us copyright office: annual2005

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Annuth R

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    the Re

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005



    1 A Message from th

    5 Copyright in the P

    9 Copyright Law Ad

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005



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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Second is our policy and legal activiwe spent considerable time searching for

    licensing scheme for legitimate online m

    the various interested parties (music pub

    services, songwriters, and performing ri

    that was the subject of a House hearing a

    in a Senate hearing on this issue Follow

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Once again the staff of the Offi ce performed where speak for themselves. Next year even greater c

    confident that the talented and dedicated staff of th


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005



    i th

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    decision should be very helpful to the Uwith other countries about updating the

    digital networked environment that con

    infringement is a major problem abroad

    beneficial side effect of the publici

    helped to bring the issue of illegal file sh

    more difficult for defenders of the practi

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    i i

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    2005, the average time to issue a certificato complete registration records was 55 d


    The President signed the Family Entertai

    09 9 on April 27 2005 This legislation a

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Reconsiderations of Denial of Registration

    During Fiscal Year 2005, the Examining Division h

    reconsideration (formerly called appeals) coverin

    to register, 93 claims (33 percent) were reversed up

    During Fiscal Year 2005, the Copyright Offi ce

    and make final administrative determinations on

    the Examining Divisions refusals to register works

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    submits the Copyright Offi ce Litigation involving the copyrighted work; or (3) th

    reproduction of a deposited article, facsi

    the subject of litigation in its jurisdiction

    The Information and Reference Div

    produced 5,054 copies of certificates of r

    previous year During the fiscal year the

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    Vessel Hull Designs

    The Vessel Hull Design Protection Act was signed

    of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

    of an original vessel hull design certain exclusive ri

    registration of the design with the Copyright Offi c

    design being made public.

    The Office received 74 applications for registra

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    only under the titles appearing in the expractice that allowed a party to attach a

    purpose of indexing has been discontinu

    practice governing the redaction of docu

    permit some redaction of documents, bu

    redaction since constructive notice is lim

    recorded Moreover the Copyright Offic

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    These copies are deposited with the CopyrightCongress in its collections or for exchange or trans

    Acquisitions Division (CAD) acquires from publish

    Congress collections when those works have not b

    or voluntary deposits sent in

    compliance with the mandatory

    deposit requirement The

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Some of these statutory licenses requfunds with the Copyright Offi ce. Statuto

    of 976, Pub. L. No. 94-553, 90 Stat. 254

    icensing Division dates from 978 when



    CongLicensing Division

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    division also pursued several internal measures to workflow and quicker public availability of comple

    Royalty Fee Distributions

    The Copyright Offi ce distributes royalties collected

    of the copyright law These distributions are made

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Compulsory License Administration

    Up to 2005, when the Copyright Royalty

    CARPs determined distribution of royal

    cable and satellite licenses and for DART

    controversies among themselves. CARP

    and conditions of payment. A CARP pan

    During fiscal year 2005 the Copyrig

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    notice seeking comment on the former petition anfile a Notice of Intent to Participate in a Copyright

    rate adjustment proceeding. The notice also design

    the parties to negotiate a new rate schedule. At the

    Offi ce received one agreement submitted jointly by

    who filed notices of intent to participate in this pro

    amending the basic royalty rates and the gross rece

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    the agreement adjusting the rates for analog signalfor the private home viewing of distant superstatio

    for the 20052009 period, as well as the viewing of

    establishments. The agreement specifies that distan

    stations that are significantly viewed do not require

    consistent with 7 USC 9(a)(3), as amended. In

    that in the case of multicasting of digital superstat

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    distributed to an Independent AdministRecordings Fund, the amount allocated b

    Nonfeatured Vocalists subfunds.

    Similar distributions were made in t

    two distributions of royalties of the 2003

    agreements among the interested copyri

    to the Featured Recording Artists subfun

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    and terms under 4(f)(2) and 2(e) for the 200The notice also announced that pursuant to the Ac

    on December 3, 2004, under 4(f)(2) and 2(e

    eligible nonsubscription services, and services exem

    Copyright Act, and the rates and terms published i

    authority of the Small Webcaster Settlement Act of

    least for 2005 or until they have been set under ne

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Claims Filed for Royalty Fees

    The Copyright Offi ce received and proce

    entitled to receive royalty fees generated

    during calendar year 2004 under the ter

    anuary and February of 2005, the Offi ce

    With the passage of the Copyright Royal

    Copyright Royalty Judges assumed juris

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    refusals to register not only copyright cladesign claims, and it changed the name

    the Review Board.

    Preregistration of Certain Unpublish

    On J l 22 2005 p rs ant to the Artists

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    applicant meet the other regulatory requirements fphotographs. The amended regulation also clarifie

    given for each photograph may be identified in a te

    that contains the photographic images or on a list

    provides the publication date for each image.

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    mail or hand deliver its claim to the Offi ce during t

    year since 2002, however, the Offi ce had waived its

    several additional means for delivering a cable, sate

    including online submission of the claim, or in the

    submission. The Offi ce took this action in respons

    caused by the threat of anthrax-contaminated mail

    f il d t th di i f il t ff it l

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    passed to the CRJs on May 3, 2005, the

    the Copyright Royalty Board issued its o

    Consequently, on July , 2005, the Offi ce

    removing from the CARP rules the secti

    and DART claims (70 38022).

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    covers the payment periods; and make technical ch

    requirements apply only to preexisting subscriptio

    Cost of Living Adjustment for Performance of

    Compositions by Colleges and Universities

    E h th C i ht Offi dj t th t f

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Protecting copyright and innovation

    28, 2005

    Before the Subcommittee on Intellectual P


    Piracy of intellectual property on M

    M i li i f J l

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    to reproduce and distribute musical works as embo

    digital phonorecord deliveries. The Copyright Offi

    written, is insuffi cient to address, and in some case

    realities of online music distribution and the contin

    of the music industry agrees. On March 8, 2005, re

    songwriters, music publishers, and digital music se

    th H S b itt C t th I t t

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    induces others to engage in copyright in

    for that infringement, thereby encouragi

    within the music industry that will ultim

    it easier to obtain music online legitimat

    foreign court decisions demonstrate a gr

    those who induce infringement can be h

    d th t th li h d l h l d t

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    the parties, to seek a written determination from th

    questions of substantive law. In such cases, the CRJ

    interpretation. The Register may also review the fin

    legal error in the resolution of material questions o

    Registers review may not affect the result in a part

    substantive law made in the Registers review shall

    C i ht R lt J d i b t di

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of

    On April 27, 2005, the President signed i

    Copyright Act (FECA), Pub. L. No. 09-

    parts of FECA. FECA consists of four tit

    Title I, the Artists Rights and The P

    the criminal code (title 8 of the United

    it i i l ff t k i l fil

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    the performances portions of the audio and/or vid

    that they believe would be offensive.

    Title III of FECA consists of the National Film

    reauthorizes the activities of the Library of Congre

    Board, and the National Film Preservation Founda

    which reauthorizes the activities of the National Fi

    Titl IV f FECA th P ti f O h W

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    classroom, and modified the existing de

    only with respect to print educational m

    such materials are distributed exclusively


    Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauth

    O D b 8 h P id i

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Study on Statutory Licensing

    The Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reautho

    08-447, requires the Copyright Offi ce to conduct t

    licensing and report its findings to the Committee

    Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciar

    the end of 2005, requires the Offi ce to examine sele

    l d i h if ff i d h

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Section 108 Study Group

    The Copyright Offi ce and the Library of

    Infrastructure and Preservation Program

    began its work in mid-2005. The Section

    public-sector and private-sector copyrig

    digital world the copyright laws balance

    d h d f lib i d

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Protection against unauthorized use of a copyr

    primarily on the national laws of that country. Mos

    foreign works under the aegis of international copy

    The Copyright Offi ce continued to work in tan

    on international matters, particularly with the Uni

    (USTR), the Patent and Trademark Offi ce (USPTO


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    the Convention on Cultural Diversity, th

    and Related Rights, and the Intergovern

    Throughout the year, staff actively pa

    negotiations and consultations with doze

    those held with Brazil, Canada, China, Jap

    Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, and th

    f i h l i i F

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    For five days beginning September 8, the Regist

    interviews in Brazil as part of the State Department

    presentation at the National Library of Brazil on th

    to copyright law. At SENAC University in Sao Paul

    two-day seminar on intellectual property for 350 re

    media, publishing, and author communities. At the

    i i h d di i l i d

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    L i t i g a t i o n

    lthough the Offi ce does not enforce the

    litigation in several ways. It can choose t

    registration has been refused. It may be s

    It may be asked to participate in litigatio

    i b i f i f i l

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Circuit misconstrued Sony as aper se rule, the cou

    Alternatively, the government argued, liability coul

    active inducement of infringement by the users of

    On June 27, 2005, the Supreme Court reversed

    the case for further findings of fact. The Court fou

    misconstrued the Sony decision when it failed to co

    f h d d d f b

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    The Supreme Court granted certiora

    amicus brief on August 4. Oral argumen

    Recording Industry Association of Amer

    Communications, Inc.

    h d d f

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    of the part numbers. On appeal early in 2003, a diffe

    distinguished the earlier panels decision and held th

    a finding of copyrightability in the part numbers, re

    The entire court of appeals then granted rehearing o

    assisted the Justice Department in preparing an am

    reiterating the position that individual part number

    b h f l

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    The case was argued on February 7,

    pril 8, 2005, affi rming the district court

    rejection of their claims was not arbitrar

    court also found no basis on which to s

    regulations to bar the studios claims as u

    entirely unpersuasive the studios argum


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005

    55/98 v. Librarian of Congress

    On July 8, 2002, the Librarian announced a final ru

    copyright license rates for eligible nonsubscription

    transmissions by new subscription services made b

    statutory license that provides for public performa

    of digital audio transmissions. Three separate grou

    h d f l f h

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Lucks Music Library, Inc. v. Gonzalez

    s is related in the Annual Report for Fi

    Court for the District of Columbia dism

    the Attorney General and the Register o

    that 54 of the Uruguay Round Agreem

    works (as codified in 7 USC 04A), vio

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    various formalities such as copyright notice and re

    and the Copyright Clause of the Constitution. On

    granted the governments motion to dismiss for fai

    relief may be granted, rejecting all of the plaintiffs

    plaintiffs are appealing that decision to the United

    Ninth Circuit.

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    On August 30, 2005, the court of ap

    Taylor Gis, Inc., 42 F.3d 99. The court

    registrable under the Offi ces group regis

    single work because they were included

    concluded that the particular garden roc

    reversed the judgment of the district cou

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    expressly claiming authorship in settlement prices

    withdrew those applications and submitted new ap

    authorship. However, the subsequent infringemen

    individual prices. At the hearing on the defendant

    it was suggested that the Register of Copyrights sh

    lawsuit and given an opportunity to intervene und

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    239A, the antibootlegging statute that m

    performance without the consent of the p

    copies or phonorecords of such recording

    recordings at his record store. The district

    because it violates the Copyright Clause b

    (live performances) for an unlimited time

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    registration. Based on this requested relief, the Reg

    her decision to deny registration. Shortly aer the

    defendants decided to settle the litigation and dism

    Planesiv. Peters

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    The plaintiff filed this action in Dece

    for the Northern District of California. T

    or in the alternative for summary judgm

    the plaintiff lacks specific injury to confe

    decide the issues presented. The governm

    fail as a matter of law because the availab

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    complaint. The court held that Congress had veste

    such decisions in the United States Court of Appea

    Circuit and stated that if Ms. Borset wished to pur

    seek relief in that court.

    Register of Copyrights v. Kenneth Hornak, dba Edi

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    cy r

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    The website received numerous add


    A section devoted to historical docu

    Registers of Copyright; annual repor

    post earlier additional annual report

    reports; and copyright lore and artic

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Awareness Week kick-off activities at the Library a

    and goals of Copyright Awareness Week among m

    Jefferson Patterson Junior Fellows Summer Int

    The Copyright Offi ce served as cosponsor of the Li

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Public Information Outputs

    In Fiscal Year 2005, the Offi ce overall res

    Non-Fee Reference Services

    in thousands

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

    The Offi ce received and responded to 50 requests u

    year. Although several of these requests sought info

    available or that is under the control of the Library

    responded to the requests or referred them to the L

    the General Counsel also received one appeal from

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    On June 6, 2005, the Information T

    an external consultative group of IT ind

    IT implem



    The Three Fronts Supporting

    Reengineered Processes

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Offi ce facilities, including master schedu

    assigned a full-time senior and junior de

    In late September 2005, the Library

    construction documents for the Offi ces

    Following a final review and revisions, th

    ready for contractor bidding.

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    During FY 2005, the Offi ce provided reenginee

    House and Senate Appropriations Committees staff

    Committee, American Intellectual Property Law A

    and staff throughout the Library of Congress and t


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    sessions, in each of which a small group

    vice versa.

    By the end of FY 2005, the position d

    completed for the new position of Train

    position was posted at the end of the fisc

    FY 2006.

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    for a future pilot in which registration claims, inclu

    and deposits in electronic formats, will be received

    Selection Pilot

    Selection is the process of deciding whether mater

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    Public Records of the Future

    On March 4, 2005, the Register of Copy

    Decisions Concerning the Recommenda

    Records Requirements in response to an

    copyright records made by the Online Pu

    group developing the future public view

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    The Library scheduled the mainframe computer fo

    2005. The Offi ce decided to use Voyager, the same

    Integrated Library System, to maintain its records

    The value of using Voyager is that it provides f

    Copyright Offi ce records by keyword and for previ

    will also hold all Copyright Offi ce records in one d

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    experience gained from the CORDS syst

    development of the new web-based syste

    Copyright Office In-process System (C

    The Offi ce provided user support during

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    The Offi ces initiatives stem from the Library of Co

    studies, and risk assessments. The Security Plan di

    Strategic Plan and provides a comprehensive fram

    related initiatives, programs and activities.

    In FY 2005, the Offi ce reported a small numbe

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    egisters Testimon

    Testimony before

    Committee on th

    Testimony before

    roperty of the H

    21, 2005)

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Rate Adjustment for the Satellite Car

    rulemaking (70fr 3656, January 26, 2

    Digital Performance Right in Sound R

    termination of proceeding and curre

    Reconsideration Procedure: Final rule

    11, 2005)

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Filing of Claims for Cable, Satellite and DART Ro

    (70fr 38022, July 1, 2005)

    Copyright Rules and Regulations: Statements of

    amendments (70fr 8022, July 1, 2005)

    Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthori

    (70fr 39343, July 7, 2005)

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Registrations, 17902005

    17901869 150,000 B

    1870 5,600

    1871 12,688

    1872 14,164

    1873 15 352

    1904 104,4

    1905 114,7

    1906 118,7

    1907 124,8

    1908 120 6

    Date Total Date To

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Number of Registrations by Subject Matter, F

    Category of Material

    Nondramatic literary works:

    onographs and computer-related works


    Serials (non-group)

    Group Daily Newspapers

  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Fee Receipts and Interest, Fiscal Yea


    Copyright registrations

    Mask works registrations

    Vessel hull design registrations

    Renewal registrations


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Estimated Value of Materials Transferred to tof Congress, Fiscal Year 2005



    ransferred to

    other Library





    transferred to

    ther Library


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Non-Fee Information Services to Pu

    Information and Reference Division direct referen

    In person

    By correspondence

    By email

    By telephone


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Financial Statement of Royalty Fees for Compfor Secondary Transmission by Cable Systems

    Royalty fees deposited

    Interest income

    Gain on matured securities

    Transfers in


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Financial Statement of Royalty Feesfor Distribution of Digital Audio Re

    Calendar Year 2004

    Royalty fees deposited

    Interest income

    Gain on matured securities

    Transfers in


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    Financial Statement of Royalty Fees for StatuSecondary Transmission by Satellite Carriers

    Royalty fees deposited

    Interest income

    Gain on matured securities


  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: annual2005


    C o p y r i g h t O f f i c e C

    U. S. Copyright Offi ce

    ibrary of Congress

    0 Independence Avenue SE

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    International Copyright Treaties





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    Libraryof CongressUnitedStatesCopyright Office0 IndependenceAvenueSEWashington, DC 20559-6000

    International Copyright Treaties

    a n d C o n v e n t i o n s

    Protection against unauthorized use of a copyrighted work in a country depends

    primarily on the national laws of that country. Most countries offer protection to

    foreign works under the aegis of international copyright treaties and conventions.


    Berne Convention the leading international agreement that sets standards for

    protecting literary and artistic works

    Bilateral a unique agreement on copyright protection between the United States

    and another country

    Geneva Phonograms Convention known as the Geneva Convention, sets

    standards for protection of sound recordings against piracy

    Universal Copyright Convention(UCC) an international agreement that sets

    standards for protecting literary and artistic works, largely superseded by Berne

    WIPO Copyright Treaty(WCT) an international treaty setting standards for

    protection of works in digital format

    WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) an international agreement

    setting standards for protection of sound recordings

    World Trade Organization(WTO) the World Trade Organizations obligations

    regarding Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, incorporating and

    expanding on Berne and adding enforcement obligations










    Organization of the U. S. Copyright Office

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    copyright arbitration

    royalty panels

    associate register for policy

    and international affairs

    Jule Sigall

    general counsel DavidO.Carson

    chief operating officer JuliaHuff

    associate gen.coun selTanyaSandros

    technology officeMichaelBurke,Chief

    administrative officeVacant

    business process

    reengineering managerJeffreyCole

    cataloging divisionJoannaRoussis,Chief

    examining divisionJamesVassar,ChiefLindaGill,ActingAsst.Chief

    information & reference div. JamesEnzinna,ActingChief

    licensing divisionJamesP.Cole,ActingChiefMarkDiNapoli,Asst.Chief

    receiving & processing div. MelissaDadant,ChiefVictorHolmes,Asst.Chief




















    Receipt & CorrrespondenceControlSection


    copyright acquisitions div. JewelA.Player,Chief



    Deposit CopiesStorageUnit





    Receipt Analysis &ControlUnitsI,II, & III

    MaterialsExpeditingUnitsI & II

    register of copyrightsMarybethPeters

    special legal advisor

    for reengineeringNanettePetruzzelli

    september 30,2005