using technology to reach your prospects mc donald

Using Technology to Reach Your Prospects Reach Your Prospects PCMA January 9 2012 January 9, 2012

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Using Technology to Reach Your ProspectsReach Your Prospects

PCMAJanuary 9 2012January 9, 2012

The “Curse of Choices”

• Until the 1990s, there were limited marketinglimited marketing communication channels

• Especially for B2B marketingmarketing

N th• Now there are so many channels, many don’t know what the best options arewhat the best options are

First Things First: Identify Your Goals

• Reach potential new customers?

• Inform current customers about additional d t d i id ?products and services you provide?

• Build a database?

• Connect with partners & referral sources?

• Provide customer service?

Create a Strategy

• Technology is a tactical tool, t t tnot a strategy

• “We have a Facebook page, but nobody’s “liking” us”but nobody s liking us

Integration is Key

• Match the overall marketing plan – consistent message– consistent message

Cross platform integration• Cross-platform integration– Add icons to your website and all communications

“Find us on Facebook” and “Like Us”Find us on Facebook and Like Us

Be Human & Authentic

• Avoid tech-speak, industry-speak, and “pitches” Use music videos & picturespitches . Use music, videos & pictures

• Not: “ABC Company celebrated our 10th


• But: “Check out the pics from• But: Check out the pics from our anniversary party”

Dole Keeps it Personal With Photos from Customer Appreciation Event pp

Example: Dole YouTube Video

• Many people love ycooking shows and learning new recipesrecipes

• This is a perfect• This is a perfect way for Dole to show off food products

… And Cross Platform

Use the Right Social Media Platforms

• Example: LinkedIn vs. Facebook

• Oreo – it doesn’t matter who theOreo it doesn t matter who the person behind the social media voice isvoice is

• For salespeople or building customer relationships, use p ,individual pages


• Make sure your site is ti i d foptimized for

keywords– you select keywords

that cause your ad to be displayed when prospective customers

h t i tsearch certain terms


Improves the visibility of your site organicallyyour site organically (not through paid advertisements) It canadvertisements). It can be free, but requires effort toeffort to:– learn search terms your

prospects search for andprospects search for and then use them in your website so your site comes yup first when they search


Fish Where the Fish are Biting• You can also advertise within web pages

– News sites– Facebook and other social media sites– Blogs where your prospects hang out

SEO– Involves making your website easy for

Google bots to crawl with proper html tagstags

Involves constantly updating your– Involves constantly updating your website with new and relevant info

– Involves linking other information such as blog and social media to website

– Your I.T. support group can help with SEO, or you can enlist a professional SEO company

Your Site Must Be Mobile-Ready

• Internet searches using iPads and smart phones exceededand smart phones exceeded computer searches for the 1st

time in 2011

• Make sure you have a mobile it t i d t fit thsite customized to fit those

sizes, or at least a site not wholly dependent upon Flashy p p

• Check to make sure there are no broken links

Social Media Tips

• Offer unique or interesting incentives to generate viralincentives to generate viral exposure

• Offer time-limited promotions or sweepstakes to drive i t tinterest

• Social media is a• Social media is a conversation. Be sure you’re not doing all the talking. Listen g gand ask questions. And let the community respond first.

Example: Werner Electric Supply Sweepstakes

Make Press Releases More Viral• PitchEngine – free for 30 days• PRWeb – priced per press releaseeb p ced pe p ess e ease

Example: Social Media Press Release

Blogging• Why a business blog?

– Drives prospects to your p p ywebsite and social media

– Establishes you businessEstablishes you business and lets you speak directly to your customersy y

– Provides additional support to customers, pp ,creates a community and allows you to promote yourself


Do You HARO?Do You HARO?

“Help a Reporter Out”

Referral Marketing• Seen as more genuine than traditional marketing

• You incentivize conversation about your business by providing offers for new customers and compensating direct leads from current customersdirect leads from current customers

• There are software providers who can help create a• There are software providers who can help create a customized referral program for you.

Email Marketing

• Seems old school, but…

• More customers are t d t b d iconnected to brands via

email than social•• Email marketing is easy to

track to measure return on investment

Email Marketing

• Gather subscribers through events and promotions, butevents and promotions, but allow them to opt out

• Focus on content—you must have something interesting to

Sh t E l ttsay. Short E-newsletters are a great way to interest subscribers

• Tell stories—help your p ysubscribers learn something

SMS Text Marketing

• Reaches your prospects and customers no matterand customers no matter where they are

• Over 90% of messages are opened and read inare opened and read in 15 minutes

• Cost efficient, targeted, and easy to measureand easy to measure

SMS Text Marketing• Use an opt-in list and

keep different lists for current customers, prospects, etc… so you can target them withcan target them with different messages

• Focus on high value. Provide unique offers and i ti Gi thincentives - Give them a call to action

• Conduct polls and link• Conduct polls and link results to social media

GEO Location Marketing

• An outcrop of the Text Message, Geo Location Marketing allowsGeo Location Marketing allows you to advertise to a potential customer based on proximity

• If a person comes within a t i di t fcertain distance of your

business, the text pops up with an offer, deal, or information , ,about you.

QR Codes



They’re Everywhere

• Even on tombstones

QR Codes

• Add them to signs, print ads business cardsads, business cards, brochures, and social media to allow customers toto allow customers to download information or special offersspecial offers

• Great for sharing lots of• Great for sharing lots of content when the format itself is limiteditself is limited

Home Depot Case Study

Augmented Reality

• Using an app and the smart phone or tablet’s cameraphone or tablet s camera, users can point their phone and layers of information comeand layers of information come up on their screen

• Point at a building, and the history comes up Point at ahistory comes up. Point at a restaurant, and the reviews of the food come upthe food come up

Integration is a Must

• To fully realize the benefits of technology, you must work to integrate your efforts - provides maximum impact for g y p pyour message

• Email and text messages can link to your website, social media pages, and blogs

• Your Tweets can link to your blog, email newsletter, special offers or QR codesspecial offers or QR codes

• Your Internet advertising can link to special offers andYour Internet advertising can link to special offers and customized landing pages or your website

It’s a Great New World!

• Set your marketing goals

• Do what makes sense for youy

• Don’t be afraid to experiment or ask your customers what they want

• Have fun and be yourself -It’s all about customerIt s all about customer relationships

For more information aboutth L ti k ti d t d t tthe Latino consumer, marketing and trends, contact

Kelly McDonald at 214-880-1717 or [email protected]

www mcdonaldmarketing com

©2012 McDonald Marketing

©2012 McDonald Marketing2700 Thomas Avenue

Dallas, TX 75204214-880-1717, Fax [email protected]

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced

In any form without permission by the author.y p y