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User Manual

Syntel Admin Portal

Client Visit Approval

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Revision History

Date Author Version Reviewed

By Change Reference

26/12/2016 Trupti Bhosale Draft Devesh

Jogal Initial Draft

23/01/2017 Trupti Bhosale Draft Devesh


Updated details in Section 5: Contact

Details & Escalation Matrix (TSG) table

Revision Sign-off

Name Approved Date

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 4

1.3 Intended Audience ................................................................................................................... 4

2 Link .................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Roles .................................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 Roles for the Client Visit Module .............................................................................................. 7

4 Role based System Requirements ................................................................................... 8

4.1 Syntel Employee Login .............................................................................................................. 8

4.2 DuH Login ............................................................................................................................... 16

4.3 CEO Login ................................................................................................................................ 21

4.4 Syntel Admin ........................................................................................................................... 25

5 References & Escalation Matrix ..................................................................................... 33

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1 Introduction

Client Visit Approval Process Module which will be part of the Syntel Admin Portal will be an online tool used by

Syntel employees to raise request for Client Visit Arrangement. The application will also provide Delivery Head’s

and CEO’s office the facility to approve/deny requests raised by their subordinates. It will help to get an estimated

budget for any Client Visit Arrangements and will act as a single repository for all client requests to do analytics.

For each location a separate client visit arrangement request will be raised, even if the same Client is travelling to

different locations. Each request raised will need Delivery Head’s approval. For all those requests whose estimated

budget is exceeding the threshold budget rate, in addition to Delivery Head’s approval, the request will also be

taken forward to CEO office approval.

1.1 Purpose

Currently all the activities related to raising request for client arrangements is done manually. There is a template

that is maintained for raising requests for client arrangements. Whenever a request arises for client arrangements,

the template is first obtained from the Admin team and the inputs related to the budget estimates are obtained from

the Admin Team. The designated employee then fills the data in the excel sheet template and then the same is sent

to the project’s Delivery Head for their approval via email. In case where the estimated budget of client visit

arrangements is exceeding the standard budget, after Delivery Head’s approval, CEO office approval is mandatory

for all the Budget values. In these cases the request further needs to be sent via email to CEO office.

The online application will automate these activities by allowing the employee to fill in all the required details in the

application and submit the same via the application for DUH’s approval, and CEO office approval if needed further.

The application will also have the facility for rejection of any request raised for whatsoever reasons, and will allow

the requester to make the required changes and then resubmit the same request. The requests raised for Client

Visit arrangements will have status as either Draft, Pending DuH Approval, Pending CEO Approval, Approved or

Closed. Whenever there is a status change in the raised client visit request, a notification email will be triggered to

the respective members for further actions.

1.2 Scope

This document explains the process of raising requests for Client Visit arrangements in Syntel Admin Portal.

1.3 Intended Audience

This user guide is intended as a reference guide for the users of Syntel Admin Portal. This document is

exclusively meant for Syntel Employees having valid Syntel credentials, Syntel Admin Team, Delivery Head and

CEO Office.

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2 Link

A link in Syntelligence will be provided to access the Admin Management Portal. This link in turn will redirect the

user to Login screen of Admin Management Portal. User will have to enter valid Syntel credentials to access Admin

Management Portal. If user logins to Admin Management portal by accessing the link in Syntelligence, irrespective

of the login credentials entered in the Syntelligence, user will still need to enter the credentials to access Admin

Management portal.

The link to access Syntel Admin Portal is:

Navigation for Client Visit Module: Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit

Below is the login screen of Syntel Admin Portal.

Fig 1 Syntel Admin Portal – Login

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Once user logins in with valid Syntel credentials, Home page will be displayed with all the menu options i.e. Fleet

Management, Guest House, Maintenance, Inventory Management, Stationary and Request. User can access the

Client Visit Module under the Request menu. Depending upon the role of the logged in user, the screen access will

be different for each user.

Below is the Home page of Syntel Admin Portal.

Fig 2 Syntel Admin Portal – Client Visit Module

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3 Roles

3.1 Roles for the Client Visit Module

Following are the roles identified for the Portal and having valid Syntel credentials:

Role Details Access Rights

Syntel Employees Any Syntel employee having valid Syntel credentials can raise a request

Following rights are available for this role:

1. Raise Request: Allows the user to raise a new request for client visit arrangements.

2. View Request: All the requests raised by the logged in user will be displayed.

Delivery Head Delivery Heads Following rights will be available for this role:

1. Approve Requests: Only those requests having status “Pending DuH Approval” by the logged in Delivery Head will be displayed.

CEO Office CEO office Following rights will be available for this role:

1. Approve Requests: Only those requests having status “Pending CEO Approval” for the logged in CEO office user will be displayed.

Syntel Admin Syntel Admin team members Following rights will be available for this role:

1. Raise Request: Allows the user to raise a new request for client visit arrangements.

2. View Requests: Only those requests which are raised by the logged in Admin user and all those requests which have status other than “Drafts” but raised by other Syntel Employees will be displayed.

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4 Role based System Requirements

4.1 Syntel Employee Login

All Syntel Employee’s having valid Syntel credentials will have access rights to the below screens in Client Visit Module:

1. Raise Request 2. View Request

Raise Request

Navigation Flow Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit -> Raise Request

Screen Function This screen will allow user to raise a new request for client visit arrangements. User can either save the data partially or enter all the required details and submit for Delivery Head approval. If user enters the data partially/completely and saves the data in this case the status of the request will be “Draft” and if user enters all the mandatory data and performs Submit operation in this case the status of the request will be “Pending DuH Approval”


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Fig 1. Raise Request

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Email Triggers Once the employee performs Submit action on the Raise Request screen, the request will need Deliver Head approval. Also, for all those requests whose estimated budget is exceeding the threshold budget rate, in addition to Delivery Head’s approval, the request will also be taken forward to CEO office approval. Below are the different cases in which the email will be triggered: Case 1: Request is submitted for DuH Approval with no CEO approval is required: To: DU_Head Cc: Requester Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval

Email Content:


Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval. Please review and approve the same.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team

*Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

Case 2: Request is submitted for DuH Approval and CEO approval is also required. To: DU_Head Cc: Requester Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval

Email Content:


Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval. Please review and approve the same. Post DuH’s approval it will be submitted for CEO approval.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

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Regards, Admin Team *Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

View Request

Navigation Flow Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit -> View Request

Screen Function This screen allows the user to view the summary of all the requests that are raised by the logged in user. Depending on the status of current request, user will be able to view or modify the details for any of the request. If the status of the Request is “Draft”, “Update” link will be displayed and on click of Update, user will be navigated to “Client Visit Arrangements – Update” mode wherein user can modify any details for the selected request. For all other Requests which are having status as “Pending DuH Approval”, “Pending CEO Approval”, “Approved” or “Closed”, “View” link will be displayed. On click of View, user will be navigated to “Client Visit Arrangements – View” mode user can only view all the details for the selected request. No changes will be allowed in this mode.


Fig 2: Client Visit Arrangement Requests – View Mode

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Fig 3. Client Visit Arrangement Requests – Update Mode

(Requests having status as “Draft”)

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Fig 4: Client Visit Arrangement Requests – View Mode (Requests having status as “Pending DuH Approval”, “Pending CEO Approval”,

“Approved” or “Closed”)

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4.2 DuH Login

The Delivery Heads will have access rights to the below screens: 1. Approve Request

Approve Request

Navigation Flow Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit -> Approve Request

Screen Function This screen will display only those requests having status as “Pending DuH Approval” by the logged in Delivery Head. The Delivery Head can either approve the request or send back the request raised for client visit arrangements. If “Approve” action is selected by the Delivery Head, and if the request needs CEO office approval then the current status of the request will be “Pending CEO Approval” else the status of the request will be “Approved.” If “Send Back” action is selected by the Delivery Head, then the request will again be forwarded back to the Requestor’s queue, and the status of the request will be “Draft”.


Fig 5 : Client Visit Arrangement – Approve Request

(View Mode: For DuH login)

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Fig 6 : Client Visit Arrangement – Approve Request

(Approve/Deny Mode)

Fig 7 : Client Visit Arrangement – Approve/Deny Comments (If user selects Approve/Deny action in the Action field)

Email Triggers The Delivery Head can either Approve or Send Back the request. Below are the different cases in which the email will be triggered: Case 1: Request is approved by DuH and No CEO approval required: The Delivery Head Approves the request and the request does not need CEO approval. In this case, on Submit operation, a notification email will be triggered to the below recipient and the following mail contents: To: Requester, DU_HEAD, Facility_Email (Admin) Cc: CEO Office ; Admin PEG <[email protected]> Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is Approved

Email Content:

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Request XXXX is completely approved Now.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team

*Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

Case 2: Request is approved by DuH and CEO approval is also required: The Delivery Head Approves the request and the request also needs CEO approval. In this case, on Submit operation, a notification email will be triggered to the below recipient and the following mail contents: To: CEO Office Cc: Requester; DU_Head Subject Line: Client Visit Form: Request XXXX is submitted for CEO office approval. Please review and approve the same.

Email Content:


Request XXXX is approved by DuH. It has been submitted for CEO office approval.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team

*Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

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Case 3: Request is sent back by DuH: The Delivery Head Send Backs the request. In this case, on Submit operation, a notification email will be triggered to the below recipient and the following mail contents: To: Requester Cc: DU_Head Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is Denied by DuH

Email Content:


Request XXXX is sent back by DuH. Please correct and resubmit for approval.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team

*Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

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4.3 CEO Login

The CEO office will have access rights to the below screens: 1. Approve Request

Approve Request

Navigation Flow Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit -> Approve Request

Screen Function This screen will display only those requests having status as “Pending CEO Approval” for the logged in CEO office user. It will allow the CEO office user to either approve the request or send back the request raised for client visit arrangements. If “Approve” action is selected by the CEO office user, then the status of the request will be “Approved” If “Send Back” action is selected by the CEO office user, then the request will again be forwarded back to the Requestor’s queue, and the status of the request will be “Draft”.


Fig 8 : Client Visit Arrangement – Approve Request

(View Mode: For CEO office login)

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Fig 9 : Client Visit Arrangement – Approve Request (Approve/Deny Mode)

Fig 10 : Client Visit Arrangement – Approve/Deny Comments (If user selects Approve/Deny action in the Action field)

Email Triggers The CEO office user can either Approve or Send Back the request. Below are the different cases in which the email will be triggered: Case 1: Request is approved by CEO: The CEO office user Approves the request. In this case, on Submit operation, a notification email will be triggered to the below recipient and the following mail contents: To: Requester, Facility_Email Cc: CEO Office; [email protected] Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is Approved

Email Content:

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Request XXXX is completely approved Now.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team *Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

Case 2: Request is sent back by CEO office The CEO office user Sends Back the request. In this case, on Submit operation, a notification email will be triggered to the below recipient and the following mail contents: To: Requester Cc: CEO_office, DU_Head Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is Denied by CEO office

Email Content:


Request XXXX is sent back by CEO office. Please correct and resubmit for approval.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team *Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

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4.4 Syntel Admin

Syntel Admin Team will have access rights to the below screens in Client Visit Module: 1. Raise Request 2. View Request

Raise Request

Navigation Flow Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit -> Raise Request

Screen Function This screen will allow user to raise a new request for client visit arrangements. User can either save the data partially or enter all the required details and submit for Delivery Head approval. If user enters the data partially/completely and saves the data in this case the status of the request will be “Draft” and if user enters all the mandatory data and performs Submit operation in this case the status of the request will be “Pending DuH Approval”


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Fig 11. Raise Request

Email Triggers Once the Admin Team member performs Submit action on the Raise Request screen, the request will need Deliver Head approval. Also, for all those requests whose estimated budget is exceeding the threshold budget rate, in addition to Delivery Head’s approval,

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the request will also be taken forward to CEO office approval. Below are the different cases in which the email will be triggered: Case 1: Request is submitted for DuH Approval with no CEO approval is required: To: DU_Head Cc: Requester Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval

Email Content:


Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval. Please review and approve the same.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team

*Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

Case 2: Request is submitted for DuH Approval and CEO approval is also required. To: DU_Head Cc: Requester Subject Line: Client Visit Form : Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval

Email Content:


Request XXXX is submitted for DuH approval. Please review and approve the same. Post DuH’s approval it will be submitted for CEO approval.

Client Name : Wells Fargo

Syntel Co-ordinator Name: Prasad Anchawale

Visit Start Date :2016-12-21

Visit End Date: 2016-12-23

Location :PUNE GDC

Total Budget: Rs. 22000

Comments: New Request

ApprovalComments:[RSingamp1]: Over limit [RSingamp1]: Approved by DUH [CEOuser1]: Denied by CEo [RSingamp1]: rejected [RSingamp1]: okay [CEOuser1]: approved

Regards, Admin Team

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*Note-Please do not respond to this e-mail, as this mail-box is for outbound messages only.

View Request

Navigation Flow Syntel Admin Portal -> Login Page -> Request -> Client Visit -> View Request

Screen Function This screen allows the user to view the summary of all the requests that are raised by the logged in user. It will also display requests which have status other than “Drafts” but raised by other Syntel Employees. If the status of the Request is “Draft”, “Update” link will be displayed and on click of Update, user will be navigated to “Client Visit Arrangements – Update” mode wherein user can modify any details for the selected request. For all other Requests which are having status as “Pending DuH Approval”, “Pending CEO Approval”, “Approved” or “Closed”, “View” link will be displayed. On click of View, user will be navigated to “Client Visit Arrangements – View” mode, user can only view all the details for the selected request. No changes will be allowed in this mode.


Fig 12: Client Visit Arrangement Requests – View Mode

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Fig 13. Client Visit Arrangement Requests – Update Mode

(Requests having status as “Draft”)

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Fig 14: Client Visit Arrangement Requests – View Mode (Requests having status as “Pending DuH Approval”, “Pending CEO Approval”,

“Approved” or “Closed”)

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5 References & Escalation Matrix

1. Contact Details & Escalation Matrix (Admin)


Contact Email ID (DLs)

Lync INFOSERVE - Message Code#

Mumbai [email protected] #ClientVisit.mum

Pune [email protected] #ClientVisit.pun

Gurugram [email protected] #ClientVisit.gur

Chennai & Tirunelveli [email protected] #ClientVisit.chn

Manila [email protected] #ClientVisit.mnl

2. Escalation Matrix




Mumbai Babu, Biju (Airoli & ETPL)

[email protected]

Nortel : 022-293604

Agarwal, Anshul

[email protected]

Nortel: 022-213773

Shahane, Abhijit (SEEPZ & Powai)

[email protected]

Nortel : 022-213002

Pune Pant, Ravindra

[email protected]

Nortel: 020-333353

Konde, Jayant

[email protected]

Nortel: 020-333925 Gurugram MMishra, Chinmay

[email protected]

Nortel: 020-332003

Chennai & Tirunelveli RajalakshmyAmma, Babumohan

[email protected]

Nortel: 044-413278

Madhusudhan, Hari

[email protected]

Nortel: 044-412141

Manila Trinidad, NorbertoJR [email protected]

Nortel: 006-300099

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3. Contact Details & Escalation Matrix (TSG)

Location POC Level 1 Level 2

Mumbai (IT)

Airoli Airoli Mumbai Region(IT)

Ganesh Pawar Ganesh_pawar2@synteli Nortel: 022-302231

Rajesh Poojary

[email protected] Nortel:

Pereira, Mark [email protected]

Nortel: 0221-5164

Seepz Seepz

Yogesh Todankar Yogesh_todankar@synteli Nortel: 022-213776

Sachin Satam

[email protected] Nortel: 02221-5189

Mumbai (KPO)

Airoli (Bld 4 & Bld 11) Airoli (Bld 4 & Bld 11) Mumbai Region(KPO)

Devendra Mangaonkar Nortel: 022301611

[email protected]

Jacob Oommen Nortel: 022243028

[email protected]

SrinivasMurthy Bassa

Nortel: 0203 35254

[email protected]

Delphi Delphi

Devidas Magar Nortel- 022222222

[email protected]

Mayur Vasani Nortel Nortel- 022-67046502

[email protected]

Winchester Winchester

Rishin Mashkaria

Nortel: 022243106 Rishin_Mashkaria@syntel

Jacob_Oommen Nortel-022243028

[email protected]

Pune (IT)

Apsingekar, Yogesh Yogesh_Apsingekar@Synt Nortel: 0203333834

Sachin Kulkarni [email protected]

Nortel: 020-333635

Alex Philip [email protected]

Nortel: 020-333925 Chandran, Nithu Nithu_Chandran@synteli Nortel: 02033334

Pune (KPO)

Pune KPOhelpesk Nortel: 020335353

[email protected]

Jitendra Kachale Nortel: 020335333

[email protected]

SrinivasMurthy Bassa Nortel: 0203 35254

[email protected]

Gurugram Kumar, Rohit

[email protected]

Nortel: 0229-5923

Ganesamoorthy Arulanandan Ganesamoorthy_Arulanandan@SY

NTELINC.COM Nortel: 04441-8333

Sudarsan Chellappa Sudarsan_chellappa1@synteli Nortel: 04441-3456

Chennai & Tirunelveli

Manikandan Kumaran Manikandan_kumaran@s Nortel: 04441-3802

Ganesamoorthy Arulanandan Ganesamoorthy_Arulanandan@SY

NTELINC.COM Nortel: 04441-8333

Sudarsan Chellappa Sudarsan_chellappa1@synteli Nortel: 04441-3456

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Subash Nambiath Subash_Nambiath@synte Nortel: 0441-3807

Manila Arulanantham, Anand

[email protected]

Nortel: 0063-00106

Sudarsan Chellappa [email protected]

m Nortel: 04441-3456

Sudarsan Chellappa Sudarsan_chellappa1@synteli Nortel: 04441-3456