updates on pakistan kidney centre (pkc). pkc introductory function july 2012

Updates on Pakistan Kidney Centre (PKC)

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Updates on Pakistan Kidney Centre (PKC)

PKC Introductory FunctionJuly 2012

Donation Database

Donor Information Database

Bank Transfer Details

Cost Schedule

PKC Site Location

Inauguration Ceremony

• Foundation laid by Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan On December 02, 2012

Key Operational Dates

Fully Functional: December 2014

Out Patient Dept. (OPD):March 2014

Mobile Field Hospital: March 2014

Architectural and Structural Design: Designmen Ltd, Islamabad

Construction Contractors:Capital Construction Ltd, Islamabad

Expenditure Details

Item Expenditure


Steel 7,170,500

Cement 986,000

Other Construction Material 758,843

Labour 335,672

Misc. (all exp other than above 4 Heads)271,617

Contractor Fee (15% of till date expense) -

Total 9,522,632

Target - A (up to 03 August)

ItemExpected Expenditure


Cement 500,000

Other Material 350,000

Form Work 800,000

Conducting 50,000

Labour 350,000

Total Target - A 2,050,000

Target -B (03 August to September)

ItemExpected Expenditure


Bricks 2,600,000

Cement 1,200,000

Millenniums Material 500,000

Door Frames & Windows Frame 600,000

Labour 900,000

Total Target -B 5,800,000

Project Execution Plan




Our Final Goal, insha’ Allah

“…if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people” Quran (5, 32).