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User Guide Template manager for Stores and Listings Templates on eBay

Upload: alexandre-rivera

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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User Guide

Template manager for Stores and Listings Templates on eBay

1. Rocklister

o Synchronize eBay store listings

o Install listing template for eBay Listings

o Search and replace text or HTML elements into yours active listings

description field on eBay

o Extract Description and Images from Rockscripts and non Rockscripts


2. Storefront Design on eBay

o Store logo manager

o Storefront Advertising on eBay Store Template

o Storefront Tabs on eBay

o Storefront Layout & widgets

o Image, Youtube and Vimeo videos slider for Storefront

o Custom Rich text

o Banners (PayPal, Newsletter etc)

3. Listing Design for eBay Listings templates

o Generate eBay Listing template code

o Preview your design as you go

o eBay Listing Tabs

o Image, Youtube and Vimeo videos slider for eBay Listing Template

o Listing Template Widgetized (Layout & Widgets) on eBay

o Banners (PayPal, Newsletter etc)

4. Listing Advertising on eBay Store Template

5. Manage Store Pages with Design manager tool

6. Backups & Restore Points

7. Developer Zone

8. Social Media for eBay stores

9. Popular Categories on eBay storefront and listings template

10. Featured listings on eBay

11. Special Discounts on eBay

12. New arrivals on eBay

13. Dynamic Categories (Three levels supported)

14. Main and Footer menu manager

15. Unlimited Disk Space for Design & Data Hosting

16. Security

17. Free and sample templates


Synchronize your listings with Rocklister having the control for All; Active, Sold, Unsold

and deleted items on eBay Inc.

Features related with Rocklister:

Synchronize eBay store listings manually or automatically

Install eBay listing template

Uninstall eBay listing template

Search and replace

Extract Description and Images from Rockscripts and non Rockscripts templates

Synchronize eBay store listings

Keep updated your listings with Design manager tool, here are steps to Synchronize

manually but, it usually Synchronize Automatically.

1. Click Rock Lister (Bulk edition) located in main left navigator

2. Click Sync button and give time for the process to finish

The follow listing information will be updated after Synchronization is complete.



Listing Images


Listing Status

Listing Duration


Payment Methods

PayPal Email Address

Primary Category

Store Category

Install listing template for eBay Listings

Install listing template with just a couple clicks, here are steps:

1. Click on Rocklister (Bulk edition)

2. Select Active listings tab and select listings using checkbox

3. Select action “Install listing template” located in Action with item(s)

selected button.

4. After listing template is installed, it is sent to Prepared items. Click on Prepared items

tab and click “submit revision to eBay” located in Action with item(s) selected button.

Search and replace text or HTML elements into yours active listings

description field on eBay

You can easily search for and replace text, urls and HTML elements into listing

description or listing template on eBay.

1. Go to Rocklister

2. Select Active listings tab and select listings using checkbox

3. Select action “Search and Replace” located in Action with item(s) selected button.

4. Fill search, replace fields and click continue button.

5. After listings were processed and sent to prepared items then click “submit

revision to eBay” located in Action with item(s) selected button.

Extract Description and Images from Rockscripts and non Rockscripts


You can easily extract description and listing images from Rockscripts and non

Rockscripts templates.

You will need element ID or Class to find description or listing images, here are default

values for Rockscripts templates:


ID: rockscripts-description

Class: rockscripts-description


ID: rockscripts-listing-images

Class: rockscripts-listing-images

Here are steps to extract description and listing images from Rockscripts and non

Rockscripts templates.

1. Go to Rocklister

2. Select Active listings tab and select listings using checkbox

3. Select action “Extract Description & Images” located in Action with item(s)

selected button.

4. Select search method by Class or ID to find description (leave empty to ignore).

5. Select search method by Class or ID to find listing images (leave empty to ignore).

6. After listings were processed and sent to prepared items then click “submit

revision to eBay” located in Action with item(s) selected button.

Storefront Design on eBay

Impress your buyers with professional looking front page designs, working for mobile

devices and easy customizable.

Featured listings

Special Discounts

New arrivals


Social media

Layout & widgets

Store logo manager

Logo is a critical aspect of business marketing. As the company’s major graphical

representation, a logo anchors a company’s brand and becomes the single most visible

manifestation of the company within the target market. For this reason, a well-designed

logo is an essential part of any company’s overall marketing strategy.

Here are steps to add your custom logo:

1. Go to Theme Optionslocated in main left navigation.

2. Click store logo item

3. Select your file from your PC and click upload

Tips recommended

Logo Image Size: 200px x 80px

File Type: PNG with transparency

Storefront Advertising on eBay Store Template

With the Advertisement Management feature, you can add advertisements to your

Storefront and listings separately.

Here are steps to add advertising to Storefront template

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Advertising item.

3. Click New Advertisement button and start filling the follow information:

Title: some text related with your advertising (SEO help)

Link: destination for advertising when clicked

Image: Click select file (green button) and then click upload

Storefront Tabs on eBay

With the Tabs Management you can add tabs to your Storefront and listings separately.

Here are steps to add tabs to Storefront template.

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Tabs item.

3. Click New Tab button and start filling the follow information:

Title: some text

Content: some text, images, tables or any HTML content.

Storefront Layout & widgets

Everything is just Drag and Drop Now. Building custom eBay store layouts using our tool

is just as easy as drag-and-drop. You don’t need to run for learning HTML to change a

page layout. Also you can directly use widgets from our tool to place anywhere inside

your page content.

Here are steps to change layout.

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Layout & Widgets item.

3. Select layout.

Here are steps to add widgets with drag and drop feature.

1. Drag Available widget and drop into Widgetized Area, easy!

Image, Youtube and Vimeo videos slider for Storefront

Add multimedia to your Storefront and Listing templates separately, describing better

the objective of your business.

Here are steps to add images in your storefront slider:

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Image / Video Slider item.

3. Click Add Image Button and add the follow information

Link: destination when clicked

Image: click select file (green button) and then click upload.

4. Click save button

Here are steps to add Youtube video in your storefront slider:

1. Click Add Youtube Video Button

2. Get video URL from Youtube

3. Paste URL in Youtube URL field.

4. Click save button

Here are steps to add Vimeo video in your storefront slider:

1. Click Add Youtube Video Button

2. Get video URL from Vimeo

3. Paste URL in Vimeo URL field.

4. Click save button

Custom Rich text

You can customize your content with this feature easily, adding any HTML content such

text, images, tables, urls and much more.

Here are steps to add custom rich text in your Storefront template.

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Custom Rich text item.

3. Add your custom content with editor

4. Click Save button

Banners (PayPal, Newsletter etc)

With the Advertisement Management feature, you can add banners to your Storefront

and listings separately.

Here are steps to add banner to Storefront template

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Advertising item.

3. Click New Advertisement button and start filling the follow information:

Title: some text related with your advertising (SEO help)

Link: destination for advertising when clicked

Paypal Link:



Image: Click select file (green button) and then click upload

Listing Design for eBay Listings templates

Impress your buyers with professional looking listing page designs, working for mobile

devices and easy customizable. Allow the buyers purchase with mobile devices without

lose any opportunity.

Listing Template were built with rich snippets to improve your SEO

Manage your listing design with eBay design manager tool.

eBay Listing Tabs

With the Tabs Management plugin you can add tabs to your Storefront and listings


Here are steps to add tabs to listing template

1. Go to My Listing Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Tabs item.

3. Click New Tab button and start filling the follow information:

- Title: some text

- Content: some text, images, tables or any HTML content.

4. Add Tab widget using layout manager.

Image, Youtube and Vimeo videos slider for eBay Listing Template

Add multimedia to your Storefront and Listing templates separately, describing better

the objective of your business.

Here are steps to add images slider in your listing template :

1. Go to My Listing Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Image / Video Slider item.

3. Click Add Image Button and add the follow information

Link: destination when clicked

Image: click select file (green button) and then click upload.

4. Click save button

Here are steps to add Youtube video in your listing slider:

1. Click Add Youtube Video Button

2. Get video URL from Youtube

3. Paste URL in Youtube URL field.

4. Click save button

Here are steps to add Vimeo video in your listing slider:

1. Click Add Youtube Video Button

2. Get video URL from Vimeo

3. Paste URL in Vimeo URL field.

4. Click save button

Listing Template Widgetized (Layout & Widgets) on eBay

Everything is just Drag and Drop Now. Building custom eBay listing layouts using our

tool is just as easy as drag-and-drop. You don’t need to run for learning HTML to

change a page layout. Also you can directly use widgets from our tool to place

anywhere inside your page content.

Here are steps to change listing template layout.

1. Go to My Listing Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Layout & Widgets item.

3. Select layout.

Here are steps to add widgets with drag and drop feature.

1. Drag Available widget and drop into Widgetized Area, easy!

Banners (PayPal, Newsletter etc.)

With the Advertisement Management feature, you can add banners to your Storefront

and listings separately.

Here are steps to add banner to Storefront template

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Advertising item.

3. Click New Advertisement button and start filling the follow information:

Title: some text related with your advertising (SEO help)

Link: destination for advertising when clicked

Paypal Link:



Image: Click select file (green button) and then click upload

Listing Advertising on eBay Store Template

With the Advertisement Management feature, you can add advertisements to your

Storefront and listings separately.

Here are steps to add advertising to your listings template

1. Go to My Store Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Advertising item.

3. Click New Advertisement button and start filling the follow information:

Title: some text related with your advertising (SEO help)

Link: destination for advertising when clicked

Image: Click select file (green button) and then click upload

Manage Store Pages with Design manager tool

Manage your store pages easily, including about me page with Rockscripts Design


Synchronize your store pages with eBay Inc

Edit, delete and add pages with rich text

Backups & Restore Points

Your eBay business data are very important for us too, for this reason exist this great

section to back up your store front settings and listings that were modified from our

design manager tool for eBay.

Template manager tool can restore backup points for storefront and listings designs

with just a click.

Auto create backup and Restore points by date for store front

Auto create backup and Restore point by date for listings.

Developer Zone

Add custom styles and scripts for storefront and listings template easily and fast

matchig with your tastes and business.

Make sure your custom styling is working properly on mobile devices.

Social Media for eBay stores

It’s time to go social. We’ll make it simple for you.

If you’re wondering if social media is right for your business, the verdict is in …social

media is a great way to drive repeat business and to attract new customers.

Whether you’re just getting started, consider yourself to be a pro or have been sitting on

the sidelines—we’re here to help.

Connect people with follow social networks








Popular Categories on eBay storefront and listings template

Show your store popular categories to your buyers on Storefront and listing template.

Here are steps to add popular categories to your eBay store

1. Click Popular Categories (find it in left main menu, my store design or my listing

design. it is global).

2. Click New Popular Category button and start filling the follow information.

Name: category name

Link: destination to your eBay store category.

Image: Click select file button and upload your store category image.

Featured listings on eBay

Show featured listings to your buyers in Storefront and listing template.

Here are steps to add featured listing to your eBay store

1. Click Featured listings (find it in left main menu, my store design or my listing design.

it is global).

2. Click New Featured listing button and start filling the follow information.

Title: listing title

Price: listing price

Link: destination to your eBay listing.

Image: Click select file button and upload your listing image.

Special Discounts on eBay

Include your special listings in you eBay store easily with our tool.

Here are steps to add special listings in your eBay store

1. Click Special Discounts (find it in left main menu, my store design or my listing

design. it is global).

2. Click New Special Discount button and start filling the follow information.

Title: listing title

Base Price: listing base price

Sale Price: listing sale price

Link: destination to your eBay listing.

Image: Click select file button and upload your listing image.

New arrivals on eBay

Show new arrivals listings to your buyers in Storefront and listing template.

Here are steps to add new arrival listing to your eBay store

1. Click New Arrivals (find it in left main menu, my store design or my listing design. it is


2. Click New Arrival button and start filling the follow information.

Title: listing title

Price: listing price

Link: destination to your eBay listing.

Image: Click select file button and upload your listing image.

Dynamic Categories (Three levels supported)

When your store is auto installing, system make sure to import your store categories to

our tool. Additionally, you also can manage them.

Here are steps to synchronize store categories with eBay Inc

1. Go to My Listing Design and click Appearance button.

2. Click Dynamic Categories item.

3. Click Sync button and give time to do process.

Additionally you can manage levels easily with drag & drop feature.

Main and Footer menu manager

You can add, edit, delete, and reorder menu items with drag and drop easily using this



Multi-level menu

Multi groups/categories

Menu items can be grouped, so you can show different menus in one page, for

example: main menu and footer menu

Add, edit, and delete menu items easily.

Drag and drop menu items to change their order.

Here are steps to add items in your main menu.

1. Click Menu manager (find it in my store design or my listing design. it is global).

2. Select Main menu Tab

3. Fill the follow information in Add Menu box (right position)

Title: menu item title

URL: destination to your eBay page or somewhere.

4. Click Add to menu button

Unlimited Disk Space for Design & Data Hosting

Unlimited disk/web space; ample storage for all your HTML files, scripts,

graphics audio/video!

Powered by


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an

encrypted link between our server and your browser. This link ensures that all data

passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

Powered by

We scan your website to find and fix any existing malware and vulnerabilities then use

our protective True Shield firewall to keep harmful traffic away for good, all while our

True Speed technology speeds up your website and gives your SEO a boost.

Powered by

Free and sample templates