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The name of the school was "Sakhawat Memorial Girls' School." But the school at Vagalpur was closed due to various problems. She shifted the school from Vagalpur to Calcutta. Again the school was started with only eight students.

She went from door to door to collect students and told the guardians about the importance of female education. She requested the parents and guardians to enroll their daughters into her school. She managed a covered vehicle because women at that time maintained strict pardah. At first she used a horse cart and then a motor car. Gradually the number of students increased. Parents and guardians became interested to send their girls to school. Later on Begum Rokeya established a Women organization named "anjuman khauatin- a Islam". She made arrangements to teach them sewing, cooking and other things including bringing up children.

Begum Rokeya worked hard for the spreading of female education. Side by side with this studied literature. Her important works are: Matichur, Sultanar Shwapna and Abarudhbashini etc. She wrote on sufferings of women in those books. She emphasized on education of women to overcome those sufferings.

Let us write in our notebooks about the activities of Begum Rokeya for the prosperity of women:


2 .


The thoughts and works of Begum Rokeya are unique for our social and national welfare. She is called the "pioneer of women awakening" for her work. This pioneer of female education and great lady died in 9th December of 1932. We remember her with great respect.

Ishwar Chandra Bidyasagar and Begum Rokeya worked throughout their life for the welfare of mankind. Many other great people also worked for the welfare of the society. We should work for and remain devoted to the welfare of society and mankind.


1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/words:

a. Begum Rokeya is called the _________of women awakening.

b. Teachers of Ishwar Chandra called him___________.

c. At that time women of Muslim families maintained ________.

d. Ishwar Chandra was very ___________.

e. Begum Rokeya learnt good ______and _____from her husband.

2. Write 'cor.' on the left side of the correct and 'inc.' on the left side of the incorrect statements below:

____ a. Begum Rokeya had no interest in education.

____ b. Begum Rokeya believed firmly that the sufferings of women could not be eradicated without education.

____ c. Ishwar Chandra Bidyasagar introduced widow

marriage system in Hindu society.

____ d. Begum Rokeya established a Women organizat ion named

"anjuman khauatin- a Islam" for Muslim women.

____ e. Ishwar Chandra Bidyasagar was against the welfare of

mankind and social reforms.

3. Match the words on the right with the words on the left:

4. Put tick ( ) marks on the left side of the correct answer:

4.1 What is the date and year of birth of Begum Rokeya ?

a. 9th December of 1850 b. 9th December of 1860

c. 9th December of 1880 d. 9th December of 1870

4.2 According to Begum Rokeya what was required to lessen the sufferings of women?

a. marriage b. putting on a veil

c. cooking d. education

a. At that time Muslim families b. Ishwar Chandra Bidyasagar got scholarship c. By telling the importance and necessity of female education d. She believed firmly that e. The son of Ishwar Chandra got married

Rokeya collected students maintained strict pardah by becoming first at different examinations the sufferings of women could not be lessened without education. with a widow became a world personality

Chapter Fifteen

Nine Months of Our Liberation War

Bangladesh earned its independence through a nine-month long

armed liberation war. After going through much oppression,

deception, imprisonment and torture from the Pakistani rulers, the

people of this country realized that the only way to free them from

this was Independence. And they were ready to do anything for

that. Under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur

Rahman, the political leaders at that time started to organize the

people. The people, too, with full trust in Bangabandhu,

participated in the war of liberation. And finally we won


In Class Four we studied

about the background of

our liberation war. Now

we will learn about the

events of the nine-month

long liberation war.

The Pakistani rulers always tried to oppress and dominate us in

every way. The Awami League led by Bangabandhu won the 1970

General Election of Pakistan. But the Pakistani rulers did not allow



him to form the Central Government. In this context, on 7 March,

1971, Bangabandhu at a huge public gathering at Dhaka

Racecourse (the present Suhrawardi Udyan) called upon the

people for the Non-Co-operation Movement against the Pakistan


In his historic speech, Bangabandhu said, "The struggle this time

is the struggle for our liberation. The struggle this time is the

struggle for our independence." He called upon everybody to be

prepared for independence. The people of East Pakistan became

inspired with the spirit of independence. All administrative works

in East Pakistan started to be conducted according to

Bangabandhu's directives. With the pretext of holding a discussion

to solve the problems, Pakistan's President General Yahiya Khan

came to Dhaka. Later, Zulfiquer Ali Bhutto, the leader of the then

Pakistan People's Party came and joined. For ten days a farce in

the name of discussion continued. During this time, armed forces,

weapons and ammunition were brought in secretly from West

Pakistan and all arrangements were completed to subjugate the

Bangalees. Then in the evening of 25 March, without any

announcement, Yahiya Khan and Bhutto left Dhaka. Before

leaving, Yahiya Khan gave the order for genocide.

The genocide was planned to stifle the dream of the East Pakistan

people for freedom for good. The Pakistani authorities called this

plan "Operation Searchlight" Lt. General Tikka Khan was in

charge of the Operation.

155 Nine Month Of Our Libaration War

On 25 March, at midnight,

the Pakistan Army swooped

down on the sleeping,

unarmed Bangalees. They

unleashed a horror of killing

using heavy tanks, cannons

and other modern

weapons.They attacked the

Rajarbag Police Line,

The Attack by Pakistan Forces and Bangabandhu's Declaration of Independence

Pilkhana and the dormitories of Dhaka University. They also

brutally raided the teachers' residences attached to the student

halls, the houses of the officers and other employees and many

party offices. They indiscriminately killed the Bangalee police, the

Bangalee members of the EPR, students, teachers, officials and

other employees. They carried on brutal killings in other places,

too. They burned down and looted houses, shops and business

enterprises. They put restrictions on sending news abroad. Dhaka

city was turned into a killing field and a ruin. That is why the night

of 25 March, 1971 is called the "Black Night".

In the face of the initial attack of 25 March, the Bangalee police of

the Rajarbag Police Line put up an armed resistance. People put up

barricades on streets in different parts of the city. But these

resistances could not withstand the armed attacks of the Pakistan

army for long.




comprising the



elected in 1970

election was formed

at Agartala in India.


Sheikh Mujibur

Rahman was

declared the

At the same night, Bangabandhu was arrested from his residence

at Road no. 32 in Dhanmondi. Prior to his arrest, that is, in the

early hours of 26 March, Bangabandhu declared Independence.

This Declaration was broadcast on 26 March from the Swadhin

Bangla Betar Kendro (The Independent Bangla Radio Centre) in

Chittagong. In the evening of 27 March, Major Ziaur Rahman, on

behalf of Bangabandhu, read out the Declaration of Independence

again from the same radio station.

The Formation of the Temporary Government

According to Bangabandhu's directives, his colleagues took

preparations to liberate the country. They had to go away to

Assam, Tripura and West Bengal of India. On 10 April 1971, the

temporary Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh

President of the Government of Bangladesh. But Bangabandhu

was then imprisoned in a jail in Pakistan and so, the charge of the

157 Nine Month Of Our Libaration War

The forming of this Government

was very significant for directing

the liberation war in the right

direction and for attaining the

support of our people as well as that

of the people and Governments of

foreign countries. After the new

Government was formed, the people

of Bangladesh spontaneously joined

the armed battle for independence.

President was given to the Vice President Syed Nazrul Islam.

Tajuddin Ahmed took over the charge of the Prime Minister. This

Government on that same day formulated the Proclamation of


On 11 April, Tajuddin Ahmed broadcast an announcement about

the newly formed Government. He called upon the people to

participate whole heartedly in the liberation war. On 17 April, the

Government took oath in Baidyanathtala (Mujibnagar) of

Meherpur district. The government took steps to form the

Muktibahini (the Liberation Forces)The East Bengal Regiment,

the Bangalees in EPR, Police, Ansar, students, youths, women,

farmers, labourers, intellectuals all came together and formed the

Muktibahini. General Muhammad Ataul Gani Osmani became the

Chief of the Muktibahini.


A huge number of people started to get training in warfare staying

inside the country or going to India. And thus the initial resistances

through political and armed preparedness turned into a war for


The Role of the Armed Forces and the Civilian Forces

Quite a few forces grew up during the liberation war through the

direct participation of both the army personnel and civilian or non-

army people. They directed attacks on Pakistani Forces in various

ways. In order to

conduct the war

effectively, the

whole of

Bangladesh was

divided into eleven

sectors. A sector

commander was

put in charge of

directing the

liberation war in

each sector. Let us

now locate those

sectors in the map.

159 Nine Month Of Our Libaration War

The farmers, labourers, students, general public and a number of

political parties on their own initiative formed quite a few

forces. After being trained in India, they spread themselves

everywhere inside the country. They organized many smaller forces

inside the country and together they attacked Pakistan army and the

Razakar forces. During the nine months of liberation war, all these

Muktibahinies or liberation forces continued their attacks on

Pakistan Forces on land and in air and weakened them. Besides,

in the rural areas people formed Resistance Committees and

participated in the liberation war by helping the Muktibahini

through giving them food and shelter.

The role of the guerrilla bahini was crucial in the liberation war.

The guerrillas were given short intensive trainings and were sent

inside Bangladesh to fight against the enemies. They would carry

out planned sudden attacks on important buildings, petrol pumps,

bridges, the Pakistan army shelters or barracks. After the attacks,

they would go on hiding in safe places. Many fought with courage

in face to face battles, too. By October and November, the

guerrilla attacks of the Muktibahini turned fierce. As a result of


their repeated attacks the Pakistan forces became totally unnerved.

Many other forces formed inside and outside the country also

contributed significantly to the liberation war. The Pakistan army

also increased their brutal tortures and atrocities. During the entire

period of liberation war, The Pakistan forces continued killing and

torturing the people.

Each and every member of the Muktibahini has left an

unparalleled example of patriotism through fighting for the

country's independence. Excepting the collaborators of the

Pakistanies, the Razakars,Al-Badrs and Al-Shams forces, every

one of the people of Bangladesh at that time was a freedom fighter

or a supporter of the liberation war. In towns or in villages, with

the selfless help and cooperation of the common people who

aspired for liberation, the muktibahinies fought in the battlefields

without fearing death. Many were martyred. Many became

crippled. In every one of our villages there are still many freedom

fighters living. We should learn about them from our parents. If

possible, we will hear from them about their war experiences. We

will always show the highest respect and regards to all freedom


The Role of Different Political Parties and Professional


The Awami League gave leadership to the liberation war of

Bangladesh. Besides Awami League, National Awami Party or

NAP (Mozaffar), NAP (Bhashani), Communist Party, Students'

League, Students' Union and other organizations, journalists,

teachers, lawyers, engineers, doctors and members of other varied

professions took active part in the liberation war.

Jamat-e-Islam, Muslim League, Nezam Islam, Islami Students

Association etc. opposed the liberation war directly. They formed

Al-Badar and Al-Shams Forces and in collaboration with the

Pakistan army they joined in killing the freedom fighters and the

common people of this country. The Razakar Bahini (Force) under

the patronage of the Pakistani Forces played a heinous role in our

war of liberation.

The Role of the World Outside

In the liberation war of Bangladesh, its neighbouring country

India's role was the most significant. Immediately after the

genocide and the massacre by the occupation army, almost ten

million people of this country from all walks of life took shelter in

India as refugees. The Indian Government and the friendly people

Nine Month Of Our Libaration War

of India arranged for the stay of these refugees. They extended

their helping hands by providing living expenses as well as other

assistances. The Indian Government arranged for the training of the

freedom fighters. On 6 December, 1971, while the liberation war

was still going on, India was first to give recognition to

Bangladesh. On 7 December, the neighbouring country Bhutan

gave recognition to Bangladesh.

Among the countries from the outer world, the former Soviet

Union and her friendly countries, the United Kingdom, Japan and

common people of many countries of the West took a stand for

Bangladesh. The reason was that everyone realized that the

liberation war of Bangladesh was a just war. Nobody supported the

brutality and the genocide unleashed by the Pakistan army on the

Bangalees. Many distinguished citizens of different countries of the

world also contributed in many ways to our liberation war.

However, the United States, China and Saudi Arabia along with the

governments of some other countries opposed the liberation war of


The expatriate Bangalees played a very important role in the

liberation war of Bangladesh. They came forward with cash money,

food and medicine to help the distressed refugees and the on going

war. They also contributed to create public opinion of the

international community in favour of the liberation war. Many

Bangalee diplomats of the Pakistan Diplomatic Mission left their

jobs and pledged their allegiance to Bangladesh.

During the last part of the liberation war a Joint Command was

formed with our Liberation Force and the Indian Allied Forces. At

one stage, when Pakistan attacked India, the Joint Command

carried out simultaneous land, navy and air attacks and very

quickly weakened the Pakistan Forces. From 9 December to 13

December most areas of Bangladesh were free from enemies.

Realizing that defeat was imminent, the Pakistani rulers planned

to execute a heinous act of barbarism to make Bangladesh

brainless for ever. They thought that they would thus break the

backbone of the Bangalee nation so that the Bangalees could

never raise their heads up in the world. So, they conspired to kill

the intellectuals of this country. They had been killing the

intellectuals in different ways since the beginning of the

liberation war, but from 10 December to 14 December the

massacre turned the most brutal. Under the directive and

assistance of the Pakistani rulers, the Razakars, the Al-Badar, the

Al-Shams along with some local collaborators carried out this

massacre. They brutally killed Santosh Bhattacharya, Munier

Chowdhury, Mofazzal Haider Chowdhury, Shahidullah Kaiser,







Dr. Fazle Rabbi and many other top intellectuals of the country.

Later, the decomposed bodies of many of them were found in the

killing fields of Mirpur and Rayerbazar in Dhaka. Every year we

celebrate the 14th of December as the Martyred Intellectual's

Day to remember and pay our homage to them.

We will now make a list of the martyred intellectuals in the

following table:

Table / chart

In the mean while, on 14 December, the Joint Command

surrounded almost the entire of Dhaka. The Pakistan Forces

became totally unnerved by their attack. At last, on 16 December

1971, came that auspicious moment. At 4.20 p.m. that day, the

Commander of the Pakistan Occupation Army Lieutenant General

Niazi along with 93 thousand soldiers and arms and ammunition

surrendered to the Indian Chief of the Joint Command, Lieutenant

General Jagjit Singh Aurora, at the Dhaka Racecourse Maidan (the

present Suhrawardi Udyan). An independent and sovereign state of

Bangladesh came into being in the world. Every year we observe

16 December as the Victory Day.

The Losses and the Damages of the War

Seventy-five million people took part in the liberation war of

Bangladesh. Ten million people left their homeland and became

refugees. Their houses and properties were burnt down. Most of

the banks, mills and factories and offices were closed. Roads and

bridges and ports were damaged.Three hundred thousand people

died, hundred thousands of people were wounded. The losses

were limitless and unrecoverable.

The Significance of the Liberation War

The Independence of our dear motherland was earned at the cost

of many sacrifices. During the nine months of our liberation war,

we all stood united, irrespective of our religion, sect or cast,

against the enemy. Thus the liberation war united us together by

arousing our patriotism and feeling for nationalism. Through our

victory in the liberation war, we have earned recognition as an

independent nation and attained a respectable position in the

world committee. We have got the opportunity to build our own

country. In order to build a modern developed Bangladesh, we

will always need this kind of unity and patriotism. We will have

to cherish the liberal ideals of our liberation war and the ideals of

democracy. We will participate in celebrating our Independence

Day and the Victory Day. We will take part in all constructive

works to build up a happy and prosperous Bangladesh for us. We

want to see Bangladesh raise up its head high among the developed

countries of the world one day.


1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/words.

a. The Liberation War of Bangladesh began on ___________


b. During the Liberation War, the entire Bangladesh was divided

into _________ sectors.

c. _________ first recognized Bangladesh as an independent


d. We observe the _______ on 14 December.

2. Write True or False in the blanks against each of the following


______ a. The Operation Searchlight was executed to give

the Bangalees their rights.

______ b. The temporary Government of Bangladesh took

oath at Mujibnagar on 17 April, 1971.

______ c. During the Liberation War, the Bangladesh

refugees took shelter in Bhutan.

______ d. The Pakistan Forces surrendered on 16

December, 1971.

3. Match the words on the right with those on the left to make

complete sentences.

a. On 7 March 1971, Bangabandhu in November and

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman December.

b. The Commander-in-Chief of the contributed to the

Liberation war

c. The Guerilla attack turned violent called upon the people

for the Non-Cooperation


d. Many distinguished foreign citizens General Muhammad Ataul

Gani Osmani.

4. Put a tick ( ) mark against each correct answer.

4.1 In the evening of what date did the Pakistan army carry out

the genocide?

a. 25 March b. 27 March

c. 10 April e. 17 April

4.2 Who performed the responsibilities of the President of the

temporary Government of Bangladesh?

a. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman b. Syed Nazrul Islam

c. Tajuddin Ahmed d. General M.A.G Osmani

4.3 What was formed with our Liberation Army and the Indian

Allied Army?

a. Land Command b. Naval Command

c. Joint Command d. Indian Command

5. Briefly answer the following questions.

a. Describe the brutality of the Occupation army on the Black

Night of 25 March.

b. What was the role of the Government of Bangladesh in exile

in the Liberation War?

c. With who was the Liberation Army formed?

d. Write on the role of military and non-military forces in the

Liberation War.

e. Write on the role of our neighbouring countries as well as

that of the other friendly countries of the world in our

Liberation War.

f. Write on the role of the expatriate Bangalees in the Liberation


g. Discuss the reasons for killing the intellectuals of this country

by the Occupation army.

h. Discuss the significance of the Liberation War.


Chapter Sixteen

Different Groups of Ethnic and Indigenous People of Bangladesh

Many nations have evolved in the world depending on the differences in skin colour or geographical background. When people live in the same place for a long period, there grows a unique unity amongst them. As a result, a nation is formed. Language, culture, history, tradition, geographical situation and a collective consciousness are the significant elements to form a nation. For example, Bangali nation has been formed with Bangla language and culture. Every nation has its own language, culture and tradition. A national identity evolves as these elements are created over hundreds and hundreds of years. There are many nations in this world, such as, the English, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabs, Egyptians, Spanish, Portuguese, Russians, Nigerians and Ethiopians etc.

Outside Bangladesh, Bangalees also live in Assam, Kuchbihar

and West Bengal of India. Besides, millions of Bangalees live in

different countries of the world as citizens of those countries. One does not lose one's national or ethnic identity which constitute of one's language, culture, tradition and rituals even when one becomes a citizen of a different country. The national identity of man is unchangeable, but his citizenship can be changed or

acquired. Citizenship depends on the State one belongs to. Any citizen of Bangladesh is a Bangladeshi as a citizen but according to our national or ethnic identity, some of us are Bangalees, some are Chakmas, or Msarmas, Manipuris, Murang, Garo or Shaontals etc.

The Way of Life of the Indigenous People of Bangladesh

There are quite a few of indigenous groups of people in Bangladesh. Some of these have been living on this land for hundreds and hundreds of years. They have inherited their land from their ancestors since ancient time. They have their own language and culture. The way of life of these people, their language and culture are full of variety and they are very conscious of their unique identity. More than forty-five small communities of people live in Bangladesh. Among them, the Chakmas, Shaontals, Garoes, Khasis, Manipuri and Murang etc. are prominent.

The Garo

The Garoes are one of the communities living in Bangladesh. They live mainly in the districts of Mymensingh and Tangail. They also live in some parts of Netrokona, Jamalpur, Sherpur and Greater Sylhet. Garoes live both on the mountains and on plain land. Those who live in the hills are called 'Achhik'. And those living on the plain land are known as 'Lamdani'. The Garoes are

generally fair in complexion, and have flat or blunt noses. They

are medium in height, but have strong bodies. The Garoes have

matriarchal society. Women are the heads of society and owner of

all properties. The family lineage is drawn from the mother's side.

The daughters inherit the property of their mothers.

The men cannot marry the women of the same community.

Marriage takes place between men and women of different

communities. One can see different kinds of houses in the Garo

community. Their rooms are quite big, high and long in shape.

Usually these are made of bamboo, wood and dry reeds. However

wealthy people live in tin shaded houses.

The main food of the garoes is rice and meat. They are very fond

of hare meat. At different festivals and occasions, the Garoes drink

a special kind of drink that they themselves make.

The main means of living of the Garoes is agriculture. They have

been accustomed to 'joom' cultivation since ancient times.

However, the practice of joom cultivation has decreased in recent

times. Now-a-days, they plough their land to grow crops. They

plough the plain land adjacent to their mountains and grow various

crops such as, paddy, vegetables and mainly pineapples. Women

play the main role in agricultural work. Besides agriculture, the

Garoes hunt animals and birds. They also cut woods from the

forest and sell them in local markets. Many Garoes are now

getting education and jobs in the cities.

Let's now the following chart about the Garoes. The chart: The food of the Garoes The professions of the Garoes

The name of the religion of the Garoes is 'Sngsharek'. They worship different gods and goddesses. The name of their chief god is 'Rabuga'. They believe that it was Rabuga who created the world. Besides this, the Garoes worship the gods and goddesses of the Sun (Saljang), the Moon (Chhochhum), Thunder (Goera) and the Earth (Men). They perform their religious rituals through songs, dances and sacrifice of animals.

As part of the ritual to the dead, they bathe the dead body and then lay it on a wooden bed. They put some rice and eggs near its head during this time. They believe that the soul of the dead gets peace







from this. And then at night, they burn the dead body in fire. They scatter the ash of the burnt body in the forest and bury the bones under the ground.Recently there has been considerable change in their old beliefs. Most of the Garoes have now become Christians. The Garo women wear blouses and lungi like dresses and men wear 'dhuti'. They themselves make these dresses. The Garoes love to wear ornaments, particularly gold thick rings (hanshuli) and earrings (makri). Some men wear makris n their ears and bead necklaces.Although Garoes have various languages, the Garoes in Bangladesh speak the Abeng language. It only has its spoken form. Abeng language does not have any written form or script. However, outside their community, they speak Bangla.Garoes love songs and dances very much. At different social and religious functions they arrange songs and dances. They also sing and dance during time of sowing the seeds and the harvesting. Even after the death of a loved one they perform dances of mourning.

The Khashi

The Khashi community lives mainly in different parts of Sylhet, Moulvibazar and Habiganj districts. They live in small groups in small communities known as 'punji'. The Khashis are also fair in complexion and have small eyes and flat noses. They have thick ankles. They are of medium height.


The main food of the Khashis is rice. They are very fond of meat. They eat the meat of almost animals and birds. They love to chew betel leaves and nutmeg and treat guests with these first. They generally depend on agriculture for living. They grow crops through joom cultivation and ploughing the land. They grow betel leaves in plenty and earn money by selling that. They also do bee cultivation and produce honey which they sell for earning money. Khashis worship differenr gods. Their chief god is called Ublai Nangthao who they believe created the world. The Khashis worship their ancestors, too. During worship, they sacrifice goats

The Khashis also have matriarchal society. Women are the heads of families and society. After marriage, the husband goes and lives in the wife's family. The women are the owners of property and the children follow the lineage of the of the mother's family. Like the Garoes, the Khashis also don't marry within the community.


and cocks etc. They burn their dead and then bury the ash under the ground. In recent times there has been a lot of change in their beliefs. They live a very simple life. Women wear ungi and blouse while men wear lungi and shirts without pockets. They have their own language which is known as Mon-Kheme. The Mon-Kheme language of the Khashis don't have any alphabet. That's why they use the Bangla alphabet. The Khashi community loves to dance and sing. During religious rituals and festivals, weddings and funerals, they sing and dance. Besides, to save themselves from drought, excess rainfall and poor harvesting they arrange songs and dances.

The Manipuri The ancestral home of the Manipuri is in the Manipur state of Assam. As part of a big ethnic people, the Manipuris live in different parts of Greater Sylhet of Bangladesh. They have fair complexion, small eyes, noses a little flat and medium height. The Manipuri people are divided into seven communities. These are called 'ek' or 'shalai'. Men and women marry in other communities. After marriage the wife goes to husband's house. During the marriage ceremony, the boys and girls dance together to please the gods. The Manipuri society is patriarchal in nature. They are very neat and clean. To stay clean, they make their hoses by the river side. Rice, lentil and vegetables are the main food of the Manipuri. Agriculture is their main living. Both men and women are skilled in making cloth. They make their own dresses. In almost every house there is a loom for weaving. The Manipuri are by and large self-reliant.


Most of the Manipuris are followers of the Baishnav religion. They worship gods and goddesses. Radha, Krishna, Vishnu and Gauranga are their main gods and goddesses. The Manipuris burn their dead for the salvation of the soul of the dead. Some Manipuris believe in Islam.

Manipuris are a sophisticated and self-reliant nation. They wear simple clothes that they themselves make. Men usually wear dhuti-punjabi and women wear 'Phanek'. Phanek is a kind of dress that they wrap around their waists. However, on spcial occasions, and religious festivals Manipuri women wear an expensive ornamented dress known as 'Loifanek'.

The Manipuris have two languages. One is Vishnupriya and the other is Moitoi Manipuri language. The most attractive part of their culture is their dance. With dance, they present folk-songs. At different festivals they arrange song and dance performances. At present, the Manipuri dance is known as appreciated


Let's now note down the chart in our notebooks and fill it up.





Modern education and culture have touched the lives of many

Garoes, Khashis, Monipuri as well as many other communities of

indigenous people. And therefore, their life pattern has also

changed in many ways. In Bangladesh now, the interaction and

contact between Bangali culture and that of the indigenous peoples

are increasing. At the same time, the indigenous peoples are getting

more and more conscious about spreading their cultures amongst


An important part of the Bangali culture and society in Bangladesh

is the way of life of its indigenous peoples. They make important

contribution to the development of the country, too. We should

respect their ways of life and extend our helping hands whenever

they need them. Exercises

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

a. There are different kinds of ________ in the world.

b. Most of the ________ indigenous people live in Mymensingh

and Tangail districts.

c. Those who live in the mountains are called _________.

d. The Garoes take their ________ identity from their _______.

e. The Khashis worship different _______.


2. Read the following sentences and write 'T' against the correct statements and 'F' against the incorrect ones.

______ a. The indigenous peoples are very committed to

upholding their own culture and tradition.

______ b. The colour of complexion of the Garoes is bronze.

______ c. The Khashis live in Mymensingh and Rangamati


______ d. A few Manipuris believe in Islam.

______ e. Khashi men and women don't marry within the

same community.

3. Match the words on the left with those on the right.

a. The Manipuris wear patriarchal society. b. They believe in Vaishnav The Manipuris. religion matriarchal society. c. The Khashis have clothes that they d. The Manipuri society is themselves make. 4. Tick the right answer.

4.1 What are the reasons behind the formation of so many nations in the world?


a. Natural b. Social c. Political d. Geographical

4.2 Where do the indigenous people usually live? a. In hilly areas b. On plain lands c. In cities c. In villages

4.3 What are the Garoes who live in the mountains called? a. Lamdani b. Achhik c. Shaontal d. Sangsarek 4.4 What dresses do the Khashi women wear? a. Sari and blouse b. Blouse and Laifanek b. Lungi and blouse d. Fanek and blouse 4.5 How many languages do the Manipuris have? a. Five b. Three c. Four d. Two 5. Answer in brief: a. Who are the small ethnic groups? b. Where do the Garoes live? c. What the main food of the Khashis? d. What religion do the Manipuris believe in? e. How can we maintain a fellow feeling among the peoples of different nations?