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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Cache River National Wildlife Refuge Bird List photo: Maslowski

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  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

    Cache RiverNational Wildlife RefugeBird List

    photo: Maslowski

  • Red-headedWoodpecker

    White trailingedge of wing

    Identifying Field Marks of an Ivory-billed Woodpeckerand Similar Birds

    In flight - view from below

    Distinct Ivory-billed Woodpecker characteristics:■ White trailing edge of wing

    (vs. dark trailing edge of Pileated).

    ■ Wing more slender than Pileated.

    ■ Tail feathers longer and more pointed.

    ■ Pale, ivory-white bill.


    Wood Duck


    In flight - view from below

  • PileatedWoodpecker

    Wood Duck



    White trailingedge of wing

    In flight - view from above


    White trailingedge of wing

    Distinct Ivory-billed Woodpecker characteristics:■ White trailing edge of wing

    (vs. dark trailing edge ofPileated).

    ■ Two white stripesconverge on lower back.

    ■ Tail feathers longer andmore pointed.

    ■ Pale, ivory-white bill.

  • Female Head■ Female Ivory-bill crest is entirely black (female

    Pileated crest resembles male ivory-billed red crestwith black forehead – use chin color as distinguishingfeature)




    At rest

    Distinct Ivory-billed Woodpecker characteristics:■ Two white stripes converge on lower back.

    ■ Entirely white secondary feathers obvious as whitepatch or shield.

    ■ Largely dark face and dark chin (vs. white chin ofPileated).

    ■ Pale, ivory-white bill.

    ■ Crest is curved and pointed;male crest is red withblack forehead(Pileated malecrest is entirelyred).




  • If you believe you may have seen an Ivory-billedWoodpecker, immediately after the sighting, make adrawing of what you saw, noting the followingcharacteristics:

    ■ Color of trailing edge of wing (white vs. black)

    ■ Crest and forehead color

    ■ Bill color

    ■ Chin color

    ■ Relative size

    ■ Vocalizations

    ■ Habitat

    If you are with someone else, individuals should maketheir own notes without conferring with each other.

    Please report any sightings to refuge officials and to theCornell Lab of Ornithology via its website:http://www.birds.cornell.edu/ivory

    Please bookmark these important websites:

    http://www.fws.gov/ivorybillInformation on the recovery of the Ivory-billedWoodpecker

    http://cacheriver.fws.gov/Up-to-date information on refuge public use andregulations

    http://www.agfc.comArkansas hunting regulations

    http://www.birds.cornell.edu/ivoryTo report sightings of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker

    Guidelines for recording a sighting

    Illustrations: © David Allen Sibley

  • Hollingsworthphoto: Ray Paterra

  • Cache River National Wildlife Refuge was established in1986 to protect significant wetland habitats and providefeeding and resting areas for migrating waterfowl. Thisrefuge follows portions of the White River, Cache Riverand Bayou De View. These historic bottomland hardwoodswamps provide extremely valuable habitat for over 200different species of birds. The Cache/Lower White Riverbasin was identified as the single most importantwintering area for mallard ducks in North America. TheCache River National Wildlife Refuge is a Wetland ofInternational Importance designated in 1989 as a resultof the Ramsar Convention. The Cache/Lower WhiteRiver Important Bird Area (IBA) has been nominated forinternational recognition as a global IBA by theArkansas Audubon Society.

    The bird checklist was designed to be informative andsimple to use. The list is arranged in the orderestablished by the American Ornithologists’ Union.Symbols which appear in this checklist represent thefollowing:

    Seasonal AppearanceSp- Spring March-May

    S- Summer June-August

    F- Fall September-November

    W- Winter December-February

    Seasonal Abundancea— abundant (common species - very numerous)

    c— common (certain to be seen in suitable habitat)

    u— uncommon (present but not certain to be seen)

    o— occasional (seen only a few times a season)

    r — rare (seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years)

    x — accidental

    * — breeds on the refuge

    ” — Non-verified occurrence on Refuge, but has potential

    Please report sightings of non-verified species to therefuge.

  • SP S F WCommon NameDucks, Geese, and SwansBlack-bellied Whistling-Duck o o oFulvous Whistling-Duck “Greater White-fronted Goose o o cSnow Goose c c cRoss’s Goose u u uCanada Goose * c o c cTrumpeter Swan “Wood Duck * c c c cGadwall c c cAmerican Wigeon c c cAmerican Black Duck o o oMallard * c c cMottled Duck “Blue-winged Teal c o cNorthern Shoveler c c cNorthern Pintail c c cGreen-winged Teal c c cCanvasback o o oRedhead o o oRing-necked Duck c c cGreater Scaup “Lesser Scaup o o oBufflehead c c cCommon Goldeneye “Hooded Merganser * c c cCommon Merganser r r rRed-breasted Merganser xRuddy Duck c c c

    Turkey and QuailWild Turkey * c c c cNorthern Bobwhite * c c c c

    Loons and GrebesCommon Loon “Pied-billed Grebe * c c c cHorned Grebe”Eared Grebe”

    Pelicans, Cormorants and AnhingasAmerican White Pelican o u o uDouble-crested Cormorant * c u c cAnhinga * u u u u

    Bitterns, Egrets, and HeronsAmerican Bittern u u rLeast Bittern “Great Blue Heron * c c c cGreat Egret * c c c cSnowy Egret * c c cLittle Blue Heron * c c c

  • SP S F WTricolored Heron “Cattle Egret * c u cGreen Heron * c c cBlack-crowned Night-Heron * u u u oYellow-crowned Night-Heron * u u u

    Spoonbills and StorksRoseate Spoonbill rWood Stork u u

    New World VulturesBlack Vulture * c c c cTurkey Vulture * c c c c

    Osprey, Hawks, Eagles and FalconsOsprey “Swallow-tailed Kite “Mississippi Kite * c c cBald Eagle * u u u cNorthern Harrier c c cSharp-shinned Hawk * c r c uCooper’s Hawk r uRed-shouldered Hawk * c c c cBroad-winged Hawk * c u cRed-tailed Hawk * c c c cGolden Eagle “American Kestrel o r o cPeregrine Falcon “

    Rails, Gallinules and CranesYellow Rail “Black Rail “King Rail * o r o rVirginia Rail “Sora “Purple Gallinule “Common Moorhen “American Coot * o u o cSandhill Crane r r r

    Plovers, Stilts and SandpipersAmerican Golden-Plover c u oKilldeer * c c c cBlack-necked Stilt o u uAmerican Avocet “Greater Yellowlegs c o cLesser Yellowlegs c c cSolitary Sandpiper c c cSpotted Sandpiper c c cSemipalmated Sandpiper “Least Sandpiper c o c uPectoral Sandpiper c c cShort-billed Dowitcher “

  • SP S F WLong-billed Dowitcher o cWilson’s Snipe c c uAmerican Woodcock * u u u u

    Gulls and TernsFranklin’s Gull “Bonaparte’s Gull “Ring-billed Gull c c cHerring Gull “Caspian Tern “Forster’s Tern c cLeast Tern “Black Tern “

    Doves and PigeonsRock Pigeon “Eurasian Collared-Dove * u u u uMourning Dove * c c c cInca Dove “

    Cuckoos and RoadrunnersBlack-billed Cuckoo “Yellow-billed Cuckoo * c c cGreater Roadrunner “

    OwlsBarn Owl * o o o oEastern Screech-Owl * u u u uGreat Horned Owl * u u u uBarred Owl * c c c cLong-eared Owl “Short-eared Owl “

    GoatsuckersCommon Nighthawk * c c cChuck-will’s-widow “Whip-poor-will o c o

    Swifts, Hummingbirds and KingfishersChimney Swift * c c cRuby-throated Hummingbird * c c cBelted Kingfisher * c u c c

    WoodpeckersRed-headed Woodpecker * c c c cRed-bellied Woodpecker * c c c cYellow-bellied Sapsucker c c cDowny Woodpecker * c c c cHairy Woodpecker * c c c cNorthern Flicker * c u c cPileated Woodpecker * c c c cIvory-billed Woodpecker r r r r

  • FlycatchersOlive-sided Flycatcher “Eastern Wood-Pewee * c c cAcadian Flycatcher * c c cLeast Flycatcher “Eastern Phoebe * c c cGreat Crested Flycatcher * c c cEastern Kingbird * c c cScissor-tailed Flycatcher * c c c r

    ShrikesLoggerhead Shrike * o c o r

    VireosWhite-eyed Vireo * c c cBell’s Vireo “Yellow-throated Vireo * c c cBlue-headed Vireo c cWarbling Vireo * u u uPhiladelphia Vireo u oRed-eyed Vireo * c c c

    Jays, Crows, Larks and SwallowsBlue Jay * c c c cAmerican Crow * c c c cFish Crow * c c c cHorned Lark * c c c cPurple Martin * c c c oTree Swallow * c c c oNorthern Rough-winged Swallow * c c cBank Swallow c r cCliff Swallow * c c cBarn Swallow * c c c

    Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, CreepersCarolina Chickadee * c c c cTufted Titmouse * c c c cRed-breasted Nuthatch xWhite-breasted Nuthatch * u u u uBrown Creeper c c c

    WrensCarolina Wren * c c c cBewick’s Wren “House Wren * c o c uWinter Wren u u uSedge Wren o r oMarsh Wren “

    Kinglets and GnatcatchersGolden-crowned Kinglet c o cRuby-crowned Kinglet c c cBlue-gray Gnatcatcher * c c o

    SP S F W

  • SP S F WThrushes, Mockingbird and ThrasherEastern Bluebird * c c cVeery uGray-cheeked Thrush oSwainson’s Thrush c oHermit Thrush c o cWood Thrush c c cAmerican Robin * c c c cGray Catbird * o c rNorthern Mockingbird * o oBrown Thrasher * c c c c

    Starling, Pipits, and WaxwingsEuropean Starling * c c c cAmerican Pipit o c cSprague’s Pipit r rCedar Waxwing * c o c

    WarblersBlue-winged Warbler o u uGolden-winged Warbler u uTennessee Warbler c cOrange-crowned Warbler c c uNashville Warbler c cNorthern Parula * c c cYellow Warbler c u cChestnut-sided Warbler o r uMagnolia Warbler c uYellow-rumped Warbler c c cBlack-throated Green Warbler c u uBlackburnian Warbler u uYellow-throated Warbler * u u uPine Warbler * u u u uPrairie Warbler “Bay-breasted Warbler “Blackpoll Warbler oCerulean Warbler uAmerican Redstart c u cProthonotary Warbler * c c cWorm-eating Warbler * u u uSwainson’s Warbler * c c cOvenbird * u u uNorthern Waterthrush c o cLouisiana Waterthrush * o o oKentucky Warbler * c cMourning Warbler “Common Yellowthroat * u u uHooded Warbler * o c cWilson’s Warbler u o uCanada Warbler u uYellow-breasted Chat * c c c

  • SP S F WTanagers, Sparrows, Grosbeaks and BuntingsSummer Tanager * c c cScarlet Tanager * u u uEastern Towhee * c c c cAmerican Tree Sparrow “Chipping Sparrow * c c c cClay-colored Sparrow “Field Sparrow * c c c cVesper Sparrow u u uLark Sparrow “Savannah Sparrow u u cGrasshopper Sparrow * u u uLe Conte’s Sparrow u u uNelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow “Fox Sparrow “Song Sparrow c c cLincoln’s Sparrow u uSwamp Sparrow c c cWhite-throated Sparrow c c cWhite-crowned Sparrow c c cDark-eyed Junco c c cLapland Longspur o o cSmith’s Longspur”Northern Cardinal * c c c cRose-breasted Grosbeak c uBlue Grosbeak * c c cIndigo Bunting * c c c rPainted Bunting “Dickcissel * c c c r

    Bobolink, Blackbird, Meadowlark and OriolesBobolink c uRed-winged Blackbird * c c c cEastern Meadowlark * c c c cRusty Blackbird c c cBrewer’s Blackbird “Common Grackle * c c c cBrown-headed Cowbird * c c c cOrchard Oriole * c c cBaltimore Oriole “

    Finches and House SparrowPurple Finch u xHouse Finch “Pine Siskin “American Goldfinch * c c c cHouse Sparrow * c c c c

  • ______________________________________________































    Sighting NotesDate



    No. of Species

    Route or Area


  • ______________________________________________
































    This blue goose,designed byJ. N. “Ding”Darling, hasbecome a symbolof theNationalWildlifeRefugeSystem.

  • Cache River National Wildlife Refuge26320 Highway 33 SouthAugusta, Arkansas 72006870/347 2614http://cacheriver.fws.gov

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service1 800/344 WILD

    August 2005