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  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    A guide to using Workforce Analytics.

    Kronos Workforce Central SuiteVersion 6

    Workforce Analytics

    Users Guide

    Document Part Number: 4704297-001Document Revision: A

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment

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    Kronos Incorporated. All rights reserved. Copyright 2009.

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    Document Revision History

    Document Revision Product Version Release Date

    A Workforce Central 6.1 May 2009

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics



    About This Guide

    Organization of this guide .............................................................................6

    Workforce Analyticsdocuments ................................................................... 7

    Chapter 1:Introduction toAnalytics

    Overview .....................................................................................................10

    AnalyticsTechnology .................................................................................. 11

    Chapter 2: Multidimensional Analysis

    Introduction to Analytics cubes ................................................................... 14

    Using cube dimensions ................................................................................17

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes ........ 23

    Analytic categories ................................................................................ 23

    Measures used with analytic categories ................................................ 44

    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes .......................... 47

    Scorecard Daily cube ............................................................................ 47Scorecard Monthly cube ....................................................................... 61

    Using the Time Detail Daily cube ...............................................................69

    Metrics in the Time Detail Daily cube .................................................. 69


  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics




  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    About This Guide

    This guide is for Kronoscustomers who use KronosWorkforce Analytics to

    perform multidimensional data analysis to understand business issues.

    This preface contains the following sections:

    Organization of this guideon page 6

    Workforce Analytics documentson page 7

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    About This Guide

    6 Kronos Incorporated

    Organization of this guide

    This guide contains the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Analytics,on page 9

    Chapter 2, Multidimensional Analysis,on page 13

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Workforce Analytics documents

    Workforce Analytics Users Guide 7

    Workforce Analytics documents

    The following documentation is available to help you install, maintain, and use

    the Workforce Analytics software:

    Workforce Analytics Installation Guideprovides instructions on planning,

    installing, and configuring the core Workforce Analytics product.

    Workforce Central System Administrators GuideAnalyticsdescribes the

    day-to-day system administration tasks that are performed through theWorkforce Analytics Manager utility, such as examining the log files of

    Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes, maintaining user security, and

    mapping pay codes.

    Workforce Analytics Users Guidedescribes the analytic data the core

    Workforce Analytics product makes available, and the Analytic cubes that can

    be accessed and manipulated with business intelligence (BI) tools that

    perform multidimensional analysis.

    Online Help for Workforce Analytics Manager is installed automatically with

    the product. To access online Help: select Help > Workforce Analytics Help

    from the menu bar.

    Online Help for the Workforce Analytics Criteria Builder Web Parts is

    installed automatically with the product. To access online Help: click the

    down-arrow on the right side of the Web Part title bar, and select Help fromthe Web Part Menudrop-down list.

    Release notes provide additional information about Workforce Analytics,

    including a list of new features, resolved issues, and late-breaking changes.

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    About This Guide

    8 Kronos Incorporated

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Analytics

    Analytics enables authorized users to perform multidimensional analytic querieson data derived from the timekeeping database.

    This chapter contains the following sections:

    Overviewon page 10

    Analytics Technologyon page 11

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 1 Introduction to Analytics



    Analyticsis a business intelligence software solution. It provides new insights

    into your workforce based on data you are already collecting and the necessary

    tools to monitor workforce performance and reduce costs.

    Analytics is a comprehensive software solution that includes logic and routines to

    pull data from the timekeeping product into an analytic database that is designed

    specifically for reporting and analysis.It enables you to monitor workforce performance using dashboards, metrics and

    key performance indicators (KPIs), analytic views, and custom reports. The

    following table describes how to use Analytics to respond to some commonly

    asked questions about managing your workforce:

    Question How to use Analyticsto get an answer

    Is the workforce as productive as

    it could be?

    Identify and compare the productivity of various shifts,

    factories, regions, time periods, and so on.

    How can I manage workforce

    costs better?

    Examine regular and overtime scheduling,

    absenteeism and resources to determine the most

    efficient way to work with what you have and save


    How much money am I losing

    because of employee time clockabuse?

    Determine whether employees are abusing the

    rounding rules of data collection devices minutes ashift can add up to millions in costs a year.

    Am I complying with

    government regulations?

    View information that indicates compliance with

    regulations, such as FLSA, EEOC and FMLA.

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Analytics Technology

    Users Guide 11

    Analytics Technology

    Analytics uses leading business intelligence (BI) technologies to provide a rich

    reporting and analytic environment that gives managers at all levels in the

    organization new insight into their workforce.

    The architecture components included in Analytics vary by client, but generally

    include the following:

    Microsoft SharePoint Services provides a front-end portal where you can viewand interact with analytic data.

    Cubes can be viewed and manipulated using Microsoft Excel 2007. If you prefer

    to use BI tools such as Business Objects, COGNOS or Hyperion, integration is

    provided through a Service Representative.

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 1 Introduction to Analytics


  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2

    Multidimensional Analysis

    Analytics enables users to view Workforce Central data using tools that supportmultidimensional analysis.

    Multidimensional analysis groups data into two basic categories: data dimensions

    and measurements (or facts). Multidimensional analysis enables you to view data

    from a relational database in a more hierarchical form, and to combine multiple

    categories of data into a single view.

    To support multidimensional analysis, business intelligence (BI) applications

    typically allow you to connect to a data source from which they may import datato populate a list of fields. You can drag and drop elements from this list to a

    presentation tool, such as a pivot table or dashboard, to dynamically establish

    relationships among the data that provide insight into the key performance

    indicators (KPIs) of an enterprise. You can also alter these relationships, add

    dimensions that supply further detail, and drill down to more specific levels

    within data hierarchies to perform root-cause analysis.

    The data source for these types of applications is an On Line AnalyticalProcessing (OLAP) cube.

    This chapter describes the cubes provided in Analytics. It includes the following


    Introduction to Analytics cubeson page 14

    Using cube dimensionson page 17

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubeson

    page 23

    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubeson page 47

    Using the Time Detail Daily cubeon page 69

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    Introduction to Analytics cubes

    Analytics provides the following cubes in the database within SQL Server

    Analysis Services (SSAS). These cubes are compatible with any business

    intelligence (BI) tool that supports the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX)

    query language.

    Cube Use

    Time Summary Daily Ad-hoc analysis of employee-level data on a daily basis

    within a hierarchy of metric categories: allows an

    employee to be compared to a peer group or other

    corporate group.

    Time Summary Monthly Ad-hoc analysis of organizational-level metrics on amonthly basis within a hierarchy of metric categories:

    allows interpretation of organizational performance and

    drill down to the employee level.

    Scorecard Daily Analysis of predefined employee-level key performance

    indicators (KPIs) on a daily basis: allows an employee

    to be compared to a peer group or other corporate


    Scorecard Monthly Analysis of predefined organizational-level KPIs on a

    monthly basis: allows interpretation of organizational

    performance and drill down to the employee level.

    Time Detail Daily Analysis of payroll amounts and hours per employee,

    date, pay period, pay code, job, organization,

    supervisor, labor account, age, or tenure.

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Introduction to Analytics cubes

    Users Guide 15

    The structure of these cubes consists of the following elements:

    Cube Elements Definition

    Measures Fed (unprocessed data that comes directly from Workforce

    Central ) or calculated data values that are initially viewed as

    columns across the top of the cube.

    The Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly

    cubes contain a set of measures, known asstandard(and

    distinct) measures, that refer to data values relative to theirlocation within a hierarchy of analytic categories. Some

    examples of standard measures are Paid hours per employee

    and Overtime hours as a % of paid hours. Thestandard

    measures in the Time Detail Daily cube are basic amount and

    count metrics.

    The Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes contain a

    set of measures, known asscorecard(or core) measures, thatreturn KPI values that are prepopulated within the cube.

    Some examples of scorecard measures are Paid hours total

    and Total OT Cost.

    Cube architects sometimes refer to measures asfacts. You are

    more likely to see measures referred to as metricsor totals

    within the context of analytical processing.

    Dimensions Descriptive elements that allow you to analyze and filter data(such as, time of year or labor level).

    Analytics cubes share many of the same dimensions.

    However, the Analytics dimension is provided in the Time

    Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes only.

    Analytic categories Specific areas of analysis (such as, unscheduled overtime or

    unexcused absenteeism) that are initially viewed as rows

    down the side of the cube. Analytic categories are membersof the Analytics dimension and are imported as part of that

    dimension by a cube data source.

    Only the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly

    cubes provide the Analytics dimension and analytic


  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    Like any traditional OLAP cube, the information derived from the intersection of

    the selected measure(such as, hours per employee), multiple dimensions(such as,fourth quarter (Q4) and labor level 2), and, in the case of the Time Summary

    cubes, analytic category(for example, absenteeism) is pre-calculated. Therefore,

    analysis is easy to build within a selected business intelligence (BI) tool by using

    drag and drop techniques, and results can be viewed almost immediately.

    For example, the Time Summary Daily cube can be used to identify the absence

    hours paid per employee in the 4thQuarter for all employees in Labor Level 1, as

    shown in the following illustration:

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using cube dimensions

    Users Guide 17

    Using cube dimensions

    The Analytics cubes provide the dimensions described in the following table.

    With the exception of the Analytics dimension, all dimensions are available for

    use with any cube.



    AttributesandHierarchy Definition

    Age Age

    Age Band


    Defined employee age ranges (for example, 18 to 20 and

    21 to 35)

    Analytics Level 01

    Level 02

    Level 03

    Level 04

    Level 05

    Hierarchy of analytic categories, as described in Using

    the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly

    cubeson page 23. The Analytics dimension is availableonly in the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary

    Monthly cubes.

    Date Calender Month Calendar month; for example, September is September

    1, 2009 through September 30, 2009.

    Calendar Quarter Calendar quarter; for example, Q2is April 1, 2009

    through June 30, 2009.

    Calendar Year Calendar year; for example, 2009 is January 1, 2009

    through December 31, 2009.

    Date Day; for example, Aug1 is 12:00 a.m. August 1

    through 11:59 p.m. August 1.

    Day of Week Day of the week from Sunday to Saturday.

    Fiscal Year First day of selected fiscal year through last day of fiscal

    year, as defined by the administrator in Analytics


    Fiscal Month First day of selected fiscal month through last day of

    fiscal month, as defined by the administrator in

    Analytics Manager.

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    Fiscal Quarter First day of selected fiscal quarter through last day of

    fiscal quarter, as definedby the administrator in

    Analytics Manager.

    Relative Date Current calendar year or fiscal year as compared against

    the preceding year or the preceding year minus one. The

    Relative Date dimension must be used in combinationwith either the Fiscal or Calendar dimension (one on the

    X axis and the other on Y).

    Note: If you are using Microsoft Excel 2007 to display

    Relative Date calculations in a pivot table, you must

    perform the following steps:

    1. Add the Relative Date dimension to the pivot table.

    2. Right click on the pivot table and select PivotTableOptions.

    3. Click the Displaytab.

    4. Select Show calculated members from OLAP

    Serverand click OK.





    Time frames within the calendar year, defined by year,

    quarter, month, and date.






    Time frames within the fiscal year, defined by fiscal

    year, fiscal quarter, fiscal month, and date. For

    information on how to set company-specific fiscal dates,

    see the Workforce Analytics Installation Guide.




    Hierarchy Definition

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using cube dimensions

    Users Guide 19

    Employee Accrual Profile Employee accrual profile, as defined in Workforce


    Base Wage Employee base wage, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Device Group Employee device group, as defined in Workforce

    Central.Employee ID Employee ID, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Employee Name Employee name, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Employee Status Employee status, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Group Schedule Employee group schedule, as defined in Workforce


    Home City Employee home city, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Home Country Employee home country, as defined in Workforce


    Home Labor Account Name Employee home labor account, as defined in Workforce


    Home State Employee home state, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Home Zip Code Employee home zip code, as defined in Workforce

    Central.Pay Rule Employee pay rule, as defined in Workforce Central.

    Work Rule Employee work rule, as defined in Workforce Central.


    Last Name Initial

    Employee Name

    Employee last name, organized by the first initial of the

    employee last name, as defined within Workforce


    EmployeeStatus Employee Status Type Employee status: Active, Inactive, Terminated, or NotApplicable. The Employee Status dimension is available

    only in the Time Detail Daily cube.

    Holiday Holiday

    Holiday Name

    Holidays, as defined in Workforce Central. The Holiday

    dimension is available only in the Time Detail Daily




    AttributesandHierarchy Definition

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    Job Job Code Job codes, as established within Workforce Central

    Job Description Job descriptions, as established in Workforce Central.

    Job Name Job names, as established in Workforce Central.

    Labor Account


    Labor Account Type Name Labor account types: for example, home labor account

    or transfer labor accountLabor Levels Labor Account 1 Name

    Labor Account 2 Name

    Labor Account 3 Name

    Labor Account 4 Name

    Labor Account 5 Name

    Labor Account 6 NameLabor Account 7 Name

    Labor Level 1

    Labor Level 2

    Labor Level 3

    Labor Level 4

    Labor Level 5

    Labor Level 6

    Labor Level 7

    Labor accounts, as defined in Workforce Central



    AttributesandHierarchy Definition

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using cube dimensions

    Users Guide 21

    Organization Level 02

    Level 03

    Level 04

    Level 05

    Level 06Level 07

    Level 08

    Level 09

    Level 10

    Level 11

    Up to 10 levels of organization, as defined within

    Workforce Central. Using this dimension, you can trace

    metrics by drilling down from higher to lower levels in

    the organizational hierarchy.

    Note: Workforce Analytics rolls up data to a parent node

    from its children (nodes at the next lower level). If theorganizational structure allows data to be logged against

    the parent itself, as well as its children, the name of the

    parent appears as one of its children, and is marked with

    an asterisk(*). (English-speaking locales only)

    For example, in the following organization, transactions

    not logged against Bakery, Dairy, and Produce may be

    logged against the store itself (Chelmsford MA*).

    Transactions logged against all four children are rolled

    up to their parent (Chelmsford MA).

    Chelmsford MA




    Chelmsford MA*Original


    Original Currency Currency, as assigned to employees in Workforce

    Central, organized by ISO currency codes. (The code

    UNSrepresents employee amounts from Workforce

    Central sources where there are employees who are not

    assigned a currency type.)

    Pay Code Pay Code

    Pay CategoryPay Code Name

    Pay codes, as established within Workforce Central and

    mapped to analytics pay categories (Regular, Overtime,Other, Non Productive, Training, and Unknown). The

    Pay Code dimension is available only in the Time Detail

    Daily cube.

    Pay Code Name Pay codes, as established within Workforce Central .



    AttributesandHierarchy Definition

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    Pay Period Pay Period

    Pay Period Time Name

    Pay Period Date Range

    Pay period as defined by name (current, next, other, and

    previous) and date range. The Pay Period dimension is

    available only in the Time Detail Daily cube.

    Pay Rule Pay Rule Name Pay rules, as established within Workforce Central. The

    Pay Rule dimension is available only in the Time DetailDaily cube



    Reporting Currency Currency, organized by ISO currency codes, to which

    the original currency has been converted, according to

    the conversion table established in Workforce Central.

    The administrator configures the reporting currencies for

    analytics cubes in the Analytics Manager utility. (The

    code 000represents the original amount as stored in the

    Analytics data mart. The code UNSrepresents employeeamounts from Workforce Central sources where there

    are employees who are not assigned a currency type.)

    If you do not use this dimension, amounts are displayed

    in the default member currency.

    Note: If you use the Reporting Currency dimension as a

    filter, make sure that only one currency is selected.

    Otherwise, the amount displayed will have no meaning.Supervisor Supervisor ID Supervisor ID, as established when employees are

    assigned supervisors within Workforce Central.

    Supervisor Name Supervisor name, organized by last name, as established

    when employees are assigned supervisors within

    Workforce Central.

    Tenure Tenure

    Tenure BandTenure Month

    Defined tenure bands, such as years employed; for

    example three to six months or one to three years.

    Tenure Month Number of months of employment.



    AttributesandHierarchy Definition

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

    Users Guide 23

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary

    Monthly cubes

    In addition to the dimensions (described in Using cube dimensionson page 17)

    that are defined for use with all Analytics cubes, the Time Summary Daily and

    Time Summary Monthly cubes contain a special Analytics dimension that defines

    a hierarchical structure of analytic categories. When combined with a set of

    measures specifically defined for this use in a business intelligence tool (such as a

    pivot table or dashboard), analytic categories provide a flexible and powerfulmechanism to drill down to more specific areas of problem analysis with a

    minimal amount of effort.

    When using analytics categories in multidimensional analysis, note the following:

    The Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes provide the

    same set of analytic categories

    Analytic categories are members of the Analytics dimension. By dragging theAnalytics dimension into a business intelligence tool, you obtain access to the

    analytics categories it contains.

    Analytic categories are hierarchical in nature. Each category has a root, such

    as All Punches. The root may have several children, such as Deficient

    Punches and Non-Deficient Punches. These children may also have

    children. For example, Start Late 0-5 min is the child of Start Late. (In

    other words, Start Late is the parent of Start Late 0-5 min.) Start Lateitself is the child of Deficient In Punches, which is the child of Deficient

    Punches, which is the child of All Punches. Because of the measures

    defined for the categories understand this hierarchy, you can move up and

    down this hierarchy by specifying the desired measure.

    The dimensions described in Using cube dimensionson page 17are also

    available for use with the Analytics dimension and analytic categories.

    Analytic categories

    Analytics defines the following analytic categories as members of the Analytics


  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    Important: The definition of Core in Workforce Analytics differs from that in

    Workforce Central. In Workforce Analytics, core pay codes recognize activities

    that are associated with specific events in which hours are tracked: for example,

    regular hours spent working or overtime. Depending upon the organization, non-

    productive pay codes such as paid time off (PTO) and Family Medical Leave Act

    (FMLA) may be considered core if their hours are being tracked.

    In Workforce Central, the word is used to indicate ranges of time when employees

    are expected to work and exceptions are flagged for any unworked time duringcore hours. Do not confuse the two uses of the term.

    All Paid OT

    The All Paid OT analytic category is a measurement of events in which

    employees were paid for overtime.Analytics determines whether overtime is scheduled or unscheduled based on the

    basic scheduler module in the timekeeping or scheduling products.

    Scheduled overtime must have been scheduled in the context of total time, and the

    overtime must have started and completed at the exact times it was scheduled to

    begin and end.

    Unscheduled overtime is any time worked that falls outside of the overtime

    planned in the schedule. If the overtime does not start and end as scheduled,

    Analytics counts it as unscheduled OT.

    The metrics in this analytic category are used to identify how compliant the

    workforce is with the schedule: both with respect to the composition of total

    overtime hours and whether or not scheduled overtime was worked at the correct

    time of day.

    Note: The scheduling metrics provided by Analytics are derived from scheduling

    data that has been maintained within the basic scheduler module of the

    timekeeping product, or with the assistance of the scheduling products. If schedules

    have not been established and maintained in these products, scheduling metrics, such

    as those relating to absenteeism, deficient punches, and scheduled overtime, will

    contain either no data or unreliable data.

    h l d hl b

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

    Users Guide 25

    Structure of the All Paid OT analytic category

    The All Paid Overtime analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Paid OT

    Paid Scheduled OT

    Paid Not Scheduled OT

    Members of the All Paid Overtime analytic category

    The All Paid Overtime analytic category contains the members described in the

    following table:

    All Absenteeism

    Absenteeism is an event that occurs when an employee who is assigned to ashift,

    patternorscheduledoes not record any punch. Absences can be excused or


    Analytics determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused based on the

    employee timecard and schedule items in the timekeeping and scheduling


    An absence defaults to unexcused until a manager manually approves it. When a

    manager assigns the absence a pay code and attaches a comment to it, it becomesexcused.

    Workforce Analytics does not extrapolate values for unexcused absences. When

    there are no hours or dollars associated with the unexcused absence, the most

    common situation, the unexcused absenteeism metrics will be presented as '0.0'.

    Analytic Definition

    All Paid OT >

    Paid Scheduled OT Measurement of Overtime (OT) events in which employees were paid

    for working the shift or schedule to which they were assigned.

    Paid Not Scheduled OT Measurement of Overtime (OT) events in which employees were paid

    for working a shift or schedule that they were not assigned to.

    Ch t 2 M ltidi i l A l i

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    In the rare event that there are associated hours or dollars, the metrics will present

    that data.

    Note: The scheduling metrics provided by Analytics are derived from scheduling

    data that has been maintained within the basic scheduler module of the

    timekeeping product, or with the assistance of the scheduling product, both part of

    the product suite. If schedules have not been established and maintained in these

    products, scheduling metrics, such as those relating to absenteeism, deficient

    punches, and scheduled overtime, will contain either no data or unreliable data.

    Structure of the All Absenteeism analytic category

    The All Absenteeism analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Absenteeism

    Excused Absenteeism

    Excused Absenteeism Reg Core

    Excused Absenteeism OT Core

    Excused Absenteeism Train Core

    Excused Absenteeism Non Prod Core

    Excused Absenteeism Oth Core

    Excused Absenteeism Unknown Core

    Unexcused Absenteeism

    Unexcused Absenteeism Reg Core

    Unexcused Absenteeism OT Core

    Unexcused Absenteeism Train Core

    Unexcused Absenteeism Non Prod Core

    Unexcused Absenteeism Oth Core

    Unexcused Absenteeism Unknown Core

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

    Users Guide 27

    Members of the All Absenteeism analytic category

    The All Absenteeism analytic category contains the members described in the

    following table:

    Analytic Definition

    All Absenteeism > Excused Absenteeism

    Excused Absenteeism

    Reg Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity flagged (by an employee's

    manager) with a pay code mapped to the analytics Regpay category,and a comment for the duration of the shift.

    Excused Absenteeism

    OT Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity flagged (by an employee's

    manager) with a pay code mapped to the analytics OTpay category, and

    a comment for the duration of the shift.

    Excused Absenteeism

    Train Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity flagged (by an employee's

    manager) with a pay code mapped to the analytics Trainpay

    category), and a comment for the duration of the shift.Excused Absenteeism

    Non Prod Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity flagged (by an employee's

    manager) with a pay code mapped to the analytics Non Prod pay

    category, and a comment for the duration of the shift.

    Excused Absenteeism

    Oth Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity flagged (by an employee's

    manager) with a pay code mapped to the analytics Otherpay category,

    and a comment for the duration of the shift.

    Excused AbsenteeismUnknown Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity flagged (by an employee'smanager) with a pay code mapped to the analytics Unknownpay

    category, and a comment for the duration of the shift.

    All Absenteeism > Unexcused Absenteeism


    Absenteeism Reg Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity, for a pay code mapped to the

    analytics Regpay category, that is not flagged by the employees

    manager with a pay code and comment. It becomes an exception (no

    timecard item record in Exception tables in the timekeeping product) asan unexcused absence event.


    Absenteeism OT Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity, for a pay code mapped to the

    analytics OTpay category, that is not flagged by the employees

    manager with a pay code and comment. It becomes an exception (no

    timecard item record in Exception tables in the timekeeping product) as

    an unexcused absence event.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


    All Paid Not Worked

    The All Paid Not Worked analytic category represents time paid but not worked;

    based on the rounding rule (from the timekeeping product) assigned. This is

    tracked for both in-punches and out-punches. Data in this category helps

    determine the impact of the current rounding rules.

    For example:

    Start Late - An employee started at 8:15 AM and the rounding rule rounds hispunch to 8:00 AM, then the 15-minute differential becomes Paid Not Worked.

    Leave Early - An employee ended at 3:45 PM and the rounding rule rounds

    his punch to 4:00 PM, then the 15-minute differential becomes Paid Not



    Absenteeism Train


    Missed or empty record punch activity, for a pay code mapped to the

    analytics Trainpay category, that is not flagged by the employees

    manager with a pay code and comment. It becomes an exception (no

    timecard item record in Exception tables in the timekeeping product) as

    an unexcused absence event.


    Absenteeism Non Prod


    Missed or empty record punch activity, for a pay code mapped to the

    analytics Non Prodpay category, that is not flagged by the

    employees manager with a pay code and comment. It becomes anexception (no timecard item record in Exception tables in the

    timekeeping product) as an unexcused absence event.


    Absenteeism Oth Core

    Missed or empty record punch activity, for a pay code mapped to the

    analytics Otherpay category, that is not flagged by the employees

    manager with a pay code and comment. It becomes an exception (no

    timecard item record in Exception tables in the timekeeping product) as

    an unexcused absence event.


    Absenteeism Unknown


    Missed or empty record punch activity, for a pay code mapped to the

    analytics Unknownpay category, that is not flagged by the employees

    manager with a pay code and comment. It becomes an exception (no

    timecard item record in Exception tables in the timekeeping product) as

    an unexcused absence event.

    Analytic Definition

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

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    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

    Users Guide 29

    Structure of the All Paid Not Worked analytic category

    The All Paid Not Worked analytic category has the following hierarchical


    All Paid Not Worked

    Paid Not Worked In

    Paid Not Worked Out

    Members of the All Paid Not Worked analytic category

    The All Paid Not Worked analytic category contains the members described in the

    following table:

    All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min

    The All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min analytic category contains exceptions

    that are defined within a punch event exception rule that may be categorized as

    Deficient In/Out or Non-Deficient In/Out-punches.Exception rules identify shifts

    that deviate from the expected pattern and are part of an employees work rule.

    Analytic Definition

    All Paid Not Worked >

    Paid Not Worked In Measure of time paid but not worked, due to rounding rules and basedon in an punch.

    Example: An employee is assigned to a pay rule that is set to round to

    the nearest quarter hour, and the shift or schedule is 7 A.M to 4 P.M. If

    the employees in-punch shows a time of 7:22 A.M, the in-punch will be

    rounded to the nearest quarter hour (7:15 A.M and the employee will be

    paid for the 7 minutes not worked.)

    Paid Not Worked Out Measure of time paid yet not worked due to rounding rules and based onan out-punch.

    Example:An employee is assigned to a pay rule that is set to round to

    the nearest quarter hours, and the shift or schedule is 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. If

    the employees out-punch shows a time of 3:53 P.M., the out-punch will

    be rounded to the nearest quarter hours (4 P.M.) and the employee will

    be paid for the 7 minutes not worked.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    p y


    Analytics compares actual punches to the schedule. For example, if an employee

    is scheduled for 8:00 and punches in at 7:58, the punch is counted as an earlypunch.

    A punch is early or late if it deviates from the schedule by even one minute. This

    concept is only in Analytics. The timekeeping product has exception rules that are

    similar, but there is not a one-to-one mapping.

    Structure of the All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min analytic category

    The All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min analytic category has the followinghierarchical structure:

    All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min

    Early Start 16 - 60 min

    Late Leave 16 - 60 min

    Members of the All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min analytic category

    The All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min analytic category contains the

    members described in the following table:

    All Worked Not Paid

    The All Worked Not Paid analytic category represents time worked but not paid,based on the rounding rule (from the timekeeping product) assigned. This is

    tracked for both in-punches and out-punches. Data in this category helps

    determine the impact of the current rounding rules.

    For example:

    Analytic Definition

    All Early Start / Late Leave 16 - 60 min >

    Early Start 16 - 60


    Identifies an early shift or schedule that is 16 minutes to 60 minutes

    before the shift or schedule begins.

    Late Leave 16 - 60


    Identifies a late shift or schedule that is 16 minutes to 60 minutes after

    the shift or schedule ends.

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    Users Guide 31

    Start Early - An employee started at 7:45 AM and the rounding rule rounds his

    punch to 8:00 AM, then the 15-minute differential becomes Worked Not Paid. Leave Late - Ex. Employee ended at 4:15 PM and the rounding rule rounds

    his punch to 4:00 PM, then the 15-minute differential becomes Worked Not


    The formula Analytics uses to calculate worked hours is as follows:

    Worked Hours = Productive Hours + Nonproductive


    Productive and nonproductive hours are determined by the mapping your system

    administrator has established between pay codes from the timekeeping product

    and Analytics pay categories.

    Structure of the All Worked Not Paid analytic category

    The All Worked Not Paid analytic category has the following hierarchical

    structure:All Worked Not Paid

    Worked Not Paid In

    Worked Not Paid Out

    Members of the All Worked Not Paid analytic category

    The All Worked Not Paid analytic category contains the members described in thefollowing table:

    Analytic Definition

    All Worked Not Paid >

    Worked Not Paid In Measure of time worked but not paid, due to rounding rules and based

    on an in-punch.

    Example: The employee in-punch is 8:08 A.M. The pay rule specifiesthat any in-punch 8 or more minutes after the quarter hour will be

    rounded to the next quarter hour (Start Late / In Late). The in-punch will

    be rounded to 8:15 A.M. and the employee will be docked to have

    started at 8:15 A.M. and will lose one-quarter of his hourly wage. For

    example, an employee who makes $22.00 an hour will only receive

    $16.50 for that hour.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    All Punches

    Analytics calculates nondeficient and deficient punches as follows:

    Nondeficient punches are within the limits of the work rule that is assigned to

    the employee(s). Nondeficient punches are calculated by analyzing the actual

    punch event and comparing it to the worked time.

    Deficient in-punches and deficient out-punches do not fall within the

    classification of the work rule established that is assigned to the employee(s).

    Deficient punches are calculated by analyzing the actual punch event and

    comparing it to the worked time.

    Analytics applies its own rounding rules. It uses the raw punch data and defines its

    own thresholds to generate metrics related to early, late, deficient, and

    nondeficient punches. (That is, the rounding rules from the timekeeping productare not applied against this data.) These thresholds are not configurable; they are

    always defined as follows:

    For in-punches:

    All late punches are deficient.

    A punch that is 0 to 15 minutes early is nondeficient.

    A punch that is 16 to 60 minutes early is deficient.

    A punch that is greater than 60 minutes early is considered unscheduled

    overtime, because it may not necessarily be a deficient punch.

    For out-punches:

    All early punches are deficient.

    Worked Not Paid Out Measure of time worked yet not paid due to rounding rules (based onout-punch).

    Example: The employees shift (schedule) ends at 5:00 P.M.and the

    employee punches out at 4:52 P.M. Based on the pay rule that is

    assigned to the employee, the out-punch will be rounded to 4:45 P.M,

    and the employee will lose 15 minutes of his hourly base wage (for

    leaving early).

    Analytic Definition

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

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    Users Guide 33

    A punch that is to 15 minutes late is nondeficient.

    A punch that is 16 to 60 minutes late is deficient.

    A punch that is greater than 60 minutes late is considered as unscheduled

    overtime, because it may not necessarily be a deficient punch:

    Notes:The scheduling metrics provided by Analytics are derived from scheduling data that

    has been maintained within the basic scheduler module of the timekeeping

    product, or with the assistance of the scheduling product, both part of the product

    suite. If schedules have not been established and maintained in these products,

    scheduling metrics, such as those relating to absenteeism, deficient punches, and

    scheduled overtime, will contain either no data or unreliable data.

    Punch Deficient or nondeficient

    Start Early 0 to 15 minutes Nondeficient

    Start Early 16 to 60 minutes DeficientStart Early greater than 60 minutes Nondeficienta

    a. Analytics considers a punch deficient if a person punches in less than an hour priorto his scheduled time or punches out less than an hour after his scheduled time. Itassumes that, if the person punches in more than an hour early or punches outmore than an hour later, there is likely a business reason for his doing so (forexample, the employee was called in early or was asked to stay late).

    Start Late 0 to 5 minutes Deficient

    Start Late 6 to10 minutes Deficient

    Start Late 11 to 15 minutes Deficient

    Start Late greater than 15 minutes Deficient

    Leave Late 0 to 15 minutes NondeficientLeave Late 16 to 60 minutes Deficient

    Leave Late greater than 60 minutes Nondeficienta

    Leave Early 0 to 5 minutes Deficient

    Leave Early 6 to 10 minutes Deficient

    Leave Early 11 to 15 minutes Deficient

    Leave Early greater than 15 minutes Deficient

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    Only Count metrics are relevant to the All Punches analytic category. You canapply Count metrics to the members of the category to obtain counts of deficient

    and nondeficient events. To obtain the Amount and Hours associated with

    deficient and nondeficient punches, apply those metrics to the All Paid Not

    Worked and All Worked Not Paid categories.

    Structure of the All Punches analytic category

    The All Punches analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Punches

    Non-Deficient Punches

    Start Early 0 - 15 min

    Start Early GT 60 min

    Leave Late 0 - 15 minLeave Late GT 60 min

    Deficient Punches

    Deficient - In Punches

    Start Early 16-60 min

    Start Late

    Start Late 0 - 5 min

    Start Late 6- 10 min

    Start Late 11 - 15 min

    Start Late GT 15 min

    Deficient - Out Punches

    Leave Late 16-60 min

    Leave Early

    Leave Early 0 - 5 min

    Leave Early 6- 10 min

    Leave Early 11 - 15 min

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    Users Guide 35

    Leave Early GT 15 min

    Members of the All Punches analytic category

    The All Punches analytic category contains the members described in the

    following table:

    Analytic Definition

    All Punches > Non-Deficient Punches >

    Start Early 0 - 15 min Identifies a start early shift or schedule that is 0 minutes to 15 minutes

    before the shift or schedule begins.

    Start Early Greater than

    60 min

    Identifies a start early shift or schedule that is more than 60 minutes

    before the shift or schedule begins.

    Leave Late 0 - 15 min Identifies a leave late shift or schedule that is 0 minutes to 15 minutes

    after the shift or schedule ends.

    Leave Late GT 60 min Identifies a leave late shift or schedule that is more than 60 minutes after

    the shift or schedule ends.

    All Punches > Deficient Punches > Deficient - In Punches >

    Start Early 16 - 60 min Identifies a start early shift or schedule that is 16 to 60 minutes before the

    shift or schedule begins.

    All Punches > Deficient Punches > Deficient - In Punches > Start Late >

    Start Late 0 - 5 min Identifies a start late shift or schedule that is 0 minutes to 5 minutes after

    the shift or schedule begins.Start Late 6 - 10 min Identifies a start late shift or schedule that is 6 minutes to 10 minutes

    after the shift or schedule begins.

    Start Late 11 - 15 min Identifies the start late shift or schedule that is 11 to 15 minutes after the

    shift or schedule begins.

    Start Late GT 15 min Identifies the start late shift or schedule that is greater than 15 minutes

    after the shift or schedule begins.

    All Punches > Deficient Punches > Deficient - Out Punches >

    Leave Late 16 - 60 min Identifies a leave late shift or schedule that is 16 minutes to 60 minutes

    after the shift or schedule ends.

    All Punches > Deficient Punches > Deficient - Out Punches > Leave Early >

    Leave Early 0 - 5 min Identifies a leave early shift or schedule that is 0 minutes to 5 minutes

    before the shift or schedule ends.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    All Paid

    The All Paid analytic category represents the events in which employees were


    Analytics calculates its labor utilization metrics as follows:

    Worked Hours = Productive Hours + Nonproductive Hours

    (Productive and nonproductive hours are determined by the mapping your

    system administrator has established between pay codes from the timekeeping

    product and Analytics pay categories.)

    All Paid Scheduled Amount + All Paid Not Scheduled Amount = All Paid

    Amount - Sum of Money Amounts

    All Paid Hours = All Paid Scheduled Hours + All Paid Unscheduled Hours

    Structure of the All Paid analytic category

    The All Paid analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Paid

    All Paid Reg / OT / Train

    Paid Reg / OT / Train (Worked)

    Paid Reg

    Paid OT

    Paid Train

    Paid Reg / OT / Train Money

    Paid Reg Money

    Leave Early 6 - 10 min Identifies a leave early shift or schedule that is 6 minutes to 10 minutes

    before the shift or schedule ends.

    Leave Early 11 - 15


    Identifies a leave early shift or schedule that is 11 minutes to 15 minutes

    before the shift or schedule ends.

    Leave Early GT 15 min Identifies a leave early shift or schedule that is more than 15 minutes

    before the shift or schedule ends.

    Analytic Definition

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    Users Guide 37

    Paid OT Money

    Paid Train Money

    All Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk

    Paid Other / Non Prod /Unk

    Paid Non Prod

    Paid Other

    Paid UnknownPaid Other / Non Prod /Unk Money

    Paid Non Prod Money

    Paid Other Money

    Paid Unknown Money

    Members of the All Paid analytic category

    The All Paid analytic category contains the members described in the following


    Analytic Definition

    All Paid > All Paid Reg / OT / Train > Paid Reg / OT / Train (Worked) >

    Paid Reg Contains the wage amount paid for regular hours worked.

    Paid OT Contains the wage amount paid for overtime hours worked.

    Paid Train Contains the wage amount paid for training hours worked.

    All Paid > All Paid Reg / OT / Train > Paid Reg / OT / Train Money >

    Paid Reg Money Contains direct money amounts associated with regular worked events.

    Paid OT Money Contains direct money amounts associated with overtime worked events.

    Paid Train Money Contains direct money amounts associated with training worked events.

    All Paid > All Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk > Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk >

    Paid Non Prod Contains the wage amount paid for nonproductive hours worked.

    Paid Other Contains the wage amount paid for other hours worked.

    Paid Unknown Contains the wage amount paid for unknown hours worked.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    All Scheduled

    The All Scheduled analytic category represents the events in which employees

    were scheduled to work.

    Note: The scheduling metrics provided by Analytics are derived from scheduling

    data that has been maintained within the basic scheduler module of the

    timekeeping product, or with the assistance of the scheduling product, both part of

    the product suite. If schedules have not been established and maintained in these

    products, scheduling metrics, such as those relating to absenteeism, deficient

    punches, and scheduled overtime, will contain either no data or unreliable data.

    Structure of the All Scheduled analytic category

    The All Scheduled analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Scheduled

    Scheduled Reg / OT / Train

    Scheduled Reg

    Scheduled OT

    Scheduled Train

    Scheduled Non Prod / Other / UnkScheduled Non Prod

    Scheduled Other

    Scheduled Unknown

    All Paid > All Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk > Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk Money >

    Paid Non Prod Money Contains direct money amounts associated with nonproductive worked


    Paid Other Money Contains direct money amounts associated with other worked events.

    Paid Unknown Money Contains direct money amounts associated with unknown worked events.

    Analytic Definition

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    Users Guide 39

    Members of the All Scheduled analytic category

    The All Scheduled analytic category contains the members described in thefollowing table:

    All Paid Sched

    The All Paid Sched analytic category represents the events in which employees

    were paid for working the shift or schedule to which they were assigned.

    Structure of the All Paid Sched analytic category

    The All Paid Sched analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Paid Sched

    Paid Sched Reg / OT /Train

    Paid Sched Reg

    Paid Sched OT

    Paid Sched TrainPaid Sched Non Prod / Other / Unk

    Paid Sched Non Prod

    Paid Sched Other

    Paid Sched Unknown

    Analytic Definition

    All Scheduled > Scheduled Reg / OT / Train >

    ScheduledReg Contains regular hours employees are scheduled to work.

    ScheduledOT Contains overtime hours employees are scheduled to work.ScheduledTrain Contains training hours employees are scheduled to work.

    All Scheduled > Scheduled Non Prod / Other / Unk >

    ScheduledNon Prod Contains nonproductive hours employees are scheduled to work.

    ScheduledOther Contains other hours employees are scheduled to work.

    ScheduledUnknown Contains unknown hours employees are scheduled to work.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    Note: The scheduling metrics provided by Analytics are derived from scheduling

    data that has been maintained within the basic scheduler module of thetimekeeping product, or with the assistance of the scheduling product, both part of

    the product suite. If schedules have not been established and maintained in these

    products, scheduling metrics, such as those relating to absenteeism, deficient

    punches, and scheduled overtime, will contain either no data or unreliable data.

    Members of the All Paid Sched analytic category

    The All Paid Sched analytic category contains the members described in the

    following table:

    All Paid Not Scheduled

    The All Paid Not Scheduled analytic category represents the events in which

    employees were paid for working a shift or schedule to which they were not


    Note: The scheduling metrics provided by Analytics are derived from scheduling

    data that has been maintained within the basic scheduler module of the

    timekeeping product, or with the assistance of the scheduling product, both part of

    the product suite. If schedules have not been established and maintained in these

    Analytic Definition

    All Paid Sched > Paid Sched Reg / OT / Train >

    Paid SchedReg Wage paid to work the assigned scheduled regular shift or schedule.

    Paid SchedOT Wage paid to work the assigned scheduled overtime shift or schedule.Paid SchedTrain Wage paid to work the assigned scheduled training shift or schedule.

    All Paid Sched > Paid Sched Non Prod / Other / Unk >

    Paid SchedNon Prod Wage paid to work the assigned scheduled nonproductive shift or


    Paid SchedOther Wage paid to work the assigned scheduled other shift or schedule.

    Paid SchedUnknown Wage paid to work the assigned scheduled unknown shift or schedule.

    Using the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes

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    Users Guide 41

    products, scheduling metrics, such as those relating to absenteeism, deficient

    punches, and scheduled overtime, will contain either no data or unreliable data.

    Structure of the All Paid Not Scheduled analytic category

    The All Paid Not Scheduled analytic category has the following hierarchical


    All Paid Not Scheduled

    Paid Not Scheduled Reg / OT /TrainPaid Not Scheduled Reg

    Paid Not Scheduled OT

    Paid Not Scheduled Train

    Paid Not Scheduled Non Prod / Other / Unk

    Paid Not Scheduled Non Prod

    Paid Not Scheduled Other

    Paid Not Scheduled Unknown

    Members of the All Paid Not Scheduled analytic category

    The All Paid Not Scheduled analytic category contains the members

    described in the following table:

    Analytic Definition

    All Paid Not Sched > Paid Not Sched Reg / OT / Train >

    Paid Not Scheduled


    Wage paid for working a shift or schedule that is not the assigned shift or


    Paid Not ScheduledOT Wage paid for working a shift or schedule that is not the assigned

    overtime shift or schedule.Paid Not Scheduled


    Wage paid for working a shift or schedule that is not the assigned

    training shift or schedule.

    All Paid Not Sched > Paid Not Sched Non Prod / Other / Unk

    Paid Not Scheduled

    Non Prod

    Wage paid for working a shift or schedule that is not the assigned

    nonproductive shift or schedule.

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    All Paid Non Core

    The All Paid Non Core analytic category represents events based on how

    employees are paid for non-core hours worked.

    Structure of the All Paid Non Core analytic category

    The All Paid Non Core analytic category has the following hierarchical structure:

    All Paid Non Core

    All Paid Reg / OT / Train Non Core

    Paid Reg / OT / Train Non Core

    Paid Reg Non Core

    Paid OT Non Core

    Paid Train Non Core

    Paid Reg / OT / Train Non Core MoneyPaid Reg Non Core Money

    Paid OT Non Core Money

    Paid Train Non Core Money

    All Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk Non Core

    Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk Non Core

    Paid Non Prod Non Core

    Paid Other Non Core

    Paid Unk Non Core

    Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk Non Core Money

    Paid Not Scheduled


    Wage paid for working a shift or schedule that is not the assigned other

    shift or schedule.

    Paid Not Scheduled


    Wage paid for working a shift or schedule that is not known.

    Analytic Definition

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    Users Guide 43

    Paid Non Prod Non Core Money

    Paid Other Non Core MoneyPaid Unk Non Core Money

    Members of the All Paid Non Core analytic category

    The All Paid Non Core analytic category contains the members described in the

    following table:

    Analytic Definition

    All Paid Non Core > Paid Reg / OT / Train Non Core >

    Paid Reg Non Core Premium amounts associated with regular non-core worked events, such

    as shift premiums.

    Paid OT Non Core Premium amounts associated with overtime non-core worked events,

    such as shift amounts for per diems or commissions.

    Paid Train Non Core Premium amounts associated with training non-core activities such as apremium for staying late for off-premises training.

    All Paid Non Core > Paid Reg / OT / Train Non Core Money >

    Paid Reg Non Core


    Direct money amounts associated with regular non-core worked events,

    such as money amounts for per diems or commissions.

    Paid OT Non Core


    Direct money amounts associated with overtime non-core worked

    events, such as shift premiums, money amounts for per diems or


    Paid Train Non Core


    Direct money amounts associated with training non-core activities, such

    as premium for staying late, or a money amount to pay for off-premises


    All Paid Non Core > Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk Non Core >

    Paid Non Prod Non


    Premiums amounts associated with nonproductive time, such as time off

    not taken, money amount rewards, or bonuses.

    Paid Other Non Core Sites unique use for other premium and amounts paid.

    Paid Unknown Non


    Applied when a new pay code is added to the configuration in the

    timekeeping product. A warning is created during the nightly data

    extract and load routine to indicate that the new pay code needs to be

    assigned to a pay category in the Analytics configuration table.

    All Paid Non Core > Paid Non Prod / Other / Unk Non Core Money >

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    Measures used with analytic categories

    The metrics available for use with analytics categories are measures defined

    within the Time Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes specifically

    to be used with analytic categories.

    Note: Negative values can appear for hour and amount metrics in the Time

    Summary Daily and Time Summary Monthly cubes when adjustment edits have

    been performed in Workforce Central.

    For example, if an employee mistakenly enters 12 hours instead of 10, the

    manager may make an entry of -2 hours to adjust the hours down to 10. Similarly,

    if an employee is given a bonus of $80 as a money amount, the manager may

    make a subsequent entry of -$20 to adjust the money amount to $60.

    The following table lists the key terms that are commonly used for these


    Paid Non Prod NonCore Money

    Direct money amounts associated with nonproductive non-core timesuch as time off not taken, money amount rewards, or bonuses.

    Paid Other Non Core


    Sites unique use for other premiums and amounts paid.

    Paid Unknown Non

    Core Money

    Applied when a new pay code is added to the configuration in the

    timekeeping product. A warning is created during the nightly data

    extract and load routine to indicate that the new pay code needs to be

    assigned to a pay category in the Analytics configuration table.

    Term Definition

    Amount Amount of money paid to employees for events that occurred within the

    analytic category.

    Count Count of events that occurred within the analytic category.

    Hours Hours associated with the events that occurred within the analytic category.

    Paid All pay categories such as regular, overtime, training, nonproductive, and


    Analytic Definition

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    Users Guide 45

    The following measures are defined for the Time Summary Daily and Time

    Summary Monthly cubes. The data provided by these measures is based on the

    selected dimension(s) and analytic category.

    Worked Pay categories associated with time on the job such as regular, overtime andtraining.

    Involved The subset of employees that had an occurrence in the analytic category. For

    example, if the analytic category is All Absenteeism, an employee is involved

    if he or she has an absence event

    Employee All active employees those who were paid any amount for any type of

    activity. The "per Employee" metrics are averages based on the employee

    population.The Per Employee metrics are provided to determine how extensive a

    problem is at the individual level. They do not provide the actual metric

    values per person in the organization. To obtain those metrics, use the

    Employee dimension with the metric.

    Parent Analytic category summary one level up. For example, Start Late is Parent to

    Start Late 0 to 5 minutes.

    Root Highest-level analytic category summary. For example, All Punches is Rootto Start Late 0 to 5 minutes.

    Metric Definition

    All Employee Count Distinct count of employees in the All Paid category of the Analytics

    dimension. The value of All Employee Count remains the same as the All

    Paid analytic category, regardless of the other dimensions that are applied.

    For example, if you select employees whose last name begins with E from

    the Employee dimension for Q1 of 2006 with a Tenure Band of 1 to 2 years,

    All Employee Count returns the same total for each.

    Amount Amount of money paid for events that occurred within this analytic category

    Amount as % of Paid Amount paid for all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of the

    active paid amounts

    Amount as % of Parent Amount paid for all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of the

    amount paid for its parent category

    Term Definition

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    Amount as % of Root Amount paid for all events in this analytic category as a percentage of the

    amount paid for its root categoryAmount as % of


    Amount paid for all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of the

    worked amount

    Amount per Employee Amount paid for all events in this analytic category per all active employees

    Amount per Event Amount paid for all events in this analytic category

    Amount per Hour Amount paid for hours of all events in this analytic category

    Amount per Involved Amount paid to employees involved in the event in this analytic category

    Count Count of events that occurred within this analytic category

    Count as % of Paid Count of specific events in this analytic category, as a percentage of all paid

    events for all employees

    Count as % of Parent Count of specific events in this analytic category, as a percentage of specific

    events in its parent category

    Count as % of Root Count of specific events in this analytic category, as a percentage of specific

    events in its root category.Count as % of Worked Count of specific events in this analytic category, as a percentage of all

    worked events for all employees.

    Count per Employee Count of specific events in this analytic category per all active employees

    Count per Involved Count of specific events in this analytic category per all involved employees

    Hours Hours associated with the events that occurred within this analytic category

    Hours as % of Paid Hours of all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of paid hours for

    all employees

    Hours as % of Parent Hours of all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of hours of all

    events in its parent category

    Hours as % of Root Hours of all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of hours of all

    events in its root category

    Hours as % of Worked Hours of all events in this analytic category, as a percentage of all worked

    hours for all employeesHours per Employee Hours of all events in this analytic category per all active employees

    Hours per Event Average number of hours per event in this analytic category

    Hours per Involved Hours of all events in this analytic category per all involved employees

    Involved Employee


    Number of employees involved in an event in this analytic category

    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

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    Users Guide 47

    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

    When used as a data source for such business intelligence tools as dashboards,

    scorecards, and pivot tables, the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

    contain a set of measures, known as scorecard measures (or metrics), that return

    key performance indicator (KPI) values that are prepopulated within the cube.

    The Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes each provide a different set of

    scorecard metrics. These metrics exist as precalculated measures in the cube, and

    thus provide an almost immediate response when they are deployed in a MicrosoftExcel 2007 view or a scorecard.

    Most of the metrics discussed in this section can also be generated within the

    defined hierarchy of analytic categories within the Time Summary Daily and

    Time Summary Monthly cubes when measures that navigate within the hierarchy

    are applied to the Analytics dimension. For example, the Excused absent events

    as a % of total absent events metric can be reproduced by applying the Count as

    % of Root metric to the Excused Absenteeism subcategory of the AllAbsenteeism analytic category. See Using the Time Summary Daily and Time

    Summary Monthly cubeson page 23for a discussion of how to use analytic

    categories in multidimensional analysis.

    Scorecard Daily cube

    The following table lists and defines each metric in the Scorecard Daily cube. The

    definition of any metric is based on the selected dimension(s).

    For more information on how Analytics calculates each metric in the table, see the

    following sections:

    Absenteeism - All Absenteeismon page 25

    Labor utilization - All Paidon page 36

    Scheduling - All Scheduledon page 38

    Time paid not worked - All Paid Not Workedon page 28

    Time worked not paid - All Worked Not Paidon page 30

    Overtime - All Paid OTon page 24

    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

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    Punches - All Puncheson page 32

    Metric Definition

    Related Time


    Cube Analytic







    Group Employee


    Distinct count of all employees that

    have paid hours in the same group,

    excluding the Employee dimension. For

    example, if you select employees whose

    last name begins with E from the

    Employee dimension for Q1 of 2006

    with a Tenure Band of 1 to 2 years, the

    Group Employee Count returns all

    employees that have paid hours in Q1 of

    2006 and a Tenure Band of 1 to 2 years,

    regardless of whether their last names

    begin with E or not.

    N/A N/A


    Absence events

    Absent event total Total number of absence events

    (excused and unexcused) for all


    All Absenteeism Count

    Absent events as a

    % of paid events

    Percentage of all paid events that are

    absence events (absent events / all paid


    All Absenteeism Count as % of


    Absent events as a

    % of worked events

    Percentage of all worked events that are

    absence events (absent events / all

    worked events).

    All Absenteeism Count as % of


    Absent events peremployee

    Average number of absence events peremployee (absent events / all employee


    All Absenteeism Count perEmployee

    Excused events

    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

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    Users Guide 49

    Excused absent

    event count

    Total number of absence events for all


    All Absenteeism

    > Excused



    Excused absentevents as a % of

    total absent events

    Percentage of all absence events that areexcused (excused absent events / all

    absent events)

    All Absenteeism> Excused


    Count as % ofRoot

    Excused absent

    events per employee

    Average number of excused absence

    events per involved employee (excused

    absent events / absent employee count)

    All Absenteeism

    > Excused


    Count per


    Unexcused events

    Unexcused absentevent count

    Total number of unexcused absenceevents

    All Absenteeism> Unexcused



    Unexcused absent

    events as a % of

    total absent events

    Percentage of all absence events that are

    unexcused (unexcused absent events /

    absent events)

    All Absenteeism

    > Unexcused


    Count as % of


    Unexcused absent

    events per employee

    Average number of unexcused absence

    events per involved employee

    (unexcused absent events / absent

    employee count)

    All Absenteeism

    > Unexcused


    Count per


    Absence hours

    Absent hours as a %

    of paid hours

    Percentage of all paid hours that are

    absence hours (absent hours / all paid


    All Absenteeism Hours as % of


    Absent hours as a %of worked hours Percentage of all worked hours that areabsence hours (absent hours / all

    worked hours)

    All Absenteeism Hours as % ofWorked

    Absent hours per


    Average number of absence hours per

    employee (absent hours / all employee


    All Absenteeism Hours per


    Metric Definition

    Related TimeSummary

    Cube Analytic






  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Users Guide 51

    Paid regular hours

    as a % of worked


    Percentage of worked hours that are

    paid regular hours (paid regular hours /

    all worked hours)

    All Paid > All

    Paid Reg / OT /

    Train > Paid Reg

    / OT / Train

    (Worked) > PaidReg

    Hours as % of


    Paid regular hours

    per employee

    Average number of paid regular hours

    per employee (paid regular hours / paid

    employee count)

    All Paid > All

    Paid Reg / OT /

    Train > Paid Reg

    / OT / Train

    (Worked) > Paid


    Hours per


    Labor cost

    Paid Amount (Labor


    Total labor cost All Paid Amount

    Paid amount per


    Average amount of money paid to each

    employee (paid amount / all employee


    All Paid Amount per


    Paid regular amountper employee

    Average amount of money paid forregular hours per paid employee (paid

    amount / paid employee count)

    All Paid > AllPaid Reg / OT /

    Train (Worked) >

    Paid Reg

    Amount perInvolved

    Paid scheduled

    amount per


    Average amount of money paid for

    scheduled hours per paid employee

    (paid scheduled amount / paid employee


    All Paid Sched Amount per


    Scheduled and Paid Scheduled hours

    Scheduled hours per


    Average number of scheduled hours per

    scheduled employee (scheduled hours /

    scheduled employee count)

    All Scheduled Hours per


    Metric Definition

    Related TimeSummary

    Cube Analytic






    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics



    Scheduled hours


    Total number of scheduled hours All Scheduled Hours

    Scheduled hours as

    a % of paidscheduled hours

    Percentage of paid scheduled hours that

    are scheduled hours (scheduled hours /all paid scheduled hours)

    All Scheduled,

    All Paid Sched


    Paid scheduled

    hours as a % of paid


    Percentage of paid hours that are paid

    scheduled hours (paid scheduled hours /

    all paid hours)

    All Paid Sched Hours as % of


    Paid scheduled

    hours as a % of

    worked hours

    Percentage of worked hours that are

    paid scheduled hours (paid scheduled

    hours / all worked hours)

    All Paid Sched Hours as % of


    Paid scheduled

    hours per employee

    Average number of paid scheduled

    hours per employee (paid scheduled

    hours / paid scheduled employee count)

    All Paid Sched Hours per


    Time paid not worked

    Time paid not

    worked hours

    Total number of time paid not worked

    hours for all employees

    All Paid Not



    Time paid notworked hours as a %

    of paid hours

    Percentage of all paid hours that weretime paid not worked hours (time paid

    not worked hours / all paid hours)

    All Paid NotWorked

    Hours as %Paid

    Time paid not

    worked hours as a %

    of worked hours

    Percentage of all worked hours that

    were time paid but not worked hours

    (time paid not worked hours / all

    worked hours)

    All Paid Not


    Hours as %


    Time paid not

    worked hours per


    Average number of time paid not

    worked hours per involved employee

    (time paid not worked hours / involved

    employee count)

    All Paid Not


    Hours per


    Time paid not

    worked amount

    Total cost of paid not worked time for

    all employees

    All Paid Not



    Metric Definition

    Related TimeSummary

    Cube Analytic






    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

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    Users Guide 53

    Time paid not

    worked amount per


    Average amount of money paid for time

    paid not worked per involved employee

    (time paid not worked amount / involved

    employee count)

    All Paid Not


    Amount per


    Worked hours

    Worked hours per


    Average number of worked hours per


    N/A N/A

    Worked amount per


    Average amount of money paid for

    worked hours per employee

    N/A N/A

    Time worked not paid

    Time worked notpaid hours as a % of

    paid hours

    Percentage of all paid hours that aretime worked not paid hours (time

    worked not paid hours / all paid hours)

    All Worked NotPaid

    Hours as %Paid

    Time worked not

    paid hours as a % of

    worked hours

    Percentage of all worked hours that are

    time worked not paid hours (time

    worked not paid hours / worked hours)

    All Worked Not


    Hours as %


    Time worked not

    paid hours peremployee

    Average number of time worked not

    paid hours per involved employee (timenot worked paid hours / involved

    employee count)

    All Worked Not


    Hours per


    Time worked not

    paid hours

    Total number of worked not paid hours All Worked Not



    Time worked not

    paid amount

    Total amount of money not paid for time

    worked but not paid hours

    All Worked Not



    Time worked notpaid amount per


    Average amount of money not paid fortime worked but not paid per involved

    employee (time worked not paid amount

    / involved employee count)

    All Worked NotPaid

    Amount perInvolved


    Overtime hours

    Metric Definition

    Related TimeSummary

    Cube Analytic






    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics



    OT hours total Total paid overtime hours All Paid OT Hours

    Overtime hours as a

    % of paid hours

    Percentage of all paid hours that are

    overtime hours (overtime hours / paid


    All Paid OT Hours as % of


    Overtime hours as a

    % of worked hours

    Percentage of all worked hours that are

    overtime hours (overtime hours /

    worked hours)

    All Paid OT Hours as % of


    Overtime hours per


    Average number of overtime hours per

    employee (overtime hours / all

    employee count)

    All Paid OT Hours per


    Overtime costOvertime Cost Total cost of overtime All Paid OT Amount

    Overtime cost as a

    % of total labor cost

    Cost of overtime hours as a percentage

    of total cost (overtime cost / total labor


    All Paid OT Amount as %


    Overtime cost per


    Average overtime cost per employee

    (overtime cost / all employee count)

    All Paid OT Amount per


    Scheduled overtime

    Paid scheduled OT


    Total number of paid scheduled

    overtime hours

    All Paid Sched >

    Paid Sched Reg /

    OT / Train > Paid

    Sched OT


    Scheduled OT hours

    as a % of paid hours

    Percentage of paid hours that are

    scheduled overtime hours (scheduled

    overtime hours / paid hours)

    All Paid OT >

    Paid Scheduled


    Hours as % of


    Scheduled OT hours

    as a % of total OT


    Percentage of all paid overtime hours

    that are scheduled overtime hours

    (scheduled overtime hours / all overtime


    All Paid OT >

    Paid Scheduled


    Hours as % of


    Metric Definition

    Related TimeSummary

    Cube Analytic






    Using the Scorecard Daily and Scorecard Monthly cubes

    R l t d

  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics


    Users Guide 55

    Scheduled OT hours

    as a % of worked


    Percentage of all worked hours that are

    scheduled overtime hours (scheduled

    overtime hours / all worked hours)

    All Paid OT >

    Paid Scheduled


    Hours as % of


    Scheduled OT hours

    per employee

    Average number of scheduled overtime

    hours per employee (scheduled overtime

    hours / all employee count)

    All Paid OT >

    Paid Scheduled


    Hours per


    Paid scheduled OT


    Total mount of money paid for

    scheduled overtime hours

    All Paid Sched >

    Paid Sched Reg /

    OT / Train > Paid

    Sched OT


    Scheduled OT Cost Total cost of scheduled overtime All Paid OT >

    Paid ScheduledOT


    Scheduled OT cost

    as a % of total labor


    Percentage of the total labor cost

    contributed by scheduled overtime

    (scheduled overtime cost / total labor


    All Paid OT >

    Paid Scheduled


    Amount as %

    of Paid

    Scheduled OT cost

    per employee

    Average cost of scheduled overtime per

    employee (scheduled overtime cost / allemployee count)

    All Paid OT >

    Paid ScheduledOT

    Amount per


    Unscheduled overtime

    Paid unscheduled

    OT hours

    Total number of paid unscheduled

    overtime hours

    All Paid OT >

    Paid Non

    Scheduled OT


    Unscheduled OT

    hours as a % of paidhours

    Percentage of all paid hours that are

    unscheduled overtime hours(unscheduled overtime hours / all paid


    All Paid OT >

    Paid NonScheduled OT

    Hours as % of


    Metric Definition

    Related TimeSummary

    Cube Analytic






    Chapter 2 Multidimensional Analysis


  • 8/12/2019 Users Guide Analytics



    Unscheduled OT

    hours as a % of total

    OT hours

    Percentage of all overtime hours that are

    unscheduled overtime hours

    (unscheduled overtime hours / all

    overtime hours)

    All Paid OT >

    Paid Non

    Scheduled OT

    Hours as % of


    Unscheduled OT

    hours as a % of

    worked hours

    Percentage of all worked hours that are
