user-guided program reasoning using bayesian inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6....

User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference Mukund Raghothaman University of Pennsylvania, USA [email protected] Sulekha Kulkarni University of Pennsylvania, USA [email protected] Kihong Heo University of Pennsylvania, USA [email protected] Mayur Naik University of Pennsylvania, USA [email protected] Abstract Program analyses necessarily make approximations that of- ten lead them to report true alarms interspersed with many false alarms. We propose a new approach to leverage user feedback to guide program analyses towards true alarms and away from false alarms. Our approach associates each alarm with a confidence value by performing Bayesian inference on a probabilistic model derived from the analysis rules. In each iteration, the user inspects the alarm with the highest confidence and labels its ground truth, and the approach recomputes the confidences of the remaining alarms given this feedback. It thereby maximizes the return on the effort by the user in inspecting each alarm. We have implemented our approach in a tool named Bingo for program analyses expressed in Datalog. Experiments with real users and two sophisticated analyses—a static datarace analysis for Java programs and a static taint analysis for Android apps—show significant improvements on a range of metrics, including false alarm rates and number of bugs found. CCS Concepts Software and its engineering Au- tomated static analysis; Mathematics of computing Bayesian networks; Information systems Re- trieval models and ranking; Keywords Static analysis, belief networks, Bayesian infer- ence, alarm ranking Co-first authors. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5698-5/18/06. . . $15.00 ACM Reference Format: Mukund Raghothaman, Sulekha Kulkarni, Kihong Heo, and Mayur Naik. 2018. User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Infer- ence. In Proceedings of 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Program- ming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages. 3192417 1 Introduction Diverse forms of program reasoning, including program logics, static analyses, and type systems, all rely on logi- cal modes of deriving facts about programs. However, due to classical reasons such as undecidability and practical con- siderations such as scalability, program reasoning tools are limited in their ability to accurately deduce properties of the analyzed program. When the user finally examines the tool output to identify true alarms, i.e. properties which the program actually fails to satisfy, her experience is impaired by the large number of false alarms, i.e. properties which the tool is simply unable to prove. It is well-known that alarms produced by program reason- ing tools are correlated : multiple true alarms often share root causes, and multiple false alarms are often caused by the tool being unable to prove some shared intermediate fact about the analyzed program. This raises the possibility of lever- aging user feedback to suppress false alarms and increase the fraction of true alarms presented to the user. Indeed, a large body of previous research is aimed at alarm cluster- ing [35, 36], ranking [30, 31], and classification [25, 41, 61]. In this paper, we fundamentally extend program analyses comprising logical rules with probabilistic modes of reason- ing. We do this by quantifying the incompleteness of each deduction rule with a probability, which represents our belief that the rule produces invalid conclusions despite having valid hypotheses. Instead of just a set of alarm reports, we now additionally obtain confidence scores which measure our belief that the alarm represents a real bug. Furthermore, we are able to consistently update beliefs in response to new information obtained by user feedback. By intelligently se- lecting reports to present to the user for inspection, and by incorporating user feedback in future iterations, we have the

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Page 1: User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6. 20. · Sulekha Kulkarni∗ University of Pennsylvania, USA Kihong

User-Guided Program Reasoning usingBayesian Inference

Mukund Raghothaman∗University of Pennsylvania, USA

[email protected]

Sulekha Kulkarni∗University of Pennsylvania, USA

[email protected]

Kihong HeoUniversity of Pennsylvania, USA

[email protected]

Mayur NaikUniversity of Pennsylvania, USA

[email protected]

AbstractProgram analyses necessarily make approximations that of-ten lead them to report true alarms interspersed with manyfalse alarms. We propose a new approach to leverage userfeedback to guide program analyses towards true alarms andaway from false alarms. Our approach associates each alarmwith a confidence value by performing Bayesian inferenceon a probabilistic model derived from the analysis rules. Ineach iteration, the user inspects the alarm with the highestconfidence and labels its ground truth, and the approachrecomputes the confidences of the remaining alarms giventhis feedback. It thereby maximizes the return on the effortby the user in inspecting each alarm. We have implementedour approach in a tool named Bingo for program analysesexpressed in Datalog. Experiments with real users and twosophisticated analyses—a static datarace analysis for Javaprograms and a static taint analysis for Android apps—showsignificant improvements on a range of metrics, includingfalse alarm rates and number of bugs found.

CCS Concepts • Software and its engineering → Au-tomated static analysis; • Mathematics of computing→ Bayesian networks; • Information systems → Re-trieval models and ranking;

Keywords Static analysis, belief networks, Bayesian infer-ence, alarm ranking

∗Co-first authors.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are notmade or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bearthis notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for componentsof this work owned by others than ACMmust be honored. Abstracting withcredit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or toredistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Requestpermissions from [email protected]’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA

© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5698-5/18/06. . . $15.00

ACM Reference Format:Mukund Raghothaman, Sulekha Kulkarni, Kihong Heo, and MayurNaik. 2018. User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Infer-ence. In Proceedings of 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Program-

ming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI’18). ACM, NewYork, NY, USA, 14 pages.

1 IntroductionDiverse forms of program reasoning, including programlogics, static analyses, and type systems, all rely on logi-cal modes of deriving facts about programs. However, dueto classical reasons such as undecidability and practical con-siderations such as scalability, program reasoning tools arelimited in their ability to accurately deduce properties ofthe analyzed program. When the user finally examines thetool output to identify true alarms, i.e. properties which theprogram actually fails to satisfy, her experience is impairedby the large number of false alarms, i.e. properties which thetool is simply unable to prove.

It is well-known that alarms produced by program reason-ing tools are correlated: multiple true alarms often share rootcauses, and multiple false alarms are often caused by the toolbeing unable to prove some shared intermediate fact aboutthe analyzed program. This raises the possibility of lever-aging user feedback to suppress false alarms and increasethe fraction of true alarms presented to the user. Indeed, alarge body of previous research is aimed at alarm cluster-ing [35, 36], ranking [30, 31], and classification [25, 41, 61].

In this paper, we fundamentally extend program analysescomprising logical rules with probabilistic modes of reason-ing. We do this by quantifying the incompleteness of eachdeduction rule with a probability, which represents our beliefthat the rule produces invalid conclusions despite havingvalid hypotheses. Instead of just a set of alarm reports, wenow additionally obtain confidence scores which measure ourbelief that the alarm represents a real bug. Furthermore, weare able to consistently update beliefs in response to newinformation obtained by user feedback. By intelligently se-lecting reports to present to the user for inspection, and byincorporating user feedback in future iterations, we have the

Page 2: User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6. 20. · Sulekha Kulkarni∗ University of Pennsylvania, USA Kihong

PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA M. Raghothaman, S. Kulkarni, K. Heo, and M. Naik

potential to greatly improve the practical utility of programreasoning tools.We concretize these ideas in the context of analyses ex-

pressed in Datalog, a logic programming language which isincreasingly used to declaratively specify complex programanalyses [2, 3, 7, 40, 56, 60]. Inspired by the literature on prob-abilistic databases [11, 18], we develop a technique to convertDatalog derivation graphs into Bayesian networks. Com-puting alarm confidences can then be seen as performingmarginal inference to determine the posterior probabilitiesof individual alarms conditioned on user feedback. By em-bedding the belief computation directly into the derivationgraph, our technique exploits correlations between alarmsat a much finer granularity than previous approaches.We have implemented our technique in a tool named

Bingo and evaluate it using two state-of-the-art analyses: astatic datarace analysis [49] on a suite of 8 Java programseach comprising 95–616 KLOC, and a static taint analy-sis [15] on a suite of 8 Android apps each comprising 40–98 KLOC. We compare Bingo to two baselines: a randomranker, Base-R, in which the user inspects each alarm withuniform probability, and a ranker based on a sophisticatedalarm classification system [41], Base-C. On average, to dis-cover all true alarms, the user needs to inspect 58.5% feweralarms with Bingo compared to Base-R, and 44.2% feweralarms compared to Base-C. We also conduct a user studywith 21 Java programmers and confirm that small amounts ofincorrect user feedback do not significantly affect the qualityof the ranking, or overly suppress the remaining true alarms.

In summary, this paper makes the following contributions:

• A systematic methodology to view Datalog derivationgraphs as Bayesian networks and thereby attach confi-dence scores, i.e. beliefs, to individual alarms, and updatethese values based on new user feedback.• A framework to rank of program analysis alarms basedon user feedback. While we principally target analysesexpressed in Datalog, the approach is extendable to anyanalysis algorithm written in a deductive style.• Theoretical analysis showing that, assuming a probabilisticmodel of alarm creation, marginal probabilities providethe best way to rank alarms.• Empirical evaluation with realistic analyses on large pro-grams and a user study showing that Bingo significantlyoutperforms existing approaches on a range of metrics.

2 Motivating ExampleConsider the Java program in Figure 1, adapted from theopen-source Apache FTP Server. The program creates a newRequestHandler thread for each connection, and concur-rently runs a TimerThread in the background to clean up idleconnections. Multiple threads may simultaneously call thegetRequest() and close() methods (from lines 26 and 48),

and different threads may also simultaneously call close()(from lines 28 and 48).

Dataraces are a common and insidious kind of error thatplague multi-threaded programs. Since getRequest() andclose()may be called on the same RequestHandler objectby different threads in parallel, there exists a datarace be-tween the lines labelled L0 and L7: the first thread may readthe request field while the second thread concurrently setsthe request field to null.

On the other hand, even though the close()method mayalso be simultaneously invoked by multiple threads on thesame RequestHandler object, the atomic test-and-set oper-ation on lines L1–L3 ensures that for each object instance,lines L4–L7 are executed at most once. There is thereforeno datarace between the pair of accesses to controlSocketon lines L4 and L5, and similarly no datarace between theaccesses to request (lines L6 and L7).

We may use a static analysis to find dataraces in this pro-gram. However, due to the undecidable nature of the problem,the analysis may also report alarms on lines L4–L7. In the restof this section, we illustrate how Bingo generalizes from userfeedback to guide the analysis away from the false positivesand towards the actual datarace.

2.1 A Static Datarace AnalysisFigure 2 shows a simplified version of the analysis in Chord, astatic datarace detector for Java programs [49]. The analysisis expressed in Datalog as a set of logical rules over relations.The analysis takes the relations N(p1,p2), U(p1,p2), and

A(p1,p2) as input, and produces the relations P(p1,p2) andrace(p1,p2) as output. In all relations, variables p1 and p2range over the domain of program points. Each relation maybe visualized as the set of tuples indicating some knownfacts about the program. For example, for the program in Fig-ure 1, N(p1,p2) may contain the tuples N(L1, L2), N(L2, L3),etc. While some input relations, such as N(p1,p2), may bedirectly obtained from the text of the program being ana-lyzed, other input relations, such as U(p1,p2) or A(p1,p2),may themselves be the result of earlier analyses (in this case,a lockset analysis and a pointer analysis, respectively).

The rules are intended to be read from right-to-left, withall variables universally quantified, and the :− operator inter-preted as implication. For example, the rule r1 may be readas saying, “For all program points p1, p2, p3, if p1 and p2 mayexecute in parallel (P(p1,p2)), and p3 may be executed imme-diately after p2 (N(p2,p3)), and p1 and p3 are not guarded bya common lock (U(p1,p3)), then p1 and p3 may themselvesexecute in parallel.”

Observe that the analysis is flow-sensitive, i.e. it takes intoaccount the order of program statements, represented bythe relation N(p1,p2), but path-insensitive, i.e. it disregardsthe satisfiability of path conditions and predicates alongbranches. This is an example of an approximation to enablethe analysis to scale to large programs.

Page 3: User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6. 20. · Sulekha Kulkarni∗ University of Pennsylvania, USA Kihong

User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA

1 public class FTPServer {

2 public static void main(String args[]) {

3 List<RequestHander> conList = new ArrayList<RequestHander>();

4 ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(...);

56 // Start timer thread

7 TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask(conList);

8 timerTask.start();

910 while (true) {

11 Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();

12 RequestHander connection = new RequestHandler(socket);

13 conList.add(connection);

14 // Start connection thread

15 connection.start();

16 }

17 }

18 }

1920 class TimerTask extends Thread {

21 private List<RequestHandler> conList;

22 public TimerTask(List<RequestHandler> list) { conList = list; }

23 public void run() {

24 while (true) {

25 for (RequestHandler connection : conList) {

26 FtpRequest r = connection.getRequest();

27 if (r != null && r.idleTime > ...)

28 connection.close();

29 }

30 }

31 }

32 }

34 class RequestHandler extends Thread {

35 private FtpRequest request;

36 private Socket controlSocket;

37 private boolean isConnectionClosed = false;

3839 public RequestHandler (Socket socket) {

40 request = new FtpRequest();

41 controlSocket = socket;

42 }

4344 public void run() {

45 while (...) {

46 ... // Do something

47 }

48 close();

49 }

5051 public FtpRequest getRequest() {

52 return request; // L0

53 }

5455 public void close() {

56 synchronized (this) { // L1

57 if (isConnectionClosed) return; // L2

58 isConnectionClosed = true; // L3

59 }

60 controlSocket.close(); // L4

61 controlSocket = null; // L5

62 request.clear(); // L6

63 request = null; // L7

64 }

65 }

Figure 1. Code fragment of an example Java program.

Input relationsN(p1,p2) : Program point p2 may be executed immediately

after program point p1 by a threadU(p1,p2) : Program points p1 and p2 are not guarded by a

common lockA(p1,p2) : Program points p1 and p2 may access the same

memory location

Output relationsP(p1,p2) : Program points p1 and p2 may be executed by

different threads in parallelrace(p1,p2) : Program points p1 and p2 may have a datarace

Analysis rulesr1 : P(p1,p3) :− P(p1,p2),N(p2,p3),U(p1,p3).r2 : P(p2,p1) :− P(p1,p2).r3 : race(p1,p2) :− P(p1,p2),A(p1,p2).

Figure 2. A simple static datarace analysis in Datalog. Wehave elided several parts of the analysis, such as the recogni-tion of thread starts and the base case of the P(p1,p2) relation.

2.2 Applying the Analysis to a ProgramTo apply the analysis of Figure 2 to the program in Figure 1,one starts with the set of input tuples, and repeatedly appliesthe inference rules r1, r2, and r3, until no new facts can bederived. Starting with the tuple P(L4, L2), we show a portionof the derivation graph thus obtained in Figure 3. Each box

represents a tuple, and is shaded gray if it is an input tu-ple. Nodes identified with rule names represent groundedclauses: for example, the node r1 (L4, L2, L3) indicates the“grounded instance” of the rule r1 with p1 = L4, p2 = L2, andp3 = L3. This clause takes as hypotheses the tuples P(L4, L2),N(L2, L3), and U(L4, L3), and derives the conclusion P(L4, L3),and the arrows represent these dependencies.Observe that clause nodes are conjunctive: a rule fires

iff all of its antecedents are derivable. On the other hand,consider another portion of the derivation graph in Figure 4.The tuple P(L6, L7) can be derived in one of two ways: eitherby instantiating r1 with p1 = L6, p2 = L6, and p3 = L7, or byinstantiating r2 with p1 = L7 and p2 = L6. Tuple nodes aretherefore disjunctive: a tuple is derivable iff there exists atleast one derivable clause of which it is the conclusion.Observe that lines L4 and L2 can indeed execute in par-

allel, and the original conclusion P(L4, L2), in Figure 3, istrue. However, the subsequent conclusion P(L4, L3) is spuri-ous, and is caused by the analysis being incomplete: the sec-ond thread to enter the synchronized block will necessarilyleave the method at line L2. Four subsequent false alarms—race(L4, L5), race(L5, L5), race(L6, L7), and race(L7, L7)—allresult from the analysis incorrectly concluding P(L4, L3).

Page 4: User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6. 20. · Sulekha Kulkarni∗ University of Pennsylvania, USA Kihong

PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA M. Raghothaman, S. Kulkarni, K. Heo, and M. Naik

P(L4, L2) N(L2, L3) U(L4, L3)

r1 (L4, L2, L3)

P(L4, L3) N(L3, L4) U(L4, L4)

r1 (L4, L3, L4)

P(L4, L4) N(L4, L5) U(L4, L5)

r1 (L4, L4, L5)

P(L4, L5) N(L5, L6) U(L4, L6)

r1 (L4, L5, L6)

P(L4, L6)

r2 (L4, L6)

P(L6, L4)N(L4, L5)U(L6, L5)

r1 (L6, L4, L5)

P(L6, L5)N(L5, L6)U(L6, L6)

r1 (L6, L5, L6)

P(L6, L6)N(L6, L7)U(L6, L7)

r1 (L6, L6, L7)

P(L6, L7)

A(L4, L5)

r3 (L4, L5)

race(L4, L5)

A(L6, L7)

r3 (L6, L7)

race(L6, L7)

Figure 3. Portion of the derivation graph obtained by apply-ing the static datarace analysis to the program in Figure 1.The central question of this paper is the following: if the useridentifies race(L4, L5) as a false alarm, then how should thisaffect our confidence in the remaining conclusions?

2.3 Quantifying Incompleteness Using ProbabilitiesIncomplete analysis rules are the principal cause of falsealarms: even though P(L4, L2), N(L2, L3) and U(L4, L3) are alltrue, it is not the case that P(L4, L3). Bingo addresses thisproblem by relaxing the interpretation of clause nodes, andonly treating them probabilistically:

Pr(r1 (L4, L2, L3) | h1) = 0.95, and (1)Pr(¬r1 (L4, L2, L3) | h1) = 1 − 0.95 = 0.05, (2)

where h1 = P(L4, L2) ∧ N(L2, L3) ∧ U(L4, L3) is the eventindicating that all the hypotheses of r1 (L4, L2, L3) are true,and p1 = 0.95 is the probability of the clause “correctlyfiring”. By setting p1 to a value strictly less than 1, we makeit possible for the conclusion of r1 (L4, L2, L3), P(L4, L3) to stillbe false, even though all the hypotheses h1 hold.In this new setup, as before, if any of the antecedents of

r1 (L4, L2, L3) is false, then it is itself definitely false:

Pr(r1 (L4, L2, L3) | ¬h1) = 0, and (3)Pr(¬r1 (L4, L2, L3) | ¬h1) = 1. (4)

We also continue to treat tuple nodes as regular disjunctions:

Pr(P(L6, L7) | r1 (L6, L6, L7) ∨ r2 (L7, L6)) = 1, (5)Pr(P(L6, L7) | ¬(r1 (L6, L6, L7) ∨ r2 (L7, L6))) = 0, (6)

and treat all input tuples t as being known with certainty:Pr(t ) = 1.We discuss how to learn these rule probabilities in Sec-

tion 3.3. For now, we associate the rule r3 with firing prob-ability p3 = 0.95, and r2 with probability p2 = 1. Finally, tosimplify the discussion, we treat P(L0, L1) and P(L1, L1) as in-put facts, with Pr(P(L0, L1)) = 0.40 and Pr(P(L1, L1)) = 0.60.

2.4 From Derivation Graphs to Bayesian NetworksBy attaching conditional probability distributions (CPDs)such as equations 1–6 to each node of Figure 3, Bingo viewsthe derivation graph as a Bayesian network. Specifically,Bingo performs marginal inference on the network to asso-ciate each alarm with the probability, or belief, that it is a truedatarace. This procedure generates a list of alarms rankedby probability, shown in Table 1a. For example, it computesthe probability of race(L4, L5) as follows:Pr(race(L4, L5)) = Pr(race(L4, L5) ∧ r3 (L4, L5))

+ Pr(race(L4, L5) ∧ ¬r3 (L4, L5))= Pr(race(L4, L5) ∧ r3 (L4, L5))= Pr(race(L4, L5) | r3 (L4, L5)) · Pr(r3 (L4, L5))= Pr(r3 (L4, L5) | P(L4, L5) ∧ A(L4, L5))· Pr(P(L4, L5)) · Pr(A(L4, L5))

= 0.95 · Pr(P(L4, L5)) = 0.954 · Pr(P(L4, L2))

= 0.958 · Pr(P(L1, L1)) = 0.398.

The user now inspects the top-ranked report, race(L4, L5),and classifies it as a false alarm. The key idea underlyingBingo is that generalizing from feedback is condition-

ing on evidence. By replacing the prior belief Pr(a), foreach alarm a, with the posterior belief, Pr(a | ¬ race(L4, L5)),Bingo effectively propagates the user feedback to the remain-ing conclusions of the analysis. This results in the updatedlist of alarms shown in Table 1b. Observe that the belief inthe closely related alarm race(L6, L7) drops from 0.324 to0.030, while the belief in the unrelated alarm race(L0, L7)remains unchanged at 0.279. As a result, the entire familyof false alarms drops in the ranking, so that the only truedatarace is now at the top.

The computation of the updated confidence values occursby a similar procedure as before. For example:Pr(race(L6, L7) | ¬ race(L4, L5))

= Pr(race(L6, L7) ∧ P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5))+ Pr(race(L6, L7) ∧ ¬ P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5))

= Pr(race(L6, L7) ∧ P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5)).

Next, race(L4, L5) and race(L6, L7) are conditionally indepen-dent given P(L4, L5) as it occurs on the unique path betweenthem. So,

Pr(race(L6, L7) ∧ P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5))= Pr(race(L6, L7) | P(L4, L5)) · Pr(P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5))

Page 5: User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6. 20. · Sulekha Kulkarni∗ University of Pennsylvania, USA Kihong

User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA

P(L6, L6) N(L6, L7) U(L6, L7)

r1 (L6, L6, L7)

P(L6, L7)

P(L7, L6)

r2 (L7, L6)

Figure 4. Another portion of the derivation graph showingmultiple ways of deriving the tuple P(L6, L7).

= 0.955 · Pr(P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5)).

Finally, by Bayes’ rule, we have:

Pr(P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5))

=Pr(¬ race(L4, L5) | P(L4, L5)) · Pr(P(L4, L5))

Pr(¬ race(L4, L5))

=0.05 · 0.957 · 0.60

0.60= 0.03.

Our prior belief in P(L4, L5) was Pr(P(L4, L5)) = 0.42, so thatPr(P(L4, L5) | ¬ race(L4, L5)) ≪ Pr(P(L4, L5)), but is stillstrictly greater than 0. This is because one eventuality bywhich ¬ race(L4, L5) may occur is for P(L4, L5) to be true, butfor the clause r3 (L4, L5) to misfire. We may now concludethat Pr(race(L6, L7) | ¬ race(L4, L5)) = 0.955 · 0.03 = 0.030.

2.5 The Interaction ModelIn summary, given an analysis and a program to be analyzed,Bingo takes as input the set of tuples and grounded clausesproduced by the Datalog solver at fixpoint, and constructsthe belief network. Next, it performs Bayesian inference tocompute the probability of each alarm, and presents thealarm with highest probability for inspection by the user.The user then indicates its ground truth, and Bingo incor-porates this feedback as evidence for subsequent iterations.We summarize this process in Figure 5.

There are several possible stopping criteria by which theuser could cease interaction. She could choose to only inspectalarms with confidence higher than some threshold p0, andstop once the confidence of the highest ranked alarm dropsbelow p0. Alternatively, she could choose to only inspect nalarms, and stop after n iterations. Of course, in all these sit-uations, we would lose any soundness guarantees providedby the underlying analysis, but given the large number ofalarms typically emitted by analysis tools and the time con-straints frequently placed on developers, and as evidencedby our experiments in Section 5, Bingo promises to form avaluable component of the quality control toolchain.

3 Framework for Bayesian InferenceWe formally describe the workflow of the previous sectionin Algorithm 1. We use an off-the-shelf solver [45] for theconditional probability queries in step 7(b). In this sectionand the next, we discuss the main technical ideas in ourpaper, spanning lines 3–5.

Algorithm 1 Bingo(D, P ,p), where D is the analysis ex-pressed in Datalog, P is the program to be analyzed, and pmaps each analysis rule r to its firing probability pr .1. Let I = InputRelationsD (P ). Populate all input relations

I using the program text and prior analysis results.2. Let (C,A,GC ) = DatalogSolve(D, I ). C is the set of out-

put tuples, A ⊆ C is the set of alarms produced, andGC isthe set of grounded clauses.

3. Compute GCc B CycleElim(I ,GC ). Eliminate cyclesfrom the grounded constraints.

4. (Optionally,) UpdateGCc B Optimize(I ,GCc ,A). Reducethe size of the set of grounded constraints.

5. Construct Bayesian network BN from GCc and p, and letPr be its joint probability distribution.

6. Initialize the feedback set e B ∅.7. While there exists an unlabelled alarm:a. Let Au = A \ e be the set of all unlabelled alarms.b. Determine the top-ranked unlabelled alarm:

at = argmaxa∈Au

Pr(a | e ).

c. Presentat for inspection. If the user labels it a true alarm,update e B e ∪ {at }. Otherwise, update e B e ∪ {¬at }.

3.1 PreliminariesWe begin this section by briefly recapping the semantics ofDatalog and Bayesian networks. For a more detailed treat-ment, we refer the reader to [1] and [29].

Datalog. We fix a collection {R, S,T , . . .} of relations. EachrelationR has an arityk , and is a set of tuplesR (v1,v2, . . . ,vk ),where the atoms v1,v2, . . . ,vk are drawn from appropriatedomains. Examples include the relations P (“may happen inparallel”), N (“may execute after”), and A (“may alias”) fromFigure 2. The analyst divides these into input and output re-lations, and specifies the computation of the output relationsusing a set of rules, each of which is of the form:

Rh (uh ) :− R1 (u1),R2 (u2), . . . ,Rp (up ),

where Rh is an output relation, and uh , u1, u2, . . . , up are freetuples. Examples include rules r1, r2, and r3 in Figure 2. Asmentioned before, each rule may be read as a universallyquantified formula: “For all valuationsu of the free variables,if R1 (u1), and R2 (u2), . . . , and Rp (up ), then Rh (uh )”.Instantiating the free variables of a rule yields a Horn

clause,R1 (v1)∧R2 (v2)∧· · ·∧Rp (vp ) =⇒ Rh (vh ). For exam-ple, the constraint r1 (L4, L2, L3) from Figure 3 represents theHorn clause P(L4, L2) ∧ N(L2, L3) ∧ U(L4, L3) =⇒ P(L4, L3).

To solve a Datalog program, we accumulate the groundedconstraints until fixpoint. Given a valuation I of all inputrelations, we initialize the set of conclusions, C B I , andinitialize the grounded constraints to the set of input tuples,GC B {True =⇒ t | t ∈ I }. We repeatedly apply eachrule to update C and GC until no new conclusions can be

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PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA M. Raghothaman, S. Kulkarni, K. Heo, and M. Naik

Table 1. List of alarms produced by Bingo, (a) before, and (b) after the feedback ¬ race(L4, L5). Observe how the real dataracerace(L0, L7) rises in the ranking as a result of feedback.

(a) Pr(a).

Rank Belief Program points

1 0.398 RequestHandler : L4, RequestHandler : L52 0.378 RequestHandler : L5, RequestHandler : L53 0.324 RequestHandler : L6, RequestHandler : L74 0.308 RequestHandler : L7, RequestHandler : L75 0.279 RequestHandler : L0, RequestHandler : L7

(b) Pr(a | ¬ race(L4, L5)).

Rank Belief Program points

1 0.279 RequestHandler : L0, RequestHandler : L72 0.035 RequestHandler : L5, RequestHandler : L53 0.030 RequestHandler : L6, RequestHandler : L74 0.028 RequestHandler : L7, RequestHandler : L75 0 RequestHandler : L4, RequestHandler : L5


� .....� ....."� .....

1. .....2. .....3. .....
















Figure 5. The Bingo workflow and interaction model.

reached. That is, whenever R1 (v1), R2 (v2), . . . , Rp (vp ) occurinC , we updateC B C∪{Rh (vh )}, andGC B GC∪{R1 (v1)∧R2 (v2) ∧ · · · ∧ Rp (vp ) =⇒ Rh (uh )}.

Bayesian networks. We will only consider boolean-valuedrandom variables, and specialize our definition for this pur-pose. Fix a set of random variables V , and a directed acyclicgraph G = (V ,E) with the random variablesV as its vertices.Given v ∈ V , we write Pa(v ) for the set of variables withedges leading to v . Formally,

Pa(v ) = {u ∈ V | u → v ∈ E}.

The conditional probability distribution (CPD) of a randomvariable v is a function which maps concrete valuationsxPa(v ) of Pa(v ) to the conditional probability of the eventv = True, and we write this as p (v | xPa(v ) ). Naturally, thecomplementary event v = False has conditional probabilityp (¬v | xPa(v ) ) = 1 − p (v | xPa(v ) ). The Bayesian network,given by the triple BN = (V ,G,p), is essentially a compactrepresentation of the following joint probability distribution:

Pr(x ) =∏v

p (xv | xPa(v ) ), (7)

where the joint assignmentx is a valuation xv for eachv ∈ V ,and xPa(v ) is the valuation restricted to the parents ofv . FromEquation 7, wemay readily define other quantities of interest,including the marginal probability of a variable, Pr(v ) =∑{x |xv=True} Pr(x ), Pr(¬v ) = 1 − Pr(v ), and the conditional

probability of arbitrary events: Pr(v | e ) = Pr(v ∧e )/Pr(e ).

P(L6, L7)

r2 (L6, L7)

r2 (L7, L6)

P(L7, L6)

r1 (L6, L6, L7) r1 (L7, L5, L6)

Figure 6. An example of a cycle in the derivation graph.

3.2 From Derivation Graphs to Bayesian NetworksThe set of conclusions C and the grounded clauses GC froma Datalog program at fixpoint naturally induce a graphG (C,GC ) over the vertices C ∪ GC , with an edge from atuple t ∈ C to a clause д ∈ GC whenever t is an antecedentof д, and an edge from д to t whenever t is the conclusionof д. We have already seen portions of this graph in Figures 3and 4. Our goal is to view this graph as a Bayesian network,with each vertex v ∈ C ∪GC as a random variable, and byattaching CPDs such as those in Equations 1– 6 to each node.Observe however, that while the underlying graph of theBayesian network is required to be acyclic, the derivationgraph may have cycles, such as that shown in Figure 6.We therefore choose a subset GCc ⊆ GC of clauses such

that the induced graph is acyclic. We require that GCc stillderive every alarm a ∈ A originally produced by the analy-sis, and that the cycle elimination algorithm scale to the fix-points produced by large programs (≈ 1–10 million groundedclauses). While we would likeGCc to be maximal, to captureas many correlations between alarms as possible, finding thelargest GCc which induces an acyclic graph G (C,GCc ) canbe shown to be NP-complete by reduction from the maxi-

mum acyclic subgraph problem [19]. We therefore relax themaximality requirement forGCc , and use a modified version

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of the naive Datalog evaluator shown in Algorithm 2 as anefficient cycle elimination algorithm. The following theorem,proved in Appendix A, states that CycleElim(I ,GC ) satisfiesthe desired requirements:

Theorem 3.1. For all I andGC , ifGCc = CycleElim(I ,GC ),then (a) GCc ⊆ GC , (b) every tuple derivable using GC is also

derivable using GCc , and (c) G (C,GCc ) is acyclic.

Algorithm 2 CycleElim(I ,GC ), where I is the set of allinput tuples, and GC is a set of grounded constraints.1. Initialize the timestamp map T , such that for each tuple t ,

if t ∈ I , T (t ) = 0, and otherwise, T (t ) = ∞.2. Given a grounded clause д, let Aд be the set of all its

antecedents, and let cд be its consequent.3. While there exists a constraint д such that

T (cд ) > maxa∈Aд

(T (a)) + 1, update:

T (cд ) B maxa∈Aд

(T (a)) + 1. (8)

4. Define GCc = {д ∈ GC | T (cд ) > maxa∈Aд (T (a))}.GCc ⊆ GC is the set of all those constraints in GC whoseconsequent has a timestamp strictly greater than all of itsantecedents. Return GCc .

3.3 Learning Rule Firing ProbabilitiesGiven a program P and an analysis D, the Bayesian networkof the previous section is parameterized by the vector of ruleprobabilities, p. To emphasize this dependence, we write Prpfor the induced joint probability distribution.

We will now discuss how we may obtain p. With a corpusof fully labelled data, the rule probability is simply the frac-tion of times the rule produces incorrect conclusions fromtrue hypotheses. With a less extensively labelled dataset, onefaces the challenge of latent (or unobserved) variables, whichcan be solved with the expectation maximization (EM) algo-rithm described below. However, both of these techniquesrequire a large corpus, and a proper experimental evaluationinvolves partitioning the data into training and test sets. Toavoid this problem in our experiments, we uniformly assigneach rule to a probability of 0.999.

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). For a train-ing program and its associated ground truthv , our learningproblem is to determine the “best” weight vector p which ex-plainsv . One common measure of goodness is the likelihood,L(p;v ), which may be informally motivated as the plausi-bility of p given the training data v . Concretely, L(p;v ) =Prp (v ). To “learn” the rule firing probabilities is to then findthe probability vector p̃ with highest likelihood:

p̃ = argmaxp

L(p;v ). (9)

MLE by expectation maximization (EM). In our setting,MLEmay be performed by a straightforward implementationof the EM algorithm [29]. Starting with an arbitrary seedp (0) ,the algorithm iteratively computes a sequence of estimatesp (0) , p (1) , p (2) , . . . , as follows:

p (t+1)r =

∑дr Prp (t ) (cдr ∧Aдr )∑

дr Prp (t ) (Aдr ), (10)

where дr ranges over all grounded clauses associated withr . The algorithm guarantees that L(p (t ) ;v ) monotonicallyincreases with t , which is also bounded above by 1, so thatthe procedure converges to a local maximum in practice.

3.4 Alarm Ranking in an Ideal SettingWe now consider some theoretical properties of the alarmranking problem.We begin with the following question:Howgood is an ordering of alarms, w = a1,a2, . . . ,an , in light of

their associated ground truths, v1, v2, . . . , vn?We use the number of inversions as a measure of ranking

quality. A pair of alarms (ai ,aj ) from w forms an inver-sion if ai appears before aj , but ai is false and aj is true,i.e. i < j ∧ ¬vi ∧ vj . The ranker incurs a penalty for eachinversion, because it has presented a false alarm before a realbug. Well ordered sequences of alarms usually have fewerinversions than poorly ordered sequences. We write χ (w )for the number of inversions inw .

Assume now that Pr(·) describes the joint probability dis-tribution of alarms. We seek the ordering of alarms withlowest expected inversion count. Two versions of this prob-lemwhich are relevant in our setting: (a) alarm ranking givena fixed set of observations e , and (b) alarm ranking in theinteractive setting, where e grows with each iteration. Thefollowing theorem, which we prove in Appendix A, statesthat Bingo-style ranking is optimal for the first problem.

Theorem 3.2. For each set of observations e , the sequencew = a1,a2, . . . ,an of alarms, arranged according to decreasing

Pr(ai | e ), has the minimum expected inversion count over all

potential orderingsw ′.

The second problem involves finding an optimal strategyin a Markov decision process [54] with O ((n + 1)!) states.Bingomay be viewed as employing a greedy heuristic in thisprocess, and we plan to investigate this significantly morechallenging problem in future work.

4 ImplementationThe central computational component of Bingo is the condi-tional probability query Pr(a | e ) in step 7(b) of Algorithm 1.We discharge these queries using the loopy belief propaga-tion algorithm implemented in LibDAI [45]. Step 4 of Algo-rithm 1 is the result of combining the two optimizations wewill now describe. We discuss additional engineering detailsinvolving the belief propagation algorithm in Appendix B.

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PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA M. Raghothaman, S. Kulkarni, K. Heo, and M. Naik

Co-reachability based constraint pruning. While the so-lution to the Datalog program at fixpoint contains all deriv-able tuples, not all of these tuples are useful in the productionof alarms. Therefore, our first optimization is to remove un-necessary tuples and clauses by performing a backward passover GC . We initialize the set of useful tuples U B A, andrepeatedly perform the following update until fixpoint:

U B U ∪ {t | ∃д ∈ GC s.t. t ∈ Aд and cд ∈ U }.

Recall, from Algorithm 2, that we write cд for the conclusionof a grounded clauseд, andAд for the set of all its antecedents.Informally, a tuple is useful if it is either itself an alarm, or canbe used to produce a useful tuple. The pruned set of clausesmay finally be defined as follows: GC ′ = {д ∈ GC | cд ∈ U }.

Chain compression. Consider the derivation graph shownin Figure 3, and observe the sequence of tuples P(L4, L2) →P(L4, L3) → P(L4, L4) → P(L4, L5). Both intermediate tuplesP(L4, L3) and P(L4, L4) are produced by exactly one groundedclause, and are consumed as an antecedent by exactly oneclause. Furthermore, since neither of them is an alarm node,we will never solicit feedback from the user about thesetuples. We may therefore rewrite the derivation graph todirectly conclude P(L4, L2) → P(L4, L5).

We formally present this optimization in Algorithm 3. Therewriting is essentially an eager application of the standardvariable elimination procedure for Bayesian networks.

Algorithm 3 Compress(GC,C,A), where GC is the set ofgrounded constraints, C is the set of conclusions, and A isthe set of alarms produced by the analysis.1. For each tuple t , define:

Srcs(t ) B {д ∈ GC | t = cд },Sinks(t ) B {д ∈ GC | t ∈ Aд }.

2. Construct the following set:E B {t ∈ C \A | | Srcs(t ) | = 1 ∧ | Sinks(t ) | = 1}.

3. While E is not empty:a. Pick an arbitrary tuple t ∈ E, and let Srcs(t ) = {д1},

and Sinks(t ) = {д2}.b. Since t = cд1 and t s an antecedent of д2, let

д1 = a1 ∧ a2 ∧ · · · ∧ ak =⇒ t , andд2 = t ∧ b1 ∧ b2 ∧ . . .bp =⇒ t ′.

c. Define a new clause, д′ = a1 ∧ a2 ∧ · · · ∧ ak ∧ b1 ∧ b2 ∧· · · ∧ bp =⇒ t ′. Update GC B GC ∪ {д′} \ {д1,д2},E B E \ {t }, and recompute Srcs and Sinks.

d. If д1 was associated with rule r1 with probability p1, andд2 was associated with rule r2 with probability p2, thenassociate д′ with a new rule r ′ with probability p1p2.

4. Return GC .

Table 2. Statistics of the instance analyses.

Analysis Rules Input relations Output relations

Datarace 102 58 44Taint 62 52 25

5 Experimental EvaluationOur evaluation seeks to answer the following questions:Q1. How effective is Bingo at ranking alarms?Q2. Can Bingo help in discovering new bugs missed by

existing precise analysis tools?Q3. How robust is the ranking produced by Bingo and

how adversely is it affected by incorrect responses?Q4. Does Bingo scale to large programs and how effective

are the optimizations it employs?We describe our experimental setup in Section 5.1, then

discuss each of the above questions in Sections 5.2–5.5, andoutline limitations of our approach in Section 5.6.

5.1 Experimental SetupWe conducted all our experiments on Linux machines with3.0 GHz processors and 64 GB RAM running Oracle HotSpotJVM 1.6 and LibDAI version 0.3.2. We set a timeout of 2 hoursper alarm proposed for both Bingo and the baselines.

5.1.1 Instance AnalysesWe summarize the key statistics of our instance analyses inTable 2, and describe them here in more detail.

Datarace analysis. The datarace analysis [49] is built atopthe Chord framework [48]. It combines thread-escape, may-happen-in-parallel, and lockset analyses that are flow-and-context sensitive. They build upon call-graph and aliasinginformation obtained from a 3-context-and-object sensitivebut flow-insensitive pointer analysis [42]. The analysis isintended to be soundy [39], i.e. sound with the exceptionof some difficult features of Java, including exceptions andreflection (which is resolved by a dynamic analysis [6]).

Taint analysis. The taint analysis [15] is built atop the Sootframework [59]. The variables of the analyzed program areassociated with source and sink annotations, depending onwhether it could contain data originating from a sensitivesource or data that eventually flows to an untrusted sink,respectively. The analysis uses call-graph and aliasing infor-mation from a similar pointer analysis as before [42].

5.1.2 BenchmarksWe evaluated Bingo on the suite of 16 benchmarks shown inTable 3. The first four datarace benchmarks are commonlyused in previous work [13, 61], while we chose the remainingfour from the DaCapo suite [4], and obtained the groundtruth by manual inspection. The eight taint analysis bench-marks were chosen from the STAMP [15] repository, and are

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a combination of apps provided by a major security company,and challenge problems used in past research.

5.1.3 Baseline Ranking AlgorithmsWe compare Bingo to two baseline algorithms, Base-R andBase-C. In each iteration, Base-R chooses an alarm for in-spection uniformly at random from the pool of unlabelledalarms. Base-C is based on the alarm classifier Eugene [41].We describe its operation in Appendix C.

5.1.4 User StudyTo answer Q3, we conducted a user study to measure thefraction of alarms mislabelled by professional programmers.We placed an advertisement on, an online portalfor freelance programmers. We presented respondents witha tutorial on dataraces, and gave them a small 5-questiontest based on a program similar to that in Figure 1. Basedon their performance in the test, we chose 21 of the 27 re-spondents, and assigned each of these developers to one ofthe benchmarks, hedc, ftp, weblech, and jspider. We gavethem 20 alarms for labelling with an 8–10 hour time limit,such that each alarm was inspected by at least 5 indepen-dent programmers. To encourage thoughtful answers, wealso asked them to provide simple explanations with their re-sponses.We found that, for 90% of the questions, the majorityvote among the responses resulted in the correct label.

5.2 Effectiveness of RankingOne immediate way to measure the effectiveness of Bingo isto determine the rank at which the last true alarm is discov-ered. We present these statistics in Table 4. For example, thedatarace analysis produces 522 alarms on ftp, of which 75are real dataraces. Bingo presents all true alarms for inspec-tion within just 103 rounds of interaction, compared to 368for Base-C, and 520 for Base-R. Another notable example isluindex from the DaCapo suite, on which the analysis pro-duces 940 alarms. Of these alarms, only 2 are real dataraces,and Bingo reports both bugs within just 14 rounds of interac-tion, compared to 101 for Base-C and 587 for Base-R. Over allbenchmarks, on average, the user needs to inspect 44.2% and58.5% fewer alarms than Base-C and Base-R respectively.

On the other hand, the last true alarm discovered may bean outlier and not representative of the entire interactionprocess. This is evident in the case of sunflow, for which oneneeds to inspect 838 of the 958 alarms produced to discoverall bugs. Observe however, in the column Rank-90%-T, thatthe user discovers 90% of the true alarms within just 483iterations. The more detailed comparison between Bingoand Base-C presented in Figure 7 demonstrates that Bingohas a consistently higher yield of true alarms than Base-C.

To capture this dynamical behavior, we consider the inter-action process as represented by the ROC curve [14]. We plotthis for the ftp benchmark in Figure 8. The x- and y-axesindicate the false and true alarms present in the benchmark,

and each point (x ,y) on the curve indicates an instant whenthe user has inspected x false alarms and y true alarms. Atthis step, if the system proposes a true alarm, then the nextpoint on the curve is at (x ,y + 1), and otherwise, the nextpoint is at (x + 1,y). The solid line is the curve for Bingo,while the dotted lines are the ranking runs for each of theruns of Base-C, and the diagonal line is the expected behav-ior of Base-R. Observe that Bingo outperforms Base-C notjust in the aggregate, but across each of the individual runs.

Our final effectiveness metric, the AUC, is the normalizedarea under the ROC curve. The AUC is closely related to theinversion count χ of Section 3.4: if nt and nf are the numberof true and false alarms in a sequence w of alarms, thenχ (w ) = ntnf (1 − AUC(w )). It can also be shown that theexpected AUC of Base-R is equal to 0.5. On a scale rangingfrom 0 to 1, on average, the AUC for Bingo exceeds that ofBase-C by 0.13 and of Base-R by 0.37.In summary, we conclude that Bingo is indeed effective

at ranking alarms, and can significantly reduce the numberof false alarms that the user needs to triage.

5.3 Discovering New BugsIn an attempt to control the number of alarms produced,users are drawn to precise static and dynamic analysis tools,which promise low false positive rates [22]. However, asevidenced by missed security vulnerabilities such as Heart-bleed [10], precise tools are necessarily unsound, and oftenmiss important bugs. To check whether Bingo can help inthis situation, we ran two state-of-the-art precise dataracedetectors: Chord [49] with unsound flags turned on, andFastTrack [17], a dynamic datarace detector based on thehappens-before relation. We ran FastTrack with the inputsthat were supplied with the benchmarks.

We present the number of alarms produced and the num-ber of bugs missed by each analyzer in Table 5. For example,by turning on the unsound options, we reduce the number ofalarms produced by Chord from 522 to 211, but end up miss-ing 39 real dataraces. Using Bingo, however, a user discoversall true alarms within just 103 iterations, thereby discovering108% more dataraces while inspecting 51% fewer alarms.

Aggregating across all our benchmarks, there are 379 realdataraces, of which the unsound Chord analysis reportsonly 203 and produces 1,414 alarms. Bingo discovers all379 dataraces within a total of just 1,736 iterations. The usertherefore discovers 87% more dataraces by just inspecting23% more alarms. In all, using Bingo allows the user toinspect 100 new bugs which were not reported either byFastTrack or by Chord in its unsound setting.Furthermore, the analysis flags determine the number of

alarms produced in an unpredictable way: reducing it from958 alarms to 506 alarms for sunflow, but from 1,870 alarmsto 80 alarms for xalan. In contrast, Bingo provides the userwith much more control over how much effort they wouldlike to spend to find bugs.

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PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA M. Raghothaman, S. Kulkarni, K. Heo, and M. Naik

Table 3. Benchmark characteristics. ‘Total’ and ‘App’ columns are numbers using 0-CFA call graph construction, with andwithout the JDK for datarace analysis benchmarks, and with and without the Android framework for taint analysis benchmarks.

Program Description # Classes # Methods Bytecode (KLOC)Total App Total App Total App


hedc Web crawler from ETH 357 44 2,154 230 141 11ftp Apache FTP server 499 119 2,754 608 152 23weblech Website download/mirror tool 579 56 3,344 303 167 12jspider Web spider engine 362 113 1,584 426 95 13avrora AVR microcontroller simulator 2,080 1,119 10,095 3,875 369 113luindex Document indexing tool 1,168 169 7,494 1,030 317 47sunflow Photo-realistic image rendering system 1,857 127 12,934 967 616 53xalan XML to HTML transforming tool 1,727 390 12,214 3,007 520 120



app-324 Unendorsed Adobe Flash player 1,788 81 6,518 167 40 10noisy-sounds Music player 1,418 119 4,323 500 52 11app-ca7 Simulation game 1,470 142 4,928 889 55 23app-kQm Puzzle game 1,332 105 4,114 517 68 31tilt-mazes Game packaging the Mobishooter malware 2,462 547 7,034 2,815 77 35andors-trail RPG game infected with malware 1,623 339 5,016 1,523 81 44ginger-master Image processing tool 1,474 159 4,500 738 82 39app-018 Arcade game 1,840 275 5,397 1,389 98 50

Table 4. Summary of metrics for the effectiveness of Bingo. Rank-100%-T and Rank-90%-T are the ranks at which all and90% of the true alarms have been inspected, respectively. For the baselines, we show the median measurement across five runs.

Program #Alarms Rank-100%-T Rank-90%-T Area under the curve (AUC)Total Bugs %TP Bingo Base-C Base-R Bingo Base-C Base-R Bingo Base-C Base-R


hedc 152 12 7.89% 67 121 143 65 115 135 0.81 0.76 0.50ftp 522 75 14.37% 103 368 520 80 290 476 0.98 0.78 0.49weblech 30 6 20.00% 11 16 29 10 15 25 0.84 0.78 0.48jspider 257 9 3.50% 20 128 247 19 101 201 0.97 0.81 0.59avrora 978 29 2.97% 410 971 960 365 798 835 0.75 0.70 0.51luindex 940 2 0.21% 14 101 587 14 101 587 0.99 0.89 0.61sunflow 958 171 17.85% 838 timeout 952 483 timeout 872 0.79 timeout 0.50xalan 1,870 75 4.01% 273 timeout 1844 266 timeout 1,706 0.91 timeout 0.50



app-324 110 15 13.64% 51 104 106 44 89 97 0.83 0.58 0.50noisy-sounds 212 52 24.53% 135 159 207 79 132 190 0.89 0.69 0.50app-ca7 393 157 39.95% 206 277 391 172 212 350 0.96 0.81 0.51app-kQm 817 160 19.58% 255 386 815 200 297 717 0.93 0.86 0.51tilt-mazes 352 150 42.61% 221 305 351 155 205 318 0.95 0.79 0.50andors-trail 156 7 4.49% 14 48 117 13 44 92 0.98 0.81 0.60ginger-master 437 87 19.91% 267 303 436 150 214 401 0.84 0.77 0.47app-018 420 46 10.95% 288 311 412 146 186 369 0.85 0.77 0.51

5.4 Robustness of RankingOne potential concern with tools such as Bingo is that mis-labelled alarms will deteriorate their performance. Further-more, concurrency bugs such as dataraces are notoriouslyhard to diagnose. However, in the user study described inSection 5.1, we observed that when a group of professionalprogrammers are made to vote on the ground truth of analarm, they are able to correctly classify 90% of the alarms.

We extrapolated the results of this study and simulated theruns of Bingo on ftp where the feedback labels had beencorrupted with noise. In Table 6, we measure the ranks atwhich 90% and 100% of the alarms labelled true appear. As isexpected of an outlier, the rank of the last true alarm degradesfrom 103 in the original setting to 203 in the presence of noise,but the rank at which 90% of the true alarms have beeninspected increases more gracefully, from 80 originally to 98

Table 6. Robustness of Bingo with varying amounts of usererror in labelling alarms for the ftp benchmark. Each valueis the median of three measurements.

Tool Rank-100%-T Rank-90%-T AUC

Exact Bingo 103 80 0.98

Base-C 368 290 0.78


Bingo (1% noise) 111 85 0.97Bingo (5% noise) 128 88 0.93Bingo (10% noise) 203 98 0.86

in the presence of 10% noise. In all cases, Bingo outperformsthe original Base-C. We conclude that Bingo can robustlytolerate reasonable amounts of user error.

5.5 Scalability of the Ranking AlgorithmWe present measurements of the running time of Bingo andof Base-C in Table 7.We also present the iteration time when

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User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USADataraceanalysis






# Al


shedc (total = 152)





# Al



ftp (total = 522)






# Al



avrora (total = 978)







# Al



luindex (total = 940)Ta









# Al



app-324 (total = 110)





# Al



noisy-sounds (total = 212)





# Al



tilt-mazes (total = 352)






# Al



andors-trail (total = 156)

Figure 7. Comparing the interaction runs produced by Bingo and Base-C. The y-axis shows the number of alarms inspectedby the user, the “•” and “×” indicate the rounds in which the first and last true alarms were discovered, and the boxes indicatethe rounds in which 25%, 50%, and 75% of the true alarms were discovered. Each measurement for Base-C is itself the medianof 5 independent runs. The plots for the remaining benchmarks are available in Appendix C.

Table 5. The number of real dataraces missed by Chord’s dataraceanalysis with unsound settings, and the FastTrack dynamic dataracedetector, for 8 Java benchmarks. New bugs are the real dataraces pro-posed by Bingo but missed by both. LTR is the rank at which Bingodiscovers all true alarms.Program Chord, soundy Chord, unsound Missed by Bingo

Total Bugs Total Bugs Missed FastTrack New bugs LTRhedc 152 12 55 6 6 5 3 67ftp 522 75 211 36 39 29 14 103weblech 30 6 7 4 2 0 0 11jspider 257 9 52 5 4 2 0 20avrora 978 29 9 4 25 7 6 410luindex 940 2 494 2 0 1 0 14sunflow 958 171 506 94 77 151 69 838xalan 1,870 75 80 52 23 8 8 273Total 5,707 379 1,414 203 176 203 100 1,736

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400Number of false alarms inspected










ber o

f tru

e al


s ins




Figure 8. The ROC curves for ftp. Thesolid line is the curve for Bingo, while thedotted lines are the curves for each of theruns of the Base-C.

the optimizations of Section 4 are turned off. The iterationtime, corresponding to one run of the belief propagation al-gorithm, is directly dependent on the size of the Bayesian net-work, which we indicate by the columns labelled #Tuples and#Clauses. In contrast, Base-C invokes a MaxSAT solver ineach iteration, and the columns labelled #Vars and #Clausesindicate the size of the formula presented to the solver. Ob-serve the massive gains in performance—on average, an im-provement of 265×—as a result of the co-reachability basedpruning and chain compression, because of which Bingocan handle even large benchmark programs such as xalanand sunflow, on which Base-C times out.

5.6 LimitationsThe running time of Bingo could preclude its integrationinto an IDE. This limitation could be alleviated through solverimprovements and modular reasoning techniques for large

programs [34]. Secondly, we restrict ourselves to featuresalready present in the analysis, which could potentially limitgeneralization from user feedback. Finally, early stoppingcriteria, such as those mentioned in Section 2.5, affect sound-ness and raise the possibility of missed bugs.

6 Related WorkThere is a large body of research on techniques to overcomethe incompleteness of automatic program reasoning tools.We catalog and summarize these efforts.

Interactive techniques. These approaches resolve alarmsthrough user feedback; they reason about the logical struc-ture of the analysis to identify queries that are then posedto the user [12, 35, 36, 51, 61]. Dillig et al [12] formulate thesearch for missing facts to discharge alarm as an abductiveinference problem. Ivy [51] graphically displays succinct

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Table 7. Sizes of the Bayesian networks processed by Bingo, and of the MaxSAT problems processed by Base-C, and theireffect on iteration time. Data for the Android benchmarks is presented in Table 8 of Appendix C.

Program Bingo, optimized Bingo, unoptimized Base-C#Tuples (K) #Clauses (K) Iter time (s) #Tuples (K) #Clauses (K) Iter time (s) #Vars (K) #Clauses (K) Iter time (s)

hedc 2.2 3.1 46 753 789 12,689 1,298 1,468 194ftp 25 40 1,341 2,067 2,182 37,447 2,859 3,470 559weblech 0.31 0.38 3 497 524 7,950 1,498 1,718 290jspider 9 15 570 1,126 1,188 12,982 1,507 1,858 240avrora 11 22 649 1,552 1,824 47,552 2,305 3,007 1,094luindex 5.3 6.5 41 488 522 9,334 1,584 1,834 379sunflow 59 96 3,636 9,632 11,098 timeout 26,025 34,218 timeoutxalan 19 32 489 2,452 2,917 51,812 6,418 8,660 timeout

counterexamples to the user to help identify inductive in-variants. URSA [61] formulates the search for the root causesof false alarms in Datalog derivation graphs as an informa-tion gain maximization problem. Le and Soffa [35] and Leeet al [36] identify correlations between alarms of the form“If a is false, then b is also false.” Thus, an entire family ofalarms can be resolved by the user inspecting a single alarmin the family. These techniques often give soundness guar-antees assuming correct user responses. However, they areconstrained by the limits of logical reasoning, and cannot ex-tract fine correlations between alarms (such as, “If a is false,then b is also likely to be false.”). Moreover, in contrast tomany of these systems, Bingo only asks the user to providethe ground truth of alarms they are already triaging, insteadof posing other kinds of queries. This significantly lowersthe burden of using our approach.

Statistical techniques. Such approaches leverage variouskinds of program features to statistically determine whichalarms are likely bugs. The z-ranking algorithm [30, 31]uses the observation that alarms within physical proxim-ity of each other (e.g., within the same function or file) arecorrelated in their ground truth and applies a statistical tech-nique called the z-test to rank alarms. More recently, otherkinds of program features have been used to statisticallyclassify analysis alarms [5, 25, 28, 58]. On the one hand, ourwork can be seen as explaining why these techniques tendto work; for instance, alarms within the same function aremore likely to share portions of their derivation graph, andthese correlations are therefore emergent phenomena that arenaturally captured by our Bayesian network. On the otherhand, these techniques can exploit extra-analytic programfeatures, which is an important future direction for our work.

Previous techniques have also leveraged analysis-derivedfeatures, e.g., to assign confidence values to alarms [37], andclassify alarms with a single round of user feedback [41]. Thekey difference compared to these works is Bingo’s ability tomaximize the return on the user’s effort in inspecting eachalarm. As described in Sections 3 and 5, Bingo thereforesignificantly outperforms the baseline based on [41].

Further out, there is a large body of work on using statisti-cal techniques for mining likely specifications and reporting

anomalies as bugs (e.g., [32, 38, 46, 55]) and for improvingthe performance of static analyzers (e.g., [8, 23, 24]).

Inference techniques. Starting with Pearl [52, 53], there isa rich body of work on using graphical models to combinelogical and probabilistic reasoning in AI. Prominent exam-ples include Bayesian networks and Markov networks, andwe refer the reader to Koller and Friedman’s comprehensivetextbook [29]. A more recent challenge involves extendingthese models to capture richer logical formalisms such asHorn clauses and first-order logic. This has resulted in frame-works such as probabilistic relational models [21], Markovlogic networks [50, 57], Bayesian logic programs [26], andprobabilistic languages such as Blog [43], ProbLog [16], andInfer.NET [44]. Our work may be viewed as an attempt toapply these ideas to program reasoning.

There are several methods to perform marginal inferencein Bayesian networks. Examples include exact methods, suchas variable elimination, the junction tree algorithm [27], andsymbolic techniques [20], approximate methods based onbelief propagation [33, 45], and those based on sampling,such as Gibbs sampling or MCMC search. Recent advanceson the random generation of SAT witnesses [9] also fall inthis area. Given that exact inference is #P-complete [11, 29],our main consideration in choosing belief propagation wasthe desire for deterministic output, and the requirement toscale to large codebases.

7 ConclusionIn this paper, we presented Bingo, a static analysis toolwhich prioritizes true alarms over false ones by leveraginguser feedback and by performing Bayesian inference over thederivation graph. We demonstrated significant improvementover two different baselines and across several metrics ontwo instance analyses and a suite of 16 benchmark programs.

We view Bingo as the first step in a program to integrateprobabilistic techniques more deeply into traditional soft-ware engineering tools. Our immediate problems of interestinclude incrementality (How do we carry forward informa-tion from one version of the program being analyzed to thenext?), and improving accuracy by considering program fea-tures which are invisible to the analysis (such as variable

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names and results of dynamic analyses). In the longer term,we plan to investigate various non-traditional uses of Bingo,such as during analysis design, to obtain data-driven insightsinto otherwise non-statistical analyses.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank the anonymous reviewers and our shepherd IsilDillig for insightful comments. We thank Rajeev Alur, PeterO’Hearn, and Val Tannen for useful feedback.We are gratefulto Stephen Freund for helping with FastTrack. This researchwas supported by DARPA under agreement #FA8750-15-2-0009 and by NSF awards #1253867 and #1526270.

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A Framework for Bayesian InferenceWe will now prove the two theorems stated in Section 3.

A.1 Correctness of Cycle EliminationTheorem 3.1. For all I andGC , ifGCc = CycleElim(I ,GC ),then (a) GCc ⊆ GC , (b) every tuple derivable using GC is also

derivable using GCc , and (c) G (C,GCc ) is acyclic.

Proof. The first part of the claim is immediate because of thedefinition of GCc in Algorithm 2.We will now prove the second part of the claim. If t is

an input tuple, then the result is immediate, because of thepresence of the clause True =⇒ t inGCc . Wewill now focusour attention on derivable non-input tuples t . At the fixpointof step 3 of the algorithm, observe that every derivable tuplet has a finite-valued timestamp, T (t ) ⪇ ∞. We prove thederivability of t in GCc by induction on its timestamp T (t ).We already know the result for the case of T (t ) = 0, as t isthen an input tuple. If T (t ) = n + 1, and assuming the resultfor all tuples t ′ with T (t ′) ≤ n, consider the deriving clauseдt , and observe that each of its antecedents t ′′ ∈ Aдt has asmall timestamp, T (t ′′) ≤ n. By the induction hypothesis,all these tuples t ′′ are derivable, and it follows that t is itselfderivable within GCc .Finally, observe that for every clause д ∈ GCc , the times-

tamp of the consequent T (cд ) is strictly greater than thetimestamp of each of its antecedents, T (a), for a ∈ Aд . Thisrules out the possibility of a cycle in GCc . □

A.2 The Inversion Count, and Optimality ofRanking

Letw = a1,a2, . . . ,an be a sequence of alarms. If nt and nfare the number of true and false alarms inw , then observethat for a perfect rankingwд , with all true alarms before allfalse positives, χ (wд ) = 0, whereas an orderingwb with allfalse positives before all true alarms, has χ (wb ) = nf nt .Next, if Pr(·) describes the joint probability distribution

of alarms, observe that the expected inversion count ofw =a1,a2, . . . ,an of alarms is given by:

E(χ (w ) | e ) =∑i


Pr(¬ai ∧ aj | e ). (11)

We can now prove Theorem 3.2.

Theorem 3.2. For each set of observations e , the sequencew = a1,a2, . . . ,an of alarms, arranged according to decreasing

Pr(ai | e ), has the minimum expected inversion count over all

potential orderingsw ′.

Proof. Wewill first prove the theorem for the case with n = 2alarms, and then generalize to larger values of n.

Case 1 (n = 2). There are exactly two ways of arranging apair of alarms: w = a1,a2, and w ′ = a2,a1, with expected

inversion countsE(χ (w ) | e ) = Pr(¬a1 ∧ a2 | e ), andE(χ (w ′) | e ) = Pr(a1 ∧ ¬a2 | e )

respectively. Our hypothesis states thatPr(a1 | e ) ≥ Pr(a2 | e ).

Rewriting each of these events as the union of a pair ofmutually exclusive events, we have:

Pr(a1 ∧ a2 | e ) + Pr(a1 ∧ ¬a2 | e )≥ Pr(a1 ∧ a2 | e ) + Pr(¬a1 ∧ a2 | e ),

so that E(χ (w ′ | e )) ≥ E(χ (w | e )), thus establishing ourresult for the case when n = 2.

Case 2 (n > 2). We will now prove the result for largervalues of n by piggy-backing on bubble sort. For the sakeof contradiction, let us assume that some other sequencew ′ = a′1,a

′2, . . . ,a

′n has lower expected inversion count,

E(χ (w ′ | e )) < E(χ (w ) | e ). (12)Associate each alarm a′i with its index j in the referenceordering w , so that a′i = aj , and run bubble sort on w ′ ac-cording to the newly associated keys. For each k , let w (k )

be the state of the sequence after the sorting algorithm hasswapped k elements, so that we end up with a sequence oforderings,w (0) ,w (1) ,w (2) , . . . ,w (m) , such thatw ′ = w (0) andw (m) = w .

Now consider each pair of consecutive sequences, w (k )

andw (k+1) . Except for a pair of adjacent elements, a (k )i , a (k )i+1,the two sequence have the same alarms at all other locations.Because they were swapped, it follows that a (k )i+1 appearsbefore a (k )i inw (m) = w , so that

Pr(a (k )i+1 | e ) ≥ Pr(a (k )i | e ).

From Equation 11 and by an argument similar to that usedin the n = 2 case, we conclude that E(χ (w (k ) ) | e ) ≥E(χ (w (k+1) ) | e ), and transitively that E(χ (w (0) ) | e ) ≥E(χ (w (m) ) | e ). Since w ′ = w (0) and w (m) = w , this imme-diately conflicts with our assumption that E(χ (w ′ | e )) <E(χ (w ) | e ), and completes the proof. □

A.3 Comparison to Probabilistic DatalogOne prominent distinction between probabilistic databasesand our model is in the source of uncertainties. While weassume that the input tuples are known with surety andthat uncertainty in conclusions arises from incomplete rules,the literature on probabilistic databases mostly assumes thatthe rules are inerrant and that the presence / absence ofindividual input tuples is what is uncertain. As a result, it isnon-trivial to translate problem instances from our settingto probabilistic Datalog.

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B ImplementationEngineering the belief propagation algorithm. In eachround of the inference algorithm, each random variable vpasses a message to all its neighbors u (both parents andchildren), indicating the updated belief in u given the cur-rent belief in v . Each node then computes a new belief bycombining the messages received from all its neighbors. Thealgorithm terminates when the beliefs converge, i.e. they donot differ by more than ϵ from one round to the next.We were motivated by the predictable, deterministic be-

havior of this algorithm, and because it scales well to thegraphs produced by our benchmarks. Furthermore, eventhough it is only an approximate inference algorithm forgeneral Bayesian networks, empirical studies show that itoften converges to values that are very close to the truemarginal probabilities [47].

Unfortunately, as reported by previous studies [47], and aswe observed in our early experiments, loopy BP sometimesdoes not converge, and the beliefs occasionally exhibit oscil-lating behavior. Whenever this phenomenon occurred, weobserved that it is only a small subset of variables exhibitingpathological behavior. We overcame this difficulty in twoways: (a) by setting a timeout on the number of iterationsthat the algorithm can execute, and terminating even if thebeliefs of some nodes had not yet converged, and (b) in caseof non-convergence, by returning the average belief over

the last 100 iterations, instead of simply the final value, as alow-pass filter to dampen any oscillatory behavior.

C Experimental EvaluationThe baseline ranker, Base-C. We constructed Base-C byrepurposing the alarm classifier Eugene [41]. LetA be the setof alarms produced by the analysis. Given positive and nega-tive feedback on some disjoint subsets of alarms, Lp ,Ln ⊆ A,Eugene generalizes this and classifies all a ∈ A as likely trueand likely false:Ap ,An , such thatAp ∪An = A, Lp ⊆ Ap , andLn ⊆ An . The natural way to make this system user-guided isthe following algorithm, which we implemented as Base-C:

1. Initialize Lp and Ln to ∅.2. While there exists an unlabelled alarm:a. Invoke the classifier: (Ap ,An ) = Classify(Lp ,Ln ).b. Pick an unlabelled alarma uniformly at random from

Ap . If no such alarm exists, choose it uniformly atrandom from An .

c. Present a for inspection by the user, and insert itinto Lp or Ln as appropriate.

Supplemental data. Figure 9 shows the comparison be-tween Bingo and Base-C for the benchmark programs weomitted from Figure 7. Table 8 supplements Table 7, andreports the effect of our optimizations on the execution timefor the taint analysis benchmarks.

Page 17: User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inferencesulekha/pubs/pldi18_bingo.pdf · 2018. 6. 20. · Sulekha Kulkarni∗ University of Pennsylvania, USA Kihong

User-Guided Program Reasoning using Bayesian Inference PLDI’18, June 18–22, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USADataraceanalysis







weblech (total = 30)







# Al



jspider (total = 257)






# Al



sunflow (total = 958)





# Al



xalan (total = 1870)Ta









# Al



app-ca7 (total = 393)





# Al



app-kQm (total = 817)





# Al



ginger-master (total = 437)





# Al



app-018 (total = 420)

Figure 9. Comparing the runs of Bingo and Base-C.

Table 8. Sizes of the Bayesian networks processed by Bingo, and of the MaxSAT problems processed by Base-C, for the eightAndroid apps, and their effect on iteration time.

Program Bingo, optimized Bingo, unoptimized Base-C#Tuples (K) #Clauses (K) Iter time (s) #Tuples (K) #Clauses (K) Iter time (s) #Vars (K) #Clauses (K) Iter time (s)

app-324 0.39 1.6 83 29 1,033 14,710 129 1,178 86noisy-sounds 0.73 1.9 41 36 277 1,204 78 407 39app-ca7 1.6 4.9 72 90 1,367 1,966 161 1,528 123app-kQm 2.9 10 234 186 3,978 7,742 316 4,495 311tilt-mazes 1.3 3.6 57 69 1,047 2,843 153 1,198 84andors-trail 0.42 1.3 1 13 72 183 74 145 17ginger-master 1.6 7.8 418 158 3,274 7,335 315 3,857 303app-018 2.3 9.9 302 223 4,950 20,622 486 6,803 426