urban society or modern society

Presented by URBAN SOCIETY Vishwa Dave

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Page 1: Urban Society or Modern Society

Presented by


Vishwa Dave

Page 2: Urban Society or Modern Society

WHAT IS URBAN SOCIETY ?An urban society is similar to having

the facilities of modern social life.Social interaction is fast and formal.The rate of social change is faster

due to education, technology, industry and urbanization

Complex social life is found in which the people of different races, profession, castes, and religions live together

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Features of Urban Society

Dense settlement pattern. Palatial Houses. Urban facilities. Formal Social Interaction. Complex division of labor. High standard of living. Nuclear family. Achieved Status.

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Dense settlement pattern.

Wise infrastructure planning .AdvanceTech-support for the


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Palatial Houses The word ‘Palatial’ itself means

being similar to a palace.

Better space Utilization.

Access to advance technologies.

Enhancement in life expectancy.

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Formal Social Interaction

Rules and regulations being imposed.

Taboo in any form is unacceptable.

No liberty granted inform of anti-social behavior.

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Urban facilities

An ocean for an opportunist. Promoting employment. Convenient and modern lifestyle. Access to advance technologies in all


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Complex division of labor

Utilization of modern techniques in terms of executing of a task.

Differentiates skilled and unskilled labor in order to reduce the time taken for completion of a task.

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High Standard of living

Modern lifestyleBetter Income Access to alluring social status

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Nuclear Family

† Small family size.† Resulting to better living.† Formal social interactions.

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Achieved Status

Crucial to attain a positive status in society.

Required to take efforts in order to attain status.

A status results to induced behavior in the given society.

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ImagesPalatial House

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High Standard of living

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