'2ll

fox (307) 766-6 116

Regulated Materials Management Center

Dep t _ 4/UIJ 1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie. WY 8101 1 (307) 766-3696

fa)!; (307) 7('(' 1699

May 1,2012

License No: 49-09955 Docket no: 030-01176

United States Nuc kar Rcgu JalOl)' Com mission I{egion IV Oflicr.: 1600 J:ast [,amar Boulevard A rli ngton. T X 76011-4511

ATTN: [ ,iccilsing Ass istant

t.w -3 2012


As di scussed ill a telephone conversation with Roherlo Torres on April 17, 2012, the Un ivers ity of Wyom ing (UW) w ill req uire an amendment to its broad -scope byprodu ct ma terials license in order to replace the Radiation Safet~ Commiul.: l.: (RSC) Chair.

Sl.:ct ion I I.B. o f N RC License 49-09955-10 (Aml.:fI(hni::nl 44) states that. "Licensed material sha ll he lIsed hy. or under the supervision of indiv idua ls designated in writi ng by the Un ivers ity of Wyom ing's Radiation Safery Committee. Derek Sm ith. Ph.D .. Cha irperson."

At the RSC meet ing hel d December 8, 2011. Dr. Kenneth S ims of the Department of Geo logy and (ieophys ics aecepTcd the eOlll miuee nomi nation to replace Dr. Derek Sm ith. who was stepping down (lS Cha ir at the end of the fisca l year (June 2012).!\t th e J\pril }. 2012 meetiug thl.: RSC discllssed FY 2012-1} appointments with Mark Co lli ns. Interim Vice Pres ident/or UW Admi nistrat ion. Mr. Collins form(lily appo inted Dr. S ims in a leiter dated May I. 2012. 10 take effect in July 2012 .

Dr. Sims has been an authorized user o f rad io nuc lides at the Uni ve rsity of Wyoming since he joined the Geology tae ul ty in 2009. I Ie was appointed to the Radi at ion S(l/cty Comm ittee in June 2011 a nd served on the Radiation Safety Progmm Annual Rev iew suhcomm ittce ill Fcbnmry 2012. Enclosed are eopics ofrhe appo intment (llld the premier page o f Ken Sims' qnalif'ica!ions. Hi$ (;o :~lplete cUi,iCt, jeii"ll viLae can he fo und al: hl1 p:ll faculh .gg. lJ \\\ o .edu/bi m ... 7/ K S Atild CV 1: ., 1: I O-.-!JoabstLpd f


~---Ji m llerro ld. CHP Radiation Safe ly Officer

enc losures:

Leiter from Inte ri m VP Mark Col lins appoi nti ng Dr. SIIllS as RSC Chair Qual itieations or I)r. Kt:nneth Sinl s. Geo logy and (,eophysit:s Depanmen t

.5774 70

Page 2: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED ~~ 1·.·1 Environmental Health & Saf e t y Departm ent Main Office 102 Wyoming Hall Dept

I1i U NIV E R-S I TY ~ ()' W YOM I NC

Vice I'residfln t for Ad rniniSl rolion De." 39B2 ' R(>Om 202H, O ld I.1o,n • 1000 E U,"v"",s,'V A,,~ • L,JtQn"c. WY H20l 1 (07) 76MJ166 • foy (307) 161',·]436

M~l) 1. 10 11

KCI1l11'th Sims

(il:ll1ogy and {jl'('ph} sics Ikpilrlmcrll Col k g..: llf' 1\f(S ami S.::il'IlCI.:S

DL'ar Kl'll nd h:

l J lli\"l.:r:-. i l~ n:gllhili ul1!' pnl\'idt: fo r -;\.', ... :-ral admin islnlliH: Cfllllllli Un's Ihal <In.: l'lwrgcd \\ j,h assisti ng ill Ihl' JC\ el0PHll'llt {If pol leies or pro\' iJi lie \ 1\ l' rsight on adlllin istrat i \ (' fundI! IIlS_ rhe

Rad lat 10 11 Sali:[~ l'nllllllith..'l' cleve/Ilps. admini s ters alld re\ il'\\ s pol iell's ami pf'lll.;nitlrl's to aSSUfl'

clHllml llf prl1c Ll n.:rnl:rll and usc or fad iom;! in.: m :lh .. 'r i;lls ami raJia tiu ll sourn" b~ tho..: l:alllpliS rOllltllllll i !y,

Ik .. :ausl' llf)Olll" 1-.: 11()\\,lcd gl' Ilr rad ia tio n snlll"c\.'s :IIlJ rmJ iatioll s"li:t y i ss lles, ) UUI' pron:n

k~l(kfSh i p :Ibi I i lies, and cn,,:d i bll i I v hy vi rl ll l' 0 r your posi t iOll \\'1 III i Il the rcsl':11'\:11 C(ll11llltlllil ;', I

'lsk that ;'1111 i1 \.ycpl an apppi rllJ1lcll1 as Chair oCthe Radi .. l!illli S;lIi..."ly CIl1l1IlliIlL'\.' I ab(l asi.; 1Il,II

) 011 sc rw in lhl' capac!t) as;\ k dlllic,ll rl'preSl'Htali\c 11'0111 ) our mill-g\." IiI I" til\.' 201 2- 1:1 :1~';ld":l1lil: ) car.

I II is Ctlllll11 i lice ~l'I'\'C:' all i111pllrtant mit: fur Ihe l Jni \ nsi ly oj' \\ ' yuming, 1 thank> (lll ill ,1(1\ a lll:\.'

for scrving (Ill [IllS C(lllllnil1cc and assisting. \\ 'ilh this ess~'ll li,l1 (tlnclioll ,

SilHxrcly ,

Mark Cl,lI ins II1 I1.:n111 V ice I' n:sitknl. Admin is(fal i l)l1

CC: Jim I krr,, (d 1'~l u r [ k lkr Ol ivcr Wal tcr

Page 3: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED ~~ 1·.·1 Environmental Health & Saf e t y Departm ent Main Office 102 Wyoming Hall Dept

Kenneth W. W. Sims Telephone: Email: ks ims7((l)uwyo.cuu Dcpartmo.:nt of Gcology and Geophysics

Univers ity of Wyom ing we hsite: lilt 1'://gcoI41:':Y' II w ytu'd II!'! (I-ken wwsims Laram ic, WY 82071

EUUl:ATlON Ph.D .. Department ofGcology and Gcophy.~ ics . University ofCa li fomia. Bo.:rkeky, 1995 Thesis Adv isor: Donald .r. DePaolo

M.Sc.. Inst itute of Mctcorit ics, Department of Geology . Un iversity of New Mex ico. 1989 Thesis Adv isors: Klaus Keil. Horton Newsom

R.A .. Colorado College, Cum La ude, with HonOl's in (ieology. 1986

PROFESSIONAL EXI'ERIENl:E University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming A.~"oc i at(' Pr(lfe.~sor, Dep:lrlment of Geology and Geophysics (200C.Lprcscnt)

Woods Iiole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole. Massacllusctls Associate Sc ientist w ith Tcnurc, Dcpartmcnt of Gcology and Gcophysics (2007- 2009) Assoc ialc Scient ist, Departlllcnt of Geology and Geophysics (2002-2007) Assistant Scicntis\. Dcpartlllcnt of Gcology ami Geophysics (1997- 2002)

Institut Universitaire Europcen de 101 Mer (IUEM), 8rest. Fnmce Visiting CN RS f-cllow (2002)

I.os Alamos National Laborator y, Los Alamos, New Mexico Guest Sc ientist. Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Group ( 1996- 2005)

A WARUS and .'EI.I.OWSH II'S Mcll oll Illdq.Jemicnt Study A wards, Woods Iio le Oceanographic Inst itut ion ( 19()4); 200 I ; 2006; 2008) Postdoet(lral Scholar f-dlow, Wm)ds Iiole Oce:lIlographic Institut ion (1995 19lJ7) IGPP Graduale Study Grall!, Inst itute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, LJC, Berkeley ( 199 1-1995) Outstanding Graduate Stude nt Instructor. Un iversity of California, Berkclcy ( I YY2) Estwing Outstand ing Senior. Colorado Colkge (19X6) Getty O il Fellowship. Colorado College (1984- 1985)

RESEARClllNTERESTS Application of U-series disequ il ibria, rad i(lgen ic isotopc geocheillistry. !IIajur- anll !r:lCe- elc,lleilt geochern islrY and the principles of physics and chemisfrY to a variety of fundame nt:ll problems in Earth and planetary sc ienccs. including : accret ionary and core-formmion history and processes in plancts; thc orig in :md evol ution 01" the E"rth's niantic and continental crust; the generat ion and transport of hasaltic magmas; the cvo lu tion of volca ni c systems: rad iometric methods for dat ing ig llcous alld sedililentary rocks; and . isotope hydrology.

115 77470

Page 4: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED ~~ 1·.·1 Environmental Health & Saf e t y Departm ent Main Office 102 Wyoming Hall Dept

~ U N IVE RSI T Y ~ o,WYOM ING Erllircnrr er!ol health C'ld SafelY C~O! 3413 10:0 f \.jo.,'e's',,!, A.e ..a'~"' · e. ,','VOIT' nfO e207\

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United States >Judear Rec.ulatorv Co - ' Region IV Offt ,e 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arl ington, TX 76011-451 1

ATTN: Licensing Assistant

D n ~


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Page 5: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED ~~ 1·.·1 Environmental Health & Saf e t y Departm ent Main Office 102 Wyoming Hall Dept

NRC FORM 532 (1-2Q1 2)





49-09955 - 10 Uili v. of Wyoming. Ellv ir. Hea lth & Safety. Dept. 4305 ATTN: Jim r. Herrold. Radialion Safety Otlicer Wyoming Hall



1000 E Uni versity A vcn uc Lmun ie, Wyom ing 8207 1



This is to acknowledge the receipt of your:

[{j LETTER andlor [l APPLICATION DATED: OSlO 1/20 12

The initial processing, which included an administrative review, has been performed.


[(] There were no administrative omissions identified during our initial review.

o This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for renewal of the material(s) license identified above. Your application is deemed timely filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire until final action has been taken by this office_

o Your application for a new NRC license did not include your taxpayer identification number. Please fill out NRC Form 531 , located at the following link:

http://www,nrc,gov/reading-rm/doc-cq)lections/form s/nrc531 .pdf

Send the completed NRC Form 531, by facsimile , to the following number: (301) 415-5387

A copy of your action has been emailed to our License Fee and Accounts ReceivableBranch, in our Headquarters office in Rockville, MD. You will be contacted separately if there is a fee issue involved.

Your application has been ass igned the above listed MAi l CONTROL NUMBER. When calling to inquire about th is action, please refer to this control number. Your application has been forwarded 10 a technical reviewer. Please note that the technical review, which is normally completed within 180 days for a renewal application (90 days for all other requests), may identify additional omissions or requ ire additional information. If you have any questions concern ing the processing of your application , our contact information is listed below:

NRC FORM 532 (1 -2012)

Region IV U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DNMS/NMSB - B 1600 E. lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511 (817) 200-11 03 or (817) 200-1140

Page 6: UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED 1·.·1 · 2019. 12. 30. · UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING RECEIVED ~~ 1·.·1 Environmental Health & Saf e t y Departm ent Main Office 102 Wyoming Hall Dept


Accounts Receivable/Payable

and Regional licensing Branches


Program Code: 01100 Status Code: Pending Amendment Fee Calegory· 1 D 3l Exp. Date: 12/31/2019 Fee Comments· 170.11(A}(4) 8/17/93 MEMO Decom Fin ASSUf Reqd: Y

License Fee Worksheet - License Fee Transmittal



Appl icanVLioonseo:

Received Date:

Docket Number.

Mail Control Number:

license Number·

Action Type:



ChedI. No : / 3. COMMENTS (



05103120 12 3001176 577470





B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (C heck when milestone 03 Is entered

1. Fee Category and Amoun t

2. Correcl Foe Paid. Application may be processed for:




3. OTHER __________________________ ___

