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US Education Without Borders (USEWB) 美国无国界教育总部 3816 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312 U.S.A. (515) 988-0901 [email protected]

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US Education Without Borders (USEWB)美国无国界教育总部

3816 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50312 U.S.A.(515) 988-0901 • [email protected] •

Page 2: US Education Without Borders (USEWB) › pdf › 2013 USEWB brochure for reading 062613.pdf · 管理策划、公关、教育咨询培训和留学等项目为一 体的综合性国际机构。公司拥有来自美国、澳大利


专业培训:青年领袖营、政治、财经、     环保、农业、文化、教育、     文艺、体育



US Education Without Borders







公共关系:美国无国界教育创始人、董事会主席燕晓哲先生及其团队居美近30余年,积累了美中两国政界、商界、教育界、文化界、新闻界和侨界等既广泛又具有深度的人脉关系。 创始人:燕晓哲先生为知名美籍华人,长期担任中国侨联海外委员、美国华人全国委员会(National Council of Chinese Americans)执行委员、爱荷华州华人协会(Chinese Association of Iowa)执行主席、美国红十字会(American Red Cross)爱荷华州中部地区理事会理事。燕晓哲先生于2006年创建美国无国界教育并出任董事会主席。


任教的燕晓哲赴美国爱荷华州立大学就读,并 在1995年获得社会学和计算机工程两个硕士学 位。1995至2011年在爱荷华州政府任公职。

•在赴美20周年之际,燕晓哲先生荣获奥巴马总 统于2011年8月2日在白宫签署的“庆祝燕晓哲 先生赴美20周年里程碑般成就的贺信”,恭贺 和表彰燕晓哲先生20年来为美国社会和美中关 系作出的杰出贡献。贺信全文如下:“我非常 愉快的祝贺您的周年纪念。在您庆祝这个重要 的里程碑的时候,我希望您能充满欣喜和骄傲 地回顾您所取得的成就。我祝愿您在未来取得 持续的成功和幸福。奥巴马(签名)华盛顿白 宫,2011年8月2日”。•2011年3月3日和4日,中国中央电视台《华人 世界》报道燕晓哲先生旅美20年专题。

•2009年底,燕晓哲先生入选爱荷华州最大媒 体《德美茵纪实报》评选的二十名“爱荷华州 2000–2009十年度最具有影响力人物”之一, 同时在2009年12月27日《德美茵纪实报》上作 大篇幅报道。美国联邦参议员查理斯·格拉斯 理(Charles Grassley)、爱荷华州长 切特·卡尔弗(Chet Culver)和副州长 佩蒂·嘉吉(Patty Judge)都致信予以祝贺。

•2010年5月24日,应奥巴马总统邀请,燕晓哲先 生出席了在白宫举行的庆祝亚裔传统月总统招

待酒会。会后,《美国之音》专题采访报道了 燕晓哲先生。

•2012年2月6日,燕晓哲先生再次受邀出席了在 白宫举行的全美亚裔商界领袖会议。

•克林顿总统分别在2007、2010、和2012年三次 会见燕晓哲先生。


•应中国国务院侨办邀请邀请,燕晓哲先生分别 在2004年和2009年两次出席庆祝国庆55周年的 国宴和60周年的国宴及阅兵仪式。

•2011年2月12日,爱荷华州长特瑞·布兰斯塔德 (Terry Branstad)选定燕晓哲先生作为爱荷华 “优秀志愿者名人册”成员之一。成员名册永 久存放在爱荷华州历史博物馆,成为爱荷华州 历史的一页。

•2012年2月燕晓哲出席了爱荷华州欢迎习近平副 主席的盛大晚宴。

•美中两国多家主要媒体对燕晓哲先生进行过专题 报道和采访,其中包括:《世界日报》(2002)、 《德美茵纪事报》(2004)、CNN(2007)、 《北京晚报》(2009)、《南方周末》(2009)、 中央电视台《华人世界》(2011)、凤凰卫视(2012)、 《中国日报》(2012)、《华尔街日报》(2012)、 《华盛顿邮报》(2012)、雅虎(2012)、《达拉斯 新闻》(2012)和人民日报所属的《环球人物》(2012)。

美国无国界教育(US Education Without Borders,简称USEWB)于2006年成立于美国爱荷华州,是一家融文化交流、










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无国界教育的另一特点是申请速度快。由于和众多学校建立了长期信任关系,无国界教育推荐的学生从申请 材料准备齐全到收到学校的录取通知书,快则16天,慢则60天,一般情况30天左右即可完成申请过程。费用低、速度快,是无国界教育的优势和强项,对希望出国留学的高中生具有强大的吸引力,尤其适合应届高考不理想的学生。











The US Education Without Borders (USEWB) was established in 2006; headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa.

The founder of US Education Without Borders, Swallow Yan, has been recognized with many awards and honors. They include: the 2009 “Outstanding Iowan” as certified by State of Iowa’s Governor Chet Culver and attested by Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge, the Des Moines Register’s “Iowan of the Decade (2000-2009), the Leadership Award by State of Iowa’s Commission on the Status of Iowans of Asian Heritage (2009), the State of Iowa Governor‘s “Outstanding Iowan” Certificate of Recognition (2008), The Iowa Council for International Understanding’s Passport to Prosperity Award (2007) and the State of Iowa Lieutenant Governor’s “Employee Volunteer Award” (2004). As the only Iowan, he was invited by President Obama to a reception in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month held at the White House (2010).

Iowa Governor Chet Culver officially recognized US Education Without Borders with The International Education Leadership Award on May 13, 2010. The International Education Leadership Award is presented to the individuals or organizations that define and celebrate the vision and spirit of ambition and excellence in international education leadership. The honoree has advanced education to new global heights and is selected in recognition of their significant impact on international education.

Since 2006, the USEWB has established 12 oversea offices in China and Taiwan, with headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa and offices in North Carolina, Connecticut, Texas, and California. This award-wining organization has collaborated with its worldwide partners in providing the following education services for under-privileged countries and regions throughout the world:

USEWB Scholarships and HonorsThe USEWB has established scholarship and honor programs to support and recognize the students in need and those who have volunteered their time and talents to promote worldwide education opportunities for under-privileged students.

USEWB 2-Stage ServicesThe USEWB provides unique 2 stage services to international students that the foreign based service agents that could not perform this task.

US Education Without Borders

The first stage includes school recommendation and application, visa application and interview, international travel assistance, etc.

The second stage services starts with airport receiving, parents update, English conversation partners and host family setup, bank account opening, cell phone and laptop purchase, curriculum/career/legal/mental/medical counseling, internship, resume-buildup, and full time job-seeking assistance. The second stage service is only possible for the U.S.-based educational service.

USEWB Teachers and Students ExchangeThe USEWB facilitates the Teachers and Students Exchange program that helps US and international schools for the exchange program including the Study Abroad program.


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USEWB Chinese English Online School (CEOS)USEWB established the Chinese English Online School (CEOS) in 2008; the CEOS is passionate about language learning and its importance to school students and life-time learners. For over 3 years, the CEOS has worked tirelessly to improve language learning opportunities and making such programs accessible to a wide variety of employers, groups and individuals. The CEOS allows language learners to take online Chinese and English interactive courses, improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking skills, and make friends from around the world! The CEOS lessons are available anywhere in the world, at any time, to anyone with access to a computer. Our students can either correspond through email or take live classes and talk and text their individual teachers online, all of this without leaving the comfort and privacy of their homes or offices.

USEWB International Academic Evaluation Center (IAEC)USEWB established the International Academic

Evaluation Center (IAEC) in 2009; it is working for becoming one of the leading international credential evaluation services.

The IAEC serves the purpose of assess the international education institutions’ academic curriculum and academic programs. The IAEC’s clients include university admission offices worldwide, high school counselors and administrators and employers worldwide.

USEWB Training Centers in U.S., China and TaiwanUSEWB has provided training programs for international leaders and executives in government,

business, trade, education, culture, sports, and community, in Iowa and Washington, D.C., including agriculture, finance, urban planning, and education administration. The USEWB is under planning for establishment of its training centers in China and Taiwan. The training centers will provide training classes on the Advanced Placement, the visa interview, college application counseling, TOFEL, IELTS, SAT, ACT, CPA and nursing licenses.

USEWB Received Awards and Recognitions

Consul General of China in Chicago

Honorable Ping Huang, Consul General of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Chicago, supported the USEWB in his letter dated on April 29, 2010:

“I, on behalf of The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Chicago, would like to support the programs and projects by Swallow Yan, an outstanding Chinese community leader in Iowa of the United States of America.”

“The Des Moines, Iowa-based US Education Without Borders (USEWB) is an educational agency with the mission to promote opportunities for basic educational rights to all world citizens. Founded in 2006 by Swallow Yan, and as the

“Outstanding Iowan” certified by State of Iowa Governor Chet Culver and attested by Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge, USEWB has worked to become one of the premier educational providers and to advocate for educational rights both in the United States and abroad.”

“In an effort to improve educational opportunities for under-privileged countries/regions throughout the world, and as a global leader in international education, USEWB recognizes the importance of education and promotes the mission of “Education Without Borders.” The partners of USEWB serve as the driving force in improving educational opportunities for under-privileged countries/regions and in promoting educational, cultural and economic development globally by reaching and working across cultural barriers.”

State of Iowa Governor

State of Iowa Governor Chet Culver officially recognized US Education Without Borders The International Education Leadership Award on May 13, 2010. The International Education Leadership Award is presented to the individuals or organizations that define and celebrate the vision and spirit of ambition and excellence in international education leadership. The honoree has advanced education to new global heights and is selected in recognition of their significant impact on international education.


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International Mentoring (IM)’s Career and Cultural Immersion Training (CCIT)

November 17-20, 2012 • Des Moines, Iowa

The US Education Without Borders hosted the first International Mentoring (IM) Career and Cultural Immersion Training (CCIT) on Saturday, November 17 to

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 in Des Moines, Iowa. 12 graduate, undergraduate and high school students from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, and Kansas participated

in the IM and 9 received the IM graduation certificates, signed by Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz.

Program Agenda

Saturday, November 17

State of Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Birthday Party at Adventureland’s Palace Theater. Governor Terry Branstad, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, Iowa Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds, Iowa Agricultural Secretary Bill Northey will meet with the IM students.

Sunday, November 18

10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Business Quotient -- On Career Planning and Development, by Albert Liu, Director of Asian Sales, Musco Sports Lighting

11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (1) My Experience with International Students (2) My Experience of Building Up Leadership and Community Skills, by Kiere Keil, 2012 Iowa Youth Leadership International Award-winning graduate

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Business Luncheon and Social Hour

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Career Planning during College, by Kenn Yu, Assurance Services Staff, Ernst & Young

2:00 – 3:00 p.m. What I Am Looking for When I Hire an Accounting Student, by Ying Sa, CEO and Founder, Community CPA and Associates

3:00 – 4:00 p.m. My Experience of Deciding College Major and Job Hunting, Howard Han, Actuarial Analyst, Farm Bureau

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Marketing Oneself and Ideas; Resume Critique, Job Hunting, and Interview Counseling Session

6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Open house hosted by the Moran’s family

Monday, November 19

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. State of Iowa Governor, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State Offices, Senate and House Chambers, State of Iowa House Representatives Kevin Koester and Chris Hagenow will meet the students.

10:00 – 10:30 a.m. State of Iowa Governor Executive Council Meeting. The IM students will meet with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, Iowa Agricultural Secretary Bill Northey, Iowa Auditor of State David Vaudit, and Iowa Treasurer of State Michael Fitzgerald.

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Principal Financial Group, Meeting Campus Relations Specialist Karen Dixon and Hanna Wolle for a business tour and lunch.

2:00 – 3:30 p.m. The Palmer Group. Meeting Mike Bringle and Willow Bauer work in the Accounting and Finance team.

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Marketing Oneself and Ideas; Resume Critique, Job Hunting, and Interview Counseling Session

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Panel discussion “Rebalaning U.S.-China Economic Ties” by The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship, at Drake University. Panelists: Bob Baur, Jim McCaughan, and Richard Long

Tuesday, November 20

9:00 a.m. Meet at Kum and Go Corporate Offices

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Business Wells Fargo Jordan Creek Campus

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Prepare for the graduation

6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Graduation Ceremony – presentations of graduation paper and certificates signed by Iowa Secretary of State.


Yuchen Zhang, Graduate student majoring in Accounting, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Principal Financial GroupThe trip to the Principal Financial Group was very informative. We were able to explore different campus buildings and experience corporate culture within the company. The most beneficial part to me was the interaction with Hanna and Raymond, who shared with us their path towards successfully getting a job or even a career with the Principal Financial Group. It was very insightful to receive their first-hand information and advice. More importantly, the HR manager kindly provided guidance to us as to how to apply to potential job opportunities for international students. If we had a little bit more time on campus, I think it would be even more efficient if students could divide into different groups by their majors and meet with staffs from the respective department. Overall, I really enjoyed the tour.

Kum & GoThe store visit to Kum & Go was very inspiring. We had the chance to meet managers from different departments, from construction to marketing. I was particularly intrigued by the chain store’s concept of using green energy and recycled material in the store. Moreover, the manager also touched on the tax incentives behind using green technology, which connected what I’ve learned in school to real life application. This chain store’s strategy also allows me to see itself as a differentiator among its competitors in the industry.

Wells FargoI would say the visit to Wells Fargo was the most interactive one. We were divided into smaller groups, and each group was led by a staff. During the tour we were able to communicate with our panel leader and ask specific questions. My leader shared with us the company’s values and culture, with special emphasis on the diversity program that Wells Fargo offers which separates Wells Fargo from other corporate companies. Overall, the tour was very effective in the way that students had the opportunity to establish a more personal bond with the panel leader.

Kiere Keil, high school student at Des Moines Central Campus

During the 2012 International Mentoring Program through USEWB, I gained

knowledge that will help me in the future, with jobs, employers, resume critiquing, as well as in the future planning. I met with recruiters and Corporate Management who took their time to go through step by step plans in making my career life healthy and prosperous. I was able to gain a new look on my life, and what steps to take in the path I need to take. The IM gave me contacts that will help me if I ever have questions on career building, and resume challenges I may face. Through this program I am more knowledgeable and will be able to face future challenges more confidently. I am glad I had the opportunity to attend the International Mentoring Program, and think that the other students are just as appreciative of the new knowledge gain. I know that I can contact the Employers anytime I need to, and they will be happy to respond with their skills and knowledge openly. Due to this program I will be a better leader in making decisions that will help my goals. Thanks to all the sponsors and volunteers, as well as all who shared their experiences, and to the United States Education without Borders!

IM students meet with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, Iowa Agricultural Secretary Bill Northey, Iowa Auditor of State David Vaudit, and Iowa Treasurer of State Michael Fitzgerald, at the Governor’s Office, State Capitol, November 19, 2012.

IM students visit Principal Financial Group, November 19, 2012.

IM students visit Kum & Go, November 20, 2012.

IM Student Testimonies


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April 11, 2013

We are excited to be increasing cooperation with USEWB. I believe that the USEWB model of recruiting qualified students and mentoring them through graduation and beyond is superior to other models and fits well with the Truman values of challenging coursework, broad-based student centered learning and fostering transformative experiences such as undergraduate research, study abroad, internships and service learning.

I look forward to working together.

Melanee CristAssistant Director for International EducationTruman State University












由美国无国界教育组织(US Education Without Borders)主办的第一届“融入美国文化与职业训练营(CCIT)”于2012年11月17日至20日在爱荷华州首府德美茵市成功举办。参加此次活动的有来自爱荷华州、密苏里州、伊利诺伊州和堪萨斯州的12名学生,其中包括2名研究生、8名本科生,和2名高中生。活动结束后,有9名学生获得由爱荷华州州务卿签署的《国际学生指导计划(IM)》毕业证书。

在4天时间中,美国无国界教育组织准备了丰富的活动内容,让同学们从中收获了很多体验。同学们最感兴趣的活动之一就是去当地政府、企业和工厂实地参观,并且能及时与相关人员就专业问题进行讨论。此行中同学们先后参观了Principal Financial Group, The Palmer Group, Kum & Go,和Wells Fargo,了解了企业文化与部门设置,观摩了将专业知识运用于实际生产的过程,并且与企业员工进行交流,学习了职场优秀人士的成功经验,启发了同学们对未来职业的规划和发展。

除了对公司、企业的参观,美国无国界教育组织还根据在美国就职较多的专业领域,邀请了众多优秀的企业代表及社会、职场专业人士,包括Musco Sports Lighting、安永会计事务所、Community CPA and Associates、爱荷华州农业部和爱荷华州青年领袖国际奖获得者与同学们交流经验,其中涉及的专业领域有销售,会计审计和精算等。相关专业人士与同学们分享了他们在学校如何培养自己的领导能力、社交能力,如何规划自己的专业学习以及在求职过程中所积累的成功经验,为同学们的未来职业规划与发展提供了指导性意见和帮助。这些经验分享会和研讨会包括:《领导能力的培养》、《职业规划与发展》、《工作选择的技巧》等。会后,专业人士们还带领同学们总结了自己的收获,并参与“自我营销和创意—好的简历如何包装以及面试技巧”的主题讨论。


