using a game as an advertising piece for a brazilian politics campaign (digra 2011)

Using a game as an advertising piece for a brazilian politics campaign By Vicente (Vince) Martin Mastrocola

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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In this presentation we seek to analyze the use of a game as an advertising piece for a brazilian politics campaign. We discuss the impact of a game in the mediatic scene of internet and how important it can be for a new political scene in the contemporary world.


  • 1. Using a game as an advertising piece fora brazilian politics campaignBy Vicente (Vince) Martin Mastrocola

2. About the speaker#vince #vincevader #teacher #brazil #games #gamification#gaming_concepts #advergames #game_mechanics #gamer#boardgames #cardgames #internet #mobile_business 3. Insights of this presentationAnalyze the use of a game (more preciselya serious game) as an advertising piece fora brazilian politics campaign.Discuss the impact of a game in themediatic scene of internet and howimportant it can be for a new political scenein the contemporary world. 4. A brief presentation of gaming market in Brazil Brazil doesnt have a formal industry of games; High levels of piracy; High taxes for foreigners products; A Playstation 3 game could cost around U$ 140; 5. A brief presentation of gaming market in BrazilHowever: Brazil is a wide country (190 million people); Brazil is the country with greatest navigation timein the internet of the world (22 hours a week); The country has 200 millions of active mobiledevices (30% smartphones and 70% mobile phones) Internet and mobile are good platforms todevelop games in this country; 6. Last year Governor elections in Brazil; A candidate from the state of Par* named Simo Jatene contacted me tomake a different political advertising piece; After some meetings we found a model for the political game; Main points: must be a casual game, must be in the social networks in theinternet, must be potentially viral; We are talking about the game Pacto pelo Par (Pact for Par), that wasused on the elective campaign of governor Simo Jatene in the year of 2010;*Par It is the second largest state in the country with 7 million people; 7. The place of action 8. Description and some thoughtsThe game consists in a very intuitive interface, based on the well-knowninternet game named Bejeweled (PopCap Games). It has four stagesand instead of gems, social problems (education, sportes, healthcare)are presented, to be solved. The player needs to click in similarortogonal icons to eliminate them of the screen. A lateral score showshow much of the goals were accomplished. 9. Description and some thoughtsThe player, at the end of each stage, has the opportunity of sendingtheir collaboration on a 140-character text form. The opinions expressedby each player at the end of each stage are put in a weblog andbelong to an idea of a collaborative government. Lets check this online.Interface and programming byCenildon Muradi (So Paulo / Brazil). 10. Description and some thoughtsAt the end of the fourth stage, the player has the opportunity of takinga picture using their webcam along with the point record achieved inthe game, and challenging a friend to make a higher score. 11. Description and some thoughtsThis game fits on the Casual Game category, that, according toGregory Trefay, can be defined as games that are quick to play,accessible and with a simple mechanics.In this kind of game: the rules and goals must be clear; players need tobe able to quickly reach proficiency; casual game play adapts to aplayers life and schedule; game concepts borrow familiar content andthemes from life. 12. Description and some thoughtsIt also enters the category of Serious Game, that following the thoughtsof Nick Iuppa and Terry Borst, is explained as a game with a professional,educational or pedagogical use. A kind of game that mixes storytellingwith a mechanics to send a serious message to the players envolved inthe process. 13. Johan Huizingas magic circle Real World: - Questioning - Fear - Uncertainties - ResponsibilitiesMagic circle: - Dreams - Immersion - Narration - Catharsis - Challenge - Experience - Meanings 14. Results The candidate was elected; The game was the most accessed area in the site (3.896 uniqueusers); Thousands of reviews have been submitted by users; It was the first political-themed game made in Brazil. The spontaneous media generated with this event was enormous. 15. Conclusion A game could be publicity/promotion. A game could be a brand experience. A game could be an advertising space for companies and people. 16. BibliographyHUIZINGA, Johan. Homo Ludens. So Paulo: Perspectiva, 2005.Iuppa, Nick & BORST, Terry. Story and simulations for serious games: tales from thetrenches. Burlington: Focal Press, 2007TREFY, Gregory; KAUFMANN, Morgan. Casual Game Design. Burlington: MorganKaufmann, 2010PopCap Games. (2000). Bejeweled. [Internet, first version], PopCap Games, USA: playedjanuary, 2011. 17. THANK YOU!E-mail: [email protected]: Vince VaderBlog: gameanalyticz.blogspot.comMay the force be with you!