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Traditional web applications allow users to fill out forms, and when these forms are submitted, arequest is sent to a web server. The web server acts upon whatever was sent by the form, andthen responds back by sending a new web page. A lot of bandwidth is wasted since much of theHTML from the first page is presented in the second page. Because a request to the web serverhas to be transmitted on every interaction with the application, the application's response time isdependent on the response time of the web server. This leads to user interfaces that are muchslower than their native counterparts.

Ajax applications, on the other hand, can send requests to the web server to retrieve only thedata that is needed, usually using SOAP or some other XML-based web services dialect, andusing JavaScript in the client to process the web server response. The result is more responsiveapplications, since the amount of data interchanged between the web browser and web server isvastly reduced. Web server processing time is also saved, since a lot of this is done on thecomputer from which the request came. Wikipedia.org


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Editorial 1TrimPath The open source rich web components 2AJAX LiveTree : JavaScript/DHTML Tree 3AJFORM : JavaScript AJAX and PHP ToolKit 4Introduction to AJAX and JPSpan at php|arch magazine 5Salesforce.com Reflects on Web Services 6Protopage as Portal 7Dynamic Ajax Tables 8NAJAX - another AJAX PHP library 9Wrapper for XmlHttpRequest with caching supported 10Remote Scripting with AJAX, Part 1 11

August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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TrimPath The open source rich webcomponentsAuthor : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/785_trimpath_the_open_source_rich_web_components.html

TrimPath is the home of open-source technologies for building the next generation of rich webapplications. Their list of projects include :

*TrimJunction is a web Model-View-Controller framework that gives you Rails without the Ruby.

*JavaScript Templates lets you have template-based programming (like PHP/ASP/JSP) whilerunning in a web browser.

*TrimQuery is a 100% JavaScript query engine that features a powerful, embeddable SQLsyntax.

*TrimSpreadsheet is a lightweight spreadsheet engine for your web browser, based onunobtrusive JavaScript and CSS technology.

*TrimBreakpoint is a lightweight debugging utility for JavaScript for runtime variable and objectinspection.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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AJAX LiveTree : JavaScript/DHTML TreeAuthor : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/784_ajax_livetree__javascriptdhtml_tree.html

LiveTree implements a JavaScript/DHTML tree (hierarchical list) widget that loads dataasynchronously as-needed (using AJAX). This makes it ideal for cases where the dataset is toolarge to load to the browser all at once. Data can be provided in the HTML page as well, inwhich case no asynchronous loading is needed, making this widget suitable for standaloneclient-side use.

LiveTree consists of two components: client-side JavaScript code that runs in the user’s browserwhich displays and allows the user to navigate the tree, and a server component that providesdata to the client. The client-server protocol is very simple, which means server components canbe easily created for just about any web server configuration with minimal effort. Presently, theonly existing server component is for Ruby On Rails.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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AJFORM : JavaScript AJAX and PHPToolKitAuthor : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/783_ajform__javascript_ajax_and_php_toolkit.html

AJFORM is a JavaScript toolkit which simply submits data from any given form in an HTMLpage, then sends the data to any specified JavaScript function. AJFORM degrades gracefully inevery aspect. In other words, if the browser doesn't support it, the data will be sent through theform as normal.

In addition to the main javascript AJForm.js, AJForm add special tags to the html form likeajform:handler and ajform:submitonfail, it could work on some browsers but I didn't like the wayit broke the standard. Pretty useful for people looking for fast solution, but it will be better if itadds some hidden variable that will be parsed easily by the Javascript.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Introduction to AJAX and JPSpan atphp|arch magazineAuthor : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/779_introduction_to_ajax_and_jpspan_at_phparch_magazine.html

I have been waiting for this, php|architect august 2005 issue have been just released today withan introduction to AJAX and JPSpan and many great articles as usual.

In February, AJAX burst onto the internet leaving hundreds of experimental projects in its wake,talk of web 2.0, and truck loads of hype. Don’t let the hype scare you away, AJAX offers lots ofbenefits. Let Joshua Eichorn introduce you to AJAX and then get to work building a scrolling tableusing JPSpan, to get a practical introduction to the new technology.

The article by Joshua Eichorn, author the HTML_AJAX pear package, talking about differentlevel of AJAX web application development, from usability, to how to pick a library ... with ofcourse many examples and source code as usual. I've found something good to read thisweekend !


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Salesforce.com Reflects on Web ServicesAuthor : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/777_salesforcecom_reflects_on_web_services.html

Salesforce have unveiled Smashforce, a new Web services initiative. Smashforce is a software-development tool kit built on AJAX technology. It is designed to allow clients using its MultiforceWeb services desktop to create multiple Web services that share data and a single userinterface.

The AJAX standard, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a Web interfacedesign development approach. Some developers tout its ability to allow programs to processWeb-based requests more quickly than other frameworks. Source LinuxNews


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Protopage as PortalAuthor : hatemURL : http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/774_protopage_as_portal.html

Michael Mahemoff have reviewed Protopage, a nice online tool that allow you to create yourpersonalized home page or AJAX personal bookmarks springboard as they call it.

I found it one great example that show the power of AJAX applications in interfacepersonalization, the way that do Google, Start.com and many others. Even if its not somethingnew, but it makes you feel playing in a desktop application via a simple browser. And maybe thiswas the point who make it popular.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Dynamic Ajax TablesAuthor : hatemURL : http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/767_dynamic_ajax_tables.html

Revision 10 labs have a great sample of Dynamic Ajax Tables which allow to load and editdynamicly table's data from database. The example is using SAJAX and PHP. I specially likedthe design that you can see it running here

Its just need to add features for paging, add, and delete for entries and it will be a complete easyto use AJAX database administration.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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NAJAX - another AJAX PHP libraryAuthor : hatemURL : http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/766_najax-another_ajax_php_library.html

NAJAX is a library that aims to connect JavaScript and PHP. It acts as a proxy that maps PHPobjects to JavaScript and vice versa.

NAJAX code is based on Observer pattern you can find documentation and many example likethe file explorer, Simple tchat, server events ... Their website is still under construction as youcan notice, but NAJAX is already on version (released on July 31, 2005 ) which add support for server side events and small others changes.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Wrapper for XmlHttpRequest with cachingsupportedAuthor : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/765_wrapper_for_xmlhttprequest_with_caching_supported.html

I've found this project by Adam Vandenberg of a Caching XmlHttpRequest Wrapper. A wrapperfor XmlHttpRequest that supports forced caching on FireFox and forced non-caching on IE.

The Http class presented here provides a (hopefully) simpler interface to initiating a requestwith XmlHttpRequest.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.

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Remote Scripting with AJAX, Part 1Author : hatemURL :http://www.phpmagazine.net/18_ajax/archive/759_remote_scripting_with_ajax_part_1.html

Cameron Adams have written a great tutorial about remote scripting with AJAX on O'reillyXML.com.

In this first part Cameron explain clearly the basis of AJAX and XMLHttpRequest and detailedthe usability of creating accessible web application using remote scripting in his example of an e-card sending form.


August 2005 http://ajax.phpmagazine.net

© 2005 phpmagazine.net.