up your planner why it’s good to new habits fresh starts ... · of this month. i know the event...

Issue 6 Spring 2019 Fresh Starts: Creating new habits Social Media and content planner review New Year : New Planner Which Hobonichi is which? A Guide to hobonichis Why it’s good to change up your planner

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Page 1: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

Issue 6 Spring 2019

Fresh Starts: Creating new habits

Social Media and content planner review

New Year : New Planner

Which Hobonichi is which? A Guide to hobonichis

Why it’s good to change up your planner

Page 2: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

13 | Which hobonichi is which | A guide to hobonichis

16 | Random Acts of Kindness

18 | Upcoming Events

19 | Why it’s good to change up your planner

In this issue...

3 | Letter from the editor

4 | Fresh Starts: Creating new habits 6 | Lucy Hall’s Social media & content planner 2019 review

8 | My minimalism journey | Sam explains how she tackled her clutter to finance.

10 | New Year, New Planner

Cover image by Sam Alderson

Page 3: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

Letter from the Editor

Welcome to Issue 6!

It’s wonderful to have you here!

I was delighted to meet many of you at TBM 2019 at the beginning of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the attendees for many years to come. So, I open this issue with great thanks to the wonderful team; headed by our dear Stephanie and Sheree, for organising such a wonderful, awe-inspiring event.

Those who were there had the absolute honour of meeting the astounding Erin Condren, and I, like many others, came away completely inspired by her story. During the event she spoke of passion, business, plans, support systems, family and belief; and I know many of us were re-inspired to reflect on our New Year's resolutions and the plans we set out in earnest for 2019.

You haven’t given up on those have you?

Sometimes it can be difficult to remind ourselves that just 9 weeks ago, we came into the new year with big plans and exciting goals for 2019. The coming year was full of promise and enticing dreams that spurred us to pretty our planners with the prospect of new achievements and resultant celebrations. But we forget that our brains don’t care that it’s a New Year, just that it’s a new day. And those ingrained habits that we’ve promised to break, are swiftly being regurgitated as they were yesterday and the day before.

So, how can we make real, fundamental change that will have a positive impact on our lives, our families, our happiness? What’s the secret to setting and achieving a resolution that doesn’t waste into obscurity in the second month of the year?

This issue is dedicated to just that: timed perfectly to reignite those ideas before the spark goes out for good!

J -E

“You are entirely up to you”

Erin Condren, TBM 2019

Page 4: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

result of keeping these trackers updated daily, I have been more productive, and I have been given a massive motivational boost.

Essentially, they are great tools for helping manage mental health.

My goals this year are mostly writing orientated. I would like to have a first draft of my working novel finished and an anthology of flash fiction pieces completed, I also want to have a regular blog schedule and complete the writing courses I am taking part in. January was for me all about basics. Writing blog posts, taking part in daily writing tweet challenges and keeping up with the flash fiction prompts from my writing group. Next month I will introduce other things to do.

I find myself already forming these habits. I sit with my morning cuppa and take part in the Twitter #vss365 prompt, I don’t even need to remind myself to do this, it has become part of my routine. This shows me that the little changes I have made, particularly the inclusion of a simple habit tracker are having an impact on my daily life in a way that can only move me forward and help reach those goals and I will make 2019 my best year yet.

The Creative Planner | Spring 20194

It’s 2019, a new year for fresh starts, new goals, dreams and desires. Every year I do the same thing. I write down the goals I want to achieve over the coming year, I break them all down and head off into January believing that this will be my year. Yet, every single year I inevitably fail. Life throws curve balls as I end up swaying off track, not usually onto another path but often an entirely new planet.

2018 proved to be a massively difficult year for me, so much changed. My life does not resemble now what it once was and with that came some tough pills to swallow. Despite the toughness that it brought me it also taught me one massive thing, I needed to stop over-planning my dreams and start living them. If anything happened to me, I would have nothing to show for those hours spent blogging and writing because I kept it all hidden away. So, this year I wanted to focus more on what I love and what I want from life. To do that it would mean creating new habits for myself, things I want to eventually have as part of my daily routine without even thinking about them, just like brushing your teeth.

I never use habit trackers. This year I bought a Scribbles That Matter Bullet Journal which comes with trackers at the beginning of each month and I have decided to use these. Not to track what I do but to serve as a reminder of what I want to do daily, to where I want to end up at the end of this year. Each month some of my trackers may change slightly to bring in the next part of the focus for my goal.

I know it’s still early days, today is the 15th of January but I have used my trackers daily. I have found that not only do these simple little trackers keep me determined (I can’t handle seeing days unticked) but it has helped so much working through my brain fog. Part of my chronic illness is the brain fog that comes with tablets and the condition and how it wears on my energy. I hate that I now forget the simplest of things. As a

Fresh Starts: Creating New Habits by Emma-Louise Smith

Page 5: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

The Creative Planner | Spring 201917

Page 6: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

Lucy Hall’s Social Media & Content

Planner 2019 Review

By Jennifer Gilmour

Last year I invested in a social media planner, I used it and gained results, there was no questioning that I was going to purchase again for 2019. But it comes with some changes and they are certainly for the better. The social media content planning book is back for 2019. Created by Lucy and the create & plan community to help you to visualise social media post ideas and work on a social media content strategy and calendars throughout the next year. There are three options of colour to choose for your planner, light pink, hot pink and teal. I went

The Creative Planner | Spring 20196

Background vector created by myriammira - www.freepik.com

for teal as it fits with my own brand. Last year there wasn’t an option of colour and so this was something new and nice to have the option to choose. I also have to say that this year it is spiral bound and certainly helps when planning to fold your pages over, this has to be one of my stationary thank you’s as a planner. The planner follows along with the classy but creative style we saw the previous year. It's not overbearing but is also not simplistic, you can tell that the planner has been well thought out and it hasn’t been lightly.

Page 7: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

Last year I successfully run my first Instagram challenge and this came from using the planner, I had to be very organised with my time and also posts. I also managed to organise my blog posts and I opened my own YouTube Channel. I am glad to have something that I can work with that brings my ideas and timings from my head and onto paper. I am looking forward to my content achievements this year. As well as the planner Lucy has a Facebook group for those who purchase the planner and it gives you a chance to ask questions, see updates from other members, network, receive training and there's competitions and giveaways which is always a winner for me. I would recommend the planner to anyone who is looking to get organised with their social media, whether they are a blogger, vlogger, reviewer, have a business, are a writer or are helping clients with marketing.

The planner is £35 which I think is reasonable with the amount of information, the layout prompts etc that is in this planner.

The Creative Planner | Spring 20197

Like 2018’s planner it has the note-able days which I found very useful last year, finding out that national popcorn day is coming up is a fantastic excuse to buy some in of course. On a serious note, there are some fantastic note-able days that help my content planning for the type of blogging I do (I talk about domestic abuse- my experiences, others, my work and also educational). Blue Monday, Safer Internet Day, Time to Talk Day and more are examples of what I can use to fit in. Monthly planning not only has the calendar and note-able days but you can also break down your yearly goals, place your own planning notes and ideas, but I love the tips that Lucy has put together and each month there is something different to guide you or help your creative thinking on the way. Weekly planning has you thinking and really getting that content planned which is a big benefit to me especially on multiple platforms. Giving you an option to break down your monthly goals, follower/likes counter, budget, hashtags, plan of action and more.

Buy the planner | Lucy Hall: Facebook & Website | Jennifer’s Instagram challenge, Website, Twitter & Facebook

Page 8: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

So, I own a lot of stuff. I don’t know about you but a lot! You know bits and bobs, knick-knacks, doodads and things for, you know just in case. It all began when I had new flooring put in the entrance way of my house and in my office. I had to move some stuff out of the office so that the fitters could get in and you know do their job.

It was like a breath of fresh air getting that flooring finally done. It also forced me to look at all this stuff that I had in the office and question why I was holding onto it. Needless to say that in the process of putting the office back together, I got rid of a lot of stuff.

Things that were out of date (planners), things that I had half used and I knew that I wasn't going to use, but held on to, you know just in case. I rearranged my desk and cleared out my shelves. I added more plants. And decorated. I made it so that it was a bit more me! Well, on my side of the office at least. But this triggered something in me.

This was such a cathartic exercise that I wanted to continue. So, I did what any good millennial would do and I Googled "how to declutter your home". This is something that I have tried and failed at many times. My husband can attest to this. This time, however, I came across minimalism and its ethos of living a simpler, more meaningful and intentional life.

But having done what I had in the office and having that space feel more like us. Also, I think that the fact that the hallway is much more "us" now as you enter the house. I wanted to make an effort this time to truly get my shit in order.

This may feel like past Sam has done her job, she got rid of some shit and made room for other shit to enter the void and future Sam can continue on her downward spiral of consumerism. But, I honestly do not want to go back to those bad habits. I am feeling much more positive about this process and what I need to do.

The Creative Planner | Spring 20198

Minimalism has just clicked with something in my head.

So, we had already kinda made a start long before the beginning of this journey. Jono and I have kinda of sorted out money - I suck at budgets - though we still need to go through it and trim out some spending.

But I have paid off my Halifax credit card and closed that account. I have also nearly paid off the HSBC credit card as well. The Barclay card is getting closed soon, as we were at one point paying nearly £100 in interest.


But, we each have a Monzo account that is just for treat money for ourselves and a joint Monzo in which all our "enjoyment" shit comes out of and my wages now go into it. So things like Now TV and Netflix, Amazon, meals out and drinks, these joint expenses come out of the Joint Monzo account. This is so that we can keep track of what we as a couple are spending in that area of our lives.

But I'm getting off topic my mad 3-day sort out of the office and my Googling led me to Matt D'Avella and The Minimalist and their documentary "How to live a simpler life".

Now, if like me, you will have a bit of a preconceived notion about minimalism. Which is that you only a certain amount of things. That your house has to be empty bar a few pieces of furniture and have white walls.

You know what I mean.

However that is not, at least from my point of view, what a minimalist is. You can have stuff in minimalist's house as long as it is serving a purpose and it is there with intent, use and that you love it. You know Spark’s Joy!

My Minimalism Journey by Sam Alderson

Page 9: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

As a self-proclaimed consumerist this freaked me out a little bit. But the more and more I read and listened and having had that purge of the office. I started to feel that this was more and more of what I needed in my life.

I needed less.

Now don't start thinking that my house is going to turn into that stark image that most people attribute to minimalism, but, I need to get rid of some stuff. I need to declutter and question the things that I am bringing into my life and that I have. Now I need to clarify that these are MY items, not husbands or joint ownership. Just my shit. And I have never felt better for letting go and either recycling or donating things I no longer feel I need to hold on to you know just in case.

I have a long way to go yet and I still have things that I am holding on to and I need to question. But, I have gotten rid of coats that no longer fit and shoes that I don't love. I have stopped holding on to them you know just in case.

The next big thing that I did was to put some of my planners up for sale. I know that some of my fellow planner/stationery addict friends are going to think that I am mad. But with over mmhmmhm planners in a cupboard that are not being used, I felt a guilty pang that they were just sat there. I had to really question myself in regards to this but to be honest, it was an easy decision.

I picked out 12 planners that I don't have the same love for anymore and put them up on a Facebook group. One has already sold and I am hoping that the rest do as well. The money from selling these is going straight into my ISA. Then that money will in turn be put into decorating and upgrading more of the house.

My next be challenge is bags. I LOVE bags! I already have an idea of which ones that I want to

The Creative Planner | Spring 20199

already have an idea of which ones that I want to donate or try and sell (this cost time to do) so I just need to do it. That might happen in the New Year to be honest, so, for now, they can stay where they are.

Now you might be thinking where is husband in all this decluttering and getting rid of shit and to be honest I hadn’t really spoken to him about it. I was a bit worried about what he might think and say. I knew that he would support me in what I am doing but I felt like I had to start this in secret.

Because at the end of the day the clutter is making me stressed!

He actually joined me in this and start questioning his stuff, I mean he already has that mindset anyway, as he doesn't actually own a lot of stuff. I would say that items in the house are split: 70% my shit 20% joint owned stuff and 10% husband owned stuff. He, in many ways, is already a minimalist without even thinking about it, and I envy him for that.

But that is where I am heading. To declutter and question the stuff in my life and if it is serving a purpose and is it there with intent and use and do we love it.

Because that is the nub of this whole thing - it's our house and everything in there should be stuff that we love, not just me.

And after completing the 30 Minimalism Game I am feeling much better about the house and the stuff in here. I still have a lot of stuff and I will be playing the mins game again in March so you can follow my Instagram to see just what we get rid of.

And as The Minimalist say;

Love people and use things, because the opposite never works.

Page 10: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

Most people think when the new year arrives, new year.... new me. For me, it’s NEW YEAR... NEW PLANNER ...I get so excited for a new planner, fresh crisp pages yet to be written on or prettied up with washi and stickers and the possibility of all the new and exciting things that could happen in the coming year.

As a Nanny to high flying bosses that are often working 12-15 hours a day weekdays and being the organiser of 5 lives, mine and then the two kids I look after and then making sure the parents are around for the school play etc.

I really felt this was the year for a new planning style and to combine my personal planner with my work planner and just log everything in one after missing appointments last year due to not having the time to look in my personal planner at work.

One of my bosses even commented on my first week of work in this new year how they were happy to see fewer planners taking up my work desk, I.E the kitchen table! I think they are ever hopeful it will remain this way... but as all true planner addicts know I will need my holiday planner sometimes and my home planner at work other days ... so good luck with that!

The Creative Planner | Spring 201910

Most people think when the new year arrives, new year.... new me. For me, it’s NEW YEAR... NEW PLANNER ...I get so excited for a new planner, fresh crisp pages yet to be written on or prettied up with washi and stickers and the possibility of all the new and exciting things that could happen in the coming year.

As a Nanny to high flying bosses that are often working 12-15 hours a day weekdays and being the organiser of 5 lives, mine and then the two kids I look after and then making sure the parents are around for the school play etc.

I really felt this was the year for a new planning style and to combine my personal planner with my work planner and just log everything in one after missing appointments last year due to not having the time to look in my personal planner at work.

One of my bosses even commented on my first week of work in this new year how they were happy to see fewer planners taking up my work desk, I.E the kitchen table! I think they are ever hopeful it will remain this way... but as all true planner addicts know I will need my holiday planner sometimes and my home planner at work other days ... so good luck with that!

New Year, New Planner by Laura Cairns

Page 11: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

The Creative Planner | Spring 201911

I am also a massive goal setter and constantly have a need to work on myself to become the best human being possible and to be surrounded by all the things and people I love.

I had seen the Passion Planner floating around the planner community for years but it had never been of major interest to me as I was a committed rings girl with my collection of Kikki k’s and Kate spades.

However, when I saw someone destash an un-dated one last year in June I decided that I would put it away as my 2019 planner and give a new system a try. Well putting it away was tough!!

It arrived, I loved it, all the ideas started to flow, the need to touch it (it has the smoothest, most touchable cover ever!) however, I was determined to not use it until the new year started.

This didn't stop the need to shop for it though by November I had all the date spots purchased from Filofabulous and month stickers from HandmadebySheree. I had a great amount of excitement and joy in my heart to take this planner and stickers home for Christmas and take the time and pleasure in setting up my new baby ready to hit 2019 with my goals.

The beautiful thing about the Passion Planner is how structured it is. Many people have felt that it is overwhelming on the basis that you really have

to delve into yourself and come up with plans and goals. The wonderful thing is when you actually take that time to sit and fill it out the sections, becoming focussed on yourself it flows easily. The daily pages being hourly and having sections added for your daily focus, a section for what went well this week and to do list in priories to you, it is amazing how on track you can stay.

Although only two weeks into the year I can say this year is already looking great for staying on track and smashing my 2019 goals. With the help of the explanation pages, the Passion Planner provides how to set it up to make it work in the best possible way for you. And how to focus on your goals using mind maps and breaking down objectives into 3 months, 1 year and 3 year goal increments.

It really made me think and focus and come up with major ways to improve myself and my life. Midway through at the end of Junes weekly pages, it repeats its mind maps at the 6-month mark, what a great way to reassess and see how far you have come.

I also added into mine in the first few pages a vision board. I have always been more of a creative, visual type person and have manifested things into my life through visualisation and drawing what I want or journalling about my desires.

I have a big one on my bedroom wall but with life being demanding I don't have much time in my room to look at it and visualise, bed and sleep often take over!

So I made one in my planner so I can look at it every day.

So far this planner is working extremely well for me, keeping me on track with work and life goals, keeping me organised and most importantly bringing me happiness, keeping me positive and giving me peace and leaving me with no desire at present to use anything else...which after all every planner girl dreams off!

DO NOT MOVE THE IMAGEIt looks off on the screen but it has been positioned to export properly


Page 12: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

But time will tell! I won’t be giving up my others just yet. Maybe I will catch up with you all in six months and let you know how it’s all going and if the Passion Planner is really all I will ever need as my planner for the rest of my planning days :)

Laura Cairns @shecreateslondon

www.thecreativeplanner.comHave you checked our our website? We don’t just have our past and present issues to download, we have features like challenges and a shop spotlight and we plan to be adding more content as we go so it’ll be turning into a great place to head to in addition to our social media platforms for your extra Creative Planner fix!

Check it out now

Page 13: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

It feels like Hobonichi's have become all the rage again in the planner world. If you have been following my blog for a while you'll know that I am in my third year with this brand. I have had every variation of the different planners that they have on offer. So, I thought that I would put together a guide to help you pick the right one for you.

There are a few different version and I am going to be sharing quite a few photos to compare the 4 different Hobonichi's that are out there.

So what is the difference between them!

Most of these photos are of all of the planners together so that you can see the difference between each of them. Shall we dig in!

Hobonichi Techo Original

This is the English version of the Hobonichi. Like the original this does not have a weekly section built in you would need to buy the supplement.

This has the vertical month, Monthly view and one page per day all in English and the daily pages have quotes and sayings at the bottom of each day.

This the most common of the Hobonichi's. The one in the photo above is the Spring edition that they release in February. Like the English Planner, this does not have a weekly section built in, you would need to buy the weekly supplement.

The daily pages each have a slightly different design to the English version but you will see that further down. But this is a compact Japanese daily planner with a colourful, user-friendly design.

Which Hobonichi is which?

A guide to Hobonichis

Page 14: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

The Creative Planner | Spring 201914

Hobonichi Techo Cousin (A5)

The biggest of the Hobonichi's is the Cousin. A lot of people use this as a work or everyday planner. Within this planner, you have a full year plus a bit extra. So that's the vertical months, standard months followed by 52 weeks and then 365 daily pages!

Now that's a lot of pages and thanks to the Tomoe River paper it can stay incredibly thin! You can have all the layouts in one book with no bulk. This like the A6 original is a Japanese daily planner with a colourful design and roomy layout.

I have a couple of reviews of my previous cousins you can find the latest one here.

Weeks + Mega WeeksThe fourth and final Hobonichi that I have to share with you is the Weeks (or Weeks Mega if you want more note pages). This has a slim vertical design with a month on two pages and a weekly format with notes page opposite.

In the back of the weeks there is plenty of blank graph paper in the back and if you want even more space you can go for the mega version. I did a review here of the week's planner.

So let's dig into each of the planners and see how they look next to each other.

Vertical Month ViewHere I have the Cousin, Original and the English laid out on the vertical month. I have seen a lot of people use these as trackers and gratitude journals.

I am to use them as an index for my daily pages, ie if I sent out a certain email or made a certain list. This will be the first time that I have used it this way and I am excited to see how I get on with it.

How will you be using it?

Standard Month ViewThis is a page that a lot of you will be familiar with. The standard month on two pages in all four Hobonichi's. You will notice that the Weeks has cream paper while the other three have white.

These are a great month on two pages and have a lot of space even the A6 versions. This layout is great for a birds-eye view of what you have going on in a month.

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The Creative Planner | Spring 201917

Weekly ViewLike I have said previously the A6 does not have a weekly view so you have to buy a weekly supplement which is at the top of the photo below.

The Weeks has a nice blank graph page opposite the week view and this gives you the option to take notes or Bullet Journal. This is a great way to have a flexible week.

Daily ViewDaily pages make up the bulk of the Cousin and the A6 books. Remember that the weeks do not have this page but they have the note pages.

The daily pages have a small timeline so that you can plan out your day and still have space to make a to-do list.

Covers and Cover on CoversThere are a variety of different covers out there. Official and unofficial covers below are a few of the covers that I have. Left to right is the Gingham cover for my cousin, the Mina Imagine for the A6 and then the Quiet Harbor clear cover for the weeks.

Add on'sThere is a variety of different add-on's that you can get to expand your planner, or improve your planner for you. These are notebooks and writing boards and stencils.

Now you may be still be wondering which techo is for you. Well, I would start with how you wanting to use it. Are you going to use it as a planner for work? Maybe as an art journal? Or perhaps a gratitude journal?

I hope that this has helped you in seeing what the differences are between the four different Hobonichi's that are out there.

Page 16: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

The Creative Planner | Spring 201916

I am by no means a master in this subject from the givers side. But I have been on the receiving end of a Random Act of Kindness and It changed my life. I wanted to learn more about what it is like to be on the givers side of RAK’s, so I asked for a volunteer in my Facebook group who has been a giver to answer a few questions. Let’s call it an interview! I have never met this woman we are simply connected by the Planner Community online. It is most interesting to me how she made me feel after reading her answers and I can’t wait to tell you at the end of this interview!

I asked a few questions and she gave some heart!

1. What is a RAK to you?

B: A RAK, or a random act of kindness, is sharing something that you love with someone else so that they can experience it as well. Sometimes, it involves acknowledging that

whilst something may not be your cup of tea (or

glass of wine) it could someone else's favourite thing and sharing it with them because of that.

2. How often do you do a RAK?

B: I do a great deal of RAK, but the amounts and types vary widely! We do a few big one’s a year and I try to do at least one every month.

3. How does it make you feel?

B: It makes me feel...like a force for good, if that makes sense. Admittedly, I have depression. The state of affairs of our communities and country (and world) can really have a negative impact on my state of mind. However, like a wise man once said, "Look for the helpers". Participating in a RAK is the next step in that; it makes you one of the helpers!

4. Do you encourage others to do it? How?

B: Yes! I encourage recipients of my RAKs to pay it forward when they can, and to pass along pieces that they don't like or no longer need.

By JoDi Lowe

Page 17: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

5. What are some RAK’s you have done? Will you do more?

B: I will forever do as many as I can! I try to do at least one a month, be it answering an "in-search of" or ISO post, joining or funding a giveaway, or through my shop (refunding order, adding extras they'd like, or sending out fun gifts). I like to set a little aside from all my orders (and RAK calls that. I, personally, would really like to take part in!), too, to do bigger RAKs. I also provide "Starting Over" kits (sets of toiletries and small necessities like socks and hairbands and bobby pins, plus a small notepad/planner and writing utensil) for the domestic violence shelter and provide homeless and at-risk kids back-to-school kits (backpacks, school supplies, planner supplies, etc.). Sometimes the smaller things turn into big things. For example, once I year we have a PWYC sale, or a yard sale that you price nothing. It started as a RAK, in that we would choose a day of our yearly garage sale and not tell anyone. It helped so many people out that we decided to do so every year!

6. It is said RAK can have health benefits like an increase in happiness and healthier mental status. Have you experienced this?

B: Definitely! I think that that ties into a previous question, but really...it's great to know that you've done something that makes someone else feel good. Sharing joy is in itself rather joyous!

7. Has it changed your life or the lives of the receiver?

B: It's made me more conscientious of the community in which I reside as well as the online ones I'm a member of. I'd like to think that, even if it hasn't been hugely life changing to others, that it's been something that brought them joy. I've gotten a little bit of feedback, both from supply RAKs and work RAKs (I'm an artist/illustrator, I don't think I mentioned that before.). I've been told that it's meant a lot to them because of the words that they so needed to hear, to know that someone believed in them, to know that someone loves them, and (with the art that I do) that the portraits brought their family member

The Creative Planner | Spring 201917

back for a short period of time. Sometimes on the community pages I see remnants of boxes I've given away, meals being shared from food I've donated, a mum arranging child care because she got the job, and a student taking the role of leader. Knowing that I was even a single step on that journey makes it all so rewarding!

8. What are some RAK ideas you have for the rest of us?

B: Do what you can when you can! If you have a half sheet of stickers you don't use but you just know would be perfect for that friend trying to track her goals, if you have some dashboards you've used and loved that don't fit your theme, or if you have a skill or method you can teach, share it. And (so important!!!) if you cannot give and you don't have the spoons to do, accept the kindness being offered to you and keep it going.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to get a view from the giver’s perspective B! You warmed my heart and encouraged me to be more of a giver. You also made feel even more grateful for all things I have received! You are truly an inspiration and a light in this world! Shine on!!!

Could you imagine if we all became givers? My goal this year is to do at least one big RAK. But not because it would make me feel good but because I want to help others and I think everyone should have access to joy. Even if it’s just some stickers or a planner! If I can help I will!

Let me also mention that I totally stalked “B’s” Instagram and she is an amazing and unique artist! You simply must check out some of her work. You can find her here IG: @prettygeekchic, Brittany L Punches.

Page 18: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

What kind of RAK will you do this year? HAPPY 2019 Planner Tribe! As always, Happy Planning and Goddess Bless!


JoDi Lowe

The Happy Life Planner LLC


Leather-bound sketchbook workshop at Nordic Edit.Sunday, 7th April 2019. 10am in Dunbar, East Lothian. See link for tickets

Cambs planner con.Saturday 20th April 2019. 10am at Love’s Farm House in St Neots. See link for tickets.

If you have any coming up please let us know! We can share them on our website and social media to spread the word.

Page 19: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

The Creative Planner | Spring 201919

Life changes and things evolve and so should your planner. It is your workhorse, and you rely on it to keep you on track and as your needs change it’s always a good idea to review your set up and see if it is working for you. This doesn’t just fall under ring bound planners as string planners such as a traveler's notebook with additional books for collections or past months may not be working if you need to carry it around in an already heavy bag, or even your Erin Condren planner that you have been customising the notes section for trackers that you never use could be time well spent on other things. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you absolutely must get that brand new Kikki K that you’ve had your eye on for a while, but if something isn’t working for how you need it to work, sometimes it can be just as bad as not having one as it won’t function correctly and you will miss important events.

In my experience lately, I have found that a month on two-page view is the most important to

Why it's good to change up your planner

me. I’ve never needed a day on a page, and I often used a week on a two-page spread, and then dropped it down to a week on a page. Now, I feel that even a week on a page just isn’t cutting it with how I plan. Events, appointments etc still go on that monthly spread on specific days and then I am finding a running to do list better suits my life at the moment. In fact, I’ve started reading The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll after I spent half a year in a dot grid notebook back in 2017 but constantly drawing out my spreads was too much that I adopted the bujo bare basics for a while and ended up just going back to my trusty A5 ring-bound planner with inserts I made myself based on what was working at that time. I stayed in that planner throughout 2018 but when I look back I noticed I just wasn’t using those weekly spreads - I purposefully made undated ones just for “if I needed it”. I rarely did. A simple to do list now does the perfect job for what I need, so I urge you to look over your current planner for the year so far and how it’s working for you, and tweak it as you need it.

■ Kirsty Davies

Background photo created by denamorado

Page 20: up your planner Why it’s good to new habits Fresh Starts ... · of this month. I know the event exceeded everyone’s expectations and will be cherished in the memories of all the

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