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USGBC ENERGY SUMMIT By the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter Tuesday, August 23, 2011 The Houstonian Hotel

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USGBC EnErGy SUmmitBy the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter

Tuesday, August 23, 2011The Houstonian Hotel

Page 2: USGBC EnErGy SUmmit - USGBC Energy Summit educates the building industry about energy

USGBC EnErGy SUmmitBy the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter

Tuesday, August 23, 2011What:The USGBC Energy Summit educates the building industry about energy trends, efficiency, and incentives along the Gulf Coast. Participants provide a forum to share expertise about energy topics with consumers. Meet other building managers, facility engineers, operators, building owners, and building support such as engineers, architects, and vendors. Experience a variety of perspectives and viewpoints regarding the movement to bring green to the commercial property industry.

Keynote Speakers:Lisa Zembrodt, Risk Manager, Summit EnergyJeff taebeL, Director of Community and Environmental Planning, H-GAC

Course Offerings:DEmanD Still matttErS PanEl DiSCUSSion Moderator Brett Pearlman, Former Commissioner of the Public Utility Commission of Texas David Roylance, Prism Energy Solutions Andrew Elliott, GDF Suez Energy Resources NA Steve Ash, Transwestern

EnErGy ratinG SyStEmS William Bahnfleth, PhD and PE - ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer

onSitE GEnEration CHP and Fuel Cells Dan Bullock, Houston Advanced Research Center CHP Viability Rich Herweck, Robust Energy Solar PV/Thermal and Wind Ralph Parrott, Alternative Power Solutions

tEChnoloGy liGhtinG: lED liGhtinG anD ControlS Gary Trott, Cree Lighting

CoDE anD rEGUlationS Dub Taylor, State Energy Conservation Office Keith Reihl, Reihl Engineering

Schedule:7 am: Registration & Networking 8 am: Breakfast & Keynote presentation 9am: Session 110:30am: Session 2 12pm: Lunch & Keynote presentation 1:30pm: Session 3 3pm: Session 4

inCEntivES Jarrett Simon, Centerpoint Energy

EnErGy ConSErvation iDEaS Steve Redding, RLB Engineers Keith Reihl, Reihl Engineering

BUilDinG EnErGy EffiCiEnCy PoliCiES Al Skodowski , Transwestern

PErformanCE ContraCtinG PanEl DiSCUSSion Ken Sidebottom, Johnson Controls Roger Larson, McKinstry Kevin Thoms, Hunton Services Chad Nobles, Siemens

WinninG thE ComPEtition for CaPital DollarS Tom Easley, CB Richard Ellis Technical Services Dennis Cruse, Crescent Real Estate Equities

tEChnoloGy: New Approaches for Cooling System Efficiency Ben Erpelding P.E., C.E.M, Optimum EnergyEvolution&Future of Building Envelope Technologies Harry Rahman, Huper Optik International

Participating organizations:



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Page 3: USGBC EnErGy SUmmit - USGBC Energy Summit educates the building industry about energy

Jeff Taebel, FAICPDirectorHouston-Galveston Area Council

lUnCh kEynotE: Livable Centers: Beyond the BuildingJeff Taebel is the Director of Community and Environmental Planning at the Houston-Galveston Area Council, where he oversees the agency’s community and environmental planning, socioeconomic modeling, economic development and community enhancement initiatives. He has 25 years of experience in urban and regional planning, including 21 in his current position. Actively involved in community service, professional development and planning education, Jeff is a former President of the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association and later this month will be inducted as a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He also serves as an Adjunct Faculty member of the Graduate Community Development Program at Prairie View A&M University. Jeff received a Master of Urban Planning from Texas A&M University and a B.S. in Life Sciences from the University of Nebraska.

BrEakfaSt kEynotE: Dynamics and Fundamentals of the Texas Energy Markets, Production, Capacities and ConsumptionLisa Zembrodt’s expertise in the energy markets is pivotal in the decisions of top executives at many fortune 500 companies and in the success of commodity price risk management programs of large industrial users of energy. She also presents pertinent information at industry conferences, helping decision-makers understand the current and future state of energy supply and demand. Her expertise is regularly tapped to provide indus-try commentary and analysis to news outlets, both in print and on the air.

Lisa ZembrodtRisk ManagerSummit Energy