urban champion

By: Ferris Oliver URBAN CHAMPION Changing lives through education

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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By: Ferris Oliver

URBAN CHAMPIONChanging lives through education

In this course, learners from various low income communities shall develop educational skills that will enhance their desire for a positive successful life. Learners will identify community setbacks, obstacles, and challenges preventing them from moving forward. In addition, learners will establish instructional goals through research-based best practices to further individual career paths.

Course Description

Phase 1

Target Audience Delivery Modality

o Two to four goals for your course or training session

• Educational growth

• Academic awareness

• Success

o Ages 14-30

• Junior high-College

• Technology driven, able to work a computer

• Diverse of learning styles

Phase 1

Educator must provide learning tools for each student economic


Obstacles must be alleviated for economic growth.

Students have various learning styles; therefore the educator must find a

way to accommodate the needs of each learner.

• Testing solutions provide positive outcomes for new and old learners.

Course Objectives

Phase 2

o Computer literacy technology

o PowerPoint visual aid slides

These provide a visual look at information to keep the learner involved in the process by taking notes, and sharing information.

o My program encourages critical thinking skills to challenge each student to break out of the shell they have created and think outside the box. It is very imperative they see something bigger than a two mile radius of the environment they grew up in.

o Collaborative learning

o Group intervention

o Feedback lecturing

Course Objectives Continuance

Description of Technology

Phase 2

o My wife Stacy Oliver – Aspiring Author & Educator – She will assist me in administrating and facilitating.

o Guest Speakers that I will use are Dr. Gabriel Crenshaw, and Dr. Eric Thomas.

o Start date is August 15, 2015

o This is a nine month program that will embody full access to an accredited education for individuals interested in furthering the academic learning and pursuance of a successful career.

o Each classroom session is for 3 hours, but is limited to only two days a week. Topics shall include: Life Skills, Challenges of the Classroom, Career Path, and Foundational Principles.

Start date and format

Phase 3


Phase 3

o What motivates you?

o What distracts you?

o Areas of discomfort in learning

o Academic challenges

o This plan will be implemented by social media and various in person platforms that will allow me to expose the nature of the program.

o I propose to seek out investors of the next generation. I would like to see corporate America take an interest in assisting in the growth of our next generation of entrepreneurs.

o Participants can applyand are selected upon a thorough background check of individual or company.

Implementation vs. assessment

Phase 3

o Surveys of the course content and curriculum

o Exams for the assessment level of learners growth

o Observations of program development

o The information provided can used for future learners by providing access to different learning environments and success planning. Stakeholder surveys can provide added success by the implementation of several views and opinions.

o Evaluate yourself teaching on social media first and requesting feedback from followers.

o After the test run is shared, you should critique your message in order not to lose audience focus on what you are talking about.

o Record each engagement in order to revitalize the focus, and content of the message.


Phase 4

o Urban Champion is a call of duty program, geared at the redevelopment of young minds to fulfill an educational goal for success at life in and out the classroom.


Phase 4