using social media to meet your non-profit goals- what's your grade

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  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    Using Social Media to MeetNon-profit GoalsWhats Your Grade?

    BBlueprint Creative Group

    Blueprint Creative Group || E: [email protected]| P: (305) 741-0378

  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    B Whattoexpect

    Going social

    Where does your non-profit fit in?

    Facebook is king!

    Posting is not engagement!

    Whos on your team?

    Understanding Social Audiences

    Where does it hurt?

    Rubbing the magic genie

    Making the case for Twitter

    Non-profits who get Twitter right

    Do you look like this?

    Ponder on this

    Social Faceoff: Facebook vs Twitter

    Who we are

    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378 Page 2

  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    So you have a social media plan, right? Well, if your non-profit organization is like the majority of others, your greatest

    challenge probably has a lot to do with getting the most out of social media. More specifically, how do you use Facebook,

    Twitter, and the various other social media platforms to build cause awareness? How can social media be used to fundraise

    in support of your organizations development goals? Is the Return on Investment (ROI) substantial enough to make social

    media worth the time? How can you extend your reach and connect with new audiences and create additional layers ofengagement for current supporters?

    At the time of this writing, Facebook has recently implemented a few changes that will have a significant impact on how a

    large majority of non-profits use Facebook for marketing and promotional purposes, and many other changes (or

    improvements as Facebook calls it) are underway. So if Facebook has been the biggest awareness tool that your non-profit

    has used, how will you adapt and adjust your current use?

    With an estimated 177 to 190 million Tweets sent per day (yes, that many) and close to 500,000 new Twitter accounts

    created every day, what chunk of the Twitter pie is your non-profit chewing on? As revealed in the results of the survey of

    non-profit executives, that piece of the pie is pretty small and many are overlooking the opportunity to connect with newaudiences who can potentially become ambassadors and evangelists for your cause.

    What about Google+ with more than 25 million users and the fastest social network to reach 10 million users in 16 days

    (Twitter took 780 days and Facebook 852)? Is this even in your radar along with YouTube (with over 92 billion page views

    per month) and the countless other social media networks available to your organization?

    This whitepaper investigates how mid-size to large non-profits are currently using social media as an integrated component

    of their overall marketing and cause awareness strategy. Through qualitative surveying conducted via phone with senior

    level executives, marketing directors, and development officers, the study gathered insight on current level of engagement

    and the result thereof and weighed that against how they thought they should actually be engaging social media audiences.

    The findings of the survey offer insights on how non-profits can optimize their social media engagement so that it is

    seamlessly integrated into their marketing strategy. The implications will hopefully drive non-profits from experimentation

    to actual implementation.


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  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    simply maintaining a profile and making periodic posts. The reason why? Most non-profits felt like Facebook allowed more

    personal interaction with current and prospective supporters and was much easier to implement than say, Twitter.

    According to the infographic on the following page, its quite obvious why non-profits prefer Facebook with the social

    network laiming over 63 percent of the social media market share and 310 million daily unique visitors. Surprisingly, Twitter

    only has about 1.15 percent of the social media market share, and thats probably because Twitter is still dominated by early


    Other interesting Facebook stats:

    Facebook has over 500 million users

    Facebook has added over 400 million users in less than 2 years

    If Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd largest One in every nine people on Earth is on Facebook

    People spend 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

    Each Facebook user spends on average 15 hours and 33 minutes a month on the site

    30 billion pieces of content is shared on Facebook each month

    The average Facebook user has 130 friends

    California is huge on Facebook with over 15 million users (41% of the population)

    70% of users live outside the USA

    Women aged 55 and up are the fastest growing Facebook demographic in the USA

    Australians spend more time per month on Facebook than any other country at over 7 hours on average


    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    If Facebook were a

    country it would bethe 3rd largest.

    Facebook is still king!

    For many non-profits, Facebook is like your favorite pair of shoes. You know there are

    plenty of other choices available to you but you will wear this one out until you cant


    When asked which of the commonly used tools their organization was actively using-

    Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, blog, video sharing sites, and/or photo sharing sites- an

    overwhelming majority of respondents, more than 95 percent, said they were most active on

    Facebook. In fact, most if not all of their social media efforts were heavily focused on Facebook.

    Those who responded to being active on the other sites admitted to their activity being limited to

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    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    *Search Engine Journal

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  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    Perception is not reality!

    When asked how well of a job their organization does at using the more commonly used social media platforms (Twitter,

    Facebook, video/photo sharing sites) to 1) build cause awareness, 2) connect with new supporters, 3) solicit online

    donations, and 4) cultivate supporter relationships, the common response was that their organization was doing aboveaverage except when it came to fundraising through social media, which many still struggle with.


    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    For the most part, many

    non-profits are just

    scratching the surface

    and experimenting with

    social media.

    However, when asked to describe their level of activity and how they engage

    their online community, many admitted that it was all 1-way with little

    interaction with followers. As explained, their activity was limited to maybe 1-2

    Facebook posts on an average day and maybe a handful of Tweets in a week if

    that. As part of the research, we dug further and analyzed the Facebook pages

    and Twitter profiles for each responding non-profit and the proof was definitely

    in the pudding. Non-profits simply arent engaging their community enough, yetthey believe that posting is engagement. For the most part, many non-profits are

    just scratching the surface and experimenting with social media.

    Consider these stats

    by KRG Research

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    Sounds familiar?

    Part of the survey was to uncover how non-profits were managing their social

    media efforts to understand the level of strategy that went into planning and

    execution. We also wanted to identify who within the organization wasleading social media- a specific business unit, a specialist, or completely

    handled externally. What we found was no surprise but also still surprising


    For larger organizations with annual operating budgets of more than $10

    million and a communications department, social media was obviously

    managed internally by their communications department. However, thats

    just the only difference between these larger organizations and smaller ones.


    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    For the most part, many non-profits indicated that social media was managed within fund development. Can you believethat? What does fund development know about communications, and how in the world will they strategically position

    messages and engage a diversity of audiences? Apparently, many of these same organizations are of the school of

    thought that as long as one knows how to post messages in 140 characters then they are qualified to manage and direct

    the organizations social media strategy. No wonder fundraising on social media has been a tough challenge.

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    Who are you speaking to?

    Now there are a few reasons why social media should be managed and directed by someone with deep understanding of

    digital engagement, but well just mention the most important reason for now and elaborate later in this paper. What we

    found while conducting this survey is that non-profits get in where they f it in. In other words, they jumped on the social

    media bandwagon because it was almost necessary, assigned someone to do it, and sat back waiting for resultsand most

    are still waiting. What this leads to is social media mass marketing. With todays complex marketing environment you

    wouldnt dare think about mass marketing in the physical world. So why do it in the virtual world?


    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    Did you know about the

    different social media


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    So again, who are you speaking to?

    Understand this. Facebook, Twitter, and the like is not a strategy- they are simply tools to connect with audiences.

    However, these tools and how you use them do need to fit into your overall marketing and communications strategy, and I

    would hope that there is an integrated approach with how social media fits in.

    So again, who are you speaking to? You have a clear understanding (hopefully!) of your key audiences to be engaged and

    outreached to as part of your marketing strategy. Im also certain that your communications approach is different

    (hopefully!) for each key audience group whether its donors, volunteers, supporters, prospects, policy makers, partners,

    industry, etc. So does your organization approach your social media communications in the same manner?

    As an example, if you find that your Facebook community is dominated by Creators and Spectators while your Twitter

    following is mostly Conversationalists, how is this reflected in your social media strategy? More specifically,

    For Creators, how does your social media strategy empower them to create content specific to your cause?

    Alternatively, for audiences more likely to consume media than create it (Spectators), why type of low-engagement

    social media tactic are implemented to inspire activity within their comfort level and at least get them to respond to

    your messages?

    For Conversationalists on Twitter, are you doing more talking or listening? How are you engaging this audience

    segment so that they stay engaged and you remain at the forefront of their conversations? Conversationalists are

    important because of their potential level of influence and ability to become an evangelist for your non-profit.


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  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    What communications strategy do you believe the majority of non-profits

    struggle with the most?


    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    Many non-profits

    struggle to find

    their voice.

    The overwhelming response to this question was the struggle to increaseawareness and visibility and improving donor relations. This is no surprise

    considering how communications has implications for the strength of awareness,

    visibility, fundraising, and donor relations campaigns. The truth is that many non-

    profits are overburdened, understaffed, and underfunded resulting in team

    members wearing multiple hats. At some point this does create gaps and

    inconsistencies with the communications pipeline.

    Furthermore, when asked to rate the quality of their organizations communications as it

    relates to communications planning, media relations, development of marketing

    materials, online communications, and communications evaluations/metrics, anoverwhelming majority of respondents rated evaluations/metrics and communications planning the lowest as being fair and

    even poor. This is astonishing. If the communications plan is weak or isnt filling the gaps and if communications programs

    arent being evaluated and measured against benchmarks, then how do you move forward with building cause awareness,

    soliciting donors, engaging supporters, and cultivating new supporter relationships?

    What are your organizations most pressing challenges related to PR?

    Many non-profits struggle to find their voice. They have a general understanding of what their message is, but they havent

    quite figured out how to summarize it so that it captures audiences instantly. Even when they do know their voice and what

    makes them memorable, they dont know how to tell their stories in a compelling way nor do they know how to create their

    own stories. Even when they do know their voice and story, they dont think media is interested either because their story

    isnt hot enough or because they lack access to media.

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    If social media could solve one thing for your non-profit, what would it


    The responses to this question were as plentiful as there are social networking platforms to choose from. Some of the morecommon responses are listed below followed by a case study on how social media is in fact helping non-profits achieve

    their goals.

    Help us connect with younger audiences

    Recruit more volunteers

    Increase awareness for our cause

    Connect us with more donors

    Stay in the know with what other similar organizations are doing

    Help us promote our fundraising events

    Help us get more media Improve our external communications

    Raise more money

    Connect with external audiences

    Garner mass support for legislation, advocacy, etc.

    Increase traffic to organizations website

    Mobilizing people as advocates

    Isnt social media already doing these very same things that non-profits said they would wantsocial media to solve for them?


    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378 Page 11

  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    Facebook is good, but.theres more!

    As mentioned earlier in this whitepaper, Facebook is still king among the majority of non-profits. No news here. The news is

    that youre missing out on a huge opportunity to capture new audiences and to further extend your brand. Yes, Twitter is a

    totally different beast. Its fast, theres a lot of clutter, and its coming at a hundred miles a minute. However, the activepeople on Twitter are usually Creators and once engaged theres an opportunity for them to help with your brands viral


    Believe it or not, Twitter does have some advantages over Facebook. First, Facebook is more of a pull tool than it is a push

    tool. Facebooks rules of engagement limits how much you can say. Say too much and you will easily be ignored or even

    worse, unfriended. Generally speaking, one to three posts max per day is a safe level of activity for Facebook. Engagement

    on Facebook comes when you responded to others postings. However, when youre a non-profit with a page, engaging

    with followers isnt the same given that you can only comment on postings made to your page. So with pages, engagement

    has to be more strategic.

    At the time of this writing, Facebook has disabled the ability for group owners to send messages and has also changed how

    events are promoted. For a large majority of non-profits, Facebooks event promotion feature was how attendees were

    mobilized, but now Facebook has disabled message sending for events. News is that more changes are underway.

    On Twitter, how you use it is wide open. You can be a chatter box if you like, post as much content as you want, and engage

    with your followers as often as you like. Of course, there are rules of engagement, but the barriers are definitely much

    smaller compared to Facebook. What I like most about Twitter is its list feature. Users are often organized into lists, which

    makes it easier to identify how the Twitter community views and identifies them. For example, if your non-profit is listed a

    few times in lists related to food banks then its safe to say that awareness is spreading for what your non-profit does. I alsolike that I can organize followers into lists and can follow other peoples lists without having to actually follow the people on

    my own profile.

    For non-profits, you should love that Twitter allows you to more quickly distribute short bursts of information and trigger a

    higher response if executed strategically. I love that Twitter allows you to keep up with what other likeminded

    organizations are doing, which can be useful for your own strategies. Twitter also has a high sharing ability.


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    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    Notice how Goodwill uses

    Twitter lists to identify

    partners and volunteers,

    monitor key bloggers/media,

    and stay connected to other

    Goodwill locations. This

    allows them to quickly scan

    activity among theirstakeholders and add value

    to the conversations. Also

    notice how many lists

    Goodwill is listed on, which

    is a good measure of


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    Blueprint Creative Group | | E: [email protected] | P: (305) 741-0378

    Charity: water is a

    textbook case study of

    how to do Twitter right

    using global Twestivals to

    raise $250,000.

    Charity: water shows donors the

    specific impact of their

    contributions. Transparency is

    monumental to their success.

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    The goal: Raise $10,000 in 48



    Asked twitterers to tweet

    their gratitude using the

    hashtag #tweetsgiving

    Multiple initiation points

    enlisted top Twitters,

    bloggers, and their existing


    Recognized those who

    donated over $100 with Top

    Turkey designation Twitter campaign personally

    connected community to the

    theme of gratitude

    Went where supporters were


    3,000 gratitude messages


    1,337 new twitter followers

    Tweetsgiving top trending for

    48 hours

    15,830 page views from 7,563

    visitors in 101 countries on


    107 press and blog mentions


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  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    These are your tools.


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  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    Questions to ask of your non-profits social media strategy

    How are you measuring the results of your digital engagement strategy against your non-profits communications

    goals? What key metrics are you using to measure engagement, awareness, fundraising, etc?

    How are you integrating your organizations social media efforts into your overall marketing strategy?

    Where, if at all, have you leveraged social media in support of the organizations fundraising goals?

    Is your current level of social media efforts building your inner circle i.e. donors, supporters, advocates, etc?

    Do you know who youre targeting online and have you activated them to action? What type of audience segments

    are even following your non-profit on your social network profiles?

    Are you leveraging social media in support of your traditional media tactics?


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    S ff

  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    The discoveries of this survey have led us to further explore non-profits use ofFacebook as opposed to Twitter. Part 2 of

    this survey will result in a whitepaper that explores the following questions:


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    Are non-profit organizations marketing laggards and

    choosing to opt for more mainstream tried and truemarketing and communications approaches?

    What type of success have non-profits really had with

    Facebook in terms of ROI and fundraising?

    What are the characteristics of non-profits who avidly use

    Twitter as opposed to Facebook?

    Comparison of non-profits on Twitter vs Facebook and

    their following and traction.

    Who generates more traffic to your organizations

    website: Facebook or Twitter?


  • 8/3/2019 Using Social Media to Meet Your Non-Profit Goals- What's Your Grade


    Blueprint Creative Group

    For brands and non-profit organizations who want to improve their internal/external communications, have challenges

    reaching new audiences, want to refresh their brand, and/or enter new markets, we refine their go-to-market strategies by

    developing integrated communications programs that execute smart brand positioning, engage audiences more effectively,cleverly shape audience perceptions and move them into action, use digital influence to drive online interactivity, and

    strengthen visibility to drive bottom line sales and revenue goals.

    Contact Us

    (305) 741-0378 | [email protected] | | @blueprintcg_pr


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