using the media as a tool for social change: reality tv in egypt - asim haneef ebbf

Reality TV For Social Change Asim Haneef (2014) Egypt

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Post on 13-Jan-2015



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How can the Power of Media be harnessed to build a better world? In addition to showing us all that's wrong in the world, can today's media be used to strengthen and empower the citizen sector, inspire the next generation of youth leaders, and accelerate the spread of environmental, economic and social best practices? This presentation will address these questions and take a look at "The Project" Egypt's first Reality TV Show about young business and social entrepreneurs, an "Edutainment" initiative launched by Bamyan Media.


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Reality TV For Social Change

A s i m H a n e e f ( 2 0 1 4 )


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25% MENA Youth unemployment rate according to UN/ILO compared to global average of 13% and 10% for South Asia (via the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS)

75% of these are between 16-29

82% of those people hold a diploma or university degree

Unemployment In Egypt

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Muhammad is 29-years old holds a university degree, wants to progress in his career and start a family ... but is struggling to find a job

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El Mashrou3: E G Y P T ’ S F I R S T - E V E R Reality TV Show About Business & Social Entrepreneurs

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The First Reality TV Show about Entrepreneurship in Egyptw w w . e l m a s h r o u 3 . t v

Millions of people impacted through nationwide Media Campaign and Digital Platform

1 Million Engaged Social Media


100+ Volunteers Building empowerment


17+ Governrates Reached helping young

entrepreneurs27 Million Views

Strong viewership

T h e P r o j e c t

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Almost every country in the world has its version of a pop idol contest;

What if Social Entrepreneurs became the popular heroes of a new generation?

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The Objectives of 'The Project' Reality TV ShowTo harnesses the power of mass media to inspire a new generation of youth leaders and accelerate the spread of social innovation. !Create a supportive culture of hope, heroism, and pride in business creation !Connect people on and off screen, to the practical resources that can turn their socially responsible business ideas into a reality. !Highlight the success of young Egyptian entrepreneurs nationwide from diverse backgrounds who have succeeded in overcoming barriers to create jobs for themselves and others. !Contribute to the creation of dignified jobs for the young and marginalized. !Teach the practical steps required to launch a business to millions of people !Showcase the value and importance of role models and mentors !Improve the teaching of entrepreneurship in schools and universities !Provide a positive, empathetic and encouraging story to millions of people watching at home so that they are not just entertained but inspired to have their own dreams and realize their potential.

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Can a TV Show perform the role of

Reaching millions of people in countries where the education system has pretty much broken down?

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"My life before the show was all about dreams. During my early university years I realized I wanted to inspire and spread hope amongst other women in Egypt and make them feel that they could do anything they wanted, but I

didn't quite know how or where to start. El Mashrou3 helped me believe I could turn my dreams into reality and created an amazing state of support for me so that I could take risks, become financially independent and learn to use the power of business and social entrepreneurship for good in society - My social business idea for tackling

Egypt's energy crisis by turning organic waste into renewable energy is now a real sustainable business with investors, mentors and an amazing team behind me, and it was the show and support from the project that helped

me reach this stage - now, I'm no longer just trying to make some money and pay bills, I'm trying to achieve something much greater than that - I'm trying to create a better Egypt." - Tina Boules (El Mashrou3 Season 1)


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THANK YOUAsim Haneef

Executive Producer - Bamyan Media [email protected] twitter: @asimhaneef

UK Number: 078866-42655 Egyptian number: 01018161833

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