use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine

1 18.01.2011 Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides e - RF linac Converter Au-target Energy 30-60 MeV Beam power 10-20 kW !!!! Water 197 Au(g,np) 195m Pt

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides. Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine. 197 Au(g,np) 195m Pt. Converter. Au-target. e -. g. RF linac. Energy 30-60 MeV Beam power 10-20 kW !!!!. Water. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Use and production of radionuclideplatinum-195m for nuclear medicine

Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides


RF linac

Converter Au-target

Energy 30-60 MeVBeam power 10-20 kW !!!!



Page 2: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

NSC KIPT 1991-2011

KUT-30W up to 35 MeVP up to 20 kW

Page 3: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


NSC KIPT, Ukraine

Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

Page 4: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides


Target capsule

Electron beam

Page 5: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides



Cl NH3





NH3 Cl



The 195mPt obtain in reaction 197Au(,np)195mPt (T1/2=4.02 days). The 195mPt decay is accompanied by -radiation of nuclear transactions, X-rays and electrons of internal conversion. The Auger-MXY electrons have energy 2.417 keV and its abundance is 3.22 per 195mPt decay. The LET of this Auger electrons are 9.5 keV/m and the range 0.25 m. Therefore for incorporate cisplatin molecule the range of Auger electrons will be within the size of cell nucleus.

The biological efficiency of electrons will be 100-300 times higher than in the case of malignant tumor irradiation by the external irradiation with the use of isotopes having significantly higher energies of particles ( -radiation, electrons).

Сisplatin penetrate into cell nucleus during treatment of cancerogenic illnesses.

Page 6: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

The dry precipitate H2[PtCl6]6 H2O was subjected to treatment with boiling water and was evaporated again on the water bath. Then the fresh 25% solution of potassium chloride was added to the tenfold-water solution of platinum hydrochloric acid up to the complete precipitation.

H2[PtCl6] + 2KCl = H2[PtCl6] + 2HClThe yellow crystalline precipitation was obtained. After cooling the precipitate was washed during 1.5-2 hours with the diluted potassium chloride solution and alcohol. The obtained precipitate in the 6-7 fold quantity of water was slowly heated to boiling. In the process, as the quantity was small, water was added to the required volume. A 5% excess of lemon salt (0.39 g K2C2O4Н2О на 1 g K2[PtCl6]) was added to the boiling mixture.

H2[PtCl6] + K2C2O4 = K2[PtCl4] + 2KCl + 2CO2

After boiling during 1 hour the red-crimson precipitate was formed. The obtained solution of potassium chloroplatinite K2[PtCl4] with addition of a necessary quantity of 20% solution of ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) and potassium chloride was boiled during 1.5 hours with water replenishment. After cooling the precipitate of Pejrone salt of canary color was precipitated.

K2[PtCl4] + 2CH3COONH4 = (NH3Cl)2Pt + 2CH3COOK + 2HCl

Synthesis of radioactive cisplatin

Page 7: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

Effect of high-active cisplatin on the Ehrlich cells,120 min, 0.017 picograms

The effect of initial and radioactive cisplatin with a high specific activity (~1Ci/mg) on the suspension of Ehrlich adenocarcinoma cells was investigated.

Page 8: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

Action of initial and radioactive cisplatin on the Ehrlich adenocarcinoma cell viability

NSC KIPT develops a photonuclear method of production of medical isotopes (99mTc, 67Cu, 103Pd etc.).After installation of hot cell we can deliver 195mPt isotope. Also we can carry out joint researches for further use radioactive cisplatin in nuclear medicine.

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, %

Time after Cisplatin treatment, hours

7.5 microgram/ml cisplatin0.017 picogram/ml radioactive cisplatin0.17 picogram/ml radioactive cisplatin


Page 9: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

White outbred mice with Ehrlich solid carcinoma under testing the action of initial and radioactive cisplatin

We investigated influence of radioactive cisplatin on a tumour of mice. Percentage of the solid Ehrlich tumor growth inhibition after injection of initial and radioactive cisplatin was 35% and 65% respectively.

Page 10: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

ZnO nanoparticles are used as the selective cytotoxic agent for destruction of cancer cells.

We investigate cytotoxic effect of synergetic influence of ZnO nanoparticles and radioactive Zn Auger electrons upon normal and malignant cells.

Cytotoxicity patterns of various metal oxides

Page 11: Use and production of radionuclide platinum-195m for nuclear medicine


Technology and Equipment Development for Photonuclear Production of Medical Radionuclides

Thank you for attention