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Italiano III




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Imperfect tense.

Trapassato Prossimo tense

Uses of the imperfect tense

Using the Imperfect Tense with the Trapassato Prossimo

How to form the Imperfect Tense and the Trapassato Prossimo


Demonstration of the Law of Position of pronouns while using the imperfect tense and the trapassato tense


Using words associated with a visit to the doctor

Explaining how you feel and what your symptoms are to the dr.

-Learning the vocabulary for ailments and sickness

-Learning the names for various diseases


Students are asked to review and to take notes on the material Presented on this website

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Trapassato Prossimo

In English the past perfect tense (trapassato prossimo) is formed with the auxiliary "had" plus the past participle of the main verb. In Italian, thetrapassato prossimo, acompound tense, is formed with theimperfettoof the auxiliary verbavereoressereand thepast participleof the acting verb.

The students were tired because they had studied until late.

He didn't go to the theater because he had already seen the film.

The past perfect tense (trapassato prossimo) is used when two actions happened at different times in the past. Something (HAD) happened before something else took place


Here are a few examples of thetrapassato prossimo:

Gi erano partiti quando sono arrivato.(They had already left when I arrived.)

Avevo chiuso le finestre quando cominciato a piovere.

(I had shut the windows when it started to rain.)

La macchina sbandava perch aveva piovuto.

(The car was sliding because it had rained.)

Using Auxiliary Verb Avere

The appropriate tense ofavereoressere(called the auxiliary or helping verbs) and the past participle of the target verb forms the verb phrase.

Avere is used in a myriad of grammatical and linguistic situations. Learning the many conjugations and uses of the verb is crucial to the study of the Italian language.

In general, transitive verbs are conjugated with avere.

Transitive verbs express an action that carries over from the subject to the direct object:

The teacher explains the lesson.

The past participle is invariable when the passato prossimo is constructed with avere.

Oggi Anna non lavora perch ha lavorato ieri.

Today Anna isn't working because she worked yesterday.

The others worked yesterday too.

Anche gli altri hanno lavorato ieri. Passato Prossimo

When the past participle of a verb conjugated with avere is preceded by the third persondirect object pronounslo, la, le,orli,the past participle agrees with the preceding direct object pronoun in gender and number.

Avere is an irregular verb (un verbo irregolare); it does not follow a predictable pattern of conjugation.

Using Auxiliary Verb Essere

When usingessere, the past participle always agrees in gender and number with the subject of the verb.

It can therefore have four endings:-o, -a, -i, -e. In many cases intransitive verbs (those that cannot take a direct object), especially those expressing motion, are conjugated with the auxiliary verbessere.

The verbessereis also conjugated with itself as the auxiliary verb.

Some of the most common verbs that formcompound tenseswithessereinclude:

andareto go

arrivareto arrive

cadereto fall, to drop

costareto cost

crescereto grow

diventareto become

durareto last, to continue

entrareto enter

morireto die

nascereto be born

partireto leave, to depart

restareto stay, to remain

tornareto return

uscireto exit

venireto come







avevo parlato

avevo creduto

ero andato(-a)

ero uscito(-a)


avevi parlato

avevi creduto

eri andato(-a)

eri uscito(-a)

lui, lei, Lei

aveva parlato

aveva creduto

era andato(-a)

era uscito(-a)


avevamo parlato

avevamo creduto

eravamo andati(-e)

eravamo usciti(-e)


avevate parlato

avevate creduto

eravate andati(-e)

eravate usciti(-e)

loro, Loro

avevano parlato

avevano creduto

erano andati(-e)

erano usciti(-e)

The trapassato prossimo is a tense that is used to express what youhaddone.

example: By the time (that) you arrivedwe had already finished =Ora che tu arrivavi noi avevamo gi finito.

Here's how you do it:

For most verbs you will need to use the imperfect of the verb "avere" and then add your past participle.

So the formula isthe imperfect of avere + the past participle

OK, so we need to learn the imperfect of the verb "avere" which means "to have"

avere in the imperfect tense

avevoIaveviyou (singular)avevahe/sheavevamoweavevateyou (plural)avevanothey

Avevo parlato= I had spoken

Avevo visto = I had seen

Avevo finito = I had finished

Ero andato = I had gone

Now we need to learn how to form a past particple

To form a past partciple, start from the infinitve form of the verb. Infinitives end in either "are" "ere" or "ire"

If the infinitive ends in "are" then you cut off the "are" and add the letters "ato" parlare ---> parl ---> parlato = spoken

If the infinitive ends in "ere" then you cut off the "ere" and add the letters "uto" vedere ---> ved ---> veduto = seen

Id the infinitive ends in "ire" then you cut off the "ire" and add the letters "ito" finire ---> fin ---> finito = finished

OK, now we know how to conjugate the verb avere and how to form a past particple. Let's put it all together and make some sentences.

I had spoken

1. Use the above chart to find the "I" form of the verb avere in the imperfect. The "I" form isavevo.

2. Find your infinitive "to speak" which is "parlare"

3. Cut off the "are" (Now you are left with parl)

4. Add "ato" because parlare is a verb that ends in "are".parlato

5. Now take the two bold words and put them together:Avevo parlato = I had spoken.

__________________________________________________ ___________

However, to form the trapassato prossimo, you do not use the verb "avere" with every single verb in Italian. With certain verbs you must use the imperfect form of the verb "essere" and then add the past participle.

Here is a list of those verbs. The past participle is next to each verb.

INTRANSITIVE VERBS: PAST PARTICIPLESandare (to go) andatoarrivare (to arrive, to reach) arrivatocadere (to fall, to drop) cadutocostare (to cost) costatocrescere (to grow) cresciutodiventare (to become) diventatodurare (to last, to continue) duratoentrare (to enter) entratoessere (to be) statomorire (to die) mortonascere (to be born) natopartire (to leave, to depart) partitouscire (to exit) uscitovenire (to come) venuto

Here is the imperfect of the verb essere

ero(I)eri(you singular)era(he/she)eravamo(we)eravate(you plural)erano(they)

Let's try one:You had gone.

1. Use the above chart to find the "You" form of the verb essere in the imperfect. The "You" form iseri

2. The infinitive "to go" is andare

3. Cut off the "are" (now you are left with and)

4. Add "ato" because andare is a verb that ends in "are" (now you haveandato.)

5. Put the two bold words together and you geteri andato = You had gone.

Please note that when using "essere" in the trapassato prossimo, you must make the past partciple agree in number and gender with the subject.

The spelling of the past participle changes depending on the number and gender of the subject.

Let's take the past particple "andato". If the subject is masculine singular, the past participle ends in "o" --- andato. If the subject is feminine singular the past particple ends in "a" ---andata. If the subject is masculine plural the past particple ends in "i" --- andati. If the subject is feminine plural the past participle ends in "e" --- andate.


1) Carlo era contento, perch ( avere) finito il lavoro in anticipo. Carlo was happy because had finished the work in advance.

2) Miamamma (salvare) dei soldi e me li ha regalati per la mia laurea.

My mother had saved money and gave them to me for my degree.

3) Il maestro mi (premiare) , perch avevo fatto un buon compito = Teacher had rewarded me because I did a good homework.

4) Claudia non ( essere stata) all'Opera prima di che

ieri sera. = Claudia had never been to an Opera before last night.

5)( avere)mai (visitare) l'Italia prima dell'anno scorso? = Had you ever visited Italia before last year?

6) Non fummo capaci di prendere un posto in aeroplano, perch non( avere prenotare)in anticipo.











