unsupervised clustering for nontextual web document ...rudys/arnie/som-web-clustering.pdf ·...

Unsupervised clustering for nontextual web document classification Samuel W.K. Chan * , Mickey W.C. Chong Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Received 19 January 2001; accepted 2 July 2002 Available online 26 March 2003 Abstract While the breath of vocabulary used in long documents may mislead the traditional keyword-based retrieval systems, the demands for techniques in nontextual Web classification and retrieval from a large document collection are mounting. Only a few prototype systems have attempted to classify hypertext on the basis of nontextual elements in order to locate unfamiliar documents. As a result, a large portion of Web documents having pictorial information in nature is far beyond the reach of most current search engines. In this research, we devise a novel quantitative model of nontextual World Wide Web (WWW) classification based on image information. An intelligent content-sensitive, attribute-rich image classifier is presented. An image similarity measure is used to deduce the likelihood among images. Different image feature vectors have been constructed and evaluated. Evaluation shows images judged to be similar by human form interesting clusters in our unsupervised learning. Comparison with other clustering technique, such as Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC), demonstrates that our approach is found useful in content-based image information retrieval. D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Unsupervised clustering; Image classification; Neural networks 1. Introduction Last decade has witnessed one of the dramatic progresses in the area of communication technology. In respect to the well-established information super- highways, researchers have found themselves at the centre of an information revolution ushered in by this Internet age. World Wide Web provides a fast and efficient channel to disseminate information. With the advent of relative economic and large online storage capacities, comprehensive sources of text and image can be stored and made available. It is also hypothe- sized that images, as one of the major nontextual media, will have taken up more than 70% of Internet traffic in the next decade [19]. In order to scale up the effectiveness of Information Retrieval (IR) in this cyberspace, the stress on content using heterogeneous knowledge in enhancing retrieval functionality is emphasized [2,5]. Current IR can be regarded as a combination of traditional techniques with advanced browsing facilities. However, they support neither content sensitive nor classification of nontextual infor- mation. It is indisputable that the challenges in clas- 0167-9236/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0167-9236(03)00035-6 * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.W.K. Chan). www.elsevier.com/locate/dsw Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377 – 396

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Page 1: Unsupervised clustering for nontextual web document ...rudys/arnie/som-web-clustering.pdf · Unsupervised clustering for nontextual web document classification Samuel W.K. Chan*,


Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396

Unsupervised clustering for nontextual web

document classification

Samuel W.K. Chan*, Mickey W.C. Chong

Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Received 19 January 2001; accepted 2 July 2002

Available online 26 March 2003


While the breath of vocabulary used in long documents may mislead the traditional keyword-based retrieval systems, the

demands for techniques in nontextual Web classification and retrieval from a large document collection are mounting. Only a

few prototype systems have attempted to classify hypertext on the basis of nontextual elements in order to locate unfamiliar

documents. As a result, a large portion of Web documents having pictorial information in nature is far beyond the reach of most

current search engines. In this research, we devise a novel quantitative model of nontextual World Wide Web (WWW)

classification based on image information. An intelligent content-sensitive, attribute-rich image classifier is presented. An image

similarity measure is used to deduce the likelihood among images. Different image feature vectors have been constructed and

evaluated. Evaluation shows images judged to be similar by human form interesting clusters in our unsupervised learning.

Comparison with other clustering technique, such as Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC), demonstrates that our

approach is found useful in content-based image information retrieval.

D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Unsupervised clustering; Image classification; Neural networks

1. Introduction capacities, comprehensive sources of text and image

Last decade has witnessed one of the dramatic

progresses in the area of communication technology.

In respect to the well-established information super-

highways, researchers have found themselves at the

centre of an information revolution ushered in by this

Internet age. World Wide Web provides a fast and

efficient channel to disseminate information. With the

advent of relative economic and large online storage

0167-9236/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserve


* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (S.W.K. Chan).

can be stored and made available. It is also hypothe-

sized that images, as one of the major nontextual

media, will have taken up more than 70% of Internet

traffic in the next decade [19]. In order to scale up the

effectiveness of Information Retrieval (IR) in this

cyberspace, the stress on content using heterogeneous

knowledge in enhancing retrieval functionality is

emphasized [2,5]. Current IR can be regarded as a

combination of traditional techniques with advanced

browsing facilities. However, they support neither

content sensitive nor classification of nontextual infor-

mation. It is indisputable that the challenges in clas-


Page 2: Unsupervised clustering for nontextual web document ...rudys/arnie/som-web-clustering.pdf · Unsupervised clustering for nontextual web document classification Samuel W.K. Chan*,

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396378

sification of nontextual documents and the demands

for the content-based image retrieval, particularly in

Web applications, are both mounting.

In recent years, many content-based image retrieval

systems have been developed, such as QBIC system

[17] and WBIIS system [26], to name a few. The

common technique for content-based image retrieval

systems is to extract a signature for every image based

on its pixel values, color or shape, and to define a

classification mechanism for image comparison. Two

major classes of signatures are commonly found. First,

with the increasing availability of devices supporting

acquisition and visualization of color images, a grow-

ing attention is being focused on color as a key feature

in the signature to characterize the content of archived

images. Color histogram technique is a simple but low-

level method which provides basic indexing and

retrieval tasks [8,25]. However, its major tradeoff is

that spatial features are completely lost and the spatial

relations between parts of an image cannot be thor-

oughly utilized. On the other hand, different from color

histogram techniques, region-based image classifica-

tion systems attempt to overcome the drawbacks in

color-based approach by representing images at object

level. As object shape is one of the important features of

images, a number of shape representations have been

used in many image classification systems. Moment

invariant and other simple features, such as line, edge,

region and area, are used for shape representation [17].

In this paper, we advocate the integration of

various image features into a high-level cognition

classification model using a self-organization map.

We describe a framework that encompasses both low-

level features, including color, line segment and

region fragment, without demanding any particular

image knowledge source to be dominant. A new

approach to image feature vector formation and an

image similarity measure which is much more appro-

priate for content-based image clustering are pre-

sented. Different levels of abstraction and high-level

features, such as the image domain knowledge based

on the image templates stored in our image repository,

are employed. In addition, since different users may

perceive image patterns of the same objects differently

and, consequently, may categorize the same objects

into different groups, we provide an interactive user

interface to capture the user preferences on different

image features. These high-level user preferences with

a set of image templates encapsulated with a wide

range of low-level image features are most appropri-

ately viewed as complementary in our domain of

nontextual Web document classification. In the next

section, we first review the related work and compare

our approach with the existing ones. The overview of

system architecture is then discussed in Section 3. The

technical details in extracting image signatures are

described in Section 4. Details on how image pads can

be compared and similarity measures can be deduced

are also explained. In Section 5, we introduce a

clustering algorithm using neural networks. We em-

ploy a self-organization map with associated learning

scheme for image classification. Experimental results

on different composition of image features are dis-

cussed in Section 6 with a comparison with the

traditional Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

(HAC) technique, followed by a conclusion.

2. Related work

Cortelazzo et al. [9] describe a trademark shape

description based on chain-coding and string-matching

technique. In their system, chain codes are not normal-

ized and shape distance is measured using stringmatch-

ing. More recently, a knowledge-based image analyzer

is proposed and implemented using object-oriented

approach [3,4]. Their system captures the visual knowl-

edge and has been applied in diagnosing medical

images in cervical cancer cells. Working toward the

text-based classification, Kohonen group has created

and maintained a WEBSOM server that demonstrates

its ability to categorize several thousand Internet news-

group items [12]. The SOM-generated categories are

found to be comparable to those generated by human

subjects [5,20]. Although some other innovative

approaches have been proposed [10,27], their main

concern emphasizes on the power in image understand-

ing without regarding the iconic characteristic and the

relatively low resolution of the Web images. Most of

them rely solely on one or a few image attributes. There

is an indication on the necessity of generating a better

image signature and similarity measure for a sophisti-

cated image information retrieval.

Zhu and Chen [30] report an aerial photograph

image retrieval system. The system supports three

main functionality, including similarity analysis,

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S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396 379

region segmentation and image categorization. The

system successfully integrates image-processing tech-

niques, such as the Gabor filter with information

analysis algorithms like the Self-Organization Map

(SOM). The system also enables users to specify their

queries by clicking on images and translates their high-

level queries into low-level features. However, they

also accept that one major drawback in their system is

the insufficiency of image features, since they can only

handle one low-level feature, texture, in their system.

Similarly, Ma and Manjunath [16] propose a system

which includes texture feature extraction, image seg-

mentation, grouping and a texture thesaurus model for

search and indexing. Novel features of the system

include a fast image segmentation scheme based on

texture edge flow and the use of a hybrid neural

network algorithm for developing the image texture

thesaurus. Similar to the work of Zhu and Chen [30],

they have proposed the Gabor texture feature extrac-

tion scheme and provided a similarity measure based

on the Kohonen map. In addition, similar to parsing

text documents using a dictionary or thesaurus, the

information within images can be classified and

indexed via the use of a texture thesaurus. The texture

thesaurus is domain dependent and can be designed to

meet the particular need of a specific image data type

by exploring the training data. Although the system

only relies on one and only one image feature, texture,

it is an undeniable achievement of this work that it has

brought to light a bold new idea for using a texture

thesaurus for browsing a domain specific images.

The QBIC [11] and the Photobook [21] are notable

examples of image content-based retrieval systems

which make use of several image attributes. The key

image features included in their systems are color,

texture, shape and motion of images. In addition, a

data model is proposed in order to distinguish

between scenes and objects. In QBIC, it allows a user

to compose a query based on a variety of different

visual properties, such as color, shape and texture,

which are semi-automatically extracted from images.

It partially used the R*-tree as an image indexing

method. In the similar vein, the VisualSeek [23] is

another content-based image query system that ena-

bles querying by color regions and spatial layout.

They devised an image similarity function which

contains both color feature and spatial components.

However, the devised index structures of each image

features were not integrated into a unique content-

based indexing. The VIPER [18] is another image

retrieval system that employs both the color and

spatial information. First, they extract a set of domi-

nant colors and then the spatial information bounded

by the dominant colors is derived. Similarity is meas-

ured in terms of color and spatial information. Two

images can be classified as similar if they have a few

clusters with the same color that fall in the same image

space. Inspired by the above approaches, our system

takes a further step in unsupervised clustering of non-

textual Web document classification. The following

features are the major characteristics of our system.

First, unlike most existing content-based image re-

trieval (CBIR) systems which solely focus either on

accurate and speedy retrieval, we concentrate on

images and icons, particularly in the Web documents,

which are usually smaller in size. It is not too difficult

to imagine that human tends to perceive or classify

image objects instantly if the images are not big

enough. The main reason behind is that human per-

ception relies on different levels of image resolution.

Our concept of image pads, which captures both high

level of abstraction supported by a set of low-level

image details, enable our system to support efficient

similarity search in the Web applications. Second,

while there is a lot of image retrieval systems which

are based on low-level image features, users may

perceive patterns on the same objects differently and,

consequently, may have different expectation under

the same queries. In our system, in addition to imple-

menting a more generic displacement insensitive

measure in image comparison with a wide variety of

low-level image features, we allow users to incorpo-

rate their own preferences in each image attributes so

that they can tailor-make their own profiles in image

perception. Our system supports three major function-

ality, including image signatures extraction based on a

variety of low level image features, similarity analysis

and categorization under user preferences using self-

organization map.

3. System architecture

In this section, we present four main types of

application objects in order to provide the intelligent

classification capabilities. The four major types in-

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Fig. 2. Pyramidal image representation with each image pad having

16� 16 pixels.

Fig. 1. System architecture of the image classifier.

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396380

clude image partition objects, feature extraction ob-

jects, classification objects and user interface objects

as shown in Fig. 1.

In order to have an efficient image classifier, we

first partition all the images which extract from the

World Wide Web into a quad-tree image representation

in our image partition objects. The quad-tree concept

which is a pyramidal image partition has been intro-

duced as a spatial decomposition technique, without

regard to the representation of gray-scale intensities at

each level. It is on the basis of successive subdivision

of the image into quadrants hierarchically. Each parti-

tioned region of an image is further subdivided into

four subregions. Mathematically speaking, a pyrami-

dal image partition P is the set of images P={A1, A2,

A3, . . ., An}, in each of which image intensity may be

denoted as a function with three arguments: a level

designator Ai and the two spatial indices of the ith

image. That is image intensity = f (m, n, i), wherem and

n are spatial indices and i is the level in the pyramid P.

Note that the most obvious spatial information exists in

the images can be found from the image pads at the

upper half of the pyramid, i.e., with significantly lower

resolution, while significant details are obtained at the

lower half. Using a simple averaging approach, a

sequence of 2-D arrays of varying resolution can be

created as shown in Fig. 2. In our experiment, we

partition all the input images from two different levels

of resolution A1, A2 with total 20 image pads each

having 16� 16 pixels.

Before proceeding to the image classification ob-

jects using the Self-OrganizingMap (SOM), we restrict

ourselves, among the many possible features that can

be extracted from an image, to ones that are global and

low-level image signatures. The image signatures

involve color, edge, region and texture. A novel algo-

rithm is devised and implemented in order to calculate

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Fig. 3. Image feature extraction objects.

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396 381

the similarity between two image pads. The algorithm

is not on the basis of Euclidean distance which then

provides a nondisplacement sensitive measure in

image comparison. The similarity algorithm is applied

to various color-based, edge-based and region-based

image pads as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 4. Image similarity measu

By using an image similarity measure method

embedded in the feature extraction objects, each input

image pad in the partition P is compared with the

corresponding image pad in the n template images as

shown in Fig. 4. The comparison will be repeated for

every image pad in order to identify the image

re between image pads.

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similarity measures for color-based, edge-based and

region-based images. As a result, there will have n

similarity values which reflect the likelihood among

the images in that particular image pad. Each of these

image signatures reflects the different aspect of the

image. The objective of the classification objects is to

cluster the image on the basis of the image signatures

as well as the image feature ranking upon user

selection. The image feature ranking allows users to

modify the composition of the image vectors in order

to fine-tune the relative saliency in the human image

perception through the user interaction objects. By

using a self-organizing feature map (SOM) model

proposed by Kohonen [13], the image signatures

which usually have more than a few hundred dimen-

sions are then clustered in the classification objects.

The classification objects analyze the image signa-

tures and yield connection weights between layers in

the map. According to the property of the SOM as

thoroughly discussed in Section 4, the connection

weights capture the characteristics of the signatures

of the input images. Since SOM is on topological

feature-preserving basis and compresses the input

signature vector in connection weights, of which

greatly reduce the size of the input, it is more

sophisticated in dimension reduction particularly for

the input vectors having a large dimension such as in

image classification. As a result, similar images will

form a subgroup on the map according to their

similarity. Further discussion on the detailed architec-

ture and the algorithm used in the image classifier can

be found in the following sections.

Fig. 5. Java class in calculating the HSV value in each image pad.

4. Image signatures extraction

Classification of images by color is generally

accounting for the fact that color is the salient feature.

In order to quantify the specification of color, we

employ the concept of color spaces which define as a

formal method of representing the visual sensations of

color. A color is represented by a three-dimensional

vector corresponding to a position in a color space.

Research has been done with a number of different

color spaces [6]. The well-known color models are

hardware oriented, such as RGB (red, green, blue)

model for color monitors and a broad class of color

video cameras; the CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow)

model for color printers; and the YIQ model, which

is the standard for color TV broadcast. However, all

these models are not suitable for classification and

retrieval applications. User-oriented models, such as

HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and HSI (Hue, Satura-

tion, Intensity), are the most popular models. They

allow for the manipulation of a color’s features in the

same manner in which humans perceive color. In this

research, the HSV space which is a bijection of the

red–green–blue (RGB) space is adopted. HSV is

considered more appropriate than others since it

separates the color components (HS) from the lumi-

nance component (V) and is less sensitive to illumi-

nation changes. The hue describes the actual wave-

length of the color, such as blue versus green, while

the saturation is a measure of how pure a color is. The

hue and saturation components are intimately related

to the way in which human beings perceive color

while value/intensity component is decoupled from

the color information in the image. At the same time,

distances in HSV space correspond in a more con-

sistent manner to the perceptual differences in color

than in the RGB space. The color information ex-

tracted in the rough classification using color group-

ing exhibits more or less the overall structure of the

image. In our image feature extraction objects, the

first step in extracting the color attributes is to

calculate the RGB values of each pixel in the image

pads, and then convert the values to its HSV compo-

nents. The pseudo-code in Java class for calculating

the HSV values is shown in Fig. 5.

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Fig. 6. Java class in calculating the DCT coefficients in image pads.

Table 1

Algorithm of image similarity measure

INPUT Image A and Image B gray-level matrices

DETERMINE size of window, N

COMPUTE difference matrix based on A & B

SEARCH the intensity center as described in Eqs. (1) and (2)


DO WHILE pixel (i, j) within the window


Fði; jÞp Bgði; jÞ1þ k

fk2ði� lrÞ2 þ k2ð j� lsÞ2 þ Bg2ði; jÞg12

CALCULATE sump sum+ f 2 (i, j)







S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396 383

Other than the color information encoded in the

image, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients

are also extracted from each image pad in order to

compare the texture similarity of images. Loosely

speaking, DCT reflects the overall structure of the

images and provides details regarding their spatial

frequency content. The low frequency components

can characterize the coarseness of the image. It is also

the reason why the low frequency components of the

image signal will only be emphasized in our DCT

coefficients extraction while the high frequency image

information, such as edges and lines, will be tackled

in the later edge extraction process. Our DCT methods

start by breaking the images into 16� 16 pixel blocks

or 32� 32 pixel blocks where all the pixel blocks are

analyzed separately in the feature extraction objects.

After the transformation, each block is compressed

into 4 bytes. Since the DCT is lossy operation, the

resulting output will no longer be identical in their

information carrying roles before the transformation.

The larger the coefficients, the more alike the trans-

formed image are to the original image. As the result,

the coefficients reflect the image textual. As described

in Fig. 6 below, the DCT coefficients are calculated

for all the image pixels in the image pad. The detailed

pseudo-code for analyzing the textual analysis using

DCT is shown as follows.

In addition, most image information used to

describe an image is closely related to the similarity

measure. There is a lot of on-going work in developing

new measures for comparing images for various

objectives in image retrieval and evaluation [29].

However, most of them rely on the Euclidean distance

between two sets of object pixels as a means of

evaluating the numerical difference between two

images. Different from other Euclidean distance meas-

ure in image comparison, we employ an Image Sim-

ilarity Measure (ISM), which makes use of intensity

center of an image as the key parameter for computing

the similarity values [7]. The algorithm provides a

displacement insensitive measure in image compari-

son. In order to calculate the ISM, an intensity center

l=(lr, ls) of an image is first defined, such that,




Bgði; jÞ �Xmi¼lr


Bgði; jÞ !





Bgði; jÞ �Xmi¼1


Bgði; jÞ !


where Bg(i, j) =Aga(i, j)� gb(i, j)A is the absolute

difference between the two images a and b, calculated

pixel by pixel. The algorithm takes two image matrices

and calculates the similarity between two image matri-

ces as shown in Table 1. The input to the algorithm is

the two images that are being compared. The differ-

ence image matrix is calculated for any pixel in image

A relative to the same pixel in image B. Clustering is

performed, based on the difference matrix, by compar-

ing the surrounding pixels within a predefined window

with the intensity center (lr, ls) in order to get the

minimum distance between the compared pixels. This

process is repeated until all the pixels of the difference

image within the predefined window have been pro-

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Table 2

Possible image attributes in the heterogeneous image signature


Image attributes Property values

Color Hue, saturation, value

Texture DCT coefficients

Edge Similarity with templates

Region Similarity with templates

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396384

cessed. From the average minimal pixel distance, the

final dissimilarity for the whole image is calculated.

In our simulation, two different types of gray-scale

images are used to compare the similarity measures

with a set of predefined image templates. Both edge

images and intensity-based region images are

involved. Edges provide useful information about an

image. Edge detection methods are used as a first step

to identify complex object boundaries by marking

potential edge points corresponding to places in an

image where rapid changes in brightness occur. An

edge detector is a high-pass filter which outputs an

edge image with mainly high frequency information

using differential operators. Differential operators

measure the rate of change in a function, in this case,

the image brightness function. A large change in

image brightness over a short spatial distance indi-

cates the presence of an edge. Convolution masks

have been used with considerable success for the task

of differential operation and is one of the classical

image processing algorithms commonly used for

identifying image features. A convolution mask is a

discrete approximation to a two-dimensional convo-

lution integral. The convolution operation replaces a

pixel’s value with the sum of that pixels value and its

neighbors, each weighted by a factor. The weighting

factors are called the convolution kernel. To convolve

an image area, a sliding kernel matrix operates over

each row of pixels in the matrix image. At each point,

the kernel values multiply the image values under it,

sum the result, and replace the pixel at the center of

the kernel with the value. In this research, we employ

the Sobel kernel, which looks for edges in both

horizontal and vertical directions, and then combine

this information into a single metric. The masks are

shown as follows:

�1 �2 �1

0 0 0

1 2 1



Row Mask

�1 0 1

�2 0 2

�1 0 1



Column Mask

In the system, the Sobel filter followed by a

threshold operation is applied to generate the edge

images. Sobel edge detector yields the magnitude and

direction of edges by applying the row and column

masks. On the other hand, as opposed to the edge

detection using convolution kernel, we apply the

regional approaches which attempt to segment an

image into regions according to regional image data

similarity (or dissimilarity). For example, images con-

taining light objects on a dark background or dark

objects on a light background can be segmented by

means of a simple threshold operation. The following

relationship exists between the input image f(m, n)

and the output image g(m, n):

gðm; nÞ ¼I1 0Vf ðm; nÞ < S

I2 SVf ðm; nÞVfmax

8<: ð3Þ

where I1 and I2 are two arbitrary values with I1 p I2(usually I1 = 0, I2 = 1 are selected), and S is the

intensity threshold to be used. By choosing a suitable

S, pixels with value I1 in the output image represent

the objects and those with the value I2 represent the

background. Moreover, we also employ a region

growing technique, called pixel aggregation, in iden-

tifying the possible regions in the gray-scale images.

Pixel aggregation starts with a set of seed points.

Regions are grown by appending those similar neigh-

boring pixels to the seeds. Seeds are selected from the

gray level histogram with the most predominant

values. Although typical region analysis must be

carried out with a set of descriptors based on intensity

and spatial properties, such as moments, only inten-

sity-based regions are used in our simulations to

compare with the existing templates in order to devise

the region-based similarity measures. In sum, Table 2

details the possible attributes extracted in the forma-

tion of our heterogeneous image signatures. It is not

difficult to visualize the dimension of our image

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signature vectors can be very huge, and it is out of the

capacities of most current clustering algorithms. In the

next section, we shall discuss how the vectors can be

classified using a neural network model.

Fig. 7. Self-organization map in which there is one and only one

layer of neurons and all inputs are connected to all nodes in the map.

5. Classification using self-organization map


It has been postulated that human brain uses spatial

mapping to model complex data structure internally.

Much of the cerebral cortex is arranged as a two-

dimensional plane of interconnected neurons but it is

able to deal with concepts in much higher dimensions.

The characterization of topological feature-preserving

maps has received special attention in the literature

[14,15,24]. In particular, Amari [1] studied a contin-

uous-time dynamical version of this map extensively

to investigate the topological relation between the

self-organizing map and the input space governed

by the density p(x), the resolution and stability of

the map and the convergence speed.

The self-organization map, developed by Kohonen

[13], is an unsupervised two-layer neural network

used for classification and dimensional reduction. It

is a biologically motivated method for constructing a

structured representation of data from an often high-

dimensional input space. The goal of the SOM is to

create a mapping between the input stimulus space

and the output space. It is well-known for its unsu-

pervised learning, organizing and visualizing informa-

tion. An advantage of SOM over other clustering

algorithms is its ability to visualize high-dimensional

data using a two-dimensional grid while preserving

similarity between data points as much as possible.

SOM performs data compression, from multidimen-

sional data to a much lower-dimensional space, on the

vectors to be stored in the network using a technique

known as vector quantization. Vector quantization is

the most important technique in competitive learning.

The main idea is to categorize or distribute a given set

of input vectors into classes, and then represent any

vector just by the class into which it falls. The algo-

rithm employs a set of neurons which are arranged in

a network of a certain dimensionality. The imple-

mentations of Kohonen’s algorithm are predomi-

nantly in a two-dimensional plane which is shown

in Fig. 7.

The network shown is a one-layer, two-dimen-

sional Kohonen network. The most obvious point to

note is that the neurons are not arranged in layers as in

a backpropagation network, but rather on a flat grid.

All inputs connect to every node in the network.

Feedback is restricted to lateral interconnections to

immediate neighbouring nodes. The learning algo-

rithm organizes the nodes in the grid into local

neighbourhoods that act as feature classifiers on the

input data. The topographic map is autonomously

organized by a cyclic process of comparing input

patterns to vectors stored at each node. No training

response is specified for any training input.

In our experiment, each image is characterized by

the 20 image pads, having the attributes as shown in

Table 2. Each of them forms a signature vector and

stores in the heterogeneous image signature database.

In order to classify the images according to their

categories, the vectors are then feed forward to a

self-organization map (SOM) as shown in Fig. 7.

The details of the training algorithm are shown in

Table 3.

SOM has two properties found useful in our

classification objects. First, it quantises the space like

any other vector quantisation methods, and constitutes

an image classification. The topology preserving

property of SOM, coupled with our extracted image

attributes, constitutes a powerful and human stimu-

lated image classifier. Second, our attribute-rich and

huge dimension image signature vector can be visual-

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Table 3

Learning algorithm of the self-organization neural network

(1) Initialize network

Define wij(t) to be the weight from input i to node j at time t.

Initialize weights from the n inputs to the nodes, as shown in

Fig. 7 with small random values. Set the initial radius of the

neighborhood around node j, Nj(0), to be large.

(2) Present input

Present input x0(t), xi(t), . . ., xn� 1(t), where xi(t) is the input to

node i at time t.

(3) Calculate distances

Compute the distance dj between the input and each output node

j, given by

d2j ¼Xn�1


ðxiðtÞ � wijðtÞÞ2

(4) Select minimum distance

Designate the output node with minimum dj to be j*

(5) Update weights

Update weights for node j* and its neighbours, defined by the

neighbourhood function, Nj*(t). New weights are wij(t + 1) =

wij(t) + g(t)(xi(t)�wij(t)) for all j in Nj*(t) and 0V iV n� 1.

The term g(t) is a gain (0 < g(t) < 1) that decreases in time, thus,

slowing the weight adaptation. The neighbourhood Nj*(t)

decreases in size as time goes on, thus, localizing the area of

weight change.

(6) Repeat by going to step (2) for a number of iterations.

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396386

ized and clustered through the map while the other

clustering techniques may suffer from the high dimen-

sionality generated from the images. As can be seen in

the following section, its performance is much better

than other classification technique.

Fig. 8. State diagram of the image classifier.

6. Experiments and evaluation

To study the performance of the above-described

image classifier, we have implemented a system

having a hundred target images. Each target image

downloaded from the WWW is 64� 64 in size with

maximum gray level of 256 and all are in GIF format.

In our experiment, one target image is selected from

each domain as an image template. While the target

images and templates are stored in Image Graphical

Database, all the image signature vectors generated

will be accumulated in the Image Signature Vector

Repository. Fig. 8 shows the UML state diagram of

the image classifier.

As shown in Fig. 8, the size 64� 64 target image is

first partitioned into four A1 image pads which are

then further subdivided into sixteen A2 image pads.

All image primitives of each image pad are extracted

through different methods in various activities. The

activity Calculate Color is to identify the average

HSV, activity Calculate DCT is to compute the DCT

coefficients while activity Calculate IS Measure is to

compare the similarity measures between the target

image and the templates. The activity Image Convo-

lution is responsible to process both vertical and

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horizontal convolution of each target image before

determining the similarity. Without any bias between

different image signatures, normalization which is

done in such a way that all values of the image

primitives lie between [0, 1] is performed before the

training in SOM. The normalized image vectors are

accumulated in our Image Signature Vector Reposi-

tory as shown in Fig. 8. Before generating the

topological classification in the SOM, other training

parameters, such as the number of epochs and the

dimension of grid layer in the SOM, have to be

defined. These parameters are adjusted in order to

locate the optimal result. A CSV format file is then

created as an output which is then subject to further

comparison and evaluation.

Different users may perceive image patterns on the

same objects differently and, consequently, may cat-

egorize the same objects into different groups. In our

system, in addition to implementing a more generic

displacement insensitive measure in image compar-

ison with a wide variety of low level image features,

Fig. 9. User interface of the uns

we allow users to incorporate their own preferences in

each image attributes so that they can tailor-make their

own profiles in image perception. We provide an

interactive user interface to capture the user prefer-

ences on different image features. Fig. 9 shows the

user interface of the system. Basically, the interface is

divided into three major components: Image browser,

File list panel and Control panel. Users can view all

images through the browser. At the same time, it

allows users to add and remove images in the file list

panel. The amendment will be reflected instantly in

the browser. More importantly, through the control

panel, users can adjust different weights for different

image primitives in the combo boxes as shown in Fig.

9. This is one step forward towards the stimulation of

the performance of image classification in a human-

like manner and understanding how users achieve

similarity within that domain and then building a

system that duplicates human performance. These

high-level user preferences with a set of image tem-

plates encapsulated with a wide range of low level

upervised image classifier.

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image features are more usefully viewed as comple-

mentary in our domain of nontextual Web document


In our experiment, hundred images from seven

categories are retrieved through the Web. The catego-

ries include fruit, scenery, mobile phone, Clinton,

flower, airplane and cartoon as shown in Appendix

A. Images P01, P23, P35, P56, P61, P79 and P93 are

selected as the image templates in our experiment. In

the training of SOM, the weight factors for color and

image similarity are set to be three and one, respec-

tively, while the other is set to zero in the level of low

resolution. However, the weight factor for color is set

to three and the rest is set to one in high-resolution

level as in 42 A2 image pads. Without any bias, the

contributions from color and noncolor attributes are

equal. The SOM with 1600 neurons organized on a

Fig. 10. Image clusters formed after the

two-dimension lattice with 40� 40 grid is used for the

training. The number of neurons used here is empiri-

cally determined by considering the number of similar

clusters in the training sets. After the adaptation phase

in the training of the SOM in 5750 epochs, the

connection weights are fixed. Each 636-dimension

image signature vector is presented to the network

and the winning unit is labeled with the code of the

corresponding image. After the presentation of all the

100 image signature vectors with 2000 subimages, a

SOM is obtained. The map reflects a certain order

which is a representative of the similarities and the

differences between the images. As shown in Fig. 10,

the images are clustered in a way that emphasizes the

grouping between images. The SOM captures the

family relationships among the images which are

likely to be grouped together under the same category.

training in SOM in 40� 40 grid.

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In the image map, it is not difficult to find out that

the images with light background, such as the cate-

gories of mobile phone and cartoon are grouped

together while the opposite regions correspond to

images with dark backgrounds. Due to the different

background in the category fruit, they are further split

into two parts located at the upper left-hand and lower

right-hand side in the map. The subdivision is mainly

due to different texture of the background in these

images. The complexity of scenery-categorized image

signatures makes them be positioned at different

regions in the map. Generally speaking, the images

with brighter background are located at the upper

portion of the map with further subdivision based on

their categories. Fig. 11 shows another map generated

in which color attribute HSV of the 42 A2 image pads

Fig. 11. Clusters formed in SOM while the

is reduced. In the training, weight factor of the HSV is

set to be one with the others unchanged. The vectors

become stable after 6500 epochs in a grid of 40� 40.

Similarly, images with bright background P33–P48

and P85–P95 are clustered together at the lower right

side of the map. However, the map cannot distinguish

the category fruit, scenery and flower well as in Fig.

10. Color seems to be most dominant attribute in

clustering WWW images which are iconic-based and

have a relatively low resolution.

The human perception of images is subjective and,

in fact, different persons may have different percep-

tion criteria. While it is recognized that images are

best described through color, lines and shapes of

objects in the scene, one of the main objectives in

this paper is to argue that integration of these different

weights of color attribute are reduced.

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image features via a self-organization map enhances

the human perception in image classification. In order

to justify the performance of our system in utilizing a

wide range of image features, we repeat the experi-

ment for every single image features. Since line seg-

ment, region fragment and color are the fundamental

aspects of human perception, we compare the SOMs

generated from all these three image features individ-

ually. Fig. 12 shows the SOM generated from a single

input image attribute of line segment. The images

being considered in the same categories under human

perception are grouped under the same clusters. This

classification is done manually in our laboratory. The

100 images are groups into 43 image clusters, each of

them having one to seven images. It is worth to

mention that more than half of the clusters have only

one image. While it is possible in SOM that same set

Fig. 12. Clusters generated in SOM with a sole

of image vectors might come up with slightly different

clusters, our experiment indicates that the classifica-

tion using a single image feature from line segments is

unsatisfactory as compared with the result we ob-

tained in Fig. 10.

Figs. 13 and 14 illustrate another experiments

which measure the contribution from region frag-

ments and color attributes respectively. There are 35

and 28 image clusters in Figs. 13 and 14, respec-

tively. While the results look more acceptable than

the result we obtained in Fig. 12, the percentage of

single-image clusters remains high. Images under the

categories mobile phone, fruit and flower are scat-

tered around in the map, even through they all have a

clear background and foreground colors as shown in

Fig. 13. As compared with the SOM generated solely

from line segments and region fragments, the SOM

input image attribute from line segment.

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Fig. 13. Clusters generated in SOM with a sole input image attribute from region fragments.

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396 391

from color attribute provides a more reasonable re-

sult, with at least the entire group of images under the

category fruit located at the second quadrant of the

map as shown in Fig. 14. Similarly, the images under

the category airplane can also be found situated at the

fourth quadrant of the map. However, while color is

believed to be the most dominant image attribute than

all others, our approach using more than one image

features is a superior approach in image classifica-

tion. Fig. 10 shows that images with similar back-

ground, in terms of color, region fragments and line

segments, are grouped together. The clusters gener-

ated are more concise with fewer singletons as

compared with Fig. 14. This comparison shows our

content-sensitive, attribute-rich image classifier pro-

vides an efficient classification, particularly in Web-

based applications. In addition to classifying visually

similar images, a potential advantage of this approach

is that it provides an efficient indexing mechanism to

narrow down the search space, through the weights

trained in the SOM.

On the other hand, in order to evaluate the per-

formance of the classification ability of the self-

organization map, we compare our result obtained

from the SOM with a classical Hierarchical Agglom-

erative Clustering (HAC) algorithm. HAC is an iter-

ative procedure in which clusters are merged into one

bigger cluster according to a distance function. Two

clusters with least discrepancy are first identified and

merged together.

In our application, we start with some trivial

clusters in which each cluster represents a single

image. Two closest clusters according to the distance

function are first been identified. They are merged

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Fig. 14. Clusters generated in SOM with a sole input image attribute from color.

S.W.K. Chan, M.W.C. Chong / Decision Support Systems 37 (2004) 377–396392

into a single cluster. The process repeats until the

desired number of clusters is reached. In fact, there

are many different measures for combining the

clusters. The one that we employed in the experi-

ment is group-average clustering in which the com-

bined dissimilarity of two clusters is the average of

all dissimilarities between members of each cluster

[22,28]. This function measures the cluster dissim-

ilarity using a weighted squared distance between the

two cluster centers li and lj


ni þ njNli � ljN

2 ð4Þ

where ni and nj represent the cardinalities of clusters

i and j. Fig. 15 shows dendrogram produced by the

HAC algorithm using the between-groups linkage

cluster method. In the HAC dendrogram, the images

in categories mobile and cartoon are grouped

together at the upper branch. The main reason

behind is the bright background in these images. It

is also worth to note that images of Clinton P49,

P50, P51, P52 and P56 are clustered together. How-

ever, images under the category scenery are scattered

into different branches of the tree. While images P17

to P20 having similar image signatures are clustered

together, there is a lot of misclassification using the

HAC algorithm. Same phenomenon occurs in the

images under flower category. The situation becomes

even worse if the same distance measure with other

cluster method is used in the HAC as shown in Fig.


When the two results obtained in SOM and HAC

are compared, it can be observed that the image

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Fig. 15. Dendrogram using between-groups linkage cluster method.

Fig. 16. Dendrogram using within-groups linkage cluster method.

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under categories mobile phone and cartoon cannot be

distinguished sharply in both algorithms. While the

images in fruit are under examined, we can find out

that both algorithms separate the images into two

major subgroups by differentiating their image back-

ground. Interestingly, they all show the same cluster-

ing of Clinton images. However, the classification

result in SOM seems to be much better than the one

in HAC. While the HAC is a linear method in which

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relative distances between clusters reflects some dis-

similarity among images, the Kohonen algorithm

realizes a projection on a surface spanned by the

network topology. This is completely defined by the

relation of order between the neurons: a simple one-

dimensional relation or a bidimensional one. The

method of self-organizing maps is an original dimen-

sion reduction method. It has no real statistical analog

and, thus, can be very useful for specific applications

where linear methods fail. From a computational

point of view, HAC is a global operation while the

Kohonen algorithm is sequential process which does

not require any global information. Global order

between the data will reappear in the map after a small

number of iterations if there is any local modification


7. Conclusion

With the proliferation of multimedia computing

into the ubiquitous computers, image data will cer-

tainly be another important medium in future comput-

ing. Though there has been considerable research in

the area, the investigations have been carried out in

restricted domains and addressed only certain aspect

of the content-based information retrieval. In this

research, we have presented an approach to classify

images based on a self-organization map. The agent

integrates different image primitives into the classi-

fication procedure without demanding any particular

primitive to be dominant. We have evaluated the

approach using hundred images. The system imple-

mented and the results generated provide discrimina-

tion clusters. Evaluation shows that similar images

will fall onto the same region, in such a way that it is

possible to retrieve images under family relationships.

This approach performs particularly well in the clas-

sification for nontextual WWW documents, which

inherently have high-dimensional input spaces.


The work described in this paper was fully

supported by a grant from the Research Grants

Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

Region, China (Project No: CUHK4171/01E) and a

direct research grant of the Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

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Appendix A

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Samuel W.K. Chan received his MSc degree in 1986 from the

University of Manchester, UK, his MPhil degree in 1991 from the

Chinese University of Hong Kong and his PhD degree in 1998 from

the University of New South Wales, Australia—all in Computer

Science. Before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he

has been working in computational intelligence since 1989. His

current research interests are in applying machine learning techni-

ques in image and text, data mining, information retrieval and

multimedia information processing with emphasis on image and

text. He has published articles in IEEE Transactions on Neural

Networks, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Journal of

Information Science, Machine Translation, International Journal of

Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Artificial Intelligence

in Medicine, Applied Artificial Intelligence and others.