user manual for using the ossp application · user manual for using the ossp application basic...

User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is used for increasing the zoom of the map in the center of the map visualizer area. By using the mouse the focus of the zoom can be changed. This functionality is also available by using the mouse scroll forward. “Zoom out” Button The “zoom out” button is used for decreasing the zoom of the map in the center of the map visualizer area. By using the mouse the focus of the zoom can be changed. This functionality is also available by using the mouse scroll backwards. Default extentButton The “Default extent” zooms the map to the maximum extent to which the layer can fit within the map viewer areа. SearchButton The “Search” button is used to zoom selected area of the map. “Map viewer” Button The “Map Viewer” button is used for enabling moving the map within the map viewer area by using the left button of the mouse. The map can also be moved within the map viewer by using the keyboard “up”, “down”, “left” and “right” keys “Information” Button The “Information” button is used for providing information about the selected feature from the layer applied for clicked point of the map. “Measure length” Button

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Page 1: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

User manual for using the OSSP application

Basic tools available on the right panel

“Zoom in” Button

The “zoom in” button is used for increasing the zoom of the map in the center of

the map visualizer area. By using the mouse the focus of the zoom can be changed.

This functionality is also available by using the mouse scroll forward.

“Zoom out” Button

The “zoom out” button is used for decreasing the zoom of the map in the center of

the map visualizer area. By using the mouse the focus of the zoom can be changed.

This functionality is also available by using the mouse scroll backwards.

“Default extent” Button

The “Default extent” zooms the map to the maximum extent to which the layer

can fit within the map viewer areа.

“Search” Button

The “Search” button is used to zoom selected area of the map.

“Map viewer” Button

The “Map Viewer” button is used for enabling moving the map within the map

viewer area by using the left button of the mouse. The map can also be moved within

the map viewer by using the keyboard “up”, “down”, “left” and “right” keys

“Information” Button

The “Information” button is used for providing information about the selected

feature from the layer applied for clicked point of the map.

“Measure length” Button

Page 2: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

The “Measure length” button is used for measuring the distance between the

ends of the drawn line on the map. The distance is displayed while the user is drawing

the line under the tool bar. To finish the measurement, the user makes double click on

the end point.

“Measure area” Button

The “Measure area” button is used for measuring the area of a polygon drawn on

the map. The area of the polygon is displayed while the user is making the selection by

drawing the line of the one side and then dragging new vertices till the wanted polygon

is drawn. The user finishes the measurement by double click on the last vertex.

“Search by coordinates” Button

The “Search by coordinates” option is used for zooming to a point of interest in

the user area on the map. By clicking on the button “Search by coordinates”, a form for

entering the x and y coordinates opens. The user enters the values for x and y, and by

clicking on the search button the map is zoomed to the entered point, which will be

marked by red balloon.

“Select layer”

The “Select layer” button is used for selecting a layer from a form with all layers

published on the portal available for public users. The layers are grouped in the

following categories:

Basic layers – These are layers that are rendered as a base (background) for all

other layers. Only one layer can be a base layer at a time.

Registered Subjects – this group contains the following layers: Private Geodetic

Companies, Executive, Cadastre, Notary, and Municipality.

Administrative borders – This group consists of the layers representing the

administrative borders of the Republic of Macedonia, including: state border of

the Republic of Macedonia, borders of cadastral municipalities, borders of habitat

units and borders of the local government units.

Nomenclatures – The nomenclatures define the division of the topographic

maps and the cadastral plans for different levels of zoom.

Cadastral parcels and objects – This group consists of two layers: one

representing the cadastral parcels and one representing the cadastral objects.

Geodetic points – This group consists of three layers representing the three

categories: Trigonometric sections, Polygonometry and City Trigonometric


Page 3: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

Theme Layers – this group contains the layers: Conditional buildings construction,

Parcels with undetermined rights, Leased agricultural land, Forests owned by R.

Macedonia, Forests with undetermined rights, Forests co-owned by R. Macedonia,

Privately owned forests, Pastures owned by R. Macedonia, Pastures with undetermined

rights, Pastures co-owned by R. Macedonia, Privately owned pastures, Listed property of

the R. Macedonia, Geographical center of the R. Macedonia, TIDS, and Airport Zone

Registry of prices and rents – this group contains the layers: Sale of Parcels, Sale of

Buildings, Sale of Parcels with Buildings, Leasing Parcels, Leasing Buildings, Leasing

Parcels with Buildings.

TK 25000 Vector – This group consists of several layer categories:

o Administrative areas – This category consists of the borders of the

national parks and the administrative borders of the local government

units of the Republic of Macedonia.

o Land-cover classification – This category contains a single layer for land


o Roads – This category consists of three layers: roads network, roads lines

representing the embankments, and road polygons representing the


o Railways – This category consists of three layers: railway network, railway

lines representing the embankments, and railway polygons representing


o Waters – This category consists of three layers: water points, water

streams and water lines.

o Small objects – This category consists of three layers: small objects points

(points of interest), small object lines (representing line features of public

interest), and small polygons (representing objects of public interest).

o Topographic characteristics – this category consists of two layers:

Topographic lines (contours), and topographic points.

o Annotations – this category consists of one layer representing the

annotations for all topographic features.

GLOBALMAP – This category consists of the following groups of layers:

o Airports – consists of the layer Airports

o Borders – consists of the layers: International Borders, Primary Borders and

Secondary Borders.

o Administrative Borders – consists of the layer Administrative Border.

o Habitats – consists of the layer Habitats.

o Cities – consists of the layer Cities.

o Roads – consists of the layers Primary Roads, Secondary Roads, Roads with

limited access.

o Rivers – consists of the layer Rivers.

Page 4: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

o Rails – consists of the layer Rails.

o Buildings – consists of the layers Harrow and Island.

o City of Skopje – consists of the layer City of Skopje.

o Lakes – consists of the layer Lakes.

GUP of City of Skopje – This category consists of the following layers: Buffer of

General Urbanistic Plan, and Quaters.

“Select Element” Button

The “Select element” button is used for selecting features on the map.

Functionalities on the left panel

Parcel Search

This form is used for search of cadastral counties, cadastral municipalities and

cadastral parcels. The search can be done in two ways:

- The user selects a county from the drop-down list, the map is zoomed to the

selected county, then selects a municipality from another drop – down list of

municipalities belonging to the selected county, the map zooms to the

selected municipality, then enters the number of the parcel. After each

entered character (digit) in the parcel number field, parcels suggestions are

provided to select from. When the user confirms the entered parcel, the map

zooms to that parcel. This functionality is available on the following pages of

the OSSP application: cadastral plan certificates, real estate cadastral data,

and the page for geodetic points.

- Another way for parcel search is provided by selecting parcels directly on the

map viewer. Using the map viewer and zoom in/out tool the user finds the

location of interest, and by using the info tool the user can obtain additional

information including possession certificate for the parcel.

Property Certificate Search

This search is similar to the parcel search, with the difference that here the user

enters the number of the property certificate instead of the parcel number. Accordingly,

the steps for selection are: The user selects a county from the drop-down list, the map

is zoomed to the selected county, then selects a municipality from another drop – down

list of municipalities belonging to the selected county, the map zooms to the selected

municipality, then enters the number of the property certificate. After entering the

number of the property certificate, the “Property certificate” button becomes active. The

Page 5: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

property certificate search is available on the Cadastral Data page on the OSSP Web

GIS portal.

Search by Geodetic Point

The search by geodetic point is enabled on the geodetic points page, and it

enables zoom in to a selected geodetic point. The search is done by the following steps:

The user selects the geodetic point category (points from the trigonometric sections,

points form the city trigonometric network, or poligonometric points. The next step is

selection of city where the trigonometric point is located, and selecting the points from

the list of geodetic points provided for the selected city. The map is zoomed using the

selected point from the list as a focus, and the point is marked red.

Another way to search geodetic points is by using the map viewer and the tools

from the basic tool bar. By moving the map and zooming, a user can select the point of

interest without the need of inserting information about the points.

Selection Methods

The choice of the selection methods appears on the following pages: Cadastral

plans, Real Estate Cadastre Data, Topographic maps vectors, and Ortofoto. The

provided selection choices differ from page to page according to the needs. The

selection method choices include:

“Map viewer” – This is the default selection method on all pages, when this

method is switched on, all the other methods are switched off, there by only the right

side basic map tools are active for zoom and moving the map.

“Draw a polygon” – This option enables drawing a polygon on a selected area,

which will be used for creating the product after the payment is completed.

“Upload a file” – This option enables uploading files in shape or gml format, for

selection and zooming over the area selected by the polygon defined with the file. Also,

uploading text files is enabled, where the text files contain definitions for parcels by

code of cadastral municipality and number of parcel. The same format of text file is used

for generating the product List of indications.

“Select Municipality” – This option enables selection of single cadastral

municipality for generating the product cadastral plan upon completed payment. The

selection is done in the following way: the user selects cadastral county which zooms

the map to the selected county, the user selects the cadastral municipality which also

zooms the map to the selected municipality.

Page 6: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

“Selection of frame” – By selecting this option, a nomenclature 25000 opens,

and the selection of frame for creating a product upon completed payment is enabled.

When a user selected a frame the map is zoomed to it.

“Selection of all frames” – By choosing this option, the nomenclature 25000 is

rendered on the map, and all frames are being selected, and the product will be

generated for all of them upon completed payment by the user.

“Selection of frames” – By selecting this option, a nomenclature 25000 opens,

and the user can select any number of frames for creating a product upon completed

payment is enabled.

“Show on map” button

The “Show on map” button is used on the pages Administrative borders,

Administrative borders – generalized, Topographic map – vector, and Topographic map

– raster. This button opens the layers for the products necessary for view or selection

from the map.

“Add to cart” button

The “Add to cart” button appears on all pages on the main menu. By clicking this

button the selected product is added in the shopping cart, for continuing the process for

payment and generating the products added.

“Clear selection” button

The “Clear selection” button is used on the pages where there is

selection of elements from the map. By clicking this button, all selections of elements

will be deselected (cleared).

Shopping Cart

“Shopping cart” button

The “Shopping cart” button is located in the right corner of the pages, and it

provides the information for the number of added products into the shopping cart. By

clisking this button, the form shown on Figure 1 opens, providing detailed review of all

products added in the cart.

Page 7: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

Figure 1 Shopping cart

“Remove all from cart” button

The “Remove all from cart” button is used for removing all the products

from the shopping cart.

“Remove from cart” button

The “Remove from cart” button is located beside each product in the shopping cart,

and is used for removing the corresponding product from the shopping cart.

“Check out” button

The “Check out” button becomes active after the user is logged into the system

with username and password. By clicking this button, the user is navigated to the Order

Confirmation Form shown on Figure 2, for the products inside the shopping cart.

Page 8: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

Figure 2 Order confirmation – before the user confirms the order

“Confirm Order” Button

“Confirm order” button is used for confirming the order, i.e. for generating

order id and confirming the correctness of the user order information. After confirming

the order the user is prompted to select mean of payment. After clicking this button the

form shown on figure 3 appears.

Figure 3 Order confirmation – after the user has clicked on “Confirm order”

Page 9: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

“Pay prepaid” button

The “Pay prepaid” button appears for the professional users who

have contract with AREC for prepaid payment and whose prepaid balance is larger or

equal to the total cost of the order.

“Pay postpaid” button

The “Pay postpaid” button appears for the professional

users whp have contract with AREC for postpaid payment. By clicking this button the

user selects which contract will be used for completing the purchase, and generating

the payment statement by AREC afterwards, which the user will be oobligated to pay.

“Pay online” button

The “Pay online” button appears for all registered users of the OSSP

Web GIS portal, and becomes active after the user confirms the order. After clicking on

“Pay online” a payment form from Casys opens so that the user can complete the

payment by using a payment card.

Registration and login

Personal account registration

The form for personal account registration opens by clicking the personal

account registration link located on the login form on the upper right corner of the page.

This form is shown on figure 4 and contains the following fields: Name, Surname, Email,

Username, Password, confirm password, EMBG, Phone number, Mobile phone

number, Street, Street number, apartment number, Municipality, zip number, City,

Country. The fields marked with red star are required to be filled in. Furthermore, for

successfully completing the registration, the checkbox for accepting the user agreement

must be checked, and the captcha field must be filled in correctly. After clicking the

register button, the user receives a system email containing a link for confirming the

email and activating the personal user account.

Page 10: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

Figure 4 Personal Account Registration

Corporate account registration

The corporate account registration form opens by clicking on the professional

account registration link located on the login form on the upper right corner of the page.

This form is shown on Figure 5 and contains fields divided in two groups:

- Information about the company with the following fields: Company Name,

EMBS of the company, Company Type, Street, Street number, Building

number, Apartment number, City, Municipality, Zip code and Country.

- Information about the user with the following fields: Name, Surname, Email,

Username, Password, Confirm Password, Type of user, EMBG, Phone

number, Mobile phone number, Street, Street Number, Building Number,

Apartment Number, Municipality, Zip Code, City, Country. In both groups the

required fields are marked with red star. To complete the registration process,

the user must accept the user agreement (the checkbox for Accept User

Agreement must be checked), and at the end the user needs to enter the text

shown in the captcha image. After clicking the Register button, the system

sends a link to the user’s email address to confirm his registration. After

confirming the registration, the user’s registration request awaits for

confirmation by the administrator in order the user profile to become active.

Page 11: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

Figure.5 Corporate Account Registration

Forgotten Password

The forgotten password form opens on link located on the Login area in the upper right

corner of the page. This form is shown on Figure 6 and consists of:

- Selection of means for identification (username or email address), and

- Field for entering the generated code in the capcha image.

After filling out the two fields correctly, the user confirms the request by clicking the

Submit button and an email with new password will be sent to the email address related

with the account identified by the username or email address entered in the forgotten

password form.

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Figure 6 Forgot Password


The login form opens by the login button located in the upper right corner of the portal

pages. This form is shown on figure 8 and contains two fields: Username and Password

which the user must fill in, and by clicking the login button, the system verifies whether

the username – password combination exists in the data for all registered users. If the

username password value exists, the user is logged in the OSSP application

Figure 7 OSSP Login Form

User options available for logged user

The user options become visible after the user is logged into the application through the

login form. These options are shown on Figure 8 and consist of: My profile, Change

Password, List Orders, My pre-paid transactions and My Company.

Page 13: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

Figure 8 User Options

My profile – This form show data for the user who is logged in the application, and

these data can be edited by the user. This part is visible for all users who are logged in

the application.

Change password – this form is used for changing the current password for the logged

user by entering the old and the new password. This form is visible for all users logged

in the application.

List Orders – This link opens view of all orders the user has made with details for all

products purchased within the order. This part is visible for all users logged in the


Pre-paid transactions – this form provides the user a review of all prepaid transactions

realized as well as option to purchase a pre-paid voucher. This option is visible only for

the users with corporate accounts (professional users) who have pre-paid contract with


My company – this part is visible only for the users with corporate accounts who are

assigned as main users for the company and own the privilege to view the rest users of

the same company, the contracts of the company with AREC, as well as all the orders

made by all the users of the same company.

Log off button

The “log off” button appears after the user is logged in the system and when

clicked, it logs off the user from the application.

“Macedonian” button

The button for “Macedonian” is located in the upper – right corner of the

application pages, and is used for changing the language to Macedonian.

Page 14: User manual for using the OSSP application · User manual for using the OSSP application Basic tools available on the right panel “Zoom in” Button The “zoom in” button is

“English” button

The button for “English” is located in the upper – right corner of the application

pages, and is used for changing the language to English.

“Albanian” button

The button for “Albanian” is located in the upper – right corner of the application

pages, and is used for changing the language to Albanian.