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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    One of the key strengths of the CUPLOK

    system is the simplicity of the component

    range. Basic horizontals and verticals

    form the core of all structures. How ever,

    w ith the addition of a small number of

    special components, complex scaffolds

    can be constructed w hich safe ly ad dress

    aw kw ard a ccess requirements.

    Access Standa rds (Ver ticals)

    Made from 48.3mm diameter x 3.2mm thick high

    grade steel tube, all standards incorporate lower

    fixed cups at 0.5m intervals with captive rotating

    top-cups securing up to 4 components. The lowest

    bottom cup is 80mm from the base of the standard

    to give the scaffold improved structural strength and

    reduce the need for base bracing in support

    structures. Access standards incorporate a 150mm

    spigot at the top to allow the vertical connection of

    further standards. Provision for a locking pin is also

    provided . (CUPLO K Support Standards do not have

    this spigot - allowing the insertion of jacks with

    various support components).

    Standards are available in 3 sizes:

    Code Length Overa ll W eight

    (m) length (m) (kg)

    2 70 1 00 1.0 1 .1 5 0 5 .8

    2 70 2 00 2.0 2 .1 5 0 1 1.2

    2 70 3 00 3.0 3 .1 5 0 1 6.5





  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    Universal Jack

    The Universal Jack has an adjustment of

    approximately 0.5m and is used for both access

    and support structures to accommodate variations

    in ground and soffit levels. It can be secured to theBase and Head Plate, Forkhead or Adaptor by

    using a standard nut and bolt if required.

    For support load bearing capacity of up to 74 kN

    (For access scaffolds see ma ximum heights on

    page 35).

    Base and Head Plate

    Used in conjunction with the universal jack. The

    spigot is drilled to allow for the insertion of a

    securing bolt if required.

    Code Height (m) W eight (kg)

    2 7 95 5 0 0 .86 0 3 .9

    2 7 95 4 0 0 .40 0 3 .0

    Combined Jack and Base Plate

    Code Height (m) W eight (kg)

    27 9 55 5 0.8 70 5 .3

    Code Height (mm) W eight (kg)

    27 9 50 0 11 0 2 .3

    Horizontals (Ledgers and Transoms)

    All ledgers and transoms incorporate symmetrical

    forged blade ends making assembly quick and

    simple, allowing complete interchangeability of

    components. Horizontals locate in the bottom cups

    of the standards.

    2.5m Horizontals provide the basic bay length ina CUPLOK access structure. This is a suitab le bay

    size for all common access loading conditions.

    1.8m Horizontals provide a make-up bay size

    for add ed f lexibi l i ty

    1.3m Transoms accommodate a f ive board wide

    platform. This transom can also be used as a

    horizontal for extra flexibility and to create

    corner returns without overlapped boards

    Norm al Horizontals also act as guardrai ls.

    HorizontalsCode Length O vera ll W eight

    (m) length (m) (kg)

    27 1 13 0 1 .3 1.2 5 2 4 .9

    27 1 18 0 1 .8 1.7 5 2 6 .9

    27 1 25 0 2 .5 2.4 5 2 9 .5

    27 1 30 0 3 .0 2.9 5 2 1 1 .5

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    Inside Board Transom: 1 and 2 Board

    Drop into place over the ledgers and are secured

    with a locking device to prevent movement. Act as

    conventional transoms but extend beyond the inside

    ledger to provide intermediate support to one or

    two inside boards.

    Description Code O vera ll W eight

    leng th (m) (kg )

    1-Board 2 73 1 01 1.6 2 9 .0

    2-Board 2 73 2 00 1.8 95 1 1 .5

    Locking dev ice

    Intermediate Transoms

    Intermediate Transoms provide mid-bay support for

    38mm scaffold boards by spanning between the

    inner and outer ledgers. The jaw section at each

    end is turned downwards to prevent dislocation.

    One end is provided w ith an integral locking

    device to prevent any movement along the ledgers

    during use.

    In addition to the standard 1.3m wide unit, shorter

    Intermediate Transoms are available for use where

    scaffold boards require support between hop-up

    brackets. They span between the inside ledger of

    the main scaffold and the ledger linking the hop-up

    brackets. For use with 2 board and 3 board hop-

    up brackets respectively.

    Co de Leng th O ver all W ei gh t

    (m) length (m) (kg)

    27 2 13 0 1 .3 1 .36 6 5.5

    27 2 07 8 0 .7 9 5 0 .86 1 3.7

    27 2 05 6 0 .5 6 5 0 .63 1 2.8

    Code Length O vera ll W eight

    (m) length (m) (kg)

    27 2 12 0 1.2 1.2 6 6 5 .2

    27 2 18 0 1.8 1.8 6 6 7 .3

    27 2 25 0 2.5 2.5 6 6 1 6.5

    (Dia. of tube


    Further units are pro vided for use when CUPLO K is

    erected to form birdcage access scaffolds using

    38mm scaffold boards and when CUPLOK is

    erected to form mobile access towers in modular

    sizes. Also used when temporary access is required

    in support structures where bay widths exceed the

    safe span of boards.

    Code O vera ll length (m) W eight (kg)

    27 9 30 0 0 .26 1.5

    Code W eight (kg)

    2 79 2 80 1 .1 5

    Inside Board SupportsSingle Board Support

    Locates in the cup joint and provides support for a

    single inside board at a vertical. It replaces the

    inside board transom at that point.

    Return Device

    A conventional blade end connected to a hook

    section which locates over the ledger on the

    adjacent return elevation to provide a corner

    connection. Used in pairs.

    Hop-up Brackets

    Designed to increase the overall width of the

    working platform to seven or eight boards by

    support ing two or three addit ional boards beyond

    the inner face of the scaffold. They incorporate a

    cup joint at the outside end to allow the fitting of an

    inside ledger which links the hop-up brackets and

    supports intermediate transoms. Also incorporates

    a facility to support a handrail post.

    Descrip tion Code O verall W eight

    leng th (m) (kg )

    3-Board 27 4 30 0 0 .8 15 7.7

    2-Board 27 4 20 0 0 .5 85 6.3

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    Scaffold Boards

    A variety of lengths are available

    British Standard: Support frequency every 1.5m

    MSG: Support frequency every 1.2m

    Please contact your local branch for details.

    Handra il Post

    For use with Hop-up Brackets, staircase towers

    and on support scaffolds if required. Incorporates

    cup joints to allow the location of ledgers to form

    guard rai ls.

    Code O verall length (m) W eight (kg)

    27 9 24 4 1 .1 50 4 .8

    Code Length (m) W eight (kg)

    27 4 54 1 1 .3 9 .85

    27 4 85 2 1 .6 1 2.1 2

    27 4 54 3 1 .8 1 3.6 4

    27 4 54 4 2 .5 1 8.5 9

    27 4 54 5 3 .0 2 2.3 1

    Hook-end Batten (not available in the UK)

    A durable steel deck unit with punched profile.

    Steel tubes underneath add extra strength.

    Castor W heels

    For use when CUPLO K is erected as a mob ile

    tower. The shank of the wheel fits into the base of

    the CUPLOK standard a nd is secured with a

    hexagonal head bolt.

    Safe Working Loads:

    Steel castor wheel 730kgRubber tyred castor wheel 270kg

    Descrip tion Code W eight Diameter

    (kg) (mm)

    Steel 27 9 10 0 7 .0 20 0

    Rubber 27 9 08 0 6 .7 20 0

    Spigot Pin

    Designed to resist minor tensile forces at the joint of

    two standards - though not designed to form a full

    tension joint. M ust be used where hop-up br ackets

    are incorporated in the scaffold and on loading


    Code W eight (kg) Diameter (mm)

    27 9 34 0 0 .0 9 8 .0


    Access Ledger Brace

    Provides ledger-bracing on CUPLOK access

    scaffolds. W hen ties cannot be placed in the

    correct position or have been removed, or on

    scaffolds which extend above the building.

    Incorporates fixed wedge half couplers which

    locate on the standards.

    Descr ip tion Code W eight O vera ll

    (kg) length (m)

    1 .5 x 1 .3 m 2 77 5 31 9 .3 1 .75 0

    2 .0 x 1 .3 m 2 77 5 51 1 0.7 2 .10 0

    W edge ha l f

    coupler ( f i xed)

    Swiv el Face Brace

    Provides face bracing on a CUPLOK access

    scaffold. Each brace has swivelling blade ends to

    allow for easy location within the node joint. As

    only one blade end can be located in each joint,

    parallel bracing is employed rather than the dog-

    leg or z ig-zag method.

    Descrip tion Code W eight O vera ll

    (kg) length (m)

    1 .8 x 1 .5 m 2 7 61 5 0 8 .7 2.3 96

    1 .8 x 2 .0 m 2 7 61 8 0 9 .8 2.7 44

    2 .5 x 1 .5 m 2 7 61 5 3 1 0.7 2.9 69

    2 .5 x 2 .0 m 2 7 62 0 3 1 1.5 3.2 55

    3 .0 x 2 .0 m 2 7 62 0 7 1 3.0 3.6 60




    Sw ivel b lad e

    Brace Adaptor With Half Coupler

    (not available in the UK)

    A half coupler with a CUPLOK blade end which

    allows the use of tubular scaffolding as a bracing


    Code W eight (kg)

    2 79 1 63 1.0

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    This section illustrates the methods in

    w hich CUPLOK can be used to create

    returns and inside board platforms.

    In most cases, these w ill overcome the

    problems of corners and projections

    w hich could prev ent the scaff old being

    erected close to the building

    Corner Return using the Return Device

    Corners can be made using the Return Device to

    link the two scaffold runs. It hooks over the ledger

    of the adjacent return elevation allowing a fly past

    which eliminates the need for non-standard bays.

    The fly past method

    Corner Return using a 1.3m square bay

    The scaffold can incorporate a 1.3m square bay to

    form the corner. Note the positioning of the 1.3m

    Intermediate Transom to allow two runs of scaffold

    boards to butt together at right angles without


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    Inside Platforms: One Board

    Externa l Corners

    Single Inside Board Platforms on CUPLOK Tubular

    Scaffolds are constructed using the Single Board

    Support in conjunction with the Inside Board

    Transom. Either the 1.3m square bay or the

    standard method using the Return Device can beused. Note the positioning of the inside board

    transom to allow boards to butt together without


    1.3m square bay

    Using Return Devices

    Internal Corners

    The addition of an extra single board support at

    the corner standard ensures maximum safety when

    the 2 inside scaffold boards butt together at 90.

    An Inside Board Transom must also be used

    adjacent to the corner standard, as shown.

    Inside Platforms: Tw o and Three Board

    Two and three board Inside Platforms are

    constructed using the appropriate sized Hop-up

    Brackets. These are linked together with Ledgers to

    allow the location of the 2 or 3 Board Intermediate

    Transom which supports the scaffold boards at the

    required centres. On internal corners, end

    guardrails above the Hop-up Brackets can be

    formed using small butts of tube and Double


    Internal Corners

    External Corners

    1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0

    1 3 0 0


    W here required, the small gap between the main

    and inside platforms can be covered using suitable

    plywood strips fixed into position.

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  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    Bracing and Tying In

    All scaffolds require diagonal face bracing to

    prevent the structure distorting or swaying.

    Face Bracing is required in all C UPLOK access

    structures in one bay per 20m run (i.e. every eighth

    bay) for the full height of the scaffold.

    For a scaffold more than 10 m (4 b ays) long, a

    minimum of two bays should be face-braced.

    Bracing the end bays should be avoided if possible.

    Ledger and Plan Bracing

    CUPLOK Access structures do not genera lly requir e

    ledger or plan bracing. Exceptions occur where:

    Ties cannot be placed in the correct position

    W here ties have to be removed

    If scaffold structures extend above the building

    The maximum heig ht to which a CUPLO K Access

    Scaffold may be erected is dependent upon a

    number of factors, the most important of which are:

    1. The vertical distance between tied points on

    a standard.

    2. W hether or not foot ties are used - see bracing

    rules below.3. The lift height.

    4 . W ind load ing .

    5. W hether or not cantilever platforms are used.

    6. N umber of boarded l i f ts*.

    *N ote - where lifts are not boar ded it has been

    assumed the the boards, toe-boards and the

    Hop-up brackets (where applicable) have been

    removed but the intermediate transoms have been

    left in place. In order to comply with safety

    regulations one continuous ledger must be left

    to form a single guard-rail along the front of the

    scaffold and across the ends.

    The parameters detailed in this manual are based

    on calculations a nd the r esult of extensive testing.

    These calculations do not ap ply to sheeted or netted

    CUPLO K structures, for which the rules relating to

    bracing, tying-in and load carrying capacity dif fer.

    Bracing and Tying rules

    1. To use the data in the following load tables the

    following rules apply:

    Foot Ties

    For 2m l i f t heights plan bracing is required at a

    frequency of one bay in eight. Plan bracing should

    be placed in the face-braced bays. See figure F on

    page 41 . However, for platform heights up to 14m,

    ful ly boarded, plan bracing can b e omitted.

    For 1.5m l i f t heights no plan bra cing is required.

    N o Foot Ties

    For 2m l i f t heights plan bracing is required as

    well as ledger bracing on all standards in the first

    lift. See figure G on page 41.

    For 1.5m l i f t heights no addit ional bracing is


    2. Face bracing must be used at a frequency of onebay in every eight. A minimum of two bays must

    be braced for scaffolds greater than four bays in


    3. For both 1.5m and 2.0 m l i f t scaffolds, one

    working lift up to 2 lifts above the last tied level is

    permitted, but these 2 lifts must be ledger braced.

    4. For 2m lift heights, whatever tie pattern is used

    i.e. 8m, 6m or 4m, the standards at both ends of

    the tied level must be tied to the supporting

    structure (refer to the pattern diagrams on pages

    40 to 41).

    5. Ties must be attached to both inside

    and outside standards (or ledgers) using

    Class B Right Angled Couplers. W here it

    is not possible to do this V-Ties must be

    used at a frequency of one in five bays

    for every level of ties.

    See Figure F on page 41.

    For further information, please contact your local

    SGB Branch.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    Platform loadings - work ing lifts

    For scaffolds with more than 1 boarded lift, the

    following loading has been considered for both

    2m lift and 1.5 lift structures:

    1 work ing p la tfo rm @ 3kN/ m 2 an d

    1 work ing p la tfo rm @ 1 .5kN/ m 2.

    For 1.5m Lift (bricklayers) scaffolds only, data is

    given for 1 working platform at 3kN/ m 2.

    W here hop-up bra ckets are used the loading for

    both the main platform and the hop-up bracket is

    as follows:

    1 Boa rd 3 kN / m 2

    2 Bo ar d 1 .5 kN / m 2

    3 Bo ar d 0 .7 5kN / m 2

    The use of Hop-Up Brackets

    The following rules must be applied when either

    standard b oard or Om ega batten Hop-up Bracketsare p resent:

    1. If used as a separate working platform between

    lifts, then a 3 board Hop-Up Bracket must be


    2. O nly one loaded Hop- Up Bracket is permitted

    between levels at any time.

    3. Spigot pins must be used at all joints in the

    standards down to the last tied level below the

    Hop-Up Bracket.

    Wind loading

    For 2m Lift (access scaffolds) three maximum wind

    pressures have b een considered:

    Case I - 685N/ m 2

    Case I I - 475N / m 2

    Case III - 355N / m 2

    For 1.5m Lift (bricklayers scaffolds) lift heights are

    given for the maximum wind of 685N / m 2 and no

    wind loading.

    For less onerous cases it may be possible to omit

    ledger bracing and / or increase the permissible

    height of the scaffold. For specific cases, please

    contact your local SGB Branch.

    2m Lifts - 4m Tie Pattern (with plan b racing)

    N umb er of N umber Live loa d Hop -up M aximum numb er of lifts

    Boarded Li fts* o f li fts app lied Brackets Foot Tie N o Foot tie

    loaded ( kN / m 2)

    Case I - Case I I - Case I II - Case I - Case I I - Case I II -

    6 8 5N 47 5 N 35 5 N 6 8 5N 4 7 5N 3 55 N

    2 1 .5 3.0 0 N one 4 3 43 43 3 6 3 6 3 6

    Fully Boarded 1 .5 3.0 0 N one 1 8 18 18 1 5 1 5 1 5

    2 1 .5 3.0 0 1 Board 3 6 36 36 3 4 3 4 3 4

    Fully Boarded 1 .5 3.0 0 1 Board 1 5 15 15 1 4 1 4 1 4

    2 1 .5 1.5 0 2 Board 4 1 41 41 4 1 4 1 4 1

    Fully Boarded 1 .5 1.5 0 2 Board 1 8 18 18 1 8 1 8 1 8

    2 1 .5 0.7 5 3 Board 4 3 43 45 4 8 4 8 4 8

    Fully Boarded 1 .5 0.7 5 3 Board 1 8 18 19 2 0 2 0 2 0

    2m Lifts - 6m Tie Pattern (with plan b racing)

    N umb er of N umber Live loa d Hop -up M aximum numb er of lifts

    Boarded Li fts* o f li fts app lied Brackets Foot Tie N o Foot tie

    loaded ( kN / m 2)

    Case I - Case I I - Case I II - Case I - Case I I - Case I II -

    6 8 5N 47 5 N 35 5 N 6 8 5N 4 7 5N 3 55 N

    2 1.5 3.0 0 N one 2 5 25 25 2 5 2 5 2 5

    Fully Boarded 1.5 3.0 0 N one 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1

    2 1.5 3.0 0 1 Board 2 3 23 23 2 1 2 1 2 1

    Fully Boarded 1.5 3.0 0 1 Board 1 0 10 10 9 9 9

    2 1.5 1.5 0 2 Board 2 6 26 26 2 4 2 6 2 6

    Fully Boarded 1.5 1.5 0 2 Board 1 1 13 13 1 0 1 1 1 1

    2 1.5 0.7 5 3 Board 2 8 28 28 2 6 3 0 3 0

    Fully Boarded 1.5 0.7 5 3 Board 1 2 14 14 1 1 1 3 1 3

    *Unboarded lifts with single guardrail

    Max imum heights

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    1.5m Lifts - 4.5m Tie Pattern

    N umber of N umber of M aximum number o f li fts a llow ed

    W orking lifts + lifts boarded Foot tied N o foot tie

    w ith w ind w ithout w ind w ith w ind w ithout w ind

    1 - 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

    1 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

    1 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

    2 - 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

    2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

    2 2 2 0 2 0 1 8 1 8

    1.5m Lifts - 6m Tie Pattern

    N umber of N umber of M aximum number o f li fts a llow ed

    W orking lifts + lifts boarded Foot tied N o foot tie

    w ith w ind w ithout w ind w ith w ind w ithout w ind

    1 - 2 0 2 0 20 2 0

    1 1 2 0 2 0 20 2 0

    1 2 2 0 2 0 20 2 0

    2 - 1 9 2 0 14 2 0

    2 1 1 6 2 0 11 1 7

    2 2 1 3 2 0 8 1 4

    For 1.5m lifts the maximum height where hop-up brackets are present is 20 lifts (30m) for both 4.5m and

    6.0m tie patterns.

    2m Lifts - 8m Tie Pattern

    N umber of N umb er Live lo ad Ho p-up M aximum numb er of li fts

    Boarded Lifts of lifts app lied Brackets Foot Tie N o Foot tie

    loa ded (kN / m2)

    Case I - Case I I - Case I II - Case I - Case I I - Case I II -

    68 5 N 4 7 5N 3 5 5N 6 85 N 4 75 N 3 5 5N

    2 1 .5 3 .00 N one 21 2 5 2 5 7 16 16

    Fully boarded 1 .5 3 .00 N one 9 1 1 1 1 4 8 82 1 .5 3 .00 1 Board 18 2 3 2 3 - 12 10

    Fully boarded 1 .5 3 .00 1 Board 8 1 0 1 0 - 6 6

    2 1 .5 1 .50 2 Board 22 2 8 2 8 8 15 17

    Fully boarded 1 .5 1 .50 2 Board 9 1 2 1 2 4 7 8

    2 1 .5 0 .75 3 Board 23 3 2 3 2 - - 19

    Fully boarded 1 .5 0 .75 3 Board 10 1 3 1 3 - - 9


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    E. 1.5m Lifts - 6m Tie Pattern

    Horizontal spacing - every standard

    Vertical spacing - m aximum 6.0 m

    See note for tie pattern A but

    Horizontal 7.5m Vert ical 9.0m

    Typical Tie Patterns

    A. 2m Lifts - 8m Tie Pattern

    Horizontal spacing - every standard

    Vertical spacing - maximum 8 .0m

    If ties cannot be positioned in the correct place or

    have to be moved, then bracing has to be used

    between adjacent ties. If this is done using plan

    bracing, the maximum horizontal distance between

    ties is 7.5m. If done using Ledger bracing the

    maximum vertical distance between ties is 12m.

    B. 2m Lifts - 6m Tie Pattern

    Horizontal spacing - every standard

    Vertical spacing - maximum 6 .0m

    See note for tie pattern A but

    Horizontal 7.5m Vert ical 10.0m

    C. 2.0m Lifts - 4m Tie Pattern

    Horizontal spacing - every standard

    Vertical spacing - m aximum 4 .0m



    See note for tie pattern A but

    Horizontal 7.5m Vert ical 8.0m

    See note for tie pattern A but

    Horizontal 7.5m Vert ical 9.0m




    1.5m 4.5m












    D. 1.5m Lifts - 4.5m Tie Pattern

    Horizontal spacing - every standard

    Vertical spacing - m aximum 4 .5m

    Bracing arrangements

    F. Structures w ith foot ties - 2.0 m lifts

    w ith plan and ledger bracing

    G. Structures without foot ties - 2.0m

    lifts w ith plan and ledger b racing

    Plan bracing should be assumed. To remove plan

    bracing, please refer to your local branch for safety




    P lan b race








    brac i ng





  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    CUPLOKs ability to a llow ledger s to lock

    into the standards from any angle means

    that the system is ideally suited to

    curved an d circular structures. With

    simple variations to the normal

    arrangement of ledgers and transoms,

    both internal and external curves can be


    Make-up of a curved scaffold

    Curved structures are made up by using a

    combination of rectangular and trapezium shaped

    bays - depending on the radius of curve required.

    Trapezium-shaped bays incorporate inside and

    outside ledgers of different length. Intermediate

    transoms cannot be used in trapezium sections,

    therefore these bays should alw ays be constructed

    using short ledgers to remove the need for

    addit ional board support. I f larger trapezium bays

    are inevitable, thicker boards should be used.

    A cur ved CUPLO K structure can b e constructed in

    two ways:

    Tr apez i um bayRectangu l a r ba y

    All t rapezium bays

    B Using only trapezium shaped bays

    Lay out of ledgers and transoms

    As no two ledgers or transoms can be fitted into the

    same cup at less than 90 to each other, on curved

    structures the inside ledg ers, outside ledgers an d

    transoms cannot all be situated at the same level.

    O n external scaffolds it is quite simple to locate the

    outside run of ledgers above the deck level to form

    the handrails (see diagra m). On interna l scaffolds,

    the most convenient method is to move the inner

    ledgers down by 0.5m in alternate bays (see

    diagram on page 44).

    A Using a combination of rectangular

    and trapezium shaped bays


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    CUPLOK Circular Scaffolds outside the


    These ledgers a re

    only required on

    rectangular bays at

    a work ing plat form

    level to provide

    support f rom an


    transom where

    38mm boards

    are used.

    Section A-A

    Rectangular Bays

    Section B-B

    Trapezium Bays

    No te: The elevation shows a Type 'A ' structure. Type 'B'

    structures have all Trapezi um Bays and Section ' B-B'

    applies throughout.

    CUPLOK Circular Scaffolds inside the


    These ledg ers are

    only required on

    rectangular bays

    at a work ing

    platform level to

    prov ide support

    from an intermediate

    transom where

    38mm boards

    are used.

    Section A-A

    Rectangular Bays

    Section B-B

    Trapeziu m Bays

    No te: The elevation shows a Type 'A ' structure. Type ' B'

    structures have all Trapezium Bays and Section ' B-B'

    applies throughout.

    Trapez i um ba yRectangu l a r ba y



    Trapez i um ba yRectangular bay



    Decking on Circular Structures

    The work platform can be created using scaffold

    boards or battens. If battens are used in the

    trapezium bays they must be accurately cut to fit

    without any movement. To create a continuous

    working deck using scaffold boards, some

    overlappi ng is inevitable. To avoid creating safety

    hazards, please observe the following procedures:

    Al l boards should be laid in l ine with the run of

    the scaffold.

    If rectangular bays with intermediate transoms

    are used the boards over these bays must form

    the lower of the two layers.

    The overlapping boa rds of the upper layer

    should, ideally, be cut to give a neat edge and

    fillet pieces should be nailed across the ends of

    the overlapping boards to prevent a tr ip hazard .

    Tying inW hen tying in circula r CUPLOK structures, care

    should be taken to note the following points:

    Ties should be within 300mm of a node point,

    either on the ledgers or the standards.

    Ties should connect to both the inside and the

    outside ledgers (or standards). If ties are only

    connected to an inside ledger or standard, then

    plan braces should be put in at every tied level

    in the same bays as the face bracing.

    If t ies have to be removed for any reason, plan

    bracing or ledger bracing should be inserted atthat point.

    Scaffolds should not extend more than 2 lifts above

    the ground or above the last tied level, unless the

    scaffold is under construction when 3 lifts are

    al lowed.

    If the working platform of a bricklayers scaffold is

    2 lifts above the last tie, ledger bracing should be

    used in the 2 lifts below the platform. This may be

    removed when further ties have been positioned.

    Face bracing

    Face bracing is required over the full height for one

    bay in every four.

    Special cases

    Every effort should be made to comply with the

    rules for ties. However, when it is not possible to

    secure the tie to the structure, the follow ing r ules

    must be obeyed. Refer all special cases to your

    local SGB Branch.

    Firmly butt tie tubes to the structure using an

    adjustable base in the end of the tube to spread

    the load.

    Plan brace every t ied level around the complete

    ring of the scaffold, making sure to put the plan

    braces in one complete lift at a time.

  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    The CUPLOK loa ding tow er is a specially

    strengthened platform de signed to ta ke

    heavy, pa lletised ma terials which can be

    fork-lifted or craned directly to the

    w orking platform level.

    The standard loading tower is a 2.5 x 2.5m square

    module, and can be erected either as a free

    standing unit or built in to any part of the main

    scaffold structure up to 6m high. For use with

    scaffolds higher than 6m, the loading tower must

    be tied into the scaffold. It is built from standard

    CUPLO K access equipment with two ad ditional


    Board Bearer

    Eight of these 2.5m long special horizontals are

    used beneath the boards to transmit the working

    load to the ledgers.

    Code W eight (kg) Length (m)

    2 7 90 4 0 1 7 .3 2 .57 2

    Code W eight (kg) Length (m)

    2 79 2 60 8 .2 3 1 .86 0

    Knee Brace

    Used in pairs to provide extra support to the ledger

    on which the board bearers rest. Incorporates a

    half coupler fitting which locates on the ledger

    1.5m below the platform and a double half coupler

    fitting to bolt onto the ledger at platform level.


    The tower should be braced on every lift on all four

    sides of the tower.

    DeckingStandard scaffold boards should be used for the

    loading tower decking, cut to lengths of 2.43m.

    These rest across the eight boar d b earers.

    Toeboar ds can then be located as appropri ate.

    These should also be cut to length to avoid

    overhangs from the platform. Each deck consists of

    10 N o. 2 .43m boards.


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New



    Square or rectang ular a ccess tow ers can

    be erected with standa rd CUPLOK

    components using standard jacks and

    base plates or bespoke CUPLOK castor

    w heels for full mobility. The work ing

    platform can be formed using either

    scaffold boards or battens. When

    scaffold boa rds are used, intermediate

    transoms will be necessary if the w idth

    of the tower is greater tha n the safe

    span of the boards. If battens are used

    w ith Omega transoms, intermediate

    board support is not required.

    The maximum height of a free-standing mobile

    tower for use internally is 3.5 times the minimum

    base dimension. For free-standing towers used

    externally, the maximum height must not exceed

    3 times the minimum base dimension. For heightsgreater than this, additional measures should be

    taken to ensure the tower is rigid and stable.

    This can be done by using stabilisers, weighting the

    base of the tower or tying the tower in to a stable



    All towers must be fully braced on all four sides

    and should be adequately plan braced. See details

    of tower construction below.


    The use of the Safety Gate and Swan-necked

    Standard provide a safe means of access to and

    from the main tower platform. This is facilitated by

    the inclusion of a ladder bay adjacent to the main

    working platform. The ladder must be of suitable

    standard (i.e. for industrial use) and should be

    secured a t every level of the tower.


    Ma ximum Working Load

    The maximum w orking load on al l towers is 10kN

    (1 tonne). Al l towers with a w orking platform above

    5.9m should be erected on steel castor wheels.

    Important Safety N ote: Castor wheels must be

    locked before the tower is used and the tower must

    never be moved with men or materials on it.


  • 7/30/2019 User Manual Cuplok New




    Height make-up

    The height of the support structure is determined by

    the total standard length plus the length taken up

    by the jacks, base plates and a daptor s. Note that

    the standards must always finish with a spigotless

    standard at the top so that a jack can be inserted.

    The overall height of the various combinations of

    standards is shown in the table below.

    Care should be taken to make a suitable allowance

    in the extension of the top jack for general

    adjustment and for striking the formwork.

    Total Numb er of Standards

    Standard Suppor t A ccess

    length (m) 1.3 0 1.8 0 2.3 0 1 .0 0 2.0 0 3 .00

    1.3 1

    1.8 1

    2.3 12.8 1 1

    3.3 1 1

    3.8 1 1

    4.3 1 1

    4.7 1 1

    5.3 1 1

    5.8 1 2

    6.3 1 2

    6.8 1 1 1

    7.3 2 1 1

    7.8 1 2

    8.3 1 2

    8.8 1 2 1

    9.3 1 2 1

    9.8 1 1 2

    1 0.3 1 1 2

    Top and ba se adjustment

    These diagrams show the overall dimensions of

    various component combinations at the top and

    base of the structure. Any arrangement at the top

    can be combined with any arrangement at the

    base. To ascertain the overall leng th of standard s

    required, deduct the top and base adjustments from

    the overall soffit height.



    Base plate

    Base length


    s tandard


    Top length




    S uppor t

    tandar d


    tandar d
























    All dimensions are in mm