upton presentation

Upton Upon Severn

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Upton Upon Severn

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• The style of design I intend to use for my design is going be contemporary as I like the contemporary way finding designs that use this style that I have seen in my research.

• My designs will be, clear, precise and simple to minimize confusion to the user as for my designs I want the user to understand and feel comfortable whilst looking at my way finding system.

• Understanding Upton is a historic place I feel maybe using a contemporary method of design may cause attraction by tourists and will therefore be noticed quicker. For the way finding system I will use mainly monochrome colors as the bases of the design as doing so I hope will not make them stand out too much and look out of place. (try and get a balance between standing out and not standing out too much) The board would be on a matt black finish.

• From my research I have decided to combine both the interpretation boards and the navigation system into one as I feel the use will be easier for the user as they will be able to interact between the directional system, map and information.

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Examples of Using Both

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How I will use my type.

Aire Bold Std – Titles

Proxima Nova Bold – Sub titles and on timeline

Proxima Nova – Normal text

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How my map will look

Here is an example of how I will be designing my map for my boards. The design ties in with the rest of the style as I will use as it is clear, simple, and to the point.

I have looked at different design methods for map design but I feel this one will suit the clients needs best as on the brief they have requested that the ‘Key Zones’ are pointed out and as Upton is a small town I feel this is an ideal opportunity to use this type of map.

The board will feature a key to help back up the simplified map but I feel having the simple map and a key will encourage the user to interact with the towns buildings and key areas which will not only interest them but also educate them about the town of Upton.

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Idea one

Following from my research this is one of my first ideas that intends to include all of the things I said I would like to include in my boards/navigation.

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• Although the intentions are to have have both the navigation and interpretation on the one board I have sketched out an idea that is consistent in terms of design and aesthetics to the main board incase the clients would prefer both on different.

Wall Sign

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Other Design

• The design on the left is a free standing navigation sign that uses isotypes instead of text. This could be something I test out on a number of people to find out what they respond better to.

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Other ideas

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Angles of interpretation

Geographical approach as I will be using a oriental and identification map. Example of map earlier is an example of how it can work well.

Will also use a history approach as I intend on building a timeline that will educate the user when they visit the board and I feel doing this will again help the tourists interact with the town by noticing certain buildings, shops etc.

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Bridge was built in 1940

Base of the bell tower “Pepperpot” was built in as early as the thirteenth century (This would be where my information board will be placed as it is right in the heart of Upton and next to the local landmark)

In 1651 damage was done by troops in the battle of Upton. The Pepperpot was held by commonwealth troops against the Royalists

1754 it was decided to erect a new nave in the then currently ‘classical style’.

19th century the church became too small so a Neo-Gothic replacement was built at the end of Old Street, completed in 1879

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User Testing

The user testing would help me understand if the board has information that it educational as well as informational

Help me recognize if my chosen map style would be successful and if not what changes would I need to make

Could find out if users consider the board to fit into the town and get feedback from them on that aspect.

What they would like on the boards or around the boards to make them better.