us history project one

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  • 8/9/2019 US History Project One


    Word Definition and Significance

    Christopher Columbus

    (December, 1492)

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian that set sail for Spain when

    asked to find a quicker rout to the west Indies. His significance in

    history since he was one of the first people to prove to the rest of

    the world that there was more land to yet be discovered and

    conquered. Columbus landing in Cuba was something really goodsince he took advantage of the Native Americans and treated them

    inhumanly. They later became Christopher Columbus personal

    slaves to take back to Spain. So, because of Christopher Columbus

    actions, we now have African American and Latin American slaves

    in the Americas.

    Colombian Exchange The Columbian Exchange was when the world basically was trading

    animals, plants, any type of ideas, and diseases. The Columbian

    Exchange was important to the United States since it kind of did

    mark the first signs of hemispherical trade. Never before had

    people of one hemesphiere had traded with the other one sincethey both never knew about the continents that existed. This affect

    US history today because without the Columbian Exchange, the

    Americas would probably still be trying to develop out of their

    resources and not have a plethora of animals, plants, ideas, and


    Triangular Trade The Triangular Trade was the trade between the New World,

    Europe, and Africa. The people traded different things, which were

    transported on a ship, like slaves, animals, sugar, cotton, meats,

    lumber, liquor, etc. The Triangular Trade is significant to US history

    because without the trading the New World probably wouldnt

    have had a lot of the resources it had then because of the trade.The Triangular Trade impacted the world today because since the

    people of the New World learned the skill of trade, this skill has

    been used for generations, and up to this day we import a lot more

    than we export.

    Treaty of Tordesilla The Tready of Tordesilla is a document that divided the land of the

    New World to Spain and Portugal. This document is significant to

    history because they were the first ones to divide the New World

    and basically were the first ones to show ownership of the New

    World. This affected the US today because without that document

    they might have fought over the land and the New World would becompletely different since only one culture took over and their

    wouldnt be cultural diffusion right now since only one person took

    over the land.

    Jamestown Jamestown was the first established town in the New World.

    Jamestown was created because it was supposed to be different

    from the other countries in a sense that you were allowed to be

    who you want to be (ie. religion, beliefs).This was very significant to

  • 8/9/2019 US History Project One


    the world because with this town being created it created what we

    know today as the United States. This town started the United

    States and had many flaws since there was no main government.

    Jamestown is significant to the US today since that was the

    founding town and if it wouldnt of been created then the United

    States probably wouldnt of been the United States but somethingcompletely different.

    Cash Crop Cash Crops are crops that were made to be sold for money. The

    cash crops were used to gain money and support families. The Cash

    Crops were significant to the United States history since they were

    early signs of economic development. Cash Crops affect us today

    since they began the economy and made the economy grow and

    be robust.

    Mercantilism Mercantilism was established in the United States around the

    seventeenth century in. Mercantilism is a way an economic theory

    that states that a nation needs to get wealthier and whole lot morepowerful by having a plethora of gold and silver and making trade a

    priority for the economy. This theory is significant to the United

    States history because it later created a centralized trading system

    and a lot more power for the nation.

    Great Awakening The Great Awakening was a religious revitalization in the history of

    the United States. During these years there was many religious

    French and Indian War This war was between the French and the British in the eighteenth

    century. They fought because the Indians were scared of the British

    taking over their land. This was significant because in the Peace

    Treaty 1763 the French took most of the Frenchs land in America.

    Bacons Rebellion This was a revolt in Virginia that was led by Nathanial Bacon. This

    rebellion was established because a Bacon

    Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is a document that was created for the

    antifederalist since they did not believe the Constitution granted

    the peoples rights. The Bill of Rights later became the first ten

    Amendments of the Constitution. This document was significant

    since it was the document that granted the freedom to the people

    and also granted many other rights that the Constitution alone

    does not.

    Revolutionary War This war focused on the Loyalist of Great Britain versus the Patriots

    of the United States. This war was started so that the originalthirteen colonies of the United States can declare themselves

    independent form Great Britain. This war was ended by the Treaty

    of Paris which declared the thirteen colonies free form British

    rule.This war was significant since it was the war that marked the

    end point of British rule and the start point for a new country with

    a new type of government.

  • 8/9/2019 US History Project One


    Constitutional Structures

    (Federalism, and checks and


    Federalism is basically having small self-running governments in the

    states under the big government that rules over the small ones.

    This was significant because since the United States is growing,

    there are small governments in each state to take care of the

    people instead of all of the people being taken care of one main

    ruler. The system of Checks and Balances was established so thatno branch is stronger than the other. This system is significant

    because if this system was not put into action maybe one branch

    would have overruled another since they became too strong.

    Continental Congress ( 1st




    The 1st

    Continental Congress was made to talk about how great

    Britain was acting very unjust with the thirteen colonies; the

    thirteen colonies felt that great Britain needed to lay of some of

    the laws and rules that were established. This Continental Congress

    meeting was significant because in this meeting the delegates

    started to see that in order to precede and become a powerful

    country like their mother country they needed to be independent.In the 2nd

    Continental Congress was the delegates talked about the

    Revolutionary War and how their independence will be granted if

    they win the war. This meeting was significant because it reinforces

    the idea of the thirteen colonies being independent and becoming

    a major country.

    Acts( Stamp, Intolerable) The Stamp Act is an act that was placed that enforced that all legal

    and commercial documents have to be stamped before published.

    The money that was needed to be paid in order to get the stamp

    was used for warfare in Britain. This act was significant because it

    was the tipping point for the people of the united States because

    they were taxed without being represented; it made the people

    want to be independent form Britain. The Intolerable Act was an

    act that was made by Britain to punish Boston for the Tea Party.

    The significance of the Intolerable Acts are that it later created the


    Continental Congress and also lead to the idea of independence.

    Common Sense Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine around

    1776. In Common Sense, Paine basically explained why the United

    States was better of being independent. One of the main reasons

    why Paine stated this was because with independence you are able

    to trade freely, and when they are allowed to trade freely the

    American economy will bust and begin to get stronger. CommonSense was significant because it made people realize that

    independence from Britain would be a great concept to have.

    Common Sense affected later decisions because when

    independence was up for debate, a lot more people were for it

    since they were a lot more informed.

    Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Paris was made to end the Revolutionary War and

    declare the United States independent. The Treaty of Paris also

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    established boundaries between the United States and British

    territory. The significance of the Treaty of Paris is that it established

    the United States independence for Britain and the United States

    was granted trading rights.

    Declaration of Independence

    ConstitutionArticles of Confederation

    Louisiana Purchase

    Manifest destiny

    XYZ Affair

    Alien and Sedition Act

    John Adams

    Alexander Hamilton

    Marbury v. Madison

    Thomas Jefferson

    Monroe DoctrineWar with Mexico

    McCulloch v. Maryland