using apache spark to fight world hunger - israel spark meetup at taboola

Spark Meetup, December 2015 Noam Barkai [email protected]

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Spark Meetup, December 2015Noam [email protected]


● Food shortage: new problems, new solutions

● Intermezzo: how DNA works

● Tach’les: what we do with Apache Spark

The planet has gotten very populous

And it’s the only one we got

World Population

Annual Growth Rate:Peak - 2.1% (1962)Current - 1.1% (2009)

Food intake


Upscale: Same area, more crops

Plant breeding

● An ancient art

● Incremental changes

● Slow but considerable


How long does it take today?

Maize: 10-15 years


How breeding works12345









Computational genomics

⬇ Prices of DNA sequencing⬆ Number of samples per crop sequenced and analyzed⬆ Amount and quality of genomic data⬇ Prices of computation⬇ Prices of storageWe’re entering a new era

BIG DATA Genomics

Food security - a computational problem?

● The plant’s potential lies in its DNA.

● We analyze and compare sequences from many plants.

● Resulting in better predictions for breeding.

● Faster rate of crop improvement.

Intermezzo: DNA - how does it work?

● Four “letters”:

cytosine(C), guanine(G),

adenine(A), thymine(T)

● Encode 20 amino acids

● Combine to make:

+100K proteins

Conceptually we can think of this as a “pipeline”:“The Central Dogma”

DNA as storage● Durable

● Supports random access

● Efficient sequential reads

● Easily replicated

● Contains error correction mechanisms

● Maximally “data local”

Part 2: What we do with

● Analyze lots of genome sequences.

● Apply similarity algorithms, find where they match.

● Finally, assist the breeding program.

Input data is “noisy”

● Contains errors and gaps.

● Is fragmented.

● All due to sequencing technology.

Our setup● Hadoop clusters on both private cloud and AWS

● Textual files, using Parquet.

● MapR 5 Hadoop distro

● Spark 1.4.1

● SparkSQL and Hive (JDBC)

● Instances: ~150GB RAM, 40 cores.

● Provisioning: Ansible

Our data● A dozen or so different crops, going for hundreds.

● Each crop: potentially ~1K fully sequenced samples

● ~100K “markers”.

● Each sequence: 1Gbp - 10Gbp (giga base-pairs =

characters) long

● Current: several terabytes, aiming at petabytes

Working with Spark and Scala

● Scala’s type system is your friend

● Thinking functional takes time - and can be “overdone”

● Remember to add @tailrec when needed

● Scala case classes - great

● Nested structure: keeps you DRY, but sluggish.

● Scala has its pitfalls - profile.

● Spark as the “ultimate scala collection” - Martin Odersky.

● Complex unmanaged framework - the usual 20/80 rule:

20% fun algorithmic stuff,

80% integration/devops/tuning/black-voodoo

● Integration with Hive - doable but cumbersome

● DataFrames API - very clean

● Parquet in Spark 1.4 - seamless, Parquet with SparkSQL

< 1.3 - rather sucks.

Integrations with Spark

● If RDD objects need high RAM → memory gets tricky.

● Spark UI in 1.4.1 - very nice

● PairRDD - need to be your own “query optimizer”

● repartition / coalesce - very useful, but gets tricky if data

variability is high (a dynamic real-time optimizer would be


Performance tuning with Spark

● Testing: “local” is great, but means no unit-test :-(

● sbt-pack - good alternative to sbt-assembly.

● Spark packages: spark-csv, spark-notebook and more.

● Speaking of open-source packages...

Testing, packaging and extending Spark

ADAM Project - Genomics using Spark

● Fully open sourced from

● Similarity algorithms

● Population clustering

● Predictive analysis using Deep Learning

● And more

Spark Meetup, December 2015Noam [email protected]

Thank you