using ubd to integrate technology to promote student learning marilyn terry retired : ) director of...

Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

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Page 1: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Using UBD to Integrate Technology to

Promote Student Learning

Marilyn Terry

Retired : )

Director of Technology

Page 2: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

STEPS Technology Certification District defined technology certification

Level 1 - Foundational knowledge

Level 2 - Integrator (integration into student experience) 236 teachers completed – 41% 163 teachers currently enrolled – 28% 399 teachers total – 69%

Page 3: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Integrator Requirements Teachers create a Unit of Instruction following

Understanding by Design Enduring Understanding Foundation and Essential Questions Assessment - formative and summative 5 lessons 5 different embedded technology student experiences

Page 4: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Why Understanding by Design?

Integrating technology into higher order curriculum improves student achievement.

Today’s students are digital learners who learn best from a digital teacher.

Global/Local/Personal Map Data, GLE, Standards and Curriculum

should serve as the foundation for the unit.

Page 5: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Integrator Incentives iMac Integrator participants receive Infocus

projector and Promethean Interactive board (Activ Votes at each building)

CEU’s for salary advancement Webster Credit

Page 6: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Integrator Process- Semester One Letter of Intent Attend required Session 1 Teacher receives new computer Work on unit – Unit Support Document Attend 5 electives depending on unit focus Finalize unit – Ready to Teach Document

Page 7: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Integrator Process – Semester Two Teacher receives Promethean Board (Activ

Votes in cases at buildings) Attend 4 Promethean classes

Class 1 and 2 – Introduction to Board and ActivVotes

Class 3 and 4 – Creating flipcharts to teach their unit

Page 8: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Integrator Process -Semester Three Teacher teaches their unit and films Unit, video, and student products turned

into Technology Services Unit connected to Build Your Own

Curriculum Unit is evaluated Awards night

Page 9: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Session 1 Introduction to Understanding by Design and unit

requirements Can be previously taught or entirely new unit Can work in teams Enduring Understandings Essential questions and foundation questions How to enter unit into web template Exemplars Electives

Page 10: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Electives Based on Student Products AP Multimedia Kid Pix Reading for Meaning Timeliner iPhoto Digital Tools Garage Band PodCasting GoogleEarth

Advanced Search Strategies

Collaborative Learning Advanced Powerpoint Advanced School

Center Advanced iMovie Webquest United Streaming

Page 11: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Work on Unit Web based entry- school or home Unit template Lesson template

Basic, Reading, Writing strategies Blooms objectives broken out Uploading files Website separate category

Page 12: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

How we communicate

FirstClass Conference Folder

Page 13: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of IntegrationBuilding Blocks of Comprehension EU-Order it Up FQ-What are the signal words for

sequencing? Why is sequencing important in a story?

EQ-How does an author use his writing to describe a main character and their problems/actions? How can we identify and compare the different characters in a story? How can a writer identify traits of a character in a story?

Kindergarten-iMovie Technology

KidPix Kidspiration iPhoto Timeliner iMovie Camera Projection System

Page 14: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

Persuasive Writing EU-Mass media uses persuasive

techniques in advertisements. FQ-Why must advertisers

anticipate opposition to their product? What makes a presenter successful? EQ-How do advertisers persuade others to buy their products? How do you sequence video clips and stills to persuade? How can titles and transitions be used to create an effective beginning, middle and end to your message?

5th - iMovie Internet Presentation software Inspiration iMovie iPhoto iTunes Still camera/video camera Projection system

Page 15: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

The American Revolution EU-Strong beliefs are capable of

making great change. EQ- How do economic factors

lead to discontent and change? How does the expression of view points promote unity? How does oppression lead to revolution? Do all wars lead to a positive outcome? Could another American Revolution occur? How does history repeat itself?

5th Grade - Website Internet Presentation software Inspiration First Class Conferencing iMovie Timeliner Still/video camera Projection system

Page 16: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of IntegrationMusic and Technology in the 21st Century EU-Technology encourages

creativity and enhances musical learning.

EQ How does size effect high and low sounds? How can an illustration enhance a song? How is a call and response form song performed? How do different rhythm patterns look and sound? How has technology influenced music and creativity in the past 400 years?

K-5 Website & iMovie Internet Advanced Search Engines Kid Pix Inspiration/Kidspiration iMovie iPhoto Timeliner United Streaming Webquest GarageBand Still and Video camera

Page 17: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

The Holocaust EU-Despite the atrocities of the

Holocaust, the courage of humanity creates a positive future.

EQ-How did Hitler systematically oppress the Jews? How did Anne Frank find the “good” in humanity? How does one person make a difference and what traits do they possess that enables them to “step up”? How does hate show itself today?

6th grade - iMovie Internet Advanced Search Engines Presentation software Inspiration iTunes Webquest Timeliner Associated Press Multimedia

Archive iMovie Still and video camera

Page 18: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

The Art of Architecture EU-Architecture is an art form that

conveys meanings and feelings, as well as serving a function.

EQ-How is architecture an art form? How can the physical structure of a building convey intangible qualities? How does a building reflect the values of its time period? How can I use the vocabulary of architecture to show my understanding of the field? How can a documentary convey thoughts, feelings, and knowledge?

7th – iMovie and Website Internet Advanced Search

Engines Inspiration iMovie iPhoto iTunes Still and video camera Podcast

Page 19: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of IntegrationOvercoming Negative Mental Habits EU-If you eliminate or reduce a

negative mental habit, positive mental habits will grow and flourish.

EQ- How does applying the “Not Now’ technique to negative thought circles help you take control over your life? How can negative mental habits be combated by your awareness of hidden relevancy? How can a lack of relevancy in your life affect negative mental habits?

6,7,8th - iMovie Spreadsheet iMovie iPhoto iTunes Website Creation Scanner Still and video camera Projection system

Page 20: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

Ecosystems EU-Everything is connected to

everything else. FQ-What are the basic parts of an

ecosystem? EQ-How do successions affect ecosystems? How do abiotic and biotic factors influence an ecosystem? How do the characteristics of a biome support life? How can public service announcements be used to persuade an audience that they want to live in a particular place?

6th - iMovie Internet Inspiration iPhoto iTunes Timeliner United Streaming WebQuest Still Camera

Page 21: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

Fantasy EU-Fantasy shows the endless

possibilities of reality, FQ-What is Fantasy? EQ-How

does fantasy differ from Science Fiction? What can fantasy writing show us about humanity? What is Good’s power over Evil? How are characters developed and where do they get their motivation? How do you create Fantasy writing?

HS - iMovie Internet Advanced Search

Engines Inspiration First Class Conferencing iMovie iPhoto Webquest Still and video camera

Page 22: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of IntegrationWhat’s so Modern about the Modern Novel EU-Classic American fiction offers

complex, in depth reading that can lead individuals to a better understanding of their own life experiences.

EQ-How are writers influenced by their experiences and the time period in which they lived? How does a writer’s style affect a reader’s understanding and enjoyment of a novel? What does The Great Gatsby have to do with the American Dream?

HS - iMovie Internet Inspiration Imovie iPhoto Still and video camera

Page 23: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of IntegrationRomanesque and Gothic Cathedrals in France EU-Learning about historic,

societal, architectural and artistic elements of a culture provides motivation and inspiration to students when they are learning a foreign language.

EQ- How can learning about the background behind the development and importance of places make visiting them a more enriched and enjoyable experience? How might architectural and artistic design be related to a society’s needs?

HS- Website Internet Advanced Search Engines Draw Paint Inspiration iMovie iPhoto Itunes Website creation Scanner Still and Video Camera QUIA

Page 24: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

Proof of Integration

Developing Visual Literacy EU-Art gives us a new perspective

and changes the way we see the world.

EQ-How do artists communicate ideas visually? How do I “read” the visual information in a work of art? How can I form opinions about works of art? How can I make choices to effectively communicate my own ideas visually? How does the time and culture an artist lives in affect his/her artwork?

HS Art- website Internet Advanced Search

Engines Presentation iPhoto Still and video camera Scanner

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Proof of Integration

Nutrition EU- Eat to live, don’t live to eat. EQ-Should the USDA revamp the

MyPyramid plan? How do you maintain a positive body image? How does a person cope with an eating disorder? What are the most effective steps to wellness? What does it mean to have a healthy diet?

HS - website Internet Presentation Inspiration First Class Conferencing iPhoto Scanner Still and video camera Projection System

Page 26: Using UBD to Integrate Technology to Promote Student Learning Marilyn Terry Retired : ) Director of Technology

For additional information

Carol Huttegger

Staff Development Specialist

[email protected]